Obrázky na stránke
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Stranger, unleav'd, unhonour'd e'en with bark, See this sad tree, the gibbet of Alcaus! Langhorne. Plutarch, v. iii. p. 38. UN-LEEVABLE, i. e. Unbelievable, qv. Be thou not unleeuable (L. V. vnbileueful, incredibilis) to the wrd of hym.-Wic. Ecc. xvi. 29.

In the lawe of the heetest she was vnleeueful. (L. V. vnbileueful, incredibilis.)-Id. 1b. xxii. 33.

An hard viseoun told is to me: (he) that vnleevende is

(L. V. vnfeithful, incredulus), vnfeithfully doth. Id. Is. xxi. 2.

UN-LETTERED. "Unlettrid and lewide," in the Quotation from Wiclif, in Dictionary, is from sine literis et idiotæ. In 1 Cor. xiv. 16, An idyote or unlettered, idiota.

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Ye moeven materes unmesurable
To tellen of the Trinitè,

That ofte tymes the lewed peple

Of hir bileve doute.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 9744. A pleasant tunge is the tre of lijf; but the tunge which is vnmesurable (E. V. vntemprid, immoderata) schal defoule the spirit.- Wic. Prov. xv. 4.

If thou suest, (in sekinge richessis vnmesurably,) thou schalt not take (that is, thou schalt not gete sufficience, for whiche richessis ben sout).-ld. Ecc. xiv. 10.

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A girdil of riztfulnesse: that is with a girdil made of diuerse colours, which is seid a girdil of ristiulnesse, for it streynede togidere the preestis clothis, as ritfulnesse of the lawe refreynede vnordinat maneris. Wic. Ecclus. xlv. 9, note *. Forsothe, britheren, we denouncen to zou in the name of our Lord Jhesu Crist, that ze with drawe zou fro ech brother wandrynge vnordinatly (inordinate) or azens good ordre. Id. 2 Thes. iii. 6.

UN-OUTSPEAKABLE (Joy). New Testament, 1538, called Coverdale's; in Wiclif, unenarrable (qv.) 1 Pet. i. 8, or that may not be told out.


He vndurstood that Ebrews ben vnouercomun (invictos), and tristen to help of Almyzi God.- Wic. 2 Mac. xi. 13. UN-OVERPASSABLE.

The vnovercomen of alle men she ouercome, and the vnouerpassable she ouerpassed.- Wic. Judith, Prol. 602. p.


Nyne nouertrowable (L. V. vnsuspect, insuspicabilia) thingus of herte I magneflede: And the tenthe I shul telle in tunge to man.- Wic. Ecc. xxv. 9.


Sche is a ianglere, and vnpatient (impatiens) of reste, and may not stande in the hous with hir feet. Wic. Prov. vii. 11. Who is pacient is gouerned with myche wisdam; who forsothe is unpacient enhaunceth hys folie. Id. lb. xiv. 29. Thei forsothe temptaciouns resseyueden not with the drede of God, and brosten forth ther unpatience (impatientiam) azen the Lord.-Id. Judith viii. 24.


Unpeaseably, Wiclif, 2 Thess. iii. 11 (inquiete), a var. reading of inquyet. How shold euer goodnes of peace haue ben know, but if vnpeace somtime reigne, and mokel euil wrothe. Chaucer. Test. of Loue, b. ii.


Thou, who canst give to lightest lay An unpedantic moral gay,

Nor less the dullest theme bid flit On wings of unexpected wit.


Scott. Marmion. To G. Ellis.

Euery myrmidon

Led by the braue heire of the mightie sould
Vnpeerd Achilles, safe of home got hold.

Chap. Homer, Odyssey, b. iii.

UN-PEREGAL. Not Peregal, qv.

I trow not that I be unperegall to the strokes of fortune, as who saith, I dare wel now suffren al thassaultes of fortune, and wel defend me from her.

Chaucer. Boecius, b. iii. pr. 1.

UN-PERFECT. Thin iten sien myn vnperfit (L. V. vnparfit, imperfectum) thing. Wic. Ps. cxxxviii. 16.

He schal yue his herte in to the perfourmyng of werkis, enourne the inparfitnesse, qv.)-Id. Ecc. xxxviii. 31.

The vnmylde inwit (immitis) of hym shal aske thee of and by his wakyng he schal ourne the unperfeccioun. (E. V. thin hid thingus.- Wic. Ecclus. xiii. 15.

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Unpitous (life). So Chaucer ren. ders impia vita, Boecius, b. i. m. 1. See in v. Unagreeable.

Abomination to the Lord (is) the lif of the unpitous (impiorum).- Wic. Prov. xv. 8.

Who forsothe trostith in his thostis vnpitously (L. V. wickidli, impie) doth.-Id. lb. xii. 2.

If eny after two dayes etith of it, he shal be cursid, and gilti of vnpitowsnes (impietatem).-Id. Lev. xix. 7.

He (Samuel) enhauncede his vois fro the erthe in profecie to don awey the vnpitouste (L. V. wickidnesse, împietatem) of the folc.-Id. Ecc. xlvi. 23.


Droope not for that, man, but unpleat thy browes,
And blithly so;-fold envies up in pleats.
Browne. Willie and Wernock.
UN-PLIABLE. Var. r. of Unbowing, qv. supra.



But he that hath his word unpeised
And handlyth with ronge any thynge,

I preie unto the heuen kynge
Fro suche tonges he me shilde,

And netheless the worlde is wilde.

