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borhood of Damasi, and this body, the dispatches assert, has been threatening Elassona, the Turkish headquarters. If the force is large enough to make a serious attempt upon Elassona, the invading Turkish army will be threatened by a movement in its rear which may place it in a very perilous position; but it is much more likely that the Greeks are in peril, because of the smallness of their force and the closing in of the Turkish armies. In the Gulf of Salonica and on the western shore of the Gulf of Arta the Greek fleets have been very active during the past week, shelling small towns held by the Turks, and destroying munitions of war of various kinds. By destroying military stations which are used by the Turks as bases of supplies, the Greek navy is inflicting very serious injury, and may do something to turn the tide of Turkish success. The report that a Greek fleet is going to make the attempt to pass through the Dardanelles is not credited. The waters of that strait are sown thick with torpedoes, and its shores are lined almost continuously with heavy batteries of modern guns. The Greeks are equal to any heroic and brilliant enterprise, but it is doubtful if they will attempt anything so desperate as this.

What makes the outlook for Greece still more serious is the appearance at the seat of war of Osman Pasha, the greatest of the Turkish commanders, and one of the most distinguished soldiers of the century. Europe is very much puzzled by the sudden advent of Osman on the Greek frontier. Born in Asia Minor some time in the third decade of the century, studying the art of war in Constantinople, entering the cavalry service in 1854, distinguishing himself at a very early age, Osman Pasha had gained a large military experience and had shown very unusual military gifts before his supreme opportunity came in the Russo-Turkish war twenty years ago. In September, 1877, he defeated the allied Russian and Roumanian forces in one of the most severely contested battles of modern times. The siege of Plevna followed, and Osman's defense of that city was one of the most brilliant exploits of recent years. tablished his reputation as a strategist

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and fighter of a very high order. On his return to Constantinople at the close of the war he was appointed Minister of War, and gained powerful influence over the Sultan. the Sultan. His position opened him, however, to the attacks of that group of men always to be found in the palace of every Sultan, who form a kind of kitchen cabinet, whose aim it is to discredit every able and intelligent public servant, and to control the Sultan for their own purposes. Osman was practically disgraced, and has been, to all intents and purposes, a State prisoner for many years past. Now Izzet Bey, the Sultan's favorite, and a man who is believed to have been one of the prime movers in the extinction of the Armenians, has been disgraced, and Osman Pasha has been sent to the frontier to take general command of the Turkish campaign against Greece. What this may mean as a matter of Turkish history at Constantinople Europe is asking with a good deal of curiosity. Meanwhile, the sympathy of the Christian world with the Greeks in their desperate struggle grows more and more marked. Contributions of money are being sent freely to aid the Greek cause; prayers were offered up in many churches in all parts of the world on Sunday; and the feeling of Christendom is indicated by a cartoon in one of the comic papers representing the Sultan standing on a cannon, waving his scimitar in the air and shouting to the Great Powers behind him, "Onward, Christian Soldiers!"

Ten years ago the British Parliamer.t passed an Act which gave to the Australasian Colonies the right of representation in a Federal Council. The Council was empowered to make laws applicable to all the colonies represented. Some colonies declined to take advantage of it, and intercolonial distrust was at that time so great that the realization of any scheme of federation seemed likely to remain for many years in abeyance. About four years ago, however, the late Sir Henry Parkes, the veteran Australian statesman, revived the project on the plan of the Dominion of Canada. The Federal Convention, in which all the Governments of Australasia except Queensland, New Zealand, and Fiji are represented, is the re


The Convention proposes a federation by which the various colonies are to retain autonomy in local affairs, but in respect to customs, excise, and the army and navy will be under common control. Federal government will consist of a Senate and House of Representatives, to, ether with a Federal Supreme Court and a Governor-General, appointed by the Crown. Thus prepared, the Federal Constitution. will be laid for discussion before the respective Colonial Parliaments. After such discussion the Convention will reassemble, reconsider the Constitution, and submit it directly to the people for adoption or rejection. If adopted, it will be sent by the Colonial Parliaments to the Imperial Parliament and to the Queen for assent. This movement, than which none could conduce more to the solidarity of the British Empire reminds us of the days of the Philadelphia Convention. One question has apparently been decided in Australia in a way involving a greater encroachment upon States' rights than exists here, namely, the power over excise duties. A more interesting feature, however, is the direct submission of the Constitution to the people. Neither our Constitution nor the Canadian was ever submitted directly to a popular vote; they were referred, the one to State Conventions, the other to the Colonial Legislatures.

