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RAM which these outrages were carried, see Macaulay's History of England, v. iii. pp. 249, 250.

RACE. A. S. Ræse, cursus. A course or race. Item, impetus fluvii-the violent course of a river. Somner. See the Quotation from Berners.

They sayled so longe yt they passed the rase-Saynt Matthew in Bretayne.—Berners' Froissart, v. ii. p. 215. RACE.

They (Thomson's Poems) are I think improved in general: yet I know not whether they have not lost part of what Temple calls their "race," a word which when applied to wine in its primitive sense, means the flavour of the soil.-Johnson. Life of Thomson.


RACK. See WRACK, infra, and the Quotation from Sterling in v. Sky.

The heavens grew exceeding black; also it thundered and lightened in most fearful wise, that it put me into an agony: so I looked upon my dream and saw the clouds rack at an unusual rate.-Bunyan. Pilgrim's Progress.

RACK, v. To rack the value. Shaks. To stretch,

strain, or extend.

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And ever more so sterneliche it rone,
And blewe therwith so wonderlichè loude,
That wel nigh no man heren other coude.

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. iii. v. 675. RAISE, or REISE, and to Rere, are used in Wic. as we now use Rouse, qv.

Thei that weren in the tabernacle, camen and maden noise before the entring of the bed, and ymagyneden by craft unrestfulnesse for cause of reisyng (E. V. for ende to reren, causo excitandi) that Holofernes schulde awake not of the reiseris (E. V. rereres, var. r. arereres, ab excitantibus) but of sowneris (a sonantibus).- Wic. Judith xiv. 9.

His soldiers tooke more pleasure in booties and reises (populationibus) than in ease and repose.

Holland. Livy, p. 437, RAISIN, s. Fr. Raisine (Raisine de Corinthe is the Currant); Lat. Racemus, a bunch or cluster. A fruit, e. g. of the vine, the grape dried. So named from hanging in bunches.

Whethir a reisyn (E. V. graap, racemus) of Effraym is not better than the vindagis of Abiezer? Wic. Judges viii. 2. And there shall be left in it as a rasyn. (E.V. braunches of a cluster. Marg. note, a rasyn is a lytil bow with a lytil fruit.)-Id. Is. xvii. 6.


And ryght as Rohartes men
Raken about, at feyres

Piers Plouhman's Crede, v. 144.
A rakiere of Chepe.-Id. Vision, v. 3120.

Therfor te to 30u senene bolis, and seuene rammes. (E. V. wetheris, arietes.)- Wic. Job xlii. 8.

RAMAS, v. and s. Fr. Ramasser (Cot.) To keep, to collect together. RAMASSE. Fr. Rameau. A bough, or branch; a broom. Also a kind of high sled, or wheelbarrow, wherein travellers are carried down certain steep and slippery places in Piedmont. Ramassed, in Hackluyt, is swept, heaped together; in Sir R. G.—is carried down on a ramasse (probably a bush hurdle).

Volumes-indeed most untruly and unprofitablee ramassed and hurled together.-Hackluyt. To the Reader.

And from the hyght of the mounte (Cenis) down to Lyuynborugh I was ramasshed, whiche is a right straunge thynge.-The Pilgrymage of Syr R. Guylforde. Knyght, p. 80. Notes and Queries, v. iii. p. 347.

RAMFEEZLED. Dr. Jamieson explains-Fatigued, exhausted, overspent; and suggests doubt


fully two etymologies (qqv.) Cowper seems to have purloined the word from Burns. The tapetless (heedless) ramfeezľd hizzie, She's saft at best, and something lazy. Burns. Works, v. iii. p. 243. I lent him (Burns) to a very sensible neighbour of mine, but his uncouth dialect spoiled all, and before he had half read through him, he was quite ramfeezled. Cowper to Rose, Aug. 27, 1787.


Thei opened up on me ther mouth; as a leoun rampaunt (rapiens) and rorende.-Wic. Ps. xxi. 14. Beniamyn, a wulf raumpynge (L. V. rauyschynge, rapar) the morwen tide he shall eete a pray; and the euentide, he shall diuyde spoylis.-Id. Gen. xlix. 27. RAMPART.

Still the ramparted ground
With a vision my fancy inspires,

And I hear the trump sound,
As it marshall'd our chivalry's sires.

Campbell. On the Camp Hill, near Hastings.

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Two risen up in rape (haste).

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 3141. But though ye loke never so brode, and stare, Ye shuln not win a mite on that chaffare; But wasten all that ye may rape and renne.

Chaucer. Chan. Yem. Tale, v. 16890. Wost thou, how I know how to ascape? I say and sweren him full rape.

Id. Rom. of the Rose, v. 6518. She has confessed to me to haue felt in her soule such influxes of heavenly joy as have allmost carryed her into another world: I do not call them rapts and illapses, because she would not haue endured to be esteemed above other humble Christians.

Evelyn. Life of Mrs. Godolphin, p. 168. O, had I Virgil's verse or Tullie's tongue! Or raping numbers like the Thracian's song.