Gower. To the Reader.


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The ire and vnreverence (E. V. mys reuerence, irreverentia) of a womman is gret schenschipe. Wic. Ecc. xxv. 29.


Wherfore and to them, that in ther lif vnwisly and unristfulli (injuste) lyueden, by tho thingus, that thei herieden (coluerunt), thou geue grettest tormentis.

Wic. Wis. xii. 23. Ne shal dwelle stille the vnriztwise (L. V. vniust, iniqua) before thin ezen.-Id. Ps. v. 6.

If rnristwisnesse (L.V. vnristfulnesse, injustitia) abideth not stille in thi tabernacle, thanne thou shalt moun rere thi face without wem.-Id. Job xi. 14.

Thow shalt not do that is wickid, ne vnryztwisły (L. V. vnjustli, injuste) thow shalt deme.-ld. Lev. xix. 15.

I am your owen loue, and eke your wif,

I am she which that saved hath your lif,
And certes yet did I you never unright.

Chaucer. The Wif of Bathes Tale, v. 6675.


Thanne Jacob takynge green popil zerdis, and of almanders, and of planes a parti vnryendide (decorticavit) hem. (L. V. in parti dide awei the rynde.) Wic. Gen. xxx. 37.


We heard a high contention amongst the beggars, whether it was easiest to rip a cloak or to unrip a cloak? One beggar affirmed it was all one; but that was denied, by asking her, If doing and undoing were all one? Then another said, 'twas easiest to unrip a cloak: for that was to let it alone; but she was answered by asking how she unript it, if she let it alone? And she confest herself mistaken.-Walton's Angler, pt. i. c. 5.


Adam and Eve

Eten appuls unrosted.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 3713. UN-SACIABLE. See UN-RESTFUL.


Forsothe we saddere (firmiores) owen for to susteyne or bere vp the feblenesse of syke men or vnsadde (infirmorum) in feith and not plese to vs silf.- Wic. Rom. xv. 1.


And he ladde hym into the hows of herbergrye and vnsadelyng dischargide the camelis. (L. V. vnsadlide, destravit.)-Wic. Gen. xxiv. 32.

UN-SAVORY (infrunitos). Wic. Ecc. xxiii. 6. A var. r. of undiscreet, qv.


If forsothe a cherl who were, or a shepperde, or a werkere of feeldis, wern before ocupied, vnscapable, or that mist not be fled, nede he suffrede. (L. V. he suffride nede that miste not be ascapid, ineffugilem.)- Wic. Wis. xvii, 16.


God shal thundre in his vois marueilously, that doth grete thingus and vnserchable. (L. V. that maien not be soust, inscrutabilia.)- Wic. Job xxxvii. 5.

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Forsoth in that thing that he sugetede alle thingis to him, he left no thing vnsuget (non subjectum) to him. Wic. Heb. ii. 8.


Thanne Moyses herde the puple wepynge by meynees (per familias), and to Moyses it was a thing unsuffrable (intoleranda).-Wic. Num. xi. 10.

Also with sanour of hym, and stynkyng, the oost was greened and he that a lytil byiore demyde hym to touch the sterris of heuen, no man mist beere hym, for vnsuffryng (intolerantiam) of stynke.-Id. 2 Mac. ix. 10.


And the Kyng wente aweie in to his house unsoupid. (L. V. without supper, incanatus.)-Wic. Dan, vi. 18. UN-SUSPECT. Wic. Ecclus. xxv. 9 (insuspicabilia). See UN-OVERTROWABLE, supra. UN-SWERVE.

Nature, in generation, must the path,
Trac'd by the generator, still pursue
Unswervingly.-Cary. Dante. Par. b. viii. v. 142.

The vntame hors (L. V. vnteymd, indomitus) shal scapen hard, and the slowe sone shal scape stumbling doun. Wic. Ecc. xxx. 8. The plague of Troye, and of her countrey, monster most ontame.-Phaer. Virgil. Eneid, b. ii.

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Fulfil Syon with thin vntellable (inenarrabilem) vertues, and the puple with thi glorie.-Wic. Ecclus, xxv. 9. UN-TEMPERATE.

Wakyng, and colore, ether bittir moisture, and gnawing to an vndiscreet, either vntemperat (infrunito) man. Wic. Ecc. xxxi. 23.


No man, whan he is temptid, seie, for he is tempted of God: sotheli God is vntempter (intentator) of yuel thingis, forsothe he temptith no man.-Wic. James i. 13.


Y the Lord have bildide the scatered thingus, and haue plantid vntilied thingus (inculta).-Wic. Ez. xxxvi. 35. And see Underdig.


He sente dercnessis and made dere; and vntymely he fullfillde not his woordis. (L. V. made not bitter hise wordis (non exacerbavit).- Wic. Ps. civ. 28.


Vntolerable drede (L. V. vnsuffrable, intolerabilis) and trembling fel vp on hem, and ther inwittis ben disturbid gretly. And ther is maad an vntolerable (L. V. vncomparable, incomparabilis) ery in the middel tentis. Wic. Judith xiv. 17.

UN-TRIST. See UN-TRUST, infra.