On Thursday of last week the Hon. W. S. Fielding, Minister of Finance, submitted the new Canadian tariff to the Parliament at Ottawa. Mr. Fielding pointed out that there was a deficit of a third of a million dollars for the financial year ending June 30, 1896; for the current financial year he estimated that the deficiency would reach half a million; and for the next financial year, notwithstanding tariff changes, there might be a shortage of three-quarters of a million. The first important feature of the new tariff is the reduction of the duties on iron. During recent years taxes on the raw material had exceeded the protective duty on the finished article, and thus helped the United States instead of Canada. The second feature is the double schedule favoring Great Britain. When the Liberal party laid down its policy of tariff for revenue only, the United States had already de

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clared through the Democratic party in favor of tariff reform. Canadian Liberals naturally followed this lead, expecting that an opportunity for reciprocity would be given. Now, however, the United States has apparently returned to high protection. Mr. Fielding does not give up hope of reciprocity with the United States, but in the meantime Canada will deal with those countries willing to reciprocate. Hence there is to be an innovation of great moment both to Great Britain and to ourselves. This is an offer to all countries admitting Canadian exports free or on a favorable entrance," to admit their goods in turn into Canada under a minimum tariff one-quarter below the regular or maximum duty. This treatment will cause rejoicing among British exporters, who had last year to face an average duty of twenty-two per cent. on goods sent to Canada, whereas the average duty to our exporters was but thirteen per cent. From this general minimum tariff beer, spirits, sugar, molasses, silk, and tobacco are excepted. The history of tariff-tinkering on both sides of the border may thus delay, but cannot prevent, ultimate commercial union between ourselves and the Canadians.

The death of William S. Holman removes from public life a man who has been conspicuous for a long period, and whose total public service exceeded forty years.

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Born in Indiana in 1822, receiving a common-school education in his native town, with an additional two years of study at Franklin College, Indiana, he began life as a district schoolteacher in the days when such teachers "boarded round among the patrons of the school. the school. He became dissatisfied with his work, studied law, was admitted to the bar, went into politics, became Judge of the Court of Probate, later a prosecuting attorney, then a member of a Constitutional Convention, then a member of the Indiana Legislature, and entered the House of Representatives in 1852. From the very beginning of his career in the House Mr. Holman was a vigorous and persistent advocate of economy, objecting to every new expenditure and to many old ones when he considered them in any sense unnecessary or immoderate. His

opposition was often very harassing, and he soon acquired many nicknames, among others "the great objector" and "the watchdog of the Treasury." His honesty and integrity were above suspicion, and he took an attitude toward public expenditures which, unhappily, had been very rare among our public men. That attitude was not always, however, an intelligent or even a consistent one. He was frequently an irrational obstructionist. His ideas of economy were often narrow and unintelligent. He was an out-andout Democrat, but during the war was a firm friend of the administration and of the Union cause. He represented a type of Western public men which has now almost disappeared from our political life.


By a vote of 34 to 22 the United States Senate has adopted the Nelson substitute for the Torrey Bankruptcy Bill which has been urged upon Congress for so many years. The substitute is believed to deal much more considerately with debtors than the original measure. According to its provisions a merchant cannot be forced into insolvency unless he transfers or encumbers some of his property so as to "prefer or defraud" any of his creditors. In case of voluntary bankruptcy the charges for the settlement of the estate are rigidly limited. The vote against the substitute came chiefly from Eastern Republicans and "gold" Democrats. The friends of the Torrey Bill still hope to revive their measure in the House, and induce the Senate to accept it in Conference Committee. The tariff discussions of the past week have virtually insured the rejection by the Senate of the retroactive clause of the House bill. A duty on hides now seems to be inevitable, as Senator Allison, of Iowa-a member of the Finance Committee is one of the Western men supporting it.