Browne. Brit. Past. b. i. s. 4. Wave rowling after wave, where way they found If steep-with torrent rapture, if through plaine, Soft ebbing.-Milton. Par. L. b. vii. v. 299. But we, weak minstrels of a laggard day, Skill'd but to imitate the elder page, Timid and raptureless, can we The debt thou claim'st in this ted age?



Scott. Don Roderick. Introduction. See RAP.

And he smoot of the people (de populo) senenti men and fifti thowsandis of the raskeyl. (L.V. poraile, plebis.) Wic. 1 Kings vi. 19.


Sende we a tre in to the brede of hym, and rase (E. V. shave, eradamus) hym awei fro the land of lyueris, and his name be no more hadde in mynde.- Wic. Jer. xi. 19.

RASH, s. Minsheu (says Skinner) derives from D. Ras; It. Raso, Rascia, Sericum, Sattin, q. Sericum rasum (shaved or shorn). Villi enim expers est. It. Rascia-A kind of stuffe called silk Rash. Raso,-The stuff called sattine. Florio. See the

Quotation from Donne in v. Sleeve, infra.

RAT, v. To rat (in common use). To leave when no longer safe to stay (as rats, a falling house); to quit or forsake the weaker for the stronger party.

He now changed his party, but (I must say) without being at all liable to the imputation of a change from mercenary motives, which is conveyed by the modern word ratting."-Campbell. Lives of Chancellors.

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RATE, v.

Fathers, rate not your children, least they be of desperate mynde.-Bible, 1549. Colos. c. iii.

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Aske the rathermor (L. V. formere, pristinam) ieneracioun, and bisily enserche the mynde of the faders. Wic. Job viii. 8.

But now to purpose of my rather speche.
Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. iii. v. 1337.
But lesingoures with hir base flatterie
With fraude covered under a pitous face,
Accepted be nowe rathest unto grace.

Id. The Black Knight, v. 427. When you haue most plentie then ratherest prouide Translated against wante.-The Schole of Cyrus, boke i. by Wm. Bercker. (Horne Tooke. M. S. in Skinner.)

RATIONAL, S. A Rational, Lat. Rationale. See Du Cange. The breest brooch, or nowche upon the breest, in which dome and treuthe shal be writen. -Note on Wiclif.

Forsothe these schulen be the clothis whiche thei schulen make; thei schulen make racional (rationale). Wic. Er. xxviii. 4.


There is a new sect sprung up among them (the Presbyterians and Independents), and these are the Rationalists, and what their reason dictates them in church or state stands for good until they be convinced with better. Clarendon. State Papers, v. ii. p. 40. App. Oct. 14, 1646. (Trench.)


Lat. Raucus; the sub. RauScitas is applied by Pliny as the English Raucity, by Bacon, to the sound of the trumpet.

Raucous, hoarse, harsh.

Inequality (of sound) not stayed upon but passing, is rather an increase of sweetness; as in the purling of a wreathed string, and in the raucity of a trumpet.

Bacon. Natural History, Cent. VII. § 700. They (the Arras parrot) seem to articulate only the sound Ara, and with a raucous thick tone, which is grating to the ear.-Buffon. History of Birds. (Trans.)

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And (he) driede the water of it (Euphrates) that weie were rediede (L. V. maad redi, prepararetur) to kyngis fro sunne risynge.-Id. Apoc. xvi. 12.


Whoso wol seker actes of sondry remes,
May rede of dremes many a wonder thing.

Chaucer. Nonnes Preestes Tale, v. 15142.

Nought trow I, the triumph of Julius,
Of which that Lucan maketh swiche abost
Was realler, or more curious,

Than was th' assemblee of this blisful host.

Id. Man of Lawes Tale, v. 4822. Thesens with alle joye and blis; With his Ipolita, the fayre quene; And Emelie, yclothed all in grene;

On hunting ben they ridden really.-Id. Ib. v. 1689.

REAP, s. In Wiclif's Bible, the Lat. Manipulus, is in the E. V. rendered Sheaf, qv. and in the L. V. Reep. E. V. Rep-time; L. V. Heruest. Messio. And if I repe

(I) yaf hem reed that ropen To seise to me with hir sikel That I ne sew nevere.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 8775. Je han erid vnfeithfulnesse, se han rope (E. V. repiden, messuistis), je han ete the corn of leesyng.

Wic. Hosea x. 18. Whanne thou repist corn in the feeld, and forgetist, and leeuest a repe (E. V. handful, manipulum), thou schalt not turne azen to take it, but thou schalt suffre that a comelyng, and fadirles, and modirles, and widewe take awei, that thi Lord God blesse thee in al the werk of thin hondis.-Id. Deut. xxiv. 19.

Hir husbonde was Manasses, that died in the dayes of barli rip. (L. V. heruest, messis.)—Id. Julith viii. 3.

