Obrázky na stránke


And comen shul thei fro the wilde feldus, and fro the mountuous places. (L. V. hilli placis, montuosis.) Wic. Jer. xvii. 26. And forward spurr'd his mounture fierce. Fairefar. Godfrey of Bulloigne, b. vii. st. 96: also b. xvii. st. 28.


For the creaturis of God into hate ben mad, and tempting to the soule of men, and into a mouscacche (L.V. trappe, muscipulam) to the feet of unwise men. Wic. Wisd. xiv. 11.

MOW. A mow of sheeues (acervus manipulorum) is in Wiclif, Ruth iii. 7, a var. r. of "Heep of handfullis." To Mow up, To acervate. Cockeram.

MOW, v. To may; to be able; or have might; (posse) is common in Wiclif. Chaucer (Boecius, b.

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iv. p. 4.) renders the Lat. Potestas, by "the mowing." is named as an unwonted imposition upon Church

Than thou schalt mowe reise thi face without wem. (E.V. moun, levare poteris.)- Wic. Job xi. 15.

Thou hast ordeyned his termes, that shal not moun be passid ouer (qui præteriri non poterunt).-Id. lb. xiv. 5. Then he shulde not mowe demeane him in undirstondyng nor in mynde, neither he shuld mowe be of power to undirtake any thyng of worship.

The Boke of Tulle of Old Age, ii. 1.

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Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 11172. Thou spakist that thou schuldist do wel to me, and schuldist alarge my seed as the grauel of the see, that mai not be noumbrid for mychilnesse. (E. V. multitude, præ multitudine.)- Wic. Gen. xlii. 12.

And it (the hail storm) was of so greet mychelnes (myche greetnesse, magnitudinis), how greet bifore neuer apeeride in alle the loond of Egipte, sith that folk was maad.

Id. Er. ix. 24. That the mochefold wysdom of God (L. V. myche fold, multiformis) be knowen by princis and potestatis. Id. Eph. iii. 10.

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And he putte upon a multynge (L. V. peyne, ether raunsum, mulctam), in an hundreth talentis of syluer, and a talent of gold.-Wic. 4 Kings xxiii. 33.

MULE, s. The Fr. Mulet Cot. interprets - A moyle, mulet, or great mule; and adds, that this great mule is much used in France for carriage of sumpters, &c. Smollett uses the name moyle in distinction from mule :-" the former (the progeny of ass and mare) he loads with baggage, on the latter (the progeny of horse and she-ass) he mounts the servants."-Gil Blas, b. xii. c. 12.

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The incessant care and labour of his mind
Hath wrought the mure, that should confine it in,
So thin, that life looks through and will break out.
Shakespeare. Henry IV. Pt. 11. act iv. sc. 9.


And ben shal the moreyn (L. V. careyn, morticinum) of this puple, in to mete to the foules of heuene and to the bestus of erthe.-Wic. Jer. vii. 33.


A good piece, the painters say, must have good muscling, as well as colouring and drapery. Shaftesbury. Mor. pt. i. s. 1. MUSE. MUSET. Cot. has Musette. A little hole, corner or hoard to hide things in; from Musser, to hide, &c., which Menage derives from the Lat. Mussare.

And chase them thorowe the muse

Of your noughty counsell.-Skelton. Replycacion, v. 212. The Pope, observing how the English bishops had forsaken their archbishop, espyed a muse through which all the game of the Popedom might soon escape, and the Pope be left to sit upon thorns in regard of his authority here in England.

N. Bacon. Historical Discourses, pt. i. c. 58, p. 184. For these words still left a muse for the people to escape. Id. I. c. 63, p. 207.


MUST, s.

I drynke right ripe must.


Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 12822.

And neuer thelesse the mutableness and euyl disposition of men it is so grete in our dayes. The Boke of Tulle of Old Age. Carton. In flannen robes the coughing ghost does walk, And his mouth moats like cleaner breech of hawk. Dryden. Suum cuique.

MUTE, adj.

In mewet (dumbly) spake I, so that nought asterte,
By no condicion, word that might be hard.
Chaucer. Court of Love, v. 148.

MUTTER. Therfore whan Dauid hadde herd his seruauntis speking priveli, ether moterynge (E. V. musyng, mussitantes), he understood that the jonge child was deed. Wic. 2 Kings xii. 19. And knowen shul the errende in spirit understonding, and the musures (L. V. idel men, mussitatores) shul lerne the lawe.-Id. Is. xxix. 24.


The thridde (of the Magi) Presented him with pitee, Apperynge by mirre.