The economic news of the week relates almost exclusively to the street railway problem. In Chicago two tremendous mass-meetings have been held to protest against the passage of the Humphrey Bil's by the State Senate. These measures propose to establish five-cent fares for fifty years, on condition that the roads

pay three per cent. of their gross receipts into the city treasury. At one of the mass-meetings Mr. Ela, of the Civic Federation, Mayor Harrison, and Alderman Harlan the principal Republican candidate for Mayor at the recent election— were among the speakers. The enthusiasm was intense, and the feeling expressed toward the Chicago Senators who had voted for the obnoxious bills was but little short of violent. The entire city government of Chicago-including every member of the Board of Aldermen except the State Senator who has a seat in the local body-opposes the bills. The tradesunions oppose them, all the reform organizations oppose them, and all the newspapers oppose them; and yet they passed the Senate by more than a twothirds majority. Fortunately, the great demonstrations of popular feeling against the action of the Senate have made a profound impression upon the House of Representatives, and a majority of that body now seems to be pledged against the bills. Chicago, therefore, stands a chance to secure reductions in street-railway fares corresponding with the reduced cost of service, as soon as the old franchises expire, in 1903. There is hardly a question that three-cent fares to-day would yield a larger profit than five cent fares twenty-five years ago.

In Indianapolis, Indiana, the period of three-cent fares lasted but a week. The United States District Court has declared the three-cent-fare law unconstitutional, on the ground that it applied only to Indianapolis and was, therefore, special legislation. However, the charter of the Indianapolis Company expires in 1901. In four years, therefore, the citizens there expect to obtain permanently the privilege of moderate fares. In Pennsylvania Representative Clinton Rogers Woodruff has introduced a bill limiting franchises to a maximum of thirty years. In New York a newly organized society has obtained from a large number of leading conservatives a declaration of faith in the principle that property rights attaching to the city streets properly belong to the city, while in Boston a Citizens' Committee-with such men as Edward Everett Hale, Professor Frank Parsons, and Thomas Went



worth Higginson at its head-has held preceding artificial stimulus to produca joint mass-meeting and issued a series of invaluable tracts in favor of the public ownership of street railways. The tracts that have been issued should be purchased and studied by every one interested in the question. Altogether the demand for municipal control of municipal monopolies bids fair soon to become as strong in this country as it is in England.

During the past week the business world has been disturbed, not so much by the actual Græco-Turkish war as by the melancholy failure of the six European Powers to maintain peace, and by the anxiety lest a general European conflict might result from present conditions. Wheat advanced sharply, and has retained most of the advance; stocks fell. Rates for foreign exchange advanced to the gold exporting point. The rise in wheat is natural, since the adjacent Balkan countries which may be drawn into the conflict produced last year Dearly one hundred and fifty million bushels of wheat, Turkey forty million, and Greece nearly six million. These latter supplies are, of course, withdrawn from the market; those of Russia, three hundred and twenty million bushels, and of the Balkan States may also be withdrawn. In the stock market there has been much feverishness in international securities, and on the European exchanges the decline in Turkish and Greek bonds has naturally been a marked one. Producing States outside the countries immediately engaged in war gain commercially, because industry is interrupted in the warring States, and hence the markets of the latter go, for the time at least, into the hands of rival foreign producers, who may have long coveted an introduction to competing markets. Referring to this, the "Commercial and Financial Chronicle" does well to point out that, like all other artificial diversions of general trade, the advantage must in the end be greatly qualified. Europe's general industrial stagnation after the close of the Napoleonic wars, the reaction following the termination of our own Civil War, and that of the Franco-German war, are cases in point. Reaction is a certainty, and it has been the rather uniform experience that it is peculiarly serious because of the