He (Manasses) stood bisili oner men bindynge togidere reepis in the feeld. (E. V. sheeues, manipulos.)-Id. 16. Ye lovers, that make (sc. verses) of sentimentWell I wote, that ye han here beforneOf Making-ropen and lad awaie the corne.

Chaucer. Legend of Good Women, Prol. v. 74. RE-APPAREL. To apparel or clothe again. See REPARREL.

How long a day soever thou make that day in the grave, yet there is no day between that and the resurrection; then we shall all be invested, reapparelled, in our own bodies.-Donne. Devotions, p. 358.

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Swiche dedes I dide write

If he his day breke

I have mo manoirs thorugh rerages
Than thorough. -Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 2963.

REASON. Piers Plouhman writes Renable, for Reasonable. See in v. Renoun. In Chaucer (see in v. Great), Reason of a pricke is proportionpuncti ratio. See Quotation from Barrow, and in v. Moment, from Berkeley. See also Locke, in v. Reveal, infra.

But aten the thre frendis of hym he dedeynede, forthi that thei hadden not found a resounable (rationalem) answere, but only they shulden han condemned.

Wic. Job xxxii. 3. As to what pertains to reason and proportion (for these names are equipollent among most writers) the Greeks design it by the word Xoyos, logos, speech, than which scarce any word in that tongue occurs more ambiguous,


Barrow. Mathematics, Lec. xvii. p. 314.

If he reveth me my right, He robbeth me by maistrie.

Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 630. Haste thon spoiles to tac awey, heeze (hie) thou to refen (prædari).- Wic. Is. viii. 3.

For see ful out ioten, and grete thinzus speken, reuende awei myn eritage.-Id. Jer. 1. 11.

She rofte hire selven to the herte,
And deide thorough the woundes smerte.

Chaucer. House of Fame, b. i. v. 373.
The mast to brake, the sayle to roofe,
The ship upon the wawes droofe.

He rave it cleane asunder.

Gower. Conf. Am. b. viii. c. 1782. Berners' Froissart, v. ii. p. 160. RE-BEHOLD. To behold again. So my nimble thought

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(They) riseden atens Moises and Aaron, in the rebelte (seditione) of Chore, whanne they rebelleden (rebellaverunt) atens the Lord.- Wic. Num. xxvi. 9.

Thei cummen to us in rebelle multitude (contumaer) and pride, for to distruye us, and oure wyues, and oure sonys. Id. 1 Mac. iii. 20. REBOKE. See BELCH.

His stomak stuffed ofte tymes did reboke. Skelton. Bouge of Court, v. 180. RE-BOUND. The Lat. Red-undare and Resonare are in Wiclif rendered Reb-ound. See REDOUND, infra.

The blood of all that with thee weren in the hows, shal rebound (L. V. turne, redundabit) into our heed, if hem any man towchith.- Wic. Josh. ii. 19.

The azeen sounende rebounding of sound for the hetest hillis maden hem failende fro drede. (L. V. ether ecco sownyng azen, resonans echo.)-Id. Wisd. xvii. 18. REBUKE, v. See Piers Plouhman in v. Why. And thanne I rebukede reson.

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A change of government is judged a necessary measure to bring about his (Alcibiades) recalment. Smith. Thucydides. Discourse, iii. p. 92. RE-CAPITULATE, v. Perlipomynon (Deuteronomy) is the boke of the olde instrument, recapitulator (L. V. rehersour), word bregger, &c. Wic. Pref. Ep. p. 72. A recapitulacioun of the wordes of Gabryel to our lady. Lyfe of our Ladye, xviii. Caxton. RECCHE. See RECK, infra. RECEIVE.

fleisch-hokis, hokis, and ressentis of firis. (E. V. fier pannes, ignium receptacula.)- Wic. Ex. xxxviii. 3.

He made redi of bras diuerse vessels, caudruns, tongis,

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I was recouncelere (L. V. felawe, sequester) and mediatour bitwixe God and jou in that tyme.- Wic. Deut. v. 5. Forsothe not conly, but and (also) we glorien in God, by oure lord Jhesu Crist, by whom we han receyued now reconcilyng, or according. (L. V. recounselyng, reconciliatio. Bible, 1549, attonement.)-Id. Rom. v. 11.

RECORD. For Recordation, see the Quotation from Smith in v. Reminiscence, infra.

Thre braunches thre it dayes ben, after whiche Pharao shal record of thi seruyce (L. V. haue mynde, recordabitur), and shal restore thee to the bifore had gree.

Wic. Gen. xl. 13. If ze goon out to batayle fro zoure loond azens the enemyes that stryuen azens zow, 3e shal crye with jollynge trompes, and it shall be recordynge of 3ow (L. V. bithenkyng, recordatio) before the Lord your God, that ze ben delyuerid fro the hondes of poure enemyes.-Id. Num. x. 9.


Ther is a man fade, nedi of rekyuering. (E.V. rekuring, marcidus et egens recuperatione.)- Wic. Eccl. xi. 12. Many rekyuerers (E. V. rekureres, M. V. healers, recu(L.Vperatores) ben to a riche man disseyued.—Id. 16. xiii. 26. RE-CREMENT, s.

