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ing the willing in the way of life. There is so much that is clearly and entirely practical in what we are taught in the gospel, that, however some may have misstated and exaggerated the relative importance of certain speculative opinions, no man who pretends to the name of Christian, could fail to inculcate the necessity of a virtuous and holy life. These instructions are not lost amid the tumults of controversy, for they are enforced and brought home to men's bosoms, by the powerful though secret admonitions of natural conscience. Christians therefore, of all denominations, however widely they may differ in opinion, or however directly the religious tenets of some may appear opposite in their natural tendency to practical excellence, have generally been sufficiently instructed in that which constitutes the great requisite to happiness both here and hereafter. And we believe, and we rejoice to believe, that "in every nation, and in every sect, he that feareth God, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him;" that he who has fed the hungry, clothed the naked, visited the sick, and comforted the prisoner, will inherit the kingdom prepared for him from the foundation of the world; that no want of faith in doubtful dogmas will prevent the fulfilment of the promise, that "the pure in heart shall see God;" and that no want of confidence in their acceptance, will exclude the poor in spirit from the kingdom of heaven.

Many are prevented from taking this cheering view of the subject, by that pride of opinion and sectarian zeal, which would confine the path to heaven within such narrow limits, that none can be safe but those who follow their footseps; while others looking back upon the history of Christianity, and expecting to find peace on earth and good will towards men, are shocked by the fierceness of the angry disputant, the violence of the bigot, and the fury of the persecutor. They have seen the field overrun with rank and noxious weeds, and have concluded in depair, that the thorns have sprung up and choked the good seed. But the history of religious controversy is not the history of religion. The fruits of the spirit are to be sought, not principally in those actions which become subjects of history, but in the narrower sphere of private life. There we may often find christian charity, humility, and piety, appearing in their most attractive forms. There, under the shade of many conflicting opinions and opposing doctrines, we may often discover much that should awaken our gratitude to God, and our benevolence to man. We may be greatly assisted in our charitable inquiries into the religious and moral attainments of those from whom we differ in opinion, by memoirs of sincere and devout Christians, like those of which we are about to speak.

In the Memoirs of Mrs. Cooper, we have seen little of the peculiarities of a sectarian, and have been gratified with much that indicates a deep feeling of piety, and an ardent love of all real excellence. She received her early religious education from worthy and pious parents, in the communion of the church of England. It was perhaps a little injudiciously severe, for at the age of sixteen, when she first left her home on a visit, she sought with avidity all the fashionable amusements and pleasures which were within her reach. She was soon, however, convinced that dissipation and frivolity are not happiness; and upon her return to her family, her attention was more deeply awakened than it had ever previously been, to serious subjects. It was not long after this time that she commenced keeping a diary; a practice from which, when discreetly conducted, we think some important benefits may be derived. is a valuable aid to the memory, and enables us to compare more fairly our past and present character, to determine what we have already accomplished, and what yet remains for us to do, in the pursuit of virtue, and the contest with sin. But in so far as a diary relates to the state of our own minds and hearts, in order to render it of any value, indeed to prevent it from becoming a snare to our virtue, it must not only be kept from the eyes of others, but must be designed solely and entirely for our own improvement. We must watch against allowing ourselves to have any further view, than seriously and religiously to correct what is wrong, and to improve what is right, in our own breasts. Few things can be more pernicious to the writers, and few certainly more offensive to a reader of sincere piety, than those diaries which are sometimes sent into the world, bearing the marks of having been originally intended, with an ill directed benevolence, for the edification of the christian world in general. The existence of that of Mrs. Cooper was unknown even to her husband, until after her decease.

The zeal and industry manifested by this worthy woman in the cultivation of her understanding, well deserves imitation. She regularly pursued the study of some branch of the History of Nature, or the History of man, and derived from it those benefits which might be anticipated. She became more alive to the beauties of creation, more thoroughly and deeply convinced of the perfections of its Almighty author, and more sen sible of the necessity of Divine assistance and direction to the imperfect reason of man. It is a vulgar error, not yet entirely exploded, that knowledge and piety are in some degree at variance; we were therefore pleased to see the following remarks from the pen of one whose piety is unquestionable, and whose character will give weight to her opinions in the estima

tion of those to whom her suggestions are calculated to be useful.