For mirre is mercy to mene, And mylde speche of tonge.


Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 13137.

Thei shulde ben enoynt with myrtine oile. (L. V. oile of myrte tre, oleo myrrhino.)- Wic. Esth. ii. 12.


Exodus is open with ten plagis, with the ten hestis, with mystik, and with Goddis preceptis.- Wic. Eph. Pref. p. 68. James, Petre, Joon and Judee, maden seuene Epistlis, as wel goodly and mystik as compendiouse.-Id. 16. p. 73. When in subsequent times Shaftesbury became acquainted with the good Bishop (Burnet), he took undue advantage of his credulity, and mystified him exceedingly. Campbell's Lives of Chancellors, ii. 298.



NAIL. By nailes, by Goddes nailes: the nails with which he was nailed to the Cross. See Chaucer in Dictionary.

(And) nailed hym with thre nailes

Naked on the roode.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 12176.


Who so doth this, the schenship of his flesh he shal nakyn. (L. V. make nakid, nudabit.)-Wic. Lev. xx. 19. Forfend thi foot fro nakidhed (L. V. nakidnesse, a nudi

tate), and thi throte fro thrist.-Id. Jer. ii. 25.

O nice men, why nake ye your backes (cur, inertes, terga nudatis?).-Chaucer. Boecius, b. iv. m. 7.

NAKERES. L. Lat. Nacara. A kind of brazen drum used in the cavalry. Tyrwhitt. And see Du Cange.

Pipes, trompes, nakeres, and clariouns,
That in the bataille blowen blody sounes.
Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 2513.

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i. e. Ne was, was not, and see NAM, in Dictionary.

He nas kyng bote on 3er.-Robert of Gloucester, v. 217.
Non wonder it nys.-Id. v. 289.

Ther n'as no good day, ne no saluing,
But, streit, withouten wordes rehercing,
Every of hem helpe to armen other.

Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 1651.
NATURE. A natural child, at common law, is
an illegitimate child; but in the civil (Roman) law,
it seems contradistinguished from an adopted child.
And see the Quotation from Shakespeare, infra.
Nature, the Vicare of the Almighty,
That hote, cold, heuie, light, moist and drie
Hath knitt, by euen number of accord
In easie voice, began to speake.

Chaucer. The Assemble of Foules, v. 179. I tell thee, Charles, it is the stubbornest yong fellow of France, full of ambition, an enuious emulator of euery man's good parts, a secret and villanous contriuer against mee his naturall brother.

Shakespeare. As You Like It, act i. sc. 1, fo. 186. That which all men have at all times learned, Nature herself must needs have taught; and God being the Author of Nature, her voice is but his instrument. By her, from him, we receive whatsoever in such sort we learn. Hooker. Ecclesiastical Polity, b. i. § 8. Natural born subjects are such as are born within the dominions of the crown of England; that is, within the liegiance, or as it is generally called, the allegiance of the King, and aliens, such as are born out of it.

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To absteyn fro oothis nedeles and unleeveful, and to eschewe pride, and speke onour of God is matir and cause now whi prelatis. sclaundren men, and clepen hem lollardis. . . .- Wic. Bible. Prol. P. 33.

Also lordis and prelatis exciten strongly to ydolatarie, for thei sweren custumably, nedelessly, and ofte unavisely and fals, by the membris of God, of Crist, and by Seintis. Id. lb. Who thost this up on Tyrun (Tyre) sum tyme crouned, whos nededoeris (weren) princis (L. V. merchauntis, negotiatores), his marchaundis noble men of the erthe.

Id. Is. xxiii. 8.

The trauaile of Egipt, and the nede doing (negotiatio) or merchaundise of Ethiope, and of Sabaym.-Id. Ib. xlv. 14. And some ysain that nedely, there is none, But that fre choice is yeven us everichone.

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. iv. v. 970.

For nedefully, behoveth it nat be

That thilke thinges fallen in certaine
That ben purveyed; but nedefully as they saine,
Behoveth it, that thinges which that fall,
That they in certaine ben purveyed all.

Id. Ib. b. iv. vv. 1004, 6.
What it was we hear not;
No preface needs, thou seest we long to know.
Milton. Samson Agonistes, v. 1554.


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But & womman shal axe of hir neizboresse (vicina), and of her hoostessee siluern vesselis, and goldun, and clothis. Wic. Ex. iii. 22.

