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Wikkedly to weye

Was my firste lesson.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 2879. And thei weyreden (appenderunt) my meede, thritti platis of siluer.-Wic. Zech. xi. 12.

A treccherous weze (L. V. balaunce, stetera) abominacioun is anent God, and an enen weist (pondus) the wil of hym.-Id. Prov. xi. 1; also Is. xl. 12. L. V.

And as she woke hire bedde she felten presse:
What best is that, quoth she, that wayeth thus?
Chaucer. Legend of Lucrece, v. 1788.

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WELK, WELKIN, v. See Quotation from Dray

ton in v. Suppose, in Dictionary.

Shipmen and shepherdes,

That with ship and sheep wenten,

Wisten by the walkne

What sholde bitide.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 10348; wolkne, v. 12553. Quaketh my penne, my spirite supposeth

That in my writing ye find woll offence:
Min hert welkneth thus sone; anon it riseth.

Chaucer. A Balade, No. ii. v. 52.

So when the saile was sprade, and the shippe gan to moue, the winde and the water gan for to rise and ouerthwartlye to tourne the welken, the wawes semeden as they kiste together, but often under colour of kissinge, is mokell old hate priuileye closed and kepte.-Id. Test. of Loue, b. i. fo. 2881. Weel feelende (sensatus), not uncommon in Wic. E. V., L. V.


WELL. WELSOMELY. Wise. See Mys-feeling.

The gyuyng of God abideth stille to rigtwis men, and the profitus of it welsum aftircomyngus shal han into withoute ende. (L. V. prosperitees.)- Wic. Ecclus. xi. 17.

He biheelde her stilli, wilnyng to wite whether the Lord had maad his weye welsum or noon.-Id. Gen. xxiv. 21. I moneste you to comen with wel willingnesse, and more bisy study to do lessoun. Id. Prologue to Ecclus. p. 123. (Y) shal be turned azen welsumli. (L. V. in prosperite, prospero.)-ld. Gen. xxviii. 21.

Of all thingis Y make preyer, that thou entre and fare welefulli, as thi soule doth welefulli. (E. V. welsumly, prospere.)-Id. 3 John v. 2.

Thei diggiden in the stronde and thei foundun wellynge watir. (E.V. quyk watir, aquam vitæ.)—Id. Gen. xxvi. 19. Venus I mene, the wellwilly planete.

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. iii. v. 1257. WELT, s.

She (a louse) sholde noght

Han walked on that welthe,

So was it thred-bare.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 2869. WEM.

(A maiden) weex greet with childe

Withouten wem,

Into this world she broghte hym.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 12338. Sle thou and ete, bi the blessyng of thi Lord God, which he af to thee in thi citees, whether it is vnclene, that is spottid ether wemmed (maculatum) and feble, ether clene. Wic. Deut. xii. 15.

That other bowe was of a plant
Withouten wemme, I dare warant.

Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose, v. 930.

Weend to Amalec with thyn oost,
And what thow fyndest there sle it.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 1899. (The Jewes) wenten away for shame.-Id. 1b. v. 7605. Aftir this maner that othir shal doo, 3ollynge the trompes into weendynge forthe. (L. V. goyng forth, in profectionem.)- Wic. Num. x. 6.

The irrecuperable joy is went, and anoy endlesse is entred.-Chaucer. Test. of Loue, b. ii.

But when he saw her gentle soul was went,
His manly courage to relent began.

Fairefax. Godfrey of Bulloigne, b. xii. st. 70.

WENE. WERE, s. Debate, doubt, hesitation (mental strife). Skinner knows not whether from A.S. Ware, caution; War, cautious; and explains-A maze or doubt; Mr. Tyrwhitt from Guerre, of the same meaning, and observes: that in Rom. of the Rose, v. 5702, Were is in the original Guerre.

And in a weer gan I wexe,

And with myself dispute
Wheither I were chosen or noght chosen.


Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 6805.

As yit I am in a weer


Ib. v. 10799.

What charité is to mene.-Id.
And whan that Love gan nigh me nere,
He drough it (an arrow) withouten were,
And shote at me with all his might.

Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose, v. 1776.
His herte (a marchaunt's) in such a were is set
That it quick brenneth for to get.-Id. Ib. v. 5702.
gan I wexen in a were.
Id. House of Fame, b. ii. v. 471.


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But the Lord teelde to thee this while (vicissitudinem hanc), for that, that to day thou hast wrought in me.

Wic. 1 Kings xxiv. 20; also, 2 Kings xix. 36. And he (Solomon) sent hem into the wode, ten thousand by eche moneth whilmele (L. V. bi whilis, vicissim), so that two monethis whilmele they weren in her howsis.