"The cultivation of my understanding has long been my aim and desire ; and the time usually devoted by those of my own age and sex, to pleasure and frivolity, has been spent in more rational pursuits. The restraints of education were, in the first instance, imposed upon me: this yoke I impatiently bore; but when, by the mercy of God, I was made sensible of the vanity of worldly pursuits, and their dangerous tendency; and, above all, was convinced that I had an immortal soul within me, that an omnipresent Deity was the witness of my actions, the Searcher of my heart and intentions; I was, I trust, made desirous of choosing God for my portion. Man must have recreations, resources, pleasures; the improvement of the mind, of the reasoning faculties, appears the noblest and most rational of indulgencies. Knowledge has been so captivating to my imagination, that I have with eagerness snatched every spare moment for its attainment. While endeavouring to scan the great arcana of nature; to trace the finger of the Deity in every production; to mark His obvious designs in every creature of His hand; with what a double relish have I viewed the works of the great Creator; how has my heart glowed with joy in exploring these fields of novelty and information; nothing so much tends to exalt our ideas of God; nothing is so calculated to produce humility; nature is open for our perusal, and, by its beauties, alluring to the observer. How powerfully does the immensity of the great Creator strike the soul, when contemplating the starry hosts; when, wrapt in astonishment, the spirit rises to the stars, and views them as the creation of its Father's hand! O! endearing title; though He dwells in the highest heavens, He has also His residence in the humble and contrite heart; which is as much the object of His care as if it alone existed.

"When dissolving nature shall proclaim that the hour of retribution is at hand; when the rocks and mountains shall prove a vain defence against the piercing eye of the avenging Deity, O that I may hail the moment as the time of my complete happiness, when soul and body, once more united, shall rise to eternal happiness! Why do I ever linger in pursuit of such a prize? It is my desire to have a greater acquaintance with God and His works, and more humbling views of myself. I wish to strive against every appearance of vanity, conceit, and self-sufficiency. Knowledge, without wisdom, puffeth up: I would, in this respect, watch my heart." p. 23–25.

In the year 1809, Mrs. Cooper, then Miss Hanson, became acquainted with some of the Wesleyan, or Arminian Methodists, who reckon among their number some distinguished names, such for instance as that of Dr. Clarke, the editor of the little work before us. She was charmed with their zeal, the strictness of their lives, and what she considered their scriptural views of religion, and soon enrolled herself as one of that denomination. From this period, she continued with fresh vigour, her pursuit of the christian acquisitions of holiness and piety. Her views and feelings were in many respects different from our own; but we have little to object to that religion, of which the direct and natural tendency is exhibited in the improvement of the heart and life, and are not disposed to quarrel with opinions which do not create exclusive pretensions. New Series-vol. I.


uncharitable and censorious dispositions towards those who consider them as erroneous. We make the following extracts

from her diary and letters, that we may give the reader an idea at once of the manner in which she aimed at self-improvement, of the practical nature of her ardent piety, and of her liberal feelings and principles with respect to sincere Christians of other denominations.

"I feel daily more and more the need of watchfulness and the influence of the Spirit to keep alive my good desires and resolutions; for I know my heart is deceitful, and the world alluring.-Experience has shewn me, that one great cause of religious declension is a carelessness in devotion, and neglect of reading the Scriptures; hence I would have set seasons for both, and conscientiously observe them. *** The worldly are very eager in the pursuit of their pleasures, pleasures which produce satiety-shall I then, who am a probationer for heavenly pleasures, be slow in seeking themand shall I suffer every little trifle to rob me of them? O forbid it! It is not an earthly shadow, but an eternal substance, I seek after. It demands my constant attention, my most fervent devotions."


Let not the universal carelessness which prevails about unseen things, deter me. Our Lord foretold this; he says, the gate is straight, and but few enter it; but He also forewarns me of that place where the worm never dies.

"I do record it, on this anniversary of my birth, that I desire, more devotedly than I ever have done, to give myself up, all I have and am, to my God; to press forward in the Divine life, and to aim at that perfection which is the glory and happiness of the saints. These are my birth-day hopes and resolutions; and my bandwriting will witness against me if I swerve from these paths of religion and peace.