And loo the men of that cytee enuyrounden at nyt the hows in the whiche Y dwelte, willynge to slee me, and my wijf traueylynge with vntrowable woodness of lust (L. V. thei bitraueleden my wijf with unbileeueful woodness, incredibili), and therfor she is deed.- Wic. Judges xx. 5. Forsothe she was ful semeli, and of vntrowable fairnesse. (L. V. that mai not liztli be bileued.)-Id. Esth. ii. 15. UN-TRUST, v. and s. Distrust, qv.

Also in the biheeste of God he doubted not with untrust (L. V. vntrist, diffidentia), but he is comfortid in bileue, yuynge glorye to God.- Wic. Rom. iv. 20. Thou (Jealousy) misbeleued, envious folie, Why hast thou Troilus made me to untrist, That neuer yet agilte him that I wiste.

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. iii. v. 839.
Women han reprefe of you ay new;
Ye con, non other daliance, I leue,"
But speke to us as of untrust and reprene.
ld. The Marchantes Tale, v. 10080.

The fynde (fiend) was in thy (the cat's) mynde
When thou my byrde untwynde (i. e. tore to pieces).
Dyce. Skelton. R. Sparrow, v. 284. And in Garland
of Laurell, v. 1445.

UN-VENCUSABLE, i. e. Unvanquishable.

He shal clothen for the brest-plate riztwisnesse: he shal take the sheeld vnuenkusable (inexpugnabile),-equite (that may not be ouercomen).- Wic. Wis. v. 20.


The quantity of thought which Hogarth crowds into every picture would almost unvulgarize every subject which he might choose.-Charles Lamb.


What for diuersitie of language, and what for defaulte of unusage, and entercommuning of marchandize (commercii insolentia).-Chaucer. Boecius, b. ii. pr. 7.

UN-WALLED. Wic. 1 Kings vi. 18 (absque muro). A var. r. of "Without wal."


To whom he (Joseph) answeryde, Other weies yt is, the unwardid (L. V. feble, immunita) thingis of this londe ze ben comen to biholde.- Wic. Gen. xlii. 12.

UN-WARE. Wic. Prov. xxiii. 28 (incautos). See UN-SLY, supra.

UN-WARENESS. Wic. Prov. xiv. 8 (imprudentia). See UN-PRUDENCE, supra.

Upon thy glade day haue in thy mind
The unware wo of harm that cometh behinde.
Chaucer. Man of Lawes Tale, v. 4857.

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In to wrathe thei to stiriden hym in vnwatri place. (L. V. without watir, inaquoso.)-Wic. Ps. lxxvii. 40.


It (the land) shal be rnuried or wayles. (L. V. without weie, invia.)- Wic. Ecc. xiv. 15; also xv. 8.

UN-WEET. See Chaucer in v. Unkind, supra. Whan that God knoweth any thing to be (betide), he ne unwote not (non nesciat) that thilke thing wanteth necessity to be (he wote well that it hath no necessitie to betide). Chaucer. Boecius, b. v. pr. 6.

Unweting of this Dorigene at al,
This lusty squier, servant to Venus,
Which that yeleped was Aurelius,
Had loved hire best of any creature
Two yere and more.

Id. The Frankeleines Tale, v. 11248.

And whan the prince of Shiperdis shal apeere, te schulen receyue the rnwelewable (immarcessibilem) crown of glory, or that shal neuere faade.- Wic. 1 Pet. v. 4; also i. 4.


To-brosing and vnwelsumnesse (L. V. sorewe and cursidnesse, infelicitas) (are) in the weies of hem, and the weie of pes thei knewen not.- Wic. Ps. xiii. 3.


Ruben jede, and slepte with Bala, the secundarye wijf of his fader, that to hym was not vnwist. (L. V. was not hid, non latuit.)- Wic. Gen. xxxv. 22.

Now, quod Pandare, er houres twise twelve,
He shall the ese unwist of it himselve.

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. ii. v. 1400.


And now bretheren, I woot that by unwittinge (L. V. vnwityng, ignorantiam) ze diden, as and your princis. Wic. Deeds iii. 17. Whi rnwitynge me (L. V. while I wiste not, ignorante), woldest thow fre.-Id. Gen. xxxi. 27.

And the preest shal preye for hym, for unwityngly he synnede (per ignorantiam) before the Lord. Id. Num. xv. 26.



Tac heed in tho thingus, lest perauenture thou falle, and bring to thi soule vnursheping. (L. V. dishonour, inhonorationem.)- Wic. Ecc. i. 38.


For who so liste have heling of his leche,
To him bihoveth first unwrie his wounde.


They brought them (children) to confirmation straight from baptism, so that now ofttimes they be rolowed and bishopped both in one day.-Tyndale. Answer to Sir T. More, p. 72. (Parker Society Ed.)


And he clepide the wheelis volible (L. V. ether able to go al about, volubiles) me herynge.- Wic. Ez. x. 13. VOLUME.

Thou schalt kepe and do alle the wordis of this lawe, that ben written in this volym, ether book (rolumine). Wic. Deut. xxviii. 58.

If I read aught in heaven,

Or heav'n write aught of fate,-by what the stars
Voluminous, or single characters,

In their conjunction met, give me to spell
Sorrows and labours, opposition, hate
Attends thee.-Milton. Par. R. b. iv. v. 381.


erringe, and seruynge to desyris, and dyuerse voluptees.
Forsothe and we weren sum tyme vnwyse, vnbileueful,
(L. V. lustis, voluptatibus.)- Wic. Tit. iii. 3.

Whether a britil vessel and a brosid-this man Jeconyas?
Whether a vessel without al voluptuouste? (L. V. likyng,
voluptate.)-Id. Jer. xxii. 28.