Id. 3 Kings v. 14. zif ze vengen zou ateinus me, soon swiftly Y shal feelde the wilenesse (L. V. while, vicissitudinem) to zou on our

WER-WOLF. A. S. Were-wulf; Vir Lupus, hed.-Id. Joel iii. 4. Lycanthropos. See LYCANTHROPY.

Thei ben werwolves
That wiln the folke robben.

Piers Plouhman's Crede, v. 913. When as by night, with a devout intent, About the field religiously they went, With hallowing charms the war-wolf thence to fray,' That them and theirs awaited to betray. Drayton. Man in the Moon, v. 13. WERY. See WEARY. WESH. See WASH. WET.

At Gessury fro the troubli flood that weetith (L.V. moistith, irrigat) Egipt.- Wic. Josh, xiii. 3.

Therwith his poulce and paumes of his hondes Thei gan to frote, and wete his temples twain. Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. iii. v. 1114. WETHER. See WEATHER. WETHER. (Sheep.) And he seuerde that day the she geyt, and the sheep, and the wetheres. (L. V. rammes, arietes.) Wic. Gen. xxx. 37.

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Whey welled, is whey heated till Wellscalding hot, in order to take off the curds. ing or walling is, in Old English, boiling. See RAY. A. S. Weall-an, ebullire. See To WELL, in Dictionary.

That our people had beene fedde with gall of dragons instead of wine, with wheale instead of milke.

King James's Bible. Translator to the Reader. WHEEL. In Chaucer's Boecius, b. i. m. 5, O stelliferi conditor orbis, is rendered-O maker of the wheele, that beareth the sterres.

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(He) scraped the dorr welp-lick.

Chaucer. Par. and Tap. v. 481. Her eye shot forth with all the living fire That haunts the tigress in her whelpless ire. Byron. Lara, c. ii. WHER. See WHETHER. WHERE. Wide where, a wide space. See in v. Violence the Quotation from Gower, in Dictionary. In Surrie, whilom, dwelt a compagnie Of chapmen rich, and thereto sad and trewe, That wide where senten hir spicerie, Clothes of gold, and satins riche of hewe.

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Ech best thing zouun, and al parfit zift, fro aboue, comyng doun of the fadir of litis, anentis whom is not ouerchaunginge, net her schadewing of whileness, ortyme. (L. V. reward, vicissitudo.)-Id. James i. 17.

To go a step farther, the word while, take it in the gross, has been the father of a verb, which gives me an opportunity of lamenting that I should have caused you to while so much time in perusing this disquisition.

Pegge. Anecdotes, p. 229. WHINID. Vinew'd, fennowed; Vinny, or (A. S.) Finie, are the same word. See VINNY, fennowed. Ajar. Speak then, thou whimd'st leaven, speak.

Shakespeare. Troilus and Cressida, act ii. sc. 1.

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For whit, in trowthe, bytokeneth
Clennes in soule.-Piers Plouhman's Crede, v. 1383.
God helpe me so ye causen all this fare,
Trowe I, quod she, for all your wordes white,

O who so seeth you, knoweth you full lite.
Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. iii. v. 1568.

On heven yet the steres weren sene,
Although full pale iwoxen was the mone,
And whiten began the horizon shene

All estwardes as it is wont to doen.-Id. Ib. b. 5, v. 276. If the inquiry be made in metaphysique (for the forme of whiteness), you shall finde some such rule as this: That two diaphonous bodies being intermixt, their optique portion in a simple order, or equally placed, doe determine and constitute whitenesse.

Wats. Bacon. Advancement of Learning, b. iii. c. 4, § 6. WHITHER.

And Helisee seyde, Whens comyst thou, Giezi? The whiche answerde, Thi seruaunt zeede not o whydre. (L.V. to ony place, quoquam.)—Wic. 4 Kings v. 25.

WHITTLE. Ray says: To whittle sticks, to cut off the bark with a knife, to make them white. Hence also a knife is, in derision, called a whittle. -Preface to Collection of Words not generally used. WHOLE. See HOLEFULL, in v. Visit, Quotation from Fabyan, in Dictionary. Ac alle that beth myne hole bretheren. Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 12836.

I dide me to chirche To here holly the masse.-Id. Ib. v. 12964. WHORE. See Piers Plouhman in v. Hire, supra. To alle hooris hijris ben 3ouen (meretricibus mercedes), forsothe thou hast gouun hijre, or mede, to all thi loueris. Wic. Ez. xvi. 32.


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The waxe bytokeneth his manhede,
The weke his sowle, the fyre his god hede.
Chaucer. Lyfe of our Ladye, fo. m. iii. c. 2.

Forsothe I haue knowun that after my deeth wickidlich
(L.V. wickidli, iniquo) te shulen doo.- Wic. Deut. xxxi. 29.
His wickenesses (L. V. wickidnissis, iniquitates) taken the
vnpitous; and with the cordis of his synnes he is togidere
streyned.-Id. Prov. v. 22.