"I hope I have gained something, from observation, the past year. I live but to little purpose if experience do not teach me; and if the commission of error in one instance do not deter me from the same, when a similar occasion offers."

"May the succeeding year, if I live to complete it, find me more decidedly devoted to God; less earthly-minded, and abounding more in good works. Mark this, religion is a progressive work, no standing still; either on the advance or on the decline-if it dwells in the soul, it will transform the nature, subdue evil, and be gradually assimilating it to the Divine Image.

"All on earth must say to corruption, Thou art my mother, and to the worm, Thou art my sister. Such is our destiny by nature. But thou, my soul, hast higher hopes, and sublimer expectations: thy immortal interests are, through grace, thy chief concern: thou hast been taught by the word of God, that though the outward tabernacle be dissolved, thou hast a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Joyful prospect! Live but in the preparation for this, and death will lose its sting, the grave its terrors, and the world its charms. Well then, be not cast down; all on earth is changeable: there is no rest here: thou hast proved its insufficiency to impart one moment's real solid satisfaction. But God is unchangeable; His arms of mercy are ever open to receive those who seek Him; His promises are as eternal as His nature. The only wisdom is to seek God, and to prepare to meet Him. Remember, O my soul, that every day thou art called upon to remember thy God, to seek His favour, and to begin here that employ which is the bliss of angels and glorified spirits. Religion, if it exists in the soul, must subdue sin; it must be manifested in every action of the life; tempers must be sanctified, holy

dispositions implanted. These are the evidences of a state of grace; it is this which makes the soul easy under all the afflictions of life. This is the blessed union which subsists between Christ and His people; the: e are the evidences of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, which can make the Christian joyous, happy, and even triumphant, in the anticipation of death."

"The inestimable blessing of Divine illumination, the gift of the Holy Spirit, is only promised to those that seek it. Perseverance is needful; and when the infinite value of this gift is considered, surely the soul should possess itself with patience and diligent seeking till the Divine breathing be communicated. I have always found the blessings of grace dispensed to me in proportion to my diligence in seeking them. Much profit I have found by stated seasons of devotion, and devotional reading. This is, indeed, great encouragement for me most diligently and importunately to seek that sense of God's pardoning mercy which shall diffuse the peace which passeth understanding.

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"My confidence in God is greatly strengthened. The world has lost all its charms for me; and the pearl of great price' is what I most desire to possess-to keep my heart with all diligence, to watch the first risings of sin, and to fear the quenching of the Holy Spirit-this be now my care and business. Religion demands my time, my talents, and my affections; and I bless God I have no desire to make any reserve. I desire to be wholly the Lord's; and to prove it by holiness in all manner of conversation. I must indeed daily pray and strive against pride, and warmth of temper : the first manifests itself when my favourite opinions are opposed. Here, indeed, a strict watch is necessary. I must avoid controversy in religion; and remember that acrimony and taking offence are great proofs that piety has not its due influence on the heart.

"While we continue in the grace of God freely imparted, watching and praying, loving God with all our hearts, none shall pluck us out of the Redeemer's hands; nothing shall separate us from His love. But if we grow careless, neglectful of prayer and reading the word of God; count His service weariness, and hold communion with the world instead of the Creator, can you think such persons meet for the kingdom of heaven! These instances, my dearest friend, are not uncommon. I do believe that if you and I have once received the grace of God, it is our own fault, and chargeable alone upon ourselves, that we ever lose it. God deals with us as with reasonable creatures; and certain conditions are prescribed to us. We are to ask, seck, and knock for the Holy Spirit: having received it, we are to watch and pray, deny ourselves, abstain from all appearance of evil : the power is from above; and through Christ we can do all these things.

"Do not let these sentiments and enjoyments, if contrary to your own, diminish the love you have borne me; mine for you glows with the same fervour; and I shall have just reason to reproach myself, if I suffer the entrance of indifference. All will meet in heaven who love God, by whatever name they are called: the more we get of this Divine principle, the more we shall love each other."

These are feelings which we sincerely wish were more generally prevalent. They are the genuine results of real piety, the best demonstrations of christian charity. The errors of Mrs. Cooper were those of the understanding, and not of the heart; and while we would caution others against them, we would still more eagerly lift up a warning voice against that uncharitable

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