All forsothe ben fulfild with the rome (romitu) and filthis.-Wic. Is. xxviii. 8.

He shal hurtle (allidet) the hond of Moab in his vomyng (romitu).-Id. Jer. xlviii. 26.


Thanne Achior, duke of alle the sonus of Amon, an-
swerende, seith, If thou rouche saaf (L. V. vouchist saaf,
digneris) I schal sei the treuthe in thi sizt.
Wic. Judith v. 5.

And lord also on me saue thou vouche,
Though I therto haue no worthynesse
That holy mayde to handyl and to touche.

Lyfe of our Ladye, fo. a. 8, c. 2.
Glad mayst thou be that sauf list to vouche
With his softè roundè lyppès lyte,
To haue pleasaunce thy brestes for to touche.-Id. i. 11.

VOURE, v. and VOURER, s. are found in the
var. readings of Wiclif's Bible, 2 Kings xviii. 8,
Luke vii. 34. In the text, Devour, &c.

VOUTERIES. L. V. Avowtries (adulteria). Wic.
Jer. xiii. 27.

VOYAGE. To make your voyage, i. e. make a

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. i. v. 858. good voyage; to be successful.

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As myche as in thee is, thou hast roided drede. (L. V. avoided, evacuasti.)-Wic. Job xv. 4.

Thei ordeyneden that in that time eche zer, therafter thei schulden vorden to plentuous metis (L. V. yue tent, vacarent), and to joze, and to festis.-Id. Esth. ix. 17. For whi, the roidness of men (E. V. overvoidness, supervacuitas) found these idols in to the world.

Id. Wis. xiv. 14.
After this pastime ended, the king and the embassadours
were served at a banket, with 260 dishes, and after that a
roidee of spices, with sixty spice dishes of silver and gilt.
Holinshed. Henry VIII. a. D. 1519.
Soon as the tarts appear: Sir Crape withdraw,
Those dainties are not for a spiritual maw,
Observe your distance, and be sure to stand
Hard by the cistern, with your cap in hand;
There for diversion you may pick your teeth
Till the kind voider comes to your relief.

Oldham, in Tatler, No. 258.

With him he brought a jubbe of Malvesie,
And eke, another ful of fine Vernage,
And volatile, as ay was his usage.

Chaucer. The Shipmannes Tale, v. 13002.


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The Lord schal zelde to me rp my ristfulnesse; and he schal zelde to me rp, ethir aftir (secundum) the clennesse of my hondis.- Wic. 2 Kings xxii. 21.

Now ny; it was that thei shulden vp breke (effringerent) the patis.-Id. Gen. xix. 9.

And of echon thow shalt upon write (superscribes) to his
jerde.-Id. Num. xvii. 2.

As an hors courser, so and a frend, priue scornere, vuder
eche man upon sittende neseth. (L. V. neiseth vndur ech
sittynge aboue, sub omni supra sedente hinnit.)
Id. Ecclus. xxxiii. 6.
Marcus Attilius by many a time ouercame, and had the
upperhande and victory of the men of Cartage.

The Boke of Tulle of Old Age. Carton, q. 82.
UP-GIVE. UP-heave.

A sweet smell anon the ground up gaf:
And Arcita anon his hond up haf,
And more encense into the fire he gaf.

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My God, my strong (fortis), and I shal hoop in hym; VOLOW, v. To volow, and bishop; to bap-my sheeld, and the horn of myn heelth (var. reading, myn upreiser; E. V. rerer; L. V. reisere; Lat. elevator) and VOLOWER, 8. tize and confirm. From the my refute.- Wic. 2 Kings xxii. 3. VOLOWING, S. answer Volo, in the Baptismal Service. Applied contemptuously by the Reformers.

Hele ze seke men, vpreyse zee (suscitate) dead men.
Id. Mat. x. 8.



Now I shal rise, seith the Lord, now I shal ben enhauncid, now I shal ben up rered. (L. V. reised vp, sublevabor.)- Wic. Is. xxxiii. 10.


For to awayte the uprist by the morowe
Of this sterre.-Lyfe of our Lady. Carton, k. 32.
The uprest (uprist)

Of the third sun brought hunger,-but the crust
Which had been left was to my craving breast
Fuel, not food.-Shelley. Revolt of Islam, c. iii. s. 21.
UP-SO-DOWN. See Piers Plouhman in v.


Ne tak thou giftes, that also blynden wise men, and turneden rpsedoun (L. V. destryen, subvertunt) the wordis of riztwys men.- Wic. Er. xxiii. 8.


And he (Jacob) seide to hym, Leeue me, forsothe now vpsteyeth (ascendit) the morewetide. Wic. Gen. xxxii. 26.


Whan shulde wrathen the wodnesse of hem into vs per auenture water had rp sopen us. (L. V. sope us rp, absorbuisset.)- Wic. Ps. cxxiii. 4.


Y comfortid thee, and helped thee; and the rist hond of my iust man up took thee. (L. V. vndertok, suscepit.) Wic. Is. xli. 10. Ephraym is the rptaking of myn heed. (E. V. undertaking, susceptio.)-Id. Ps. evii. 9.

He schal inwardli clepe me, Thou art my fadir, and the
rptaker (E. V. undertakere (qv.), susceptor) of my heelthe.
Id. Ps. lxxxviii. 27.