NEMENE, NEMPNE, i. e. Name, qv. NEPHEW. Lat. Nepos (most probably from ne-potis; hence the contracted form neptis; primary signification-not strong, weak. Freund). Neptis, as also nepos, were used in both mas. and fem. In Wiclif, 1 Tim. v. 4, the Lat. Nepotes, is rendered

"Children of sons;'


in Bible, 1549, "Neues;" in M. V. "Nephews," from Gr. εkyova.

This year dyed Helda, the holy abesse of Whytby before spoken of; she was the neuew of Edwyne, some tyme, and lately, Kynge of Northumberland. Fabian. Chronicles, cap. cxxxv. p. 121. (Clodoneus) herynge reporte of the beaute and great vertue of Clotilda, neuew to Cundebald, Kynge or ruler of Burgoyne, sente unto hym a knight named Aurelius, to treate a maryage atween the Kynge and Clotild. Id. lb. cap. xcvii. p. 71. See NAS, supra.


Ne were.

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And he seide, Nerthelatere (L. V. netheles, veruntamen) my puple (it) is, sonus not denyende, and mad is to them a saueour.- Wic. Is. lxiii. 8.

NEW and NEW-Now and now, qv.

A clene herte forme in me, God, and a rist spirit inwardli newe (L. V. make thou newe, innova) in bowelis. my Wic. Ps. 1. 12.

And Pandare wept as he to water would,
And poked ever his nece, newe and newe.
Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. iii. v. 116.


And then she nicked him Naye, And I doubt sheele do you the same. King Estmere (in Percy). NIECE. The Lat. Neptis ex filia, is rendered by Wiclif, in L. V. neece of thy douzter; and in E. V. thi douter douzter. Lev. xviii. 10. And in Gen. xxxi. 43, Nepotes mei, E. V. mi neeces; and L. V. sones of sones.


I am as full of
As euer I was, and as full of tryfyls,
Nil, nihilum, nihil, anglice nyfyls.

Skelton. Magnyfycence, v. 1157. NIGGLE, v. To play a trick of mockery or NIGGLER, S. delusion (on ourselves or others) in Todd. One who is clever and dextrous (sc. in playing such tricks). North, Grose. The Fr. Niger, to trifle; to play the fop or nidget. Cotgrave (see NIDING, NIDGET), has been proposed; but Niggle may be nickle, a dim. of Nick, in its consequential usage of to Cheat, &c. See NICK. Take heed, daughter, And niggle not with your conscience and religion. Massinger. Emperor of the East.

I shall so feed your fierce vexation,
And raise your Worship's storms: I shall so niggle you,
And juggle you; and fiddle you, and firk you.
Beaumont and Fletcher. Pilgrim, act iv. sc. 3.


And it neghede neigh the noon. Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 13934. He cam neitynge to the curtin (E. V. nezhende, proximans), and he reiside it, and sit the deed body with out the heed of Holofernes.- Wic. Judith xiv. 14.

The neeth forsothe (L. V. neizbore, propinquus) of them is strong; and he shal demen aşen thee the causis of hem. Id. Prov. xxiii. 11. Not that sche (Judith) purposede to bringe hym to dedly synne, but that he schulde desire to haue hir to wijf, and bi this thing Judith schulde haue homeli neizing to him, by which sche myžte sle him. Id. Judith xvi. 11, mar. note.

Leten I nelle (I will not let or hinder)
That ech man ne shal haue his.


Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 3404.

If I yede to the plough,

I pynched so narwe,

A foot lond or a forow
Fecchen I wolde


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And be prester at your preiere

Than for a pound of nobles (the coin).

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 6210. And he (Eleasar) began for to thenke the worthi excellence of age, and of his elde, and freborun horenesse of noblei (ingenita nobilitatis canitiem) and of best lyuyng fro child.- Wic. 2 Mac. vi. 23.

Those who of commoners are nobilified (plebeios nobiles) are all alike and of the same profession.

Holland. Livy, b. xxii. e. 34, p. 453.

NOETICAL, adj. Gr. NoŋTikog, from vo-ev, to think, to understand; distinguished by Cudworth from Phantastical. See PHANTASM.

There are spurious phantasms that do little or nothing symbolize with the noetical cogitations, that yet are arbitrarily or customarily annected to them merely because the phantastic power would not stand wholly idle and unemployed.-Cudworth. Immutable Morality, b. iv. c. 1.

NOISE. Also, the persons making the noise, as a noise of musicians. See Shakespeare, Henry IV. Pt. II. act ii. sc. 4; and Milton, At a Solemn Music, v. 18, "A melodious noise."

A leccherous thing (is) win; and noiseful (is) drunkenesse (L.V. ful of noise, tumultuosa); who so euer in these thingis deliteth shal not be wis.- Wic. Prov. xx. 1.