(The flore) was plated halfe a fotè thicke Of gold, and that ne was not wicke (base, impure). Chaucer. House of Fame, b. iii. v. 256. WIDE. See WAIVE, in Piers Plouhman, supra. (I landed) in a small creek about the wideness of my canoe.-Voyage to Laputa, ch. i.


And sche dide awei the clothis of widewehod (viduitatis). Wic. Gen. xxxviii. 14. WIELD. At Welde, in Robert of Brunne, is, at command, in plenty. Hearne. Weldere, see WEAVE, supra, and ZETE.

Vitaile inouh at weld thei fond of corn and hay.
Robert of Brunne, p. 160.
The bem (sufflatorium) failide, leed is waastid in the fier,
the wellere wellide in veyn (conflator conflavix).
Wic. Jer. vi. 29.
Thei schulen welle (L. V. bete, conflabunt) togidere her
swerdis in to scharris.-Id. Is. ii. 4.
zelle, eockis of Basan, for the stronge welde wode is kit
doun (saltus munitus).-Id. Zech. xi. 2.

Lo! Adam, in the felde of Damascene,
With Goddes owen finger wrought was he,
And welte al Paradis saving o tree.

Chaucer. The Monkes Tale, v. 14016.

The time that hath all in welde,
To elden folke, hath made her elde
So inly, that to my weting
She mighten helpe herself nothing,
But tourned ayen unto childhede."


Id. Rom. of the Rose, v. 395.

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Than drede went wyghtlyche, And warned the Falso.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 1298. He wissed hem to wynne it ayein Thorugh wightnesse of handes.-Id. Ib. v. 13446. WILD. WILDERNESS. Somner writes, Wild deora fernesse, a Wildernesse. Dut. Wildernisse. And Lye agrees that of Wild deora, and of the last syllable of fernesse (desertum), or of Nesse itself, is composed the A.S. Wild-deora-nesse, our English Wilderness. Wachter forms the Ger. Wildnüss (of the same meaning) of the adjective, Wild, and the termination Nüss, our Ness. A wilderness," says Archdeacon Hoare," is a Wild-deer-ness; Deer (see in Dictionary) being a general name for beasts of all kinds."-English Roots, p. 203.

The wild father thus devoureth

His own flesh.-Gower. Conf. Am. b. viii. fo. 1753.
Isab. Such a warped slip of wilderness
Ne'er issued from his blood.

Shakespeare. Measure for Measure, act iii. sc. i.
These paths and bowers doubt not but our joint hands
Will keep from wilderness with ease, as wide
As we need walk, till younger hands ere long
Assist us.-Milton. Par. L. b. ix. v. 245.

WILL. See Quotation from Hooker in v. Appetite, supra. Also Warburton in v. Random, supra. For into an euell willi soule (malevolam) shal not gon in wisdom.- Wic. Wisd. i. 4.

(While) Ruben (was) atens hym (self) diuided, of greet willi men (L.V. greet hertyd, magnanimorum), is foundun stryuynge. Id. Judg. v. 15.

For I bere witnessinge and to hem, vp vertu, or power, and above vertu thei weren wilful (voluntarii).

Id. 2 Cor. viii. 3. The wilsumnesse (animositas) of drunkenhed, the offensionn of the vnprudent, lassende vertue, and makende woundis. Id. Ecclus. xxxi. 40.

God save swiche a lord that is so good,
He wilneth no destruction of blood.

Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 2565.


As the will of God is our rule, to enquire what is our duty or what we are obliged to do in any instance, is in effect to enquire what is the will of God in that instance, which consequently becomes the whole business of morality.

Paley. Moral and Political Philosophy, b. ii. c. 4. WIND. WINDFALL, is applied lit. and met., whether productive of loss or gain. See the Quotation below from Bacon, and the Quotation from him in v. Succision, supra.

The Spartans were a nice people, in point of naturalization; whereby, while they kept their compasse, they stood firme; but when they did spread, and their boughes were becommen too great for their stemme, they became a windfall upon the suddaine (potentia eorum subito corruit).

Bacon. Of Kingdomes and States. Essay 29. When as the hermit comes out of his homely cell, Where from all rude resort he happily doth dwell; Each little village yields his short and homely fare; To gather windfall'n sticks, his great'st and only care; Which every aged tree still yieldeth to his fire. Drayton. Polyolbion, st. 13.

WIND, v.

Thei washe hym, and wypede hym, and wonde hym in cloutes.-Piers Piouhman's Vision, p. 35, 4to. Edition.


Windewe thee not (ne ventiles) in to ech wynd, and go thou not in to ech weie.- Wic. Ecclus. v. 15.


And Noe, a man erthe tylyer, bigan to excercise the erthe, and he plauntid a vyne, and drynkynge wyn was drunkun. Wic. Gen. ix. 20. WING.