The long breathed singer's uptrilled strain
Bursts in a squall.
Coleridge. Lines in a Concert Room.
Wic. Tit. i. 11, a var. reading

of subvert (subvertere).
URCEOLE, s. In Popish ceremonies-A vessel
for water to wash the hands; also to hold wine and

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Therfore the ilke womman of Samarie seith to him, How thou, whanne thou ert a Jew, axist of me for to drynke, which am a womman of Samarie? Forsothe Jewis rsen not with Samaritans. (L. V. vsiden not to dele, non coùtuntur.)— Wic. John iv. 9.

A thefe he was forsothe, of corne and mele,
And that a slye, and usuunt for to stele.

Chaucer. The Reces Tale, v. 3938. The Erle of Stafford was marueylously sore dyspleased. and sent incontynent for all his frendes to haue their counsayle, howe he shulde use (i. e. conduct) hymselfe in the reuengynge of his (son's) dethe.

Berners' Froissart, v. ii. c. xii. p. 25.

And the womman oischer (womman that kept the doris,
ostiaria) of the hows clensynge wheete, slepte strongli.
Wic. 2 Kings iv. 5,



Forsothe thon schalt not leene to thi brothir without vsure (usura) that that he nedith.- Wic. Deut. xxiii. 20. I vsured (L. V. lente, fœnerari) not ne to me rsurede any man.-Id. Jer. xv. 10.


The Utilitarians are for merging all the particular virtues into one; and would substitute in their place the greatest usefulness, as the alone principle to which every question respecting the morality of actions should be referred. Chalmers. On the Constitution of Man, pt. i. ch. 8.


The other octaves or utases (as of the paske, &c.) ben of deuocion.-The Golden Legend, fo. 5, c. 4.

UTOPIAN. Gr. Ου,τοπος.
Me-Utopie-cleped antiquity,
Void of haunt and harbour.
Now am I like Plato's city,
Whose fame flieth the world through, &c.
Wherefore not Utopia but rather rightly
My name is Eutopia; place of Felicity.

A short Metre of Utopia. Sir Thomas More.
Dibdin's edit. v. ii. p. 254.


UTTER. UTTERANCE, to fight at (Berners, in Dictionary), is-to the utmost extremity.

Syngeth to the Lord, a newe song, his preising to the utmosts of the erthe (extremis terræ; var. r. vttermostis). Wic. Is. xlii. 10. Forsothe the sonys of the rewme shulen be cast out in to vttremest derknessis. (L. V. vtmer, tenebras exteriores.) Id. Mat. viii. 12. His hondis and feet bounden, send ze hem into uttermore derknessis. (L. V. vtmer.)-Id. Ib. xxii. 31. Who so that listeth uttren his folie, Let him come forth.

Chaucer. Chan. Yem. Tale, v. 16302. And he straytly charged them that they should not utter hym.-Bible, 1549. Mark iii. 12.

Even so now, when we have uttered (driven out) him (Antichrist) he will change himself once more, and turn himself into an angel of light.

Tyndale. Doctor D'Aubigné. Tr. p. 42.

VULPONY. A word formed by South-apparently on Ben Jonson's character of Volpone. Come to an old greedy Vulpony.


South. Sermon. The Will for the Deed.

A brid knewe not the weie, and the ize of a vultur, ethir rauenouse brid (vulturis), bihelde it not.


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And the child weyter (L. V. aspiere, speculator) heuede
his eyen,
and behelde.- Wic. 2 Kings xiii. 24.
Thanne the wayte (spiere) that stode vpon the towre of
Jezrael, see the glub (globum) of Hieu comynge, and seith,
I see a glub.-Id. 4 Kings ix. 17.

Sophonyas, the wayter and the knower of the priuetees
of the Lord, herith a cry.-Id. Pref. Ep. p. 76.
But whan two hertes fallen in one,
So wise a waite was neuer none
That at sometime they ne mete.

Gower. Conf. Am. b. v. fo. 872.
Beryne cleped a maryner, and bad him sty on loft,
And weyte after our four shippis after us doeth dryve,
For it is but grace of God yf they be alive.
Chaucer. The Merchantes Second Tale, v. 857.


Sevene slepe, as seith the book,
Sevene hundred wynter.
And lyveden withouten liflode,
And at the laste thei woken.

vp on hem that I bilde vp and plaunte.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 9052.
And as Y wok vp on hem (L. V. wakide, vigilavi) that I
schulde pullen out and destroien
so Y shal waken
Wic. Jer. xxxi. 28.
Thanne to thenken of it is ful endid wit, and he that
shal wake for it (vigilaverit) soone shal be sikir.
Wic. Job xxviii. 7.
Id. Wis. vi. 16.
Wakeres (E. V. waccheres, vigiles) that kepen the citee,
founden me.-Id. Song of Solomon, iii. 3.
The waking (vigilia) of honeste shal dwyne the flesh.
Id. Ecclus. xxxi. 1.
WALK, v. D. Walcken; Sw. Walka, premere,
calcare; as fullers do; A. S. Wealcere; D. Walcker.
And see Grose.

The speech (of Zipporah, Er. iv. 25) is not a speech of reproach or indignation, but of urorial endearment. Geddes. Crit. Rem. p. 172.



Deep waters of the streme of reyn wexiden grete, which may not be ouer wad. (L. V. waad ouer, transvadari.) Wic. Ez. xlvii. 5.

WAG. See VACILLATE, and Quotation from Wiclif in v. Wave.

