Shake-speares Sonnets: Neuer Before ImprintedBy G. Eld for T[homas] T[horpe] and are to be solde by William Aspley, 1609 - 76 strán (strany) |
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aduantage beautious beft bleffed breft cheeke confound darling buds deare defire dombe dooft doth erft eternall Euen euery eyes faire faire brow falfe fame farre feeme feene fhall fhame fhew fhould fhow fight fince flaine flaue fome foule fpirit ftand ftate ftill ftore ftrong fuch fuffering fummer gainft gaue gentle giue glaffe grace grone hate hath haue heart heauen iniury Leaft leaue liue loffe loofe looke Looke heare louely minde moft Mufe muft muſt nere neuer night numbers paft pitty pleaſure praife praiſe proud proue prye rancke reafon Rofes Saue ſhall ſhow skope ſtand ſtay ſtill Sunne ſweet thee thefe them-felues theſe thine thinke thofe thoſe thou art thou doft thou wilt thought thy beauty thy felfe thy fweet thy loue toungs true truth verfe verſe vpon Weft Whilft Whofe worth youth