Victorie and worshipe shal purchace, that teneth ziftis; forsothe he taketh awei the soule of the resceyueres. takeris, accipientium.)-Id. Prov. xxii. 9.


She objected the recency of her kinswoman's death. Smollett. Peregrine Pickle, v. iv. e. 13. RE-CENTRE. To centre again, or restore to the centre.

Now I recentre my immortal mind

In the deep sabbath of meek self-content.
Coleridge. Ode to the Departing Year, § ix.

The rechaunge backward is ever hurtful, costly, and very chargeable.-Dr. Thos. Wilson. A Discourse vpon Usurie,

fo. 1172. 1572.


Therfor Y sent messangeris to hem, and Y seide, Y make a greet werk, and Y mai not go doun, lest perauenture it be doon retchelessli (negligatur) whanne Y come and go doun to you.- Wic. 2 Esd. vi. 3.

But natheles I rerche not a bene.

Chaucer. Man of Lawes Prol. v. 4514. But wel rede I, that by no maner weie Ne semid it as if she on him rought. Or of his paine.-Id. Troylus and Cressida, b. i. v. 496. Ne that a monk, when he is rekkeless,

Is like to a fish that is waterless.-Id. The Prol. v. 179. Then cometh negligence or recchelesnesse, that recketh of nothing. Id. Persones Tale.

And Pandarus, withouten rekening,

Out went to Helen and Deiphobus (i. e. accounting for doing so).

Id. Troylus and Cressida, b. ii. v. 1640. And such a sorowe he toke therfore, That he sat euer still, and thought, As he which of no meate rought.

Gower. Conf. Am. 1. 8, fo. 1774. Baronius and Habertus, and our learned Bp. Taylor, reckon he only dissembled and used this stratagem (unbelief) to avoid being ordained.

Bingham. Antiq. of Christian Church, b. iv. c. 3. RE-CLAIM. (As applied to wild animals.)

Thou rote of false lovires, Duke Jason!
Thou sleer, devourer, and confusion,

Of gentil women, gentil créatures:
Thou madest thy reclaiming, and thy lures,
To ladies, of thy scathliche aparaunce.

Chaucer. Hypsip and Medea, v. 1371.

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He shal comaunde to hym that is purified, that he offre for hym silf two quyk sparows, whom it is leeful to eet, and cedre tree, and flawme reed silk. (L.V. vermylyoun, cocco.) Wie. Lev. xiv. 4.

And whanne he seeth in the walles of it (the hows) as litil valeys defourmed with paalnes or with reednes (rubore), he shal goo out of the dore of the hows, and anoon he shal close it seuen dayes.-Id. Ib. xiv. 37.


But truly no force of (no need for) thy reddour
To hymn that over hymself hath maistrie.

Chaucer. Balade of the Village.

REDEEM. Saynt Austyn sayth-Oure redemptour is comen and the deceyuour is vanquysshed. The Golden Legend, fo. 16, c. 4.


For no wise man had not leauer (malit potius) be exiled poore and nedie, and namelesse, then ior to dwellen in his citée, and flouren of richesse, and be redoutable of honour (honore reverendus), and strong of power.

Chaucer. Boecius, b. iv. pr. 5.

REDOUND, v. See REBOUND, supra. In Milton, to remain over and above. Spoken of food not transubstantiated.

And what euer ze schul demyn, in to you it schal redoundyn (redundabit.)- Wic. 2 Par. xix. 6.

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To transubstantiate; what redounds
Transpires through spirits with ease.
Milton. Par. L. b. 5, v. 438.

The redound of the hills and the rocks doubled every voice of theirs (the Macedonians).

Codrington. Q. Curtius, p. 35. RE-DRAW, v. To draw back or out again.

Breath and blood

Followed the re-drawn shaft.

Southey, v. 5, p. 310. Madoc, pt. ii. § 16.

REDUCE, v. Also to repair, to redress, as to reduce a wrong.-Marlow, infra.

Prayeng to take this reducynge pacyently and submitting me to the amendyng of the reder and understonder. -The Boke of Tulle of Old Age. The Prohemy. Carton. Traitors-that would reduce these bloody days again. Shakespeare. King Richard III. sc. iv. Abig. I'll rend their hearts with tearing of my hair, Till they reduce the wrongs done to my father. Marlow. Jew of Malta, act i.


Whether hopist thon in the reeden staf and broken, Egipt (L. V. staf of rehed, in baculo erundines), upon which if a man lene to-broken it schal goon in to his hond, and thrillen in it?- Wic. 4 Kings xviii. 21.

Whether a resshe may linen without humour? or a reeddi (carectum) place grow without watir?-Id. Job viii. 11. But rede that boweth doune for every blast, Fill lightly, cesseth winde, it wol arise: But so n'il not an oke whan it is cast.