Who makith redi to the crow his mete, whanne his briddis crie to God, hidder and thidder waggende (L. V. wandren aboute, vagantes), for thi that thei han no metis. Wic. Job xxxviii. 41. Who evere shal wageren (L. V. doutith, titubaverit) shal not togidere sorewen to thee.-Id. Ecclus. xxxvii. 16. When shul be moued the keperes of the hous, and the most strong men wageren. (L. V. tremble, nutabunt.) Id. Eccles. xii. 3. Fro hym that vsith blu sile, and berth the eroune, vn to hym that is couered with rawe lynen, wodnesse, enuye, noyse, wagering (L. V. doutyng, fluctuatio), and dred of deth.-ld. Ecclus. xl. 4.

WAGE, v. To wage war; Goth. and A. S. Wigan, bellum gerere; Ger. Wag-en; D. Waegh-en; Sw. Wag-a, periclitari; Fr. Gager,—to lay a wager. Ger. Wetten; D. Wedd-en, to bet, qv.

For I wol wage

He wol do so na-moore.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 2275.

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Earth in her rich attire
Consummate-lovly smil'd; aire, water, earth,
By fowl, fish, beast, was flown, was swum, was walkt
Frequent.-Milton. Par. L. b. vii. v. 503.

Lady Hesketh is our good angel, by whose aid we are
enabled to pass into a better air, and a more walkable
country.-Cowper to Bagot, Aug. 31, 1786.

WALL. Is written in the Early Version of the
Wiclif Bible, Wough, Ps. lxi. 4, et aliter.

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Cupide, whiche of loue is God,
In chastisynge hath made a rod
To drive away her wantonnesse.
Thanne he took hem to warde. (L.V. kepynge, custodia.)
Wic. Gen. xlii. 17.
With alle warde (L. V. kepynge, custodia) kep thou thin
herte, for of it lif goth forth.-Id. Prov. iv. 23.

Gower. Conf. Am. b. iv. fo. 701.

And he wardide it (the hil of Syon) (munivit) for to kepe Bethsura, that the peple shulde haue wardyng, or strengtheing, agein the face of Ydume.-Id. 1 Mac. iv. 61.

Forsothe thei distroyeden the hous of Baal, and thei maden for it wardropis. (L. V. priuyes; M. V. a draught house, latrinas pro ea.)-Id. 4 Kings x. 27.

I say that in a ward-rope they him threwe.

Chaucer. The Prioresses Tale, v. 13502.

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Wrapped in a wynwe shete

To weren hire fro wederes.-Id. Crede, v. 865.

War to thee (L. V. be war, cave), and tac heed bisili to thin heering. Wic. Ecclus. xiii. 16.

[ocr errors]

And Dauid did warli (E. V. wiseli, prudenter) in alle
hise weyes, and the Lord was with hym.
Id. 1 Kings xviii. 14.

Ne no man shal unto his felaw ride
But o cours, with a sharpe ygrounden speare:
Foin if him list on foot, himself to were.


Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 2552.

And Piers the Plowman

lered hym lechecraft To warisshen hymselue.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 11012. And not so mych is myn hows anentis God, that euerlastynge couenaunt he sholde go in with me, stable in alle thingis and warnyschit. (L. V. maad strong, munitum.) Wic. 2 Kings xxiii. 5.

He schal not comen into this cytee, ne senden arowe in to it, and targett schal not ocupien it, and warnyschynge Id. 4 Kings xix. 32.

Oldam, prophetisse; the whiche dwellide in Jerusalem in the secounde wellynge (var. r. environynge of the wall), (L. V. strengthing, munitio) schal not enuyroun it. and thei speken with hire.- Wic. 4 Kings xxii. 14. WALNUT. Walsh, Galsh, or Gallic nut. Wallis, Pref. and Ihre to the same purpose. Walnut; Dan. Walnöd.

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He (Sisara) felde bitwixe the feet of hir, he failide and diede; he was waltryd bifor hir feet (E. V. wrappid, volvebatur), and he lay with out soule, and wretchidful (miserabilis).- Wic. Judges v. 27.

WAN. adj. Wan is applied also to the colour
or complexion of persons and things. As the waters
wax wan (Dyce, Skelton), i. e. pallid, sallow.

The water is lekned to the world,
That wanyeth and wexeth.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 4978.
As the ri3twis man in openyng his hondis shal gladen,
so the lawe brekeres in the ende shulen wanen, `(L. V.
faile, tabescent.)- Wic. Ecclus. xl. 14.

Here te my vois, wifes of Lameth, herken ze my word,
for I slow a man into my wound, and a little waren man
into my wannesse (adolescentulum in livorem meum).
Id. Gen. iv. 23.
Whan forsothe we beholden Dauid, a man sleere, and
anotrer, bi penaunce maad a doctour and a profete, to no
man doende penaunce is laft place of wanhope.
Id. Prol. to Psalms, p. 738.
O wantrust, ful of false suspecion,
Wher was thy wit and thy discretion.

Chaucer. The Mane. Tale, v. 17230.
WANG. See Quotation from Chaucer, in Dic-

And the Lord opnede a woong tooth (L. V. wang, molarem dentem) in the cheek boon of the asse, and watris wenten out of it.- Wic. Judges xv. 19.

Piers Plouhman's Crede, v. 1562.