Old K. Have you prepar'd good musick?
Sir Gr. As fine a noise, uncle, as heart can wish.
Beaum. and Fletcher. Wit at Several Weapons, act i.

And if oon hadde be hard nollid (E. V. rered cervicatus) (it is) wondur if he hadde be giltles.

NOMBRE, i. e. Number, qv. NOME. See NIM.


up the nol, Wic. Ecclus. xvi. 11.

NON-CONFORMING. Non-conformist, or nonconforming clergy. Those who refused to conform to the Church of England by subscribing certain articles required by the Act of Uniformity, An. 1662; and see the Quotation from Fuller.

The juditious reader will distinguish three classes of Non-conformists, 1. Antient Non-conformists here in King Edward's daies, who desired only to shake down the leaves Middle Non-conformists, in the end of Queene Elizabeth of Episcopacy, misliking only some of the garments. 2. and beginning of King James, who struck at the branches thereof; chancellours and officials, and other appendent limbs, which they endeavoured to remove. 3. Modern Non-conformists, who did lay the axe to the root of the tree, to cut down the function itself, as unlawfull and antichristian.-Fuller. Church History, Cent. XVI. b. vii. § 30. A. D. 1550.

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(This ladye) saied these wordes, O my Norie, wenest thou that my maner bee to foryete my frendes?

Chaucer. Tést. of Loue, b. i. O my norice (norie, alumne), quod she; Philosophy, I say thou art blisfull, if thou put this therto that I shall sayne. ld. Boecius, b. iii. pr. 9. NORMAL. Lat. Normalis, from Norma, a rule; -a rule to measure right angles. Fr. Normal (a modern word). Florio has-It. Norma, normare, normevole. See ENORM. The Fr. Ecoles Normales were first established in France, An. 3 of the Republic.

Measured by, conformed to, rule; constructed upon, conducted according to, regular, systematic principles. Applied to schools in which future teachers are trained and taught upon such principles, are being practised also-in Preparatory or Model Schools in the management and tuition of the children of the poorer classes.

The deviations from the normal type or decasyllable line would not justify us in concluding that it (rhythmical cadence) was disregarded. Hallam. Literature of Europe, v. i. p. 595.

NOSE. Wiclif renders tortus nasus, a wrong nose. Lev. xxi. 19.

The glorie of his (the horse) nosethirlis is drede. (L. V. nesetherlis, narium.)- Wic. Job xxxix. 20.

NOTE, NOTE-HED. See Notted.

NOTE. Doth his note (Chaucer), minds his mark.

This miller goth agan; no word he said;
But doth his note, and with these clerkes plaid,
Till that hir corn was faire and wel yground.

Chaucer. The Reves Tale, v. 4066.

Nennins or his Notist avers that Arthur was called MabUther, that is to say, a cruel son, for the fierceness that men saw in him of a child. (Uther, signifying in Welch, Dreadful.)-Milton. History of England, b. iii.

As some do perceive, yea, and like it well, they should be so noticed.-T. Howard, in Harrington's Nuga Ant. (from Todd) about 1608.

It is a noticeable fact, that of all the poets in the intermediate half century, not one who attained any distinction which he has since held, or is likely to hold, was of the School of Pope.-Southey. Life of Cowper, v. ii. p. 142. Some village poet,

Who, noteless as the race from which he sprung,
Saved others names, and left his own unsung.
Scott. Waverley, c. xiii.

NOTE-MUGE. s. Nut.

NOTHER. Ne other, Neither, qv.


NOUGHT (noght), i. e. naught, qv. NOUMPERE. See UMPIRE.


And Moyses seide, Lo! te encressyngis, and nurreis, ethir murschid children (alumni) of synful men, han ryse for youre fadris, that je schulden encreesse the strong veniaunce of the Lord azens Israel.- Wic. Num. xxxii. 14.

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OBJECT, v. s. Object and Subject are in metaphysics distinguished-Object, expressing the cause, and Subject, the effect-Object, the external thing, Chaucer. The Squieres Tale, v. 10744. Language has but one name for both. and Subject, the internal thought. See THING. Nothing is there to come, and nothing past; But an eternal Now does ever last.

She swouned now and now, for lack of blood.

Cowley. Davideis, b. i. (The schoolmen) supposed eternity a standing point with God, or a perpetual Now, so that all past and future ages are as actually present before him, as this instant moment is with us. Tucker. Light of Nature, pt. ii. c. 13, § 2, Eternity. Yet years were not-one dreadful Now Endur'd no change of night or day. Crabbe. Sir Eustace Grey. NOY. The Early Version of Wiclif writes noyze, the later anoie. "He shal speke wordis of anoie," loquetur verba tædii.-Ecclus. xxix. 6.