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REGAL, adj. Regere, i. e. Res-gerere, Re-gerere, Regere, Re-gessi, Reg-si, Rexi. Div. of Purley, 2. 7. n. 8vo. ed. Go. Raginon, reikinon; A. S. Reccan, Regere; Go. Reiks, Rex; A. S. Reccere, regn, Rector.

And sothely, levè suster myn (quod she);
Now be we duchesses, both I and ye,
And sikerde to the regals of Athenes.

Chaucer. Arcadne, v. 2128. Even the black princes' wo, tho' of the most distinguished virtue and character, tho' an Englishwoman and of the Blood Royal of England herself, was passed over, and her son regented by his uncles.

Walpole. George II. v. i. p. 99. An. 1751.

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And that deeth a-down broughte Deeth shal releve.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 12359. Let there be widowers which you call releevers appointed everywhere to the Church service.

Bp. Hall. An Apology against the Brownists, § xix. RELIGION. A religion, not a service of God, but an order of monkery: A religious, one devoted to such order. See Trench. Lec. 1. Coleridge, Biog. Lit. i. 308, revives the obsolete Religiosity, used by Wiclif.

Religiosite (religiositas) shal kepen, and justefien the herte; ful myrthe and ioze it shal yue.- Wic. Ecc. i. 17. RELIQUARY. See RELICK.

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Chaucer. The Black Knightes Tale, v. 510. heryed (the Lord). ̧ REIL. See ROLL.


Thou, God, sekyng the hertis, and the reynes (ilia) schalt dresse a iust man.- Wic. Ps. vii. 10.

The precarious empiricism of judging diseases by the renal secretions without sight of the patient.

Hallam. Literature of Europe, v. i. p. 638. RE-JOY, v. There will be signal examples of God's mercy, and the angels must not want their charitable rejoices for the conversion of lost sinners. Browne. Christian Morals, pt. i. § 6. REISE, s. A raising or levying. See RAISE, supra.


When now the multitude beheld their king,
In gratulations of reiterate joy

They shout his name.-Southey. Madoc, pt. ii. § 20.

The tothir he hongide in a gibite, that the sothnes of the remener (L. V. expownere, conjectoris) were proued. ld. Gen. xl. 22, et aliter. And whanne Gedeon had herde the sweven, and the remenyng of it (L. V. interpretyng, interpretationem), he Id. Judg. vii. 15; also Ecclus. xlvii. 18. REMIND. Locke uses To MIND, in this sense. I must here take the liberty to mind parents of this one thing, viz. That he that will have a respect for him, and his orders, must himself have a great reverence for his son. Maxima debetur pueris reverentia.


Locke. On Education, § lxxi.

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The mortal put off immortality. Rising
Rejuvenescent he (George III.) stood in a glorified body, commiseration.
Never again to change.


Southey. Vision of Judgment, § vii.

This second thought (of an injury done to us) introduces a feeling of resentment, not by the law of suggestion, but by the law which relates an object, whether present or thought upon, to its appropriate emotion.

Chalmers. On the Constitution of Man, pt. i. c. 3. RE-LEASE. See Piers Plouhman, in v. Remit,


RELENT, v. Relentment ceased,

And custom whets again the rusted knife.

Taylor. Iph. in Tauris. RELICK. Relict is distinguished from widow. If the woman take a second husband, though no Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose, v. 3840. longer widow, she is still relict. And thus she was to enerichone Of al myschyef refute, and remedy.

Lyfe of our Ladye. Caxton, a. 5, c. 1.

Yrael, forsothe strongly, shal doo, of Jacob shal be that Lordship, and leese the relykes (reliquias) of the citee. Wic. Num. xxiv. 19.

Let him commandAnd to obey shall be in me remorse, What bloody businesse ever.

Shakespeare. Othello, act iii. sc. 3. Isab. But might you doe't, and do the world no wrong, If so your heart were touch'd with that remorse As mine is for him?

Id. Measure for Measure, act ii. se. 2.

So mighty sages tell
The Arabian Phoenix, when five hundred years
Have well nigh circled, dies, and springs forthwith
Renascent.-Cary. Dante. Hell, c. xxiv. v. 106.


For though a cristen man coveited
His cristendom to reneye,
Rightfully to reneye

No reson it wolde.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 6828.
And (he may) as a reneyed caytif
Recchelessly renne about.-Id. 1b. v. 6237.

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For te ben our bretheren, as the rescrite or writing (reLoad. May my partner renounce with the game in his scriptum) conteneth, that is underput.-Wic. 1 Mac. xii. 7. hand.-Foote. The Minor, A. i.


A raton of renoun

Most renable of tonge

Seide.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 315.

She knewe by the folke that in his shippes be,

That it was Jason ful of renome.

Chaucer. Hyp. and Medea, v. 1512. They that ben in hye estate of the world a lyght renome troubleth them.-The Golden Legend, fo. 9, col. 4.

RENT. See Piers Plouhman, in v. Remit,
RENTAL. supra.
REPAIR. Repairless is used by Thomson. See
Sophonisba, act i.