He too has flitted from his secret nest,-
Hope's last and dearest child-without a name!
Has flitted from me, like the warmth-less flame,
That makes false promise of a place of rest
To the still pilgrim's still believing mind.


Coleridge. The Pang more sharp, &c.

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A Lancashire word. Cotgrave includes it in his explanation of March-dire. See Chaucer in v. Work, in Dictionary, Quotation 3.

They wolden awyrien that wight

For his wel dedes.-Piers Plouhman's Crede, v. 1319. Com, he seith, and curs to Jacob, go forthe, and wari to Israel. (L. V. greetli curse, detestare.)

Wic. Num. xxiii. 8. In oure wariedhed (L. V. malice, malignitate) forsothe wee ben wastid.-Id. Wis. v. 13; also v. 24.

The mouth of whom is ful of cursyng, or warying (maledictione), and bitternesse.-Id. Rom. iii. 14.

A lecchour, or coueitous, or curser, or wariere (maledicus), or ful of drunkennesse or raueynour, with siche nether for to take mete.-Id. 1 Cor. v. 11.


By waving of goods-a property is gotten thus-A thief having stolen goods, being pursued, fleeth away, and leaveth the goods. This is called waving. The property is in the king, &c.-Bacon. Use of the Law.

WAX, v. See Quotation from Wic. Gen. in v. Wan, supra.

WAX, 8.

Wer and weke

And hoot fir togideres Fostren forth a flawmbe.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 11780. fulli to encreesyng, ad incrementum) brozte forth maidenes. I nurshede not ung childer, ne to ful waring (L. V. Wic. Is. xxiii. 4. And finally, whan it was woren eve, And al was wel, he rose and toke his leve. Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. 5, v. 1014. Occasioun he secheth, that wil gon awei fro a frend: alle WAY. A furlong way, a mile way. The time time wariable (L. V. despisable, exprobabilis) he shul be.-required to go a furlong or a mile. Id. Prov. xviii. 1; also Ecclus. xxvii. 33, Wrathe and wodnesse ben wariable (execrabilia).

For ther wenten about me manye houndis; the counsail of warieris (L. V. wickid men, malignantium) besegide me. ld. Ps. xxi. 17.

But tourned is (for whiche my life I warie)
Every joie or ese in his contrarie.

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. 5, v. 1378.
This Soudannesse, whom I thus blame and warrie.
Id. The Man of Lawes Tale, v. 4792.
What begger art thou, that thou dost ban and wary.
Skelton. Magnyfycence, v. 2266.

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He hath maad my couenaunt wast. (L. V. voide, irritum.)- Wic. Gen. xvii. 14.

Thei shal ete hem priuely, for the scaarsnesse of alle thingis in the seege and wastetee. (L. V. distrying, vastitate.)-Id. Deut. xxviii. 57; also ver. 53.

And ther shal feerli falle vp on the wastnesse (L. V. wrecchidnesse, calamitas) that thou shalt not moun purge. Id. Ib. xlvii. 11.

Egipt forsothe waster (L. V. in veyn, frustra) and in veyn (L. V. idili, vane) shal helpen.-Id. Is. xxx. 7.

Moab, be thou the lurkyng place of hem fro the face of the waster. (L. V. distriere, vastatoris.)-Id. Ib. xvi. 4. Who taf Jacob in to pulling awei, and Irael to wasteres. (L. V. distrieres, vastantibus.)-Id. lb. xlii. 24.

WASTE. Waste of a ship. See the Quotation from Falconer, in Dictionary.

But it was too late, for already it (fire) did embrace and devour from the stern to the waste of the ship. Sidney. Arcadia, b. ii.


We mouen awei the stoon fro the mowth of the pit, that we watren. (L. V. to watir, ut adequemus.) Wic. Gen. xxix. 8. Thei biheelden sum hauene hauynge a water bank (littus), into which thei thousten, if thei mysten for to caste the schipp.-Id. Deeds xxvii. 39.

Water lechis (sanguisuga) two ben doftris, seiende, Bring on, Bring on.-Id. Prov. xxx. 15.

(Paul tells them that) though another had come and watered what he had planted, yet neither planter nor waterer could assume any glory from thence, because it was God alone that gave the increase. Locke. On 1 Cor. iii.


To the grete wawes.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 4979. What wenten ze out in to desert for to se, a reed wawid (L. V. waggid, agitatam) with the wynd?

Wic. Luke vii. 24. Like the vague sighings of a wind at even, That wakes the wavelets of the slumbering sea, And dies on the creation of its breath. Shelley. Queen Mab, s. 8. So, as I stood, one blast of muttering thunder Burst in far peals along the waveless deep, When gathering fast around, above, and under, Long trains of tremulous mist began to creep. Id. Revolt of Islam, c. i. s. 2.


(He) hem warned

To waiven her wikkedness

And werkes of synne.-Piers Plouhman's Crede, v. 1055.

(Some) chalangen hise (the king's) dettes

Of wardes and of wardemotes,

Weyves and streyves.-Id. Ib. v. 188.

It shal be unwaied or wayles (L. V. without weie, invia), for that there is no passynge bi it for beestis. Wic. Ez. xiv. 15. And now it is plauntid ouere in deseert, in loond not wayed (or not hauntid).-Id. Ez. xix. 13. And sittynge for to eet breed, thei seen Ysmaelites weiegoers (viatores) to comen fro Galaad. Id. Gen. xxxvii. 25. Sche sat in the weilot (E. V. place of two weies, bivia) | that ledith to Tampna.-Id. Gen. xxxviii. 14.