As for those wingy mysteries in divinity, and airy subtleties in religion, which have unhinged the brains of better heads, they never stretched the pia mater of mine. Browne. Religio Medici, pt. i. § 9. See WINDOW, as the word is writ


ten in the Wiclif Bible.
His wiif walked hym with,
With a long gode,
Wrapped in a wynwe shete,
To weren hire fro wederes.

Piers Plouhman's Crede, v. 865. And Y schal send into Babiloyne wyndeweris (E. V. wyneweres), and thei schulen wyndewe it (E. V. wynewe, ventilatores, ventilabunt), and thei schulen destrie the lond of it. Wic. Jer. li. 2; et aliter.

Afterward Y sawe the wether (ram) with hornys windowyng, or castynge down (ventilantem).-Id. Dan. viii. 4. In thee oure enemys we shal wynewe (ventilabimus) by the horn.-ld. Psalm xliii. 6.


And whan the hauene was not able for to dwelle in wynter (ad hiemandam), ful manye ordeyneden counseil for to seile thennis, if on ony maner thei mysten come to Fenyce, for to wynterne (L. V. to dwelle in wynter, hiemare) in the hauene of Crete.- Wic. Deeds xxvii. 12.

Adam forsothe lyuede an hundrid and thretti wynter. (L. V. zeer, annos.)-Id. Gen. v. 3.


for long tyme he had maddid hem with hise wicche craftis. (E.V. wicchingis, magiis.)- Wic. Deedis viii. 11 (ix. 11).

one or more.

WITH. In composition, in old English writers (see the Quotations from Wiclif), as in A. S. retains its meaning (join), and is constantly used as a prefix equivalent to the Lat. Cum (or I should rather say, is used pre-posed, without being fixed). The Lat. Comes is rendered by Wiclif a With follower, and a Co-heir is a With-heir, a follower or heir with When With follows a verb, it is the custom of lexicographers to explain according to the context. Thus, "to agree with me," "to fight with me;" in the first instance they imply, Cum; in the latter, Contra: though in both cases the actors join in one purpose. So to withstand, in A. S. With, and Wither-standan, implies two parties joined in one purpose; keeping or gaining a stand or position; though adverse to each other. And hence the usage may have been extended to cases, not admitting such an explanation. In the three,-With-draw, With-hold, With-stand, there is a strong coincidence of With and the Lat. Re, Re-trahere, re-tinere, resistere.

WITH, s. (Withy.)

Shadewis coneren his umbre; withiene trees (L. V. salewis, salices) of the strem enuyrounen hym. Wic. Job xl. 17. And te shulen take to 3ow withies (L. V. salewis, salices) of the rennyng water.-Id. Lev. xxiii. 40.

I remember in the beginning of Queene Elizabeth's time of England, an Irish rebell condemned put up a petition to the deputie, that he might be hanged in a with, and not in an halter, because it had been so used with former rebels.-Bacon. Essays. Of Custome.

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And many thingis gruechendli whistrende shal with change (commutabit) his chere.- Wic. Ecclus. xii. 19. WITH-DEPART.

Kunnyng and understonding of prudence wisdam shal with departen (compartietur).-Wic. Ecclus. i. 24. WITH-DRAW.

(1) pass over the absurdity of denominating Mr. Lindsey a silenced and ejected minister, merely on account of his withdrawment from a community, whose distinguishing tenets he had abandoned.

Robert Hall. Review of Belsham's Memoirs of Lindsey.

But we must wander witheringly,

In other lands to die.-Byron. Hebrew Mel.

WIS. Wis, Ywis, qv. Certainly. As wis,-as (L. V. set in, configitur.)—Wic. Psalm xxxiii. 4. I am turned in my myseise, whil with ficchid is the thorn. certainly.

I frayned ful ofte,

Of folk that I mette,

If any wight wiste

Wher Do-wel was.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 4906.
Nay, nay, quod she, God helpe me so, as wis
This is to much, and it were goddes will.

Chaucer. The Frankeleines Tale, v. 11780.
WISH or WYSH, i. e. Wash, qv.
WIT. To see, provide, guard against. See WooT,
in Dictionary.

Whi stonde thise piles here? To witen it fro fallyng.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 13843. zyue ze of zou men wise in dyuyn thingis and witti (gnaros) in mennus thingis worthi to be don.-Wic. Deut. i. 13. astutiam); and, see unwise men takith heed. (L. V. wisUnderstondeth, see litle childer, witnesse (L. V. wisdom, dom.)-ld. Prov. viii. 3; and Ecclus. i. 5; var. r.