(Chese now) wol ye han me yonge and faire,
And take your aventure of the repaire,
That shal be to your house because of me?

RESENT, v. See Barrow, in v. Supervive, infra. This drew his Majesty into serious consideration of the mineral treasures of his own territories, and the practical discoveries of them by way of my philosophical theory; which he then so well resented, that afterwards, upon a mature digestion of my whole design, he commanded me to let your lordships understand, how great an inclination he had to further so hopeful a work.

Bacon. Speech touching Drowned Mineral Works. How much more should we resent such a testimony of God's favour (than that of an earthly prince); how worthily may our souls be transported with a sense of such affection.-Barrow, v. iii. ser. 43, p. 500, folio; and again, v. i. ser. 9, p. 114.

They (certain philosophers) asked whether it were possible that we could have any general concern for society, or any disinterested resentment of the welfare or injury of others.-Hume. Principles of Morals, sec. v. p. 2.


And the kyng toke part of the residue oost (exercitus reChaucer. Wif of Bathes Tale, v. 6806. sidui), and wente out of Antioch.-Wic. 1 Mac. iii. 37. REPARREL. See RE-APPAREL, supra.

Whi han ze not reparelid (E. V. restoren, reparare) the hilyngis (coveryngis) of the temple! Therefor nyle ze more take money bi joure ordre, but selde it to the reparacioun of the temple.- Wic. 4 Kings xii. 7.

Citees schulen be enhabitid, and ruynous thingis schulen be reparelid. (L. V. instorid, reparabuntur.)


Id. Ez. xxxvi. 10.

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RESIGN, v. See Butler, in v. Pious, supra.

Our resignation to the will of God may be said to be perfect, when our will is lost and resolved up into his; when we rest in his will as our end, as being itself most just, and right, and good.-Butler. Sermon 14.


Sodeynli fel Babilon, and is to brosid; selleth vpon yt, taketh recyne gumme to his sorewe, if parauenture he be helid.-Wic. Jer. li. 8.


A pestilentiall aire seizeth on bodies more open and lesse resistent; and passeth by bodies more compact and


Wats. Bacon. Advancement of Learning, b. iii. c. 4.

Irun is takun fro erthe, and a stoon resolved, ethir meltid
(solutus) bi heete, is turned in to money.- Wic. Job xxviii. 2.


Then sayd he thus: My restè wol I take,
I may no lenger wake.

Id. Marchantes Tale, v. 9729.
Our hearts will be so resty, or listless, that hardly we
shall be induced to perform it (devotion) when it is most
necessary or useful for us.-Barrow, v. i. ser. 6, p. 71.
Who bid brute matter's restive lump assume
Such various forms, and gave it wings to fly.



Young. Night Thoughts, b. ix. v. 1468.

See a peculiar usage by Swift,

As the Fr. Resultat; an issue or success. Also a resolution taken, or agreement made, upon a conference, &c. ; the fruit, or that which comes thereof. Cotgrave.

I have been often amazed at the rude, passionate, and mistaken results, which have at certain times fallen from great assemblies, both antient and modern, and of other countries as well as our own.

Swift. Contests, &c. at Athens, &c. c. 5. In their (a body of commons) results, we have sometimes found the same spirit of cruelty and revenge, of malice and pride, the same blindness and obstinacy and unsteadiness, the same ungovernable rage and anger, the same injustice, sophistry and fraud, that ever lodged in the breast of individual.-Id. Ib. c. 4.


RE-SUPPLY, v. To supply again.
Fast they fell,

And fast were resupplied, man after man
Succeeding to the death.-Southey. Madoc, pt. ii. § 15.

It was the policy of these kings to make them all (clergy and nobility) of their own fivery or retaindership.

N. Bacon. Historical Discourse, pt. ii. c. 31, p. 245. RETCH.

Whether half partie falle fro us, thei shulen not retche L. V. recke, curabunt), for thou oone for ten thousandis ert countyd. (L. V. reknyd.)— Wic. 2 Kings xviii. 3.

A wys man shal be stille vnto tyme: the reccheles (L. V. ioli, lascivus) forsothe and the vaprudent shal not kepe time.-Id. Ecc. xx. 7.





Nor made they any faire retreat. Hector's unruly horse
Would needs retire him.-Chapman. Hom. I. b. 16.

RETREAT. The old It. Ritrarro, is also to

draw, sc. a portrait, and Ritratto, the portrait-
the similitude, the look or aspect. See the two first
quotations from Spenser, in the Dictionary.
The Sarazyns retrayed into the seconde fortresse.
Berners' Froissart, v. ii. p. 509.

Paradise is set open, and immortality retrieved.


Barrow, v. iii. ser. 43, p. 502. An English compound (comparatively modern) of the Lat. Retro, backwards, and spectum, past part. of specere, to look. Retro

For ther is not respit to the deth of hem. (L. V. bihold- spiciens is used by Vitruvius.
yng, respectus.)-Wic. Ps. lxxii. 4.

