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Lately published, in 12mo. price 58.


A Manual of Composition and Translation from English into Latin and Greek, and from Latin and Greek into English; with Critical, Historical, and Divinity Questions, and Hints for the Translations and Questions adapted for the use of Schools and Undergraduates at College; the whole arranged as a year's school work, at the rate of six Exercises a week, for the Upper Classes in Large Schools or for Students preparing for Examination at the Universities and elsewhere.


Formerly Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford, and Head Master of Kidderminster School,



Late Demy and Exhibitioner of Magdalen College, Oxford, and Head Master of the Royal Institution School, Liverpool.

KEY, containing Versions of the Passages set for Translation and Composition, and Answers to the Critical, Divinity and Historical Questi ns. 12mo. price 68.


is hoped that this volume may supply a want frequently experienced in the preparation of pupils for University Examinations, and others of a cognate character. However perfect may be the method of studying the classical authors employed in our large schools, the great number of students to whom it is of necessity simultaneously applied, renders it exceedingly difficult to attain that accuracy and precision which Bacon ascribes to the use of the pen. Such students, from want of experimental practice, frequently find themselves at the critical moment with perhaps large stores of knowledge in their heads which they can neither arrange with clearness, nor express with fluency, when they are brought to the unusual test of written composition. Even the simple process of translation becomes a serious difficulty when attempted for the first, or nearly the first time, upon paper. The very large proportion of failures occurring at present in examinations may be ascribed to the want of that particular training which it is the object of a work of this kind to supply.

It is therefore to be clearly understood that these EXERCISES are intended for the use of students who are preparing without a tutor for University or other similar examinations, and for teachers who are engaged in preparing others for the same purpose. The former, it is to be hoped, will find in the book much the same sort of assistance that they would obtain from an experienced tutor; the latter will be relieved of much labour in the selection and copying out of passages, while they can exercise their own discretion upon the employment of the Hints and KEY. The Versions and Translations are not highly elaborated compositions, but only such exercises as may be expected from ordinary undergraduates reading for honours, or from the upper classes in schools. The standard is intended not to discourage the student, but to incite him to higher excellence. The book is, in fact, such a repertory of Examination Papers and Questions- the greater part selected from actual Examination Papers set in the Universities-as the Authors have found largely successful in the preparation of pupils competing for University honours, scholarships, and prizes of other kinds.

London, LONGMANS & CO.


Fifth Edition, with Additions and Corrections, price 2s. 6d.





Head Master of the Royal Institution School, Liverpool.

ANALYSIS of ROMAN HISTORY, Second Edition, 28.
ANALYSIS of GERMAN HISTORY, Second Edition, 3s. 6d.


'THE young student who is about to enter upon the German section of European history will find Dr. TURNER'S Analysis a valuable guide, pointing out to him not only what is noteworthy on the highways, but occasionally stopping to call his attention to spots of interest which lie without the beaten track.'


'THIS is a useful compendium of German history. The facts have been collected with great care. Reference is continually made to the best authorities, and occasionally extracts are given. In an appendix we have longer extracts and a chronological table. After a student has read over one or two of the more voluminous works, he will find Dr. TURNER'S Analysis of great service in refreshing his memory and testing his remembrance of the principal facts, and his power of filling in the details.'


'AMONG those who have devoted themselves to the preparation of elementary historical works, Dr. TURNER holds a very high place. He has already published analyses of the histories of Greece, Rome, France and England, and he now publishes one of Germany on the same plan. His method is peculiar. He constantly keeps before him in his retrospect what the questions are which have importance to those wishing to understand the present state of affairs. chain of unimportant events, which connect distant periods when great changes occur, he sums up in the form of a brief syllabus, or chronological table; but the great landmarks of history he does not so dispose of. He has carefully collected a long series of brief



extracts from standard authorities,
chiefly recent, and he has made them
describe the most striking scenes.
has thus given weight to his pages, and
removed from them that dulness which
is in general so justly attributed to
epitomes. By a judicious use of capital
letters, old English, and type of various
kinds, he ingeniously distinguishes the
cardinal events from the lesser incidents
of his story. The result is that, on
perusing his book, the history of a
country becomes known to us as its
geography may become known to a
tourist who travels hurriedly through
it by rail, but who rests at well-chosen
sites, and who explores them at leisure
in the company of well-informed guides.
The meaning of the words Deutschland
and Germany form the subject of a con-
tribution from Professor MAX MÜLLER.
The book closes with an admirable sketch
of the present Germanic Confederation
as established in 1865, and as it can be
at present said to exist, specially written
for it by Dr. F. WEINMANN, of the Uni-
versity of Berlin. Dr. TURNER, we have
already said, never forgers that he is
writing for modern readers. He quotes
largely from the quarterly reviews and
the daily newspapers, and strives to ex-
plain recent events and discussions by
the information afforded by the old his-
tory of Germany. In this attempt he
has been pre-eminently successful, and
indeed we know of no work which we
could more warmly recommend to the
careful study of those who desire to
become acquainted with the political
situation of modern Germany, and the
facts concerning it with which it is most
important that an Englishman should be

London, LONGMANS & CO.

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