The decision of the Court of Appeals of New York State in the Brooklyn civil service case, though naturally discouraging to those who thought that there were no more battles to be fought since the adoption of the civil service clause in the new Constitution, does not seem to us to justify either the criticisms which have been leveled against it or the discouragement to which it has given rise. Without going into details, which for our readers would be needless, the essential principles involved may be briefly stated. The Constitution provides that "appointments and promotions in the civil service of the State . . . shall be made according to merit and fitness, to be ascertained so far as practicable by examinations, which so far as practicable shall be competitive." The Court holds that the Legislature is required to provide the methods for the enforcement of this provision in its letter and spirit, and expresses its faith that the Legislature will do this at an early date. It seems to deny that the Constitution can be enforced by the courts without legislative enactment. It declares, furthermore, that "where the duties of the position are not merely clerical, but are delegated by the head of the office because of his own numerous duties, require skill, judgment, trust, and confidence, and involve the responsibility of the officer himself, it is not practicable to fill them by merely competitive examinations." such cases much must be left to the authority and discretion of the appointed officer. The Court does not hold that the decision of the Mayor of a city or the Governor of the State as to the classification of offices is final. it distinctly declares that "his action is subject to review," though it holds, in the particular case before it, that no facts are stated which justify the Court in setting aside the classification made by Mayor Wurster. Incidentally the Court states that a law which should give the officer who has to make the appointment power to examine the applicants, and in that way determine who should be the ap pointee, "would practically nullify the


On the contrary,

Civil Service Law and bring it into disrepute." Although this must be regarded as obiter dicta, we hope that the Governor will take the hint in considering the Civil Service Law to which we referred last week, and which has passed the Legislature and is now before him. Our object in this paragraph is simply to state the decision of the Court of Appeals, not to re-argue the case; it is, however, legitimate to say that the general interpretation of the word "practicable " furnished by this decision seems to us rational and just.


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A law signed by Governor Morton early in 1895, which excited active interest and co-operation, as well as opposition, proThe New York Legislature, which vided for the establishment of high adjourned last week, passed one anti- schools in the city of New York. As monopoly measure which would have soon as the bill became a law and a been considered revolutionary five years Board of Superintendents was appointed ago, and rejected another anti-monopoly under the law, a committee of the Board measure which even longer ago would of Education and of this Board of Superhave been recognized as conservative by intendents was appointed to adopt a nearly all men opposed to class privileges. course of study for the new high schools. The anti-monopoly measure accepted was Asa result of investigation in this country the progressive inheritance tax bill, cham- and abroad, and after consultation with pioned by Comptroller Roberts. This the highest educational authorities, this measure places taxes ranging from 1 per special committee has now made public cent. on personal estates of $10,000 to its course of study for the high schools. 10 per cent. on personal estates of $4,- It is said that nothing of like character 000,000, with 4 or 5 per cent. added in exists on this side of the Atlantic, and case the inheritance passes to heirs out- that the idea has been borrowed from the side the immediate family of the dece- schools of Germany. The committee in dent. The anti-monopoly measure its report says that this higher commerjected was that reducing the price of cial course is "designed to give the stugas in New York City to $1 per 1,000 dent a very thorough business education, cubic feet-or to 33 per cent.. more so extended as to give instruction in the than has for several years been found higher commercial operations, and to profitable in Cleveland, Ohio. This bill, form the foundation of a liberal educahowever, was defeated only by means tion at the same time." The course proof a substitute reducing the price of gas vided for covers four years. Bookkeeping, to $1.20 this year, and making a similar English, and German are studied through five-cent reduction each succeeding year the four years. Other studies are: stenoguntil the $1 rate is established. The raphy, business forms and customs, bankdifference between the two bills, based ing, finance, and economics, commercial upon the present consumption of gas, was geography and commercial arithmetic, said to mean $8,000,000 to the gas com. Latin and American literature, civics and panies and to the public. Among the modern and ancient history, constitutional other acts of the Legislature, the impor- and commercial history, two branches of tant ones were the passage of the Greater the natural sciences. Students will be New York Charter Bill, the amendment prepared for the classical and scientific of the Raines Law so as to make it an courses of the city colleges. effective anti-saloon measure, and the passage of Governor Black's civil service law taking the "starch" out of the reform system. The anti-trust bills passed are not regarded as important by either

The committee state frankly that the success of this course of study depends on the kind of men they can find to put

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