But and thei most wrecchid herien bestes, witles (L. V. unresonable, insensata) forsothe, comparisouned to these, ben wers than tho.-ld. Wis. xv. 18. And for he was not witlesse (insensatus). Id. 2 Mac. xi. 13. Shewende the Jewis forsothe and the to han trespassid, and witendely. (L. V. wityngly.) paynymes greuously ld. Bible. Prol. to Romans, pp. 299, 302. WITCH. Crucifige! quod a cachepol:

I warrante hym (Jesus Christ) a wicche.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 12166. There was a man in that citee whos name was Symound, a wicche, that hadde disseyued the folk of Samarie: 122


And the datis of hem failiden in vanytee, and the zeeris of hem in withhezing. (L. V. haste, festinatione.) Wic. Psalm 1xxvii. 33.

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I shal preisen (laudabo) thi name bysyly, and I shal with preisen (collaudabo) it in confessioun.-Wic. Ecclus. li. 15. WITH-RISE.

Thanne Abram on the nist with-rysyng (consurgens) dizte his asse.- Wic. Gen. xxii. 3. WITH-SAY.

That he be mysti to much styre in holsum doctryne, and the withscieris to with stoude. (L. V. azenseiris.) Wic. Pref. Ep. p. 63. If forsothe anoon as the fadir herith, he withseith it (L.V. azenseide, contra), and the vowis and the oothis of hir shulen be at nouzt.-Id. Num. xxx. 6; et aliter. WITH-SIT.

Men of voluntarious will withsit that heauens gouerneth. Chaucer. Test. of Loue, b. ii. annoying, withouten any withsitting, for all mannes mights. Lasse than a flie (han) mokel might in greeuance and Id. Ib.

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WONDER. A Wondred father; that is,-A father able to perform wonders so rare.

Thou turnest azen, and turmentest me wonderli. (E.V. merueilously, mirabiliter.)- Wic. Job x. 16.

And the man is maad ryche wonder myche. (L. V. ful
riche, ultra modum.)—Id. Gen. xxx. 43.
So rare a wondred father, and a wise
Makes this place Paradise.

Shakespeare. Tempest, act iv. sc. 1.


spirit spekith without her procuryng, but of hem that pro-
curen that the deuel speke in hem.
Wic. Lev. xx. 27; note.

WOOD, s.

Lo he (Ysaac) seith, Fier and wode (ligna), where is the sacrifice of that that shal be brent?-Wic. Gen. xxii. 7.

How feyr thi tabernaclis, Jacob, and thi tentis, Yrael!
as wodi valeys (L. V. ful of woodis, nemorosa), as moiste
gardyns bisidis floodis.-Id. Num. xxiv. 6.

WOOL. Woolward Mr. Wright explains, misera-
ble, plagued. Skinner knows not whether from
A. S. Wol, Pesis, and secondarily, Any great evil,
and Ward, as homeward, &c.
Wolleward and weet shoed
Wente I forthe after.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 12071.
Also wulle graithers and fullers and other . . . (in L.V.
makers of wollen cloth) mowe not be with outen a techer,
that the coueten.-Wic. Bible. Pref. Ep. p. 67.

WORD, in Chaucer, Motto.
(Thei) wordeden wel wisely


gret while togideres.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 2173.
My woordi frendis (L. V. ful of wordis, verbosi), myn
eye droppith to God.-Wic. Job xvi. 21.

I thanked hire, and prayed hire come nere,
Bycause I woulde se how she was araide;
Hire gown was blewe, dressed in good manere,
With hire devise, hire worde also, that saide,
Tant que je puis.

Chaucer. Assemble of Ladies, v. 207.
Above al erthly créatures
The high maker of natúres

The worde to man hath youe alone;
So shulde he be the more honest,

To whom God yave so worthye a yifte,

And loke well that he ne shifte

His wordes to none wicked use;

For worde the teacher of vertuse

Is cleped in philosophie.-Gower. Conf. Am. fo. 1501. The study of the mind (is) a study, where the chief source of errour is the imperfection of words; where every improvement in this great instrument of thought may be justly regarded in the light of a discovery. D. Stewart. Dissert. i. Sup. to Ency. Brit. WORMWOOD. Rather Wormwort (says SkinAnd he brost hem thennus in to a rist weye; that theiner). A.S. Wyrm-wyrt, Wærmede; Ger. Wermud; shulde go in to the cite of wonyng. (L. V. dwellyng, habitationis.)-Wic. Psalm cvi. 7; also v. 36.

WONE, s. A dwelling, &c.; also, the people dwelling; a multitude.

Who forsothe ben riste, shul dwelle in the erthe, and the symple shul parfitli wone in it. (L. V. dwelle, permanebunt.)-Id. Prov. ii. 21.

(Men) haue their eyen so wont to the dercknesse of earthly thyngs that they ne may nat lyfte hem up to the light of cleare soothfastnesse.

Chaucer. Boecius, b. iv. pr. 4.

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Ye faren lik thise woweris,

That wedde none widwes,

But for to welden hir goodes.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 6717. Forsothe the wyf of hym (Samson) took an housebond, oon of hir freendis and wowers. (L. V. keperis, de pronubis.)-Wic. Judges xiv. 20.

