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Ille sinistrorsum, hic dextrorsum, unus utrique
Error, sed variis illudit partibus omnes.


One steers to right, and to the left another,

By Folly led, each ranks his neighbour's brother..


FROM those who cater for each buyer,

The Muse shall wing her flight still higher,

And on page Chalcographian trace,

Those names renown'd assuming place

In sage Collectors envied band,

Where Catalogus takes his stand.

Q-n, P―ss E-z-th.

First in the ranks our nation's queen (a),

A Chalcographian dame is seen,

Yet though she buys is always wary,
Of precious money passing chary.

Eliza, Britain's princess too (b),
Stands register'd among my crew :

(a) Her Majesty is a collector for Granger, and possesses many valuable Chalcographian specimens. Her method of purchasing however is not after the manner of Catalogus, as the Queen, although fond of portraits, has no less an eye to the value of Mr. Hase's Threadneedle impressions. From a channel upon which I can rely, I have been informed that had not the present melancholy change occurred in the state of our gracious Monarch's mental sanity, it was his intention to have commenced collector, in which case, from the few purchases he had made, there is no doubt but that liberality would have characterized his conduct in the prosecution of this pursuit.

(b) This Princess possesses all the spirit of collecting, and would willingly multiply her stores with increased celerity, did she possess in a greater degree the means of gratifying her predi

Rev. J. Br-nd.

Of prints she boasts full many lots,
And shows whole legions of tea-pots,

And daily would add more and more,
Had she of cash sufficient store.

And thou departed Br-nd appear (c),
To add fresh lustre to my sphere,

Thou who alike would'st buy and SELL,
As Catalogus knows FULL WELL.

lection. In addition to prints, old china tea-pots, I have also been informed, constitute another hobby-horse of this distinguished personage, whose liberal spirit claims the sincere wish on my part that success may crown her utmost expectations.

(c) The above clerical character, who was the dupe of J-y S-tt, as I have before noticed, began his collecting career at a very early period; consequently the rarest specimens of Chalcography passed through his hands. He was however mean in purchasing, and as complete a Print-Trader as any one who publicly professes himself a buyer and seller of such commo


S-th-l-nd, B-ndl-y.

Come let me lead thee by the hand,

From Gow'r Street noted S-th-l—nd (d),
Where lost in Chalcographian cares,

Thy mind forgets rough Russian Bears,

Of which as chief thou mak'st an halt,

For porridge gaining stores of salt.
Next sapient B-ndl--y bearing stamp (e),
For Chalcography naught can damp,

(d) Mr. S-n-d, who has of late figured prominently as an Illustrator of Clarendon and Burnet, is Pr-s-d-nt of the R---ss---n company. In purchasing however he has become cautious, having at the commencement of his mania been sufficiently bitten by the Scottish Tarantula.

(e) This gentleman to whom I have dedicated my volume, is possessed of Chalcographian and Bibliomanian stores, which are perhaps unrivalled both for quantity and excellence in quality. On the score of sound judgment no collector will hesitate to allow him to possess unrivalled pre-eminence. The writer therefore cannot better wind up the present note, than by wishing him a

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