Thow shalt not suffre (hym) to goon awey voyd: but thow shalt zyne weyfode (L. V. lyflode in the weye, viaticum) of the flockis, and of the flore, and of thi presse. Id. Deut. xv. 14. They sitten stille wel a furlong way. Chaucer. The Milleres Tale, v. 3637. WEAL. WEALTH (supposes the verb, to Weal). That which wealeth; causes or promotes the weal or well-doing, &c. See the Quotations from Tyndale and the Bible. The same usage occurs in a Letter from Anne Boleyn to Wolsey, quoted in D'Aubigné,

vol. iv.

For now is Palamon in alle wele, Living in blisse, in richesse, and in hele. Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 3103. Every wise man dreadeth his enemie. And Salomon sayth, Weleful is he that of alle hath drede.

Id. Tale of Melibeus. The amiable (prospera) fortune bindeth with the beautie of her false goodes the hartes of folkes that usen them. The contrary (adversa) fortune unbindeth hem with the knowing of freel welefulnesse (felicitas). Id. Boecius, b. ii. pr. 8. Let kings, if they had leuer be Christians indeed than so their realms after the ensample of Jesus Christ.

to be called, give themselues altogether to the wealth of

Tyndale. Obedience of a Christian Man. Works, v. i. p. 212. (Russell's ed.)

Let no man seke his owne profyte: but let euerye må seke anothers wealth.-Bible, 1549. 1 Cor. x. 24.

And they that were nedy sholde rather desire the helpe of frendship than they that were weleful.-Tullius de Amicitia. Wurcestre, Erle of, b. 6; also d. 6.

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Til it be fulled, &c.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 10528. Clothis and shoon, with the whiche we ben clothid, and the whiche we han in feet, for the lengthe of lenger weye, ben to troden, and almeest wered. (L. V. wastid, consumpta.)- Wic. Josh. ix. 13.

There mete him a certaine man out of the citie, which had a deuil long time and ware no clothes.-Bible, 1549. Luke, ch. viii. So com. version, ware no clothes, v. 27. The Spaniards began to ware weary, for winter drew on. Berners Froissart, v. i. p. 671. Luc. No indeed will I not, Pompey, it is not the wear. Shakespeare. Measure for Measure, act iii. sc. 2. Hel. The composition. that your valour and fear makes in you, is a virtue of good wing, and I like the wear of it. Id. All's Well that ends Well, act i. sc. 1.

WEAR. For fish.

This streme you ledeth to the sorowfull were,
There as the fishe in prison is all drie.

Chaucer. Assemble of Foules, v. 138. WEARISH. See WARY, supra.


WEARY. The adj. Weariless, found only in the Ettrick Poet, is worthy of preservation.

Why chatters yon magpie on gable so loud?
Why flits you light vision in gossamour shroud?
How came yon white doves from the window to fly,
And hover on weariless wing in the sky!

Hogg. The Queen's Wake, Night 1, st. ix. WEATHER. See To WRIE, infra.

Flowe as dewe my speche, as wedre upon herb (lytil reyn, imber), and as dropes vpon cornes. Wic. Deut. xxxii. 2; and Job xxiv. 8. WEAVE, v. See Piers Plouhman in v. Wear. I heeue vp myn hond to the Lord, the heye God, welder, (possessor) of heuene and erthe, that fro a threed of the weeft (L. V. oof, i. e. woof, subtegminis) vnto the garter of an hoos, I shal not take of alle thingis that ben thin. Wic. Gen. xiv. 22.

But with a pennè she ne could not write,
But letters can she weven to and fro,
So that by that the yere was all ago,
She had ywoven, in a stamen large,
How she was brought fro Athens in a barge;
And in a cave, how that she was ybrought,
And all the thing that Tereus ywrought,
She wave it wel.

Chaucer. Legende of Philomela, v. 2359. WEB, s. A Webbe, or Weaver, was one of Chaucer's Pilgrims.

My wif was a webbe, And wollen cloth made.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 2901. And he abood as half an our almest, and the web (L.V. ryme, albugo) as the litil skyn of an ey (egg) bigan to go out of his igen.- Wic. Tob. xi. 14. Forsothe the schaft of his spere was as a beem of webbis. (E. V. webster, liciatorium toxentium.) Id. 1 Kings xvii. 7. My dates swiftliere passiden than a web is kit down of a webstere. (L. V. weuere, atezente tela.)-Id. Job vii. 6. WED. "To legge a Wed," is to lay a wager, to lay a Bet, qv.

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The weedery, which through The interstices of those neglected courts Uncheck'd had flourish'd long, and seeded there, Was trampled then and bruised beneath the feet Of thronging crowds.-Southey. Don Roderick, b. vi. WEEK.

I hadde this wouke ywonne

A weye of Essex chese.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 2667. The solempnite of weekis (L. V. woukis, hebdomadarum) thow shalt make to thee, in the first bigynnyng of fruytis in thi whete heruest.- Wic. Ex. xxxiv. 22.

She hath now caught a thorne,
She shall nat pul it out this nextè wike;
God sende hir mo such thornes for to pike.

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. ii. v. 1273.
WEEN. See Piers Plouhman in v. Imagination.
Now if men with leasinges put on the enfame, wenest thy-
self thereby ben enpeired? that wening is wrong.
Chaucer. Test. of Loue, b. i.

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