And the caste junge man she kisseth; and with wowende (L. V. wowynge, precaci) chere she flatereth.

Id. Prov. vii. 14.
The vnpitous man wowendli (L. V. unschamefastli, pro-
caciter) stablith his chere.-Id. Ib. xxi. 29.
For wise folke in bokès it expresse,
Men shall not wowe a wight in hevinesse.

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. 5. v. 791.

To slepe rather than to wowe

Is his (Somnolence) maner, and thus on nightes,
When he seeth the lusty knightes
Reuelen, where these women are,

(He) gothe to bed.-Gower. Conf. Am. b. iv. fo. 781.

WOOD or WODE. See WODE, supra.

This is not understondun of wode men in which the wickid

Du. Wermmædt, Wermædt; from its property of
destroying worms. Skinner. From Warmen, to
warm; from its warmth-strengthening the stomach.

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In alle thingis take ze the scheld of feith, in whiche ze moun quenche alle the firy dartis of the worste. (E. V. worste enmye, nequissimi.)-Wic. Eph. vi. 16.

WORSHIP. In the Marriage Service, With my
body I thee worship (i. e. honour).

If ony man schal mynistre to me, my fadir schal worshipe
him. (M. V. honour, honorificabit.)-Wic. John xii. 26.
And he (Jacob) seide dredyng, How worschipful is this
place. (E. V. feerful, terribilis.)—Id. Gen. xxviii. 7.
That I may of you here men saine
Wurshippe, or that ye come againe.

Chaucer. The Duchesse, v. 1032.
How long by tyrants shall thy land be trod!
How long thy temples worshipless, O God!
Byron. Hebrew Mel.

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WRACK or WRECK. Some modern editors of note, uninfluenced by the reasoning of Tooke in support of the reading, Racke, (qv.) in the first folio, substitute Wrack. But see Diversions of Purley, vol. ii. p. 389; et seq.

Wrack. Old editions of Milton read Rack, in b. iv. v. 994, "All the elements at least had gone to Rack;" b. xi. v. 821, “A world devote to universal Rack." But in b. vi. v. 670," All heav'n had gone to Wrack."

WRAP, v.

Al aboute feris shal gasten hym, and within wrappen his feet. (L. V. biwlappe, involvent.)- Wic. Job xvííí. 11. WRATH.

The wrathfulnesse (iracundia) of his pride is the destroyng of hym.-Wic. Ecclus. i. 28.

Therfor thou shalt speke my wordis to hem, if perauenture thei heren, and resten, for thei ben wraththers. (L.V. terreris to wrathe, irritatores.) Id. Ez. ii. 7; also v. 8, exasperatriz.


Preyse je, gentils, the puple of hym, for the blood of his seruauntis he shal wreek. (L. V. venie, i. e. venge, ulciscetur.)- Wic. Deut. xxxii. 43.

Agast was all the prees,

As mased folk they stonden every on

In drede of wrecke, save Custance alone.

Chaucer. The Man of Lawes Tale, v. 5099.


(Two chains) of wreathen work shalt thou make. Wic. Ex. xxviii. 14. fro the hond of the man of Egipt.-Id. 2 Kings xxiii. 21. Bi mist he wrooth (E. V. pullide, extorsit) out the spere And (Pharao) clothide Joseph with a stoole of bijs, and puttide a goldun wrethe (torquem) about the necke. ld. Gen. xli. 42.

The hegge also

With sycamor was set, and eglatere
Wrethen in fere well and cunningly.

Chaucer. The Floure and the Leafe, v. 57.

WRENCH. In Robert of Gloucester, "Withouten any wrench," is, without any wrong, qv. See in Dictionary.

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Abacuc, a strong wristeler (L. V. wrastelere) and a sharp,
stondith vpon his waarde.- Wic. Pref. Ep. p. 70.
And loo! a man wristlide (L. V. wrastlide, luctabatur)
with hym vnto the morwe.-ld. Gen. xxxii. 24.
But yet to let hire go,

His hertè misforgave him evermo:
But finally he gan his hertè wrest
To trusten hire, and toke it for the best.

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. iv. v. 14, 27.
And as me thoughten, that the nightingale
With so great might hire voice began to wrest,
Right as hire herte for love would all to brest.
Id. The Black Knightes Tale, v. 48.


He (Sisara) lay out of lijf and wretchidful (miserabilem).
Wic. Judges v. 27.

At the rist of the est my wrecchenesses (L. V. wretchidnessis, calamitates) anoon risen.-Id. Job xxx. 12.


Nakid thei leue men, takende awei clothis, to whom is no koueryng in cold; whom wederes (imbres) of hillis moisten, and not hauende wrielys (L. V. hilyng, velamen) clippe stones.- Wic. Job xxiv. 8.