N'ot I nat why, but out of mere respite,
Mine hert hath, for to amende it, grete delite.
Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. 5, v. 137.


(He) into water entreth and anon respireth.
Chaucer. Test. of Loue, b. i.

The sterre whiche appeared to them was more resplen-
dischynge and shynynge than the other.
The Golden Legend, fo. 9, c. 3.
Whan he shal make the purgacio of the world-he shal
departe the hete of the fyre fro the resplendour and

Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord bryghtnes.-Id. fo. 3, col. 1. hath rejected them—Jeremiah vi. 30.

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RESPORT. Regard; respect.

Why ne hast thou to thy selven some resport,
Why wilt thou thy self alas! fordo?

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. iv. v. 850.

Forsothe alle thingis helden restful silence (E. V. quiet,
quietum), and the nyst had the myddil wey in his course.
Wic. Wis. xviii. 14.
And somtime doth hem Theseus, to rest,
Hem to refresh and drinken if hem lest.

Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 2623.

A look or view back upon things past; reflection.
As you arraign his majesty by retrospect, so you condemn
his government by second sight.-Addison. Freeholder.
Can you take delight in viewing

This poor isle's approaching ruin,
When thy retrospection vast
Sees the glorious ages past?

Swift. To Janus. On New Year's Day.
In vain the sage, with retrospective eye,
Would from the apparent What conclude the Why,
Infer the motive from the deed.

Pope. Moral Essays, Ess. 1.
Retrospects, with bad reckoners, are troublesome things.
Warburton. Remarks on Occasional Reflections,
pt. ii. rem. 13.

Sense on the present only feeds; the soul
On past, and future, forages for joy.
'Tis hers by retrospect, through time to range;
And forward time's great sequel to survey.

Young. The Complaint, Night 8.
Where shall we seek relief?
Where ease th' oppressive anguish of the mind,
When Retrospection glows with conscious shame,
By grey Experience in the wholesome school
Of Sorrow tutor❜d.-Cooper. Power of Harmony, pt. i.
In sequester'd bow'rs
The pow'r of Art resides; Reflection firm,
And vagrant Fancy at her sov'reign nod
Attendant wait: behind, th' ideal train


Of Memory, with retrospective eye,

Supports her throne, whilst Contemplation guides
Her trophied car.-Id. 16.


Retourning in hir soule, aie up and doun,

The wordes of this sodaine Diomede.

Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. 5, v. 1023.


Thoruh which studye and fervent labour thou art gretly oppressed and reualyd in thy spyritys.

The Boke of Tulle of Old Age. Caxton, b. 1. Why seid Appius haue ye inclyned and reualed youre courageous hertys whiche til now were accustomyd to be ferme and stedfast.-Id. lb. b. 82.

To this gouernauce of your comyn profyte reualyd and brought to nought came many new yong maistres ygnorant and unkonnyng of the lawys.-Id. Ib. c. 32. They (certain letters and syllables) will certainly reveal into a full receipt of the opus magnum.

Swift. A further Digression. Tale of a Tub. Reason is natural revelation, whereby the eternal Father of light, and fountain of all knowledge, communicates to mankind that portion of truth, which he has laid within the reach of their natural faculties. Revelation is natural Reason enlarged by a new set of discoveries communicated by God immediately, which reason vouches the truth of, by the testimony and proofs it gives, that they come from God.-Locke on Human Understanding, b. iv. c. 19, § 4.

REVERBERATE, v. See quotation from Boyle in Dictionary. To beat back or reflect down the heat of the furnace on the metal to be fused.

A reverberatory furnace (Boyle) is one, in which the heat or flame is reverberated or beaten down on the substance fusing, before it ascends the chimney; and hence-To reverberate, is-to fuse intensely. Some of our chymists facetiously affirm, that at the last fire all shall be chrystallized and reverberated into glass, which is the utmost action of that element.


Browne. Religio Medici, pt. i. § 50.

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Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose, v. 1235.
The white rokette riddeled faire,
Betokeneth, that full debonaire'
And swete was she that it bere.-Id. lb. v. 1243.
RIDE. See Piers Plouhman in v. Roam.
These holtes and these hayes,
Wher he ryt or rest,
That han in winter dedde yben and drie,
Or runneth to pleye.-Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 339.
Revesten hem in grene whan that Maie is.
And the Egipciens pursuynge, jeden yn after hem, al the
Chaucer. Troylus and Cressida, b. iii. v. 353. horsyng (L. V. ridyng, equitatus) of Pharao, his chares, and
his ryders (L. V. knystis, equites) bi the myddil of the see.
Wic. Ex. xiv. 23.
And whan ther any riding (at jousts) in Chepe,
Out of the shoppe, thider wold he lepe.


True rest consists not in the oft revying of worldly dross:
Earth's miry purchase is not worth the buying:
Her gain is loss.—Quarles, b. i. emb. 6.


I am reviewed, and my book forwarded in its progress by a judicious recommendation. Write a book, and I will be your reviewer.

