Of the various exceptions which fall under the rule of suspending inflection, the only one which needs additional exemplification, is that, where emphasis requires the intensive falling slide, to express the true sense. See p. 53, bottom. In some cases of this sort, the omission of the falling slide only weakens the meaning; in others it subverts it. 1. If the population of this country were to remain stationary, a great increase of effort would be necessary to supply each family with a Bíble; how much more when this population is increasing every day. 2. The man who cherishes a strong ambition for preferment, if he does not fall into adulation and servility, is in danger of losing all manly independence. 3. For if the mighty works which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom,* it would have remained unto this day. 10.] Page 54. Tender emotion inclines the voice to the rising slide. 1. And when Joseph came home, they brought him the present which was in their hand into the house, and bowed themselves to him to the earth.--And he asked them of their welfare, and said, Is your father well, the old mán of whom ye spake? Is hé yet alive ?--And they answered, thy servant our father is in good health, he is yet alive and they bowed down their heads, and made obeisance.--And he lifted up his eyes, and saw his brother Benjamin, his mother's son, and said, Is this your younger brother, of whom ye spáke unto me! And he said, God be gracious unto thee, my son.-And Joseph made haste; for his bowels did yearn upon his brother: * Even in Sodom, is the paraphrase of this emphasis, and so in the two preceding examples. and he sought where to weep; and he entered into his chamber, and wept there. 2. Methinks I see a fair and lovely chíld, Till, quite o'ercome with pity, his white arms A stranger who once gave him, long agó, 3. Ye who have anxiously and fondly watched 10 To pay the last sad duties, and to hear Upon the silent dwelling's narrow lid * Sabbath,-a poem. The first earth thrown, (sound deadliest to the soul !- 15 Of final separation to begín) Ye who have felt all thís-O pay my verse 11.] Page 55. This requires no additional illustration ; for unless emphasis forbids it, every good reader has so much regard to harmony, as to use the rising slide at the pause before the cadence. 12.] Page 56. The indirect question and its answer have the falling inflection. The interrogative mark is here inverted, to render it significant of its office, in distinction from the direct question, which turns the voice upward. The reason of this is so obvious, that I trust it will not be regarded, in a work like this, as an affectation of singularity in trifles. 1. The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you¿ They said, Barabbas. Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ¿ They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. And the governor said, Why; what evil hath he done¿ But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified. 2. Where now is the splendid robe of the consulate ¿ Where are the brilliant torches: Where are the applauses and dances, the feasts and entertainments ¿ Where are the coronets and canopies ¿ Where the huzzas of the city, the compliments of the circus, and the flattering acclamations of the spectators ¿ All these have perished. 3. I hold it to be an unquestionable position, that they who duly appreciate the blessings of liberty, revolt as much from the idea of exercising, as from that of enduring, oppression. How far this was the case with the Romans, you may inquire of those nations that surrounded them. Ask them, What insolent guard paraded before their gates, and invested their strong holds ¿' They will answer, 'A Roman legionary.' Demand of them, 'What greedy extortioner fattened by their poverty, and clothed himself by their nakedness ¿They will inform you, 'A Roman Quaestor. Inquire of them, 'What imperious stranger issued to them his mandates of imprisonment or confiscation, of banishment or death ¿' They will reply to you, 'A Roman Consul.' Question them, What haughty conqueror led through his city, their nobles and kings in chains; and exhibited their countrymen, by thousands, in gladiators' shows for the amusement of his fellow citizens ¿' They will tell you, ' A Roman General.' Require of them, 'What tyrants imposed the heaviest yoke ¿-enforced the most rigorous exactions inflicted the most savage punishments, and showed the greatest gust for blood and torture?" They will exclaim to you, The Roman people.' 4. Let us now consider the principal point, whether the place where they encountered was most favourable to Milo, or to Clodius. Were the affair to be represented only by painting, instead of being expressed by words, it' would even then clearly appear which was the traitor, and which was free from all mischievous designs; when the one was sitting in his chariot muffled up in his cloak, and his wife along with him. Which of these circumstances was not a very great incumbrance ¿ the dress, the chariot, or the companion ¿ How could he be worse equipped for an engagement, when he was wrapt up in a clòak, embarrassed with a chariot, and almost fettered by his wife Observe the other now, in the first place, sallying out on a sudden from his seat; for what reason ¿ -in the evening; what urged him ¿-late; to what purpose, especially at that season - He calls at Pompey's seat; with what view ¿ To see Pompey? He knew he was at 'Alsium. -To see his house? He had been in it a thousand times-What then could be the reason of this loitering and shifting about ¿He wanted to be upon the spot when Milo came up. 5. Wherefore cease we then ¿ Say they who counsel war, we are decrèed, Resèrved, and destin'd, to eternal wòe; Whatever doing, what can we suffer more, 5 What can we suffer worse¿ Is this then worst, Thus sitting, thus consulting, thus in arms? What! when we fled amain, pursued and struck With heav'n's afflicting thunder, and besought The deep to shelter us, this Hell then seem'd 10 A refuge from those wounds: or when we lay Chain'd on the burning lake,-that sure was worse. What, if the breath, that kindled those grim fires, Awak'd, should blow them into sev'nfold rage, And plunge us in the flames ¿ or from above 15 Should intermitted vengeance arm again |