And well the hoter ben the gledes rede,
That men hem wrien with ashen pale and ded.
Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. 5, v. 539.
For there is neither huske nor hay
In Mey, that n'ill shrouded bene,
And it with newè leves wrene.


Id. Rom. of the Rose, v. 56.

It is for to cure or bisie (curandum est), to the wrist of


the new hous of al the beeldyng. (L.V. cheef carpenter, architecto.)- Wic. 2 Mac. ii. 30.


He that was wont to wringe out, schal not wrynge out wyn in a pressour; Y haue take awei the vois of wryngeris out. (L. V. trederes, calcantium.)- Wic. Is. xvi. 10.


And sche took a roket (roket cloth with many wrinklis, var. r.)- Wic. Gen. xxxviii. 14.



pawme is pureliche the hand, And hath power by hymselue Otherwise than the writhen fust Or werkmanship of fyngres.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 11721.

For if ther might yben a variaunce
To writhen out fro goddes purveying,
There n'ere no prescience of thing comming.

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. iv. v. 986.

This same stede shal bere you evermore
Without harme, till ye be ther ye lest,
(Though that ye slepen on his back or rest)
And turne again with writhing of a pin.

Id. The Squieres Tale, v. 10441. WRONG. In Wiclif, Lev. xxi. 19, Tortus nasus is, in E. V. crokid noose, and in L. V. wrong nose.

Lest perauenture he drawe thee to the domesman, and the domesman bitake thee to the wrongful axere, and the wrongful axere sende thee in to prisoun. (L. V. mastirful azer, qv. exactori.)-Wic. Luke xii. 58.

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(He) bad the maister make hym yare
To fore the wynde, for he wolde fare

To Ephesum.-Gower. Conf. Am. b. viii. fo. 183.

(He) biddeth unspere the yates.

Wic. Gen. xxii. 17.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 12600.
Thi seed shal weeld the zatis of his enemyes.
YAVE. i. e. Gave.
YAW'D. i. e. Hewed.
Ye prechers shall be yaw'de,
And some shall be saw'de.

Skelton. Colin Clout, v. 1206.

YAWN. Written Fane, and by Skelton Gane also.

And thei peneden (L.V. made large, dilataverunt) their mouth upon me; thei seiden, Wen, Wen, oure ezen han seen.- Wic. Ps. xxxiv. 21.

Therfor Eleasarus, a man wexun in age, and fair in cheer was compellid, zanyng (hians) with open mouth for to ete swynes fleisch.-Id. 2 Mac. vi. 18.


She began to yane gaspy.
Skelton. E. Rummyng, v. 331.
Why do ye gane and gaspe?

id. Ib. b. i. v. 117; Dyce Edition.

YE. YOUR. Thanne we schulen yne and take togidre our dow tris and touren. (L. V. zoure.)- Wic. Gen. xxxiv. 16.

Ne lene te not eny thing of eny purtenaunce to oure howshild, for al the riches of Egipte shal be touren (zoure). Id. Ib. xlv. 20.

YEARN. Yerne, adv. Eagerly, willingly, readily. See Piers Plouhman in v. Taille.

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And knowynge the voys of the zonglynge Leuyte (L. V. rong werynge dekene, adolescentis), and vsynge the restynge place of hym, thei seiden to hym, Who broute the hidir! Wic. Judges xviii. 3. And the jonglynge roos (L. V. zong man) for to goo with his wijf and child.-Id. lb. xix. 8.

adolescentia) into the day that is now.
God that fedde from my songthe (L.V. zong wexynge age,

Id. Gen. xlviii. 15.
And in especial unto them that ben passed theyr grene

YELP. Exponitur,-Prate, talk. Skinner. A. S. yongthe, and eke theyr middle eage callyd Virylyte.

Gilpan, jactare, gloriari; valde desiderare.
Fortune, though she will not yelpe,
All sodeinly hath sent him halpe,
Whan him thought all grace aweie.

Gower. Conf. Am. b. viii. fo. 1772.

YERD. See Yard.


Thei that token tribut, camen to Petre, and seiden to hym, youre maister payeth not tribute? And he seith, the. (L. V. zhis, etiam.)-Wic. Mat. xvii. 23.

YETE, v. A. S. Ge-otan, fundere; Ge-otere, fusor, flator; not uncommon in Wiclif's Bible. And see WIELD, supra.

And he made to it a goldun crown by ennyroun, zetynge (L. V. and zetide, conflans) foure goldun rynges by foure

corners of it.- Wic. Ex. xxxvii. 2.

The whiche (eer rynges) whanne he (Aaron) hadde takun, he fourmed with zetun work (L. V. werk of zetyng, opere fusorio), and made of hem a zotun calf (conflatilem). Id. Ib. xxxii. 4.

Also he made a pzotun see (mare fusile), that is, a waisching vessel for preestis, round in cumpas.-ld. 3 Kings vii. 23.