How longe, tee litle childer, looven childhed, and foolis tho thingus that ben noysum (L. V. harmful) shul coveiten, and unprudent men shuln haten kunning.

Wic. Prov. i. 22. My soule nappide for note (L. V. anoye, præ tædio): conferme thou me in thi woordis.-Id. Ps. cxviii. 28.1

The Lord is Defendere of my lijf; for whom schal I tremble? the while noiful men (L. V. nozeris, nocentes) neizen on me for to ete my fleischis.-Id. lb. xxvi. 2. Yet evre' among, sothly to saine,

I suffre noie and mochel paine.


Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose, v. 3772.

A bason! cried another, no such matter, 'tis nothing but a paltry old sconce, with the nozzle broken off. Mem. of Martinus Scrib. c. iii.

NUMBER. Numeri forsothe, whether the conteynen not the mysteries of al the hool craft of noumbrarie. Wic. Pref. Ep. p. 68. Thei dolue myn hondis, and my feet; and ful noumbrable maden alle my bones. (L.V. thei noumbriden, dinumeraverunt.)-Id. Ps. xxi. 18.

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OASIS, or AUASIS, s. A Greek form of a Coptic or Egyptian word preserved by the Arabs; Wahe, i. e. habitation; applied to-A small inhabited tract, fertilized by springs; surrounded by vast deserts, yet protected from the moving sands by The candlestik to susteyne the listes, the vessels of it, hills. The Oasis of Herodotus was a city about and lanternes, and oile to the noryshing of fyres. (L. V. nurschyngis, ad nutrimenta.)—ld. Er. xxxv. 14. seven days' journey from Thebes over the sands, and Greithed is forsothe fro sisterday, Tofeth, fro the kyng called in Greek, "The Island of the Happy."

greithid; his nurshemens (nutrimenta) (ben) deep and spred, fyr, and myche wode.-Id. Is. xxx. 33.

And kingis shal be thi nurscheres (nutritii), and thi nursis (nutrices).-Id. Is. xlix. 23.


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Thalia, c. xxvi.

Timasins was sentenced to live in Oasis, and sent thither with the common guard upon him. Now this Oasis was a sad barren place, from whence no man could ever return who was once carry'd into it -Zozimus, b. v.


Forsothe betre is obeischaunce than slayn sacrificis. (L. V. obedience, obedientia.)-Wic. 1 Kings xv. 22. OBFIRM.

This is nothing but a Spartan obfirmation of mind, back'd with a sense of shame, a desire of glory, on the contentment of being conscious to themselves of their own stoutness and tolerance.-H. More. On Enthusiasm, § 59.


And after the obite of hym (Abraham) (L. V. deeth, obitum) God blisside to Ysaac, his sone. Wic. Gen. xxv. 11. Berners' Froissart, v. ii. p. 140. 73

As soon as the kynges obyte was done.

This distinction, however, is in great favour with modern metaphysicians, who extend the application of the word subject, from the thought to that which thinks -the mind; see the Quotation from Coleridge, who elsewhere finds need for the v. To objectize, and the substantives-Objectivity and Subjectivity.

The Subject (be it observed) is the Ego of the German School, and the Object is the Non Ego. Coleridge (see infra) opposes the Phænomena-by which the Existence of Nature is made known to us-to Self or Intelligence. All are but new terms for the Sensible qualities of Locke and Berkeley, and for the Mind of the former, and for the Spirit or Myself of the latter. In Siris, § 292, Berkeley teaches, that the real and objective natures of natural phænomena, i. e. natural appearances, are the same.

Hale and Cudworth supply instances of the familiar use of Objective and Objectiveness (see in the Dictionary). And the two words, Objective and Subjective, are employed in opposition as familiarly by theological writers. See Subjective, infra. And see Richardson on the Study of Words, p. 238, particularly the Quotations from Sir William Hamilton and Bishop Berkeley.

Singly (the thoughts of men), are every one of them a representation or appearance of some quality or other accident of a body without us; which is called an Object. Hobbes. Of Man, pt. í. c. 1.

Now the sum of all that is merely Objective, we will henceforth call Nature, confining the term to its passive and material sense, as comprising all the phænomena by which its existence is made known to us. On the other hand the sum of all that is Subjective, we may comprehend in the name of SELF OF INTELLIGENCE,

Coleridge. Biographia Literaria, v. i. p. 259. OBLIGE. Pope, in his Prol. to the Sat. 1. 208, rhymes oblig'd with besieg'd.