Cowper to Unwin. Southey. Life, v. i. p. 30.
This reviewal (of Cowper's Poems in the Critical Review)
is one of those defunct criticisms which deserve to be dis-
interred and gibbeted for the sake of example.
Id. Ib. v. i. p. 26.
REVIGORATE. With fresh strength or vigour.

The fire which seemed extinct
Hath risen revigorate.-Southey. Don Roderick, § 7.

The opinion of Copernicus, touching the rotation of the earth (which now is maintain'd), because it is not repugnant to the phænomena, cannot be revinced by astronomicall principles, yet by the principles of naturall philosophy, truly applied, it may.

Wats. Bacon. Advancement of Learning, b. iv. c. 1.

Soch men woulden their iyen of their conscience revolven.
Chaucer. Test. of Loue, b. i.
REW. See Row and RUE.

Feruent and gnastende he soupeth the erthe: and rewarde he not (L. V. arettith not, non reputat) to the trumpe sounende trumping.-Wic. Job xxxix. 24.

For vertue is neyther uncurtoyse ne rewardlees, ne proude.-Tullius de Amicitia, b. 7. Wurcestre, Erle of.

RE-WIND, v. To wind again.
Whose thread of life just spun you would renew,
But nod, and Clotho shall rewind the clue.

Eusden. Claudian, b. 2. Pluto to Proserpine.
REYES, s. Speght says, Kinds of songs as
roundels. Dances in a Dutch style. Tyrwhitt.
There sawe I famous, old and
Piperes of alle the Duche tong,
To lernen love daunces, springes,
Reyes and the straunge thinges.


Chaucer. House of Fame, b. iii. v. 146. REYSED. Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, Prol. p. 54, In Lettowe had he reysed. Mr. Tyrwhitt says,

Chaucer. The Cokes Tale, v. 4375.
Up gon the trompes and the melodie,
And to the listes rit the compagnie.

Id. The Knightes Tale, v. 2568.
RIF. Cot. Il ne lui lairra rif ny raf. He
RAF. will strip, reave, or deprive him of all. See
Quotation from Robert of Brunne, in Dictionary.

RIFE. To rive. See fourth Quotation from
Chaucer in v. Wife.

[blocks in formation]

The voice of a crier in desert, Make je redi the weie of
the Lord, Make je hise pathis rizt (rectas semitas).
Wic. Luke iii. 4.
And be the shynyng of the lord our God vp on us; and
the werkis of our hondis ritforth reule (dirige. L. V.
dresse).-Id. Ps. lxxxix. 17.

I shall sustain my ladies wrath, which I haue deseruen,
so long as my Margarite hath rightwised my cause.
Chaucer. Test. of Loue, b. i.

So fewe there bee,
That chuse the narrow path or seeke the right!
All keepe the broad high way, and take delight
With many rather for to goe astray,
And be partakers of their euill plight,
Then with a fewe to walke the rightest way.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. i. c. 10, § 10.

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Piers Plouhman's Vision, v. 2939.

RIVAL. See Quotation from Wiclif, in v. Our, supra.

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My ryuelis (L. V. ryuelyngis, ruga) seien witnesse azen
me, and the false seier is rered vp azen my face.
Wic. Job xvi. 9.
RIVER. To river-sc. a falcon-is to hunt fowl
with them on rivers. To ride fro Rivere, is to ride
from hawking at water fowl. Tyrwhitt.
He coude hunte at the wild dere,
And ride on hawking fro the riuere
With grey goshauk on honde.

Chaucer. Sire Thopas, v. 13665.
And so befell it that this King Artour,
Had in his hous a lusty bacheler
That on a day came riding fro river.

ld. Wif of Bathes Tale, v. 6466.
They rivered their falcons,
And took cranes and herons.

Guy of Warwick. Ellis, v. ii. p. 37.
He must with all speed send me
Another suit of horses, and by all means
Ten cast of hawkes for the river.
Beaumont and Fletcher. Woman's Prize, act iii. sc. 4.
ROAR, v.

And thou shalt profecien to them alle these wrdus, and sei to them, The Lord fro an hit shal rore (rugiet), and fro his holli dwelling place shal zyne his vois; rorende he shal roren vp on his fairenesse.-Wic. Jer. xxv. 30.


The whiche thingus whan he hadde do he rostide (assa-
vit) his flesh, and beren with hem on the weie.
Wic. Tobit vi. 6.
(She) wept full tenderlie upon his face:
And in hire armes gan him to embrace;
And him she roggeth, and aweketh soft.

Chaucer. Hypermnestra, v. 2709.
The shaft I drowe out of the arowe
Roking for wo.-Id. Rom. of the Rose, v. 1906.

The which (Thamar), the clothis of widewhed don down,
toke to a roket (theristrum).—Wic. Gen. xxxviii. 14.

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i. e. to rock, (qv. supra,) or shake. See ROYNE.

That his friends should believe it, was what roiled him (Judge Jeffreys) exceedingly.

North's Life of North, v. ii. p. 167.

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