Failede the meltende vessel, in fyr wastid is the led, in veyn meltide togidere the teetere. (L. V. the wellere wellide, conflavit conflator.)-Id. Jer. vi. 29.

Fool is mad eche man of kunnyng, confoundid is eche zeeteere (L. V. wellere) in grauen thing, for fals is his zeting (L. V. wellyng), ne ther is spyrit in hem.-ld. Ib. li. 17.

YEVE. zif (if).

That fir shal falle and brenne . . .

The houses and homes
Of hem that desireth

Yiftes or yeres yeues,

By cause of hir offices.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 1557. In myn eres ben these thingus, seith the Lord of ostes; but if (L. V. if not, nisi) many houses grete and faire shul be desert.-Wic. Is. v. 9.

Take that that is thine, and go; forsothe I wol jeue (L. V. yue, volo dare) and (et) to this the last man as and (sicut et) to thee.-Id. Mat. xx. 14.

Of the seruaunt Iacob, ziftis (munera) he hath sent to his

Lord, Esaw.-ld. Gen. xxxii. 18.

See! Y haue youun to tow al erbe bryngynge seed the erthe.-Id. Gen. i. 29.



And Elisee stiede, and lai on the child, and the child Joride (E. V. brethed, oscitavit) seuen sithes, and openede the eezen.- Wic. 4 Kings iv. 25.

This shal not be to thee, my Lord, into 3orynge (L. V. siryng, singultum), and into scripil of herte, that thou hast shed giltlesse blood.-Id. 1 Kings xxv. 31.


(He sent me) to preche the zeer of the Lord plesaunt;
and the day of zeldyng (retributionis).- Wic. Luke iv. 19.

God of oure fadris, whos vertue thou hast prechid, he
zeldere to thee this recompensacioun shal ziue, that thou
rather see the deth of hem.-Id. Judith vi. 17.
YLE. i. e. Idle, qv.


And his possessioun was, seven thousend of shep and 3000 of camailis, and 500 zokis of oxen (juga).- Wic. Job i. 3.

The Boke of Tulle of Old Age. Carton, b. i. p. 3; also b. iii.
So that the being of them bore some certain date, and
had a youngness in them.-Cudworth. Morals, p. 249.
The children free

In youth-head, happy season, from all care
That might disturb the hour.

Southey. Don Roderick, §. xvii. YOUR,-OUR-were used as we now use Ours, e. g. "Our is the dishonour"-"Our is the Maistry." -King Alesaunder, v. v. 3867-2162. "This Hill of our."-Spenser, July. "I wot be your."-Chau cer. C. Yem. T. v. 16716. "Your is the charge." -Id. v. 12029.

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ZEAL. In the Latin fathers we find the verb Zel-are. Bacon uses the verb, To Zeal. In the ticiple Zelans, and on this Bacon forms the substanLatin Vulgate we find Zelantes the plural of the partive Zelant, which in the Latin version stands Zelo fervidus, glowing with Zeal.

You might have done, but for that zeald religion You women bear to swoonings. Beaumont and Fletcher. Love's Pilgrimage, act. iv. sc. 1. To certain zelants all speech of pacification is odious. Is it peace, Jehu? What hast thou to do with peace? turn thee behind me.-Bacon. Essays. Of Unity in Religion.

No casuist is sufficient to enumerate or resolve the many intricate niceties, and endless scruples of conscience, which some men's and women's more plebeian zelotry makes, as about ladies' cheeks and faces, &c.

Bishop Taylor. Artificial Handsomeness, p. 63. (Todd.)


Bring candid eyes unto the perusal of men's works, and let not zoilism or detraction blast well-intended labours. Browne. Christian Morals, pt. ii. § 2. ZOUNDS. A common oath; corrupted from God's wounds.

So also 'ZNAILS or 'SNAILS, God's nails.

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To them (arrows) was well sitting and able,
The foulè croked bowe hidous
That knottie was and all roinous.

Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose, v. 988. SENSE. Sensational is now in common use; also Sensationalism, and Sensationalist; the latter is a name given to a School of Philosophers, with Condillac in France, and Hartley in England at their head, who hold that man is a mere creature of Sensation. The compounds, Anti-sensational, &c. are also used. See Morell's Historical and Critical Review.

He, whose eye is so refined by discipline that he can repose with pleasure upon the serene outline of beautiful form, has reached the purest of the sensational raptures. F. W. Robertson. Sermon 1. First Series.

SHANK. See SLADE, infra.

SLADE. In Wiclif, supra, is in Mod. Version, hill's side.

And how he (Somnolence) sitteth by the fire,

And claweth on his bare shankes,

And how he clymeth up the bankes,
And falleth in the slades deep.

Gower. Conf. Am. b. iv. fo. 782. ERRATA.

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