Who bacbiteth to any thing, he oblisheth hymself (L. V. byndith, obligat) in to the time to come; who forsothe dredeth the heste, in pes shal wone.- Wic. Prov. xiii. 13.

Thei ben oblisht, and fellen (L. V. boundun, obligati sunt); we forsothe risen, and ben up rizt.-Id. Ps. xix. 9. Obligation necessarily implies an obliger; the obliger must be different from, and not one and the same with the obliged. (See Paley in v. Law, supra.)

Warburton. Divine Legation of Moses, b. i. sec. 4 OBNOXIOUS.

In war and peace, things hurtful we require,
When made obnoxious to our own desire.


Dryden. Juvenal, Sat. x. 1. 11.

The remnaunt forsothe of the dedis of Manasse, and the obsecration of hym to his God (L. V. bisechyng, obsecratio) ben conteyned in the Wordis of the kyngis of Israel. Wic. 2 Par. xxxiii. 18. With obsecrations (L. V. bisechings) spekith the pore man; and a riche man shal speke out ruggidli.


Id. Prov. xviii. 23.

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OCCUPY. In Luke xix. 13, the Vulgate, Negotiamini, is rendered by Wiclif-Chaffare; in Bible, 1549, the expression is, Buy and sell. In Modern Version, Occupy till I come. A. S. Ceapiath. And see the Quotation from North in the Dictionary. Sty vp, and sey to Achab, Joyn thi chare, and cum down, lest reyn before occupy (occupet) thee. Wic. 3 Kings xviii. 44. Bertaulte of Malygnes, who is now renomed the rychest man of sylver and gold that is knowne in any place by reason of the course of merchandize that he useth by land and see: he occupyeth (i. e. carries on business, tradeth) to Damas, to Cayre, and to Alexandre.

Berners' Froissart, v. ii. p. 318.

They that go down to the sea in ships, and occupie by the great waters, they see the workes of the Lord, and his wonders in the deepe.-Bp. Jewell. Sermon on Josh. vi. 1.

Thus haue we made, as it were, a small globe of the intellectual world, as faithfully as we could, togither with a designation and description of those parts which I find not constantly occupate (occupatas) or not well converted by the industry and labour of men.

Wats. Bacon, Advancement of Learning, b. ix. last ch. Upon ten thousand pounds diligently occupied they may live in great plenty and splendour. Dr. Johnson to Mrs. Thrale.

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And I schal don aweye Jerusalem, as tablis ben wont to ben don aweye; doynge aweye I schal turnen, and bryngyn ofter (L. V. ful oft, crebrius) the poyntel upon his face. Wic. 4 Kings xxi. 13. OILET. See EYELET.

OKER, v. and s. By this word Wiclif renders the Lat. Fanus and Fanerare. From Goth. Aukan; A. S. Eac-an, to eke, qv. And see Ocker in Jamieson. To aug-ment, to increase (by lending on interest).

Thow shalt oker (L. V. leene) to many folkis, and thi self shal not borwe to oker of eny man. (L. V. take borrowing, foenus accipies.)- Wic. Deut. xxviii. 12.

OLD. In Chaucer, Age; also, Aged man.
Eld, supra.
He had a beres skin cole-black for olde.


Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 2144.

And at the last the king hath me behold
With sterne visage; and seid, What doth this olde
Thus far ystope in yeres, com so late
Unto the courte?-Id. Court of Loue, v. 280.

OLIFAUNT, i, e. Elephant, qv.


I smote you in brenning wynd, and in myldew, the multitude of our gardeyns, and your vijn terdis; and olyuetis or placis wher olyues wexen, and fijge placis eruke ecte. Wic. Amos iv. 9.


God being all things, is contrary unto nothing, out of which were made all things, and so nothing became something, and omneity informed nullity into an essence.

Browne. Religio Medici, pt. i. § 35.


ONE is used indefinitely, without specifying any particular individual, but when so used it is distinguished from the numeral One; and considered


to be the Fr. On, which the Etymologists (Menage and Roquefort) derive from the Old Fr. Hom, man. Thus-On dit, On fait, are Hom dit, Hom fait. Ascham (see in Todd's Johnson) observes, that formerly the English used Men, where they now use One. As" they live obscurely, Men know not how, and die obscurely, Men know not when." We should say-One knows not how or when. But that such usage was established before Ascham's time is manifest from the Quotation from Gower, in Dictionary. One, has the pl. Ones. Macd.

