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Sea, Losses at-cont.


a Commission to inquire into the causes of
the great loss of life and property at sea
during the last few years, and to consider
whether any and what changes can be made
in existing Laws and Regulations with re-
spect to collisions, overlading, stowage of
cargo, and other matters, with the view of
giving increased safety to Passengers and
Merchant Ships" (Sir John Pakington), 1094;
Question proposed, "That the words, &c. ;"
after debate, Moved, "That the debate be
now adjourned" (Mr. Gourley); after further
debate, Motion withdrawn

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| Sligo Borough Writ

Moved, "That Mr. Speaker do issue his War-
rant to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland
to make out a new Writ for the electing
of a Burgess to serve in this present Par-
liament for the Borough of Sligo, in the
room of Major Knox, whose Election has
been determined to be void" (Colonel
French) May 10, 524; after short debate,
Motion withdrawn

SMITH, Mr. R., Derbyshire, S.
Habitual Ciminals Act, 628

SMITH, Mr. T. E., Tynemouth, &c.
Losses at Sea, Motion for a Commission, 1120
Merchant Shipping Code, 2R. 1999
SMITH, Mr. W. H., Westminster
Metropolis-Kensington Gardens, &c. 626
Municipal Boroughs (Metropolis), 2R. 870
Vagrants, Police Regulation of, Res. 652

Army-Kirwee Prize Money, Motion for an
Address, 1547
Benefices, 2R. 542
Keble College, 1942

Lowry, Mr., Appointment of, 1769
Married Women's Property, 2R. 892

Public Schools, Motion for an Address, 176
University Tests, 2R. 1192, 1237, 1248; Comm.

cl. 2, 1953; cl. 3, 1954, 1964, 1965, 1967;
Proviso 1, 1970; Amendt. 1973; cl. 5, 1977,
1978, 1979; Schedule, 1980

South Kensington-See title Metropolis


Case of the" Tornado," Question, Mr. Bentinck;
Answer, Mr. Gladstone May 2, 7

Insurrection in Cuba, Question, Mr. Gilpin ;
Answer, Mr. Otway May 9, 394

Treaty of Commerce, Question, Mr. Grieve;
Answer, Mr. Otway June 13, 1940

SPEAKER, The (Right Hon. J. E. DENI-

SON) Nottinghamshire, N.

Children, Employment of, in Agriculture, 1556
Contagious Diseases Acts Repeal, Leave, 1306,

Conventual and Monastic Institutions, Nomi-
nation of Committee, 52, 55, 56, 74, 75, 79,
529, 534

Customs and Inland Revenue, Comm. 1801;
add. cl. 1815, 1816
Game Laws, Res. 1902

Navy-Gurdon, Commander, Case of, Res. 1455,

Parliament-Exclusion of Strangers from the
House, 1643

Order-Irregularity of Motion, 824