He has no children.-All my pretty ones? Shakespeare. Macbeth, act iv. sc. 3. ONE. See Athanasian Creed, in v. Three, infra. After one (standard), alike. See Chaucer, in Dictionary.

At one.


In one (course), without ceasing. Chaucer, infra.
Non sauh but he one (alone).-Robert of Brunne, p. 44.
And thus I wente wilde wher
Walkyng myn one (myself alone).

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 5023.
That oon dooth, alle dooth,
And ech dooth by his one (himself alone).

Id. Ib. v. 11175. And loo! a man of the companye, criede, seyinge, Maistir, I biseche thee, byhold in to my sone, for he is oon aloone to me (unicus; a var. r. has oonlepy; and Luke viii. 42, olypi; vii. 12, oonlypi, are text readings). Wic. Luke ix. 38. These thingus thenkende, that hem (being) slain, he shuld aspie (insidiaretur) to oure onlihed (L. V. aloonenesse; that is, to us silf aloone, nostræ solitudini) and the reume of Persia to ouerbern in to Macedoyne.-Id. Esth. xvi. 14. And ioyne hem the toon to the tother to thee in to oo tre: and thei shuln be into oonyng (L. V. onement, unionem) in thin hond.-Id. Ezek. xxxvii. 17. Sir! saideth thei, we ben at one, By even accorde of everichone, Out take richesse, all onely.

Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose, v. 5820. And eke his herte had compassion Of wimmen, for they wepten ever in on.

ld. The Knightes Tale, v. 1773.

That lord hath litel of discretion That in swiche cas can no division, But weigheth pride and humblesse after on. Id. Ib. v. 1783. And they and he, upon this incorporation and institution, and onyng themself into a realme, ordaynyd, &c. Fortescue (in Crombie), p. 375. Our God is one, or rather onenesse, and meere unitie, hauing nothing but it selfe in it selfe, and not consisting (as all things doe besides God) of many things. Hooker. Ecclesiastical Polity, i. § 2. ONEIROCRITICK, s.

Even to dream that we are dead, was no condemnable phantasm in old oneirocriticism, as having a signification of liberty, vacuity from cares, exemption and freedom from troubles unknown unto the dead. Browne. Letter to a Friend.

ONION. Into mynde come to us the goordis, and the peponys (melouns), and the leeke, and the uniowns (L. V. oyniouns, cepa), and the garlekes.- Wic. Num. xi. 5. ONY, i. e. Any, qv. OPEN.

(Thei) seiden to Petre, Treuly and thou art of hem, for whi and thi speche makith thee opyn. (L. V. known, manifestum.)- Wic. Mat. xxvi. 73.

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Yet doom'd to be the scene of blacker guilt,
Opprobry more enduring.

Southey. Joan of Arc, b. iii. v. 89.

OR, ORE. Mr. Tyrwhitt says, Grace, favour, protection.

He wepte on God vaste ynow, and cryde hym mylce and ore (mercy and grace).-Robert of Gloucester, p. 281. This church, in was (whose) ore I am ido.— Id. p. 475. Lemman! thy grace, and swetè bird, thyn ore. Chaucer. Marchantes Tale, v. 3724.

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Wherfor whan Eschines was exilid in to Rody, and thilke orisoun of Demostenes was red, that he had anentis

him, alle men wondrynge and preisynge, he seide sore sittyng, "What if je hadden herd thilke beest tellynge his owne wordis."-Wic. Pref. Ep. p. 63, col. 2. Judith wente into her oratorie (oratorium) and, clothende her with an heire (cilicio), putte askes up on hir hed. Id. Judith ix. 1. What errour is so rotten and putrid, which some oratorious varnish hath not sought to colour over with shews of truth and piety.

Bp. Taylor. Artificial Handsomeness, p. 20 (in Todd).
Not in his alb and cope, and orary,

Came Urban now.-Southey. Don Roderick, & xviii.

Y made perdis and orcherdis. (E. V. gardynes and appil gardynes, hortos et pomaria.)-Wic. Eccles. ii. 5. ORD. See OR, in Dictionary.

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Order itself is only the adaptation of means to an end: a principle of order therefore can only signify the mind and intention which so adapts them.

Paley. Natural Theology, c. v. § 6. ORDINAL, ORDINARY, &c. See ORDAIN. ORGAN.

And (I dremed) how Hosanna by organye
Oldefolk songen.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 12088.

I proceed now to the second thing implied in being faithful; and that is purity and orthodoxness. Killingebeck. Sermons, p. 17 (in Todd). OSCITATE, v. Dr. Johnson, though he has not this word in its place (nor has Mr. Todd), uses it to explain the v. To yawn :-To gape, to oscitate. OSTIARY.

Lastly (come) ostiaries, which used to ring the bells, and open and shut the church-doors. N. Bacon. Historical Discourse, c. x. p. 28. OSTRICH. The Lat. Struthio is rendered by Wiclif, E. V. ostriche; L. V. a strucioun. Lev. xi. 16.


And he sente to him a golden laxe or nouche, as custume is for to be gouen to cosyns of kyngus.

Wic. 1 Mac. x. 89, et aliter.

OVER. The Glossary to Wiclif's Bible (Oxford, 1850) collects numerous examples of Over prefixed, and of many where it is merely preposed-now out of use. Some are renderings of the Lat. Trans and others of Super-in Composition.



Thou shalt not ouerbere the teermes of the neizboure (transferes).-Deut. xix. 14.


He quercarrede them thurs ful myche water. (L. V. ledde over, transtulit.)- Wis. x. 18.


The fadir of litis anentis whom is not ouerchaunging (transmutatio).-James i. 17. OVER-FLEE, v.

As a brid that ouerfleth. (L. V. flieth over, transvolat.) Wis. v. 11.

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And hem that knowen not thee thou ouerledist. (L. V. bit.)-Ecclus. xliii. 32. ledist ouer, traducis.)—Wis. xii. 17.

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OVER. In the var. r. of Wiclif, Job xxxviii. 30, we find-Overer, i. e. part.-superficies.

And thei maden a hode in the ouereste parti (L. V. hizere, superiori) atens the myddel, and a hemme wenyd al about the hode.- Wic. Er. xxxix. 21.

He that loueth sone or doutter ouer me, is nat worthi of me (super me).-Id. Mat. x. 37.

Quer al (L. V. euery where, ubique) lefe we signes of gladnesse.-Id. Wis. ii. 9; also vii. 24.

OVER-BRIM, v. To brim over, or pass over the
brim or edge.

Fam. Wisdom comes with lack of food.
I'll gnaw, I'll gnaw the multitude,
Till the cup of rage o'erbrim.



Fire, Famine, &c.

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Paley. Natural Theology, c. xvi. § 4. OVER-LEAP, v. To over-reach, to over-shoot My wikkidnesses ouerțiden myn hed. (L. V. ben goon himself; i. e. the mark or object aimed at. And ouer, supergressæ sunt.)-Ps. xxxvii. 5. to over-leap itself is (met.) to over-leap the eminence aspired to, and fall, &c.


In thi domes I ouer hopide. (L. V. hopide aboue, supersperavi.)-Ps. exviii. 43.

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I have no spurre
To pricke the sides of my intent, but onely
Vaulting ambition, which ore-leapes itself,
And falls on the other-[Enter Lady).


Shakespeare. Macbeth, act i. sc. 7.

Yet reason tells us, parents are o'erseen,
When with too strict a rein they do hold in
Their child's affections, and controul that love,
Which the high powers divine inspire them with.
Taylor. The Hog hath lost his Pearl, act i.
OVER-SEETHE, v. To seethe or boil over.
Your stately seas
And over-seeth their banks with springing tides.
P. Fletcher. Eclogue iii. st. 6.
OVER-THWART, v. To oppose, to pervert; and
further, To wrangle.

He sayde, for a crokid intent
The wordes were purverted,
And thus he over-thwarted.

Skelton. Ware the Hauke, v. 211.

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A maid, whose fruit was ripe, not over-yeared.
Fairefax. Godfrey of Bulloigne, b. ii. st. 14.

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OUT-JOY, v. and s.

But see shal iozen (gaudebitis) and ful out-iozen unto euermor, in these thingus that I shape. (L. V. make ful out-ioiyng, exultabitis.)—Is. lxv. 18.

(They) token mete with ful out-ioye and symplenesse of herte. (E.V. gladyng, exultatione.)—Deedis, ii. 46.

In the vois of ful out-iozing (exultationis), and confessioun (is the) soun of the etere.-Ps. xli. 5.

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Thei ben confoundid, and ful out-shameden. (L. V. aschamede, erubuerunt.)—Is. xlv. 16.


To this paple forsothe is maad an herte mystrowende and out-sharpende. (L.V. terryng to wraththe, exasperans.)


Jer. v. 23.

And he out-sterte with out to the puple. (L. V. skippide out, exiliit.)—Judith xiv. 15.


For thow has disturblid us (turbasti); out-stourbe thee the Lord in this day. (L.V. disturbie, exturbet.) Josh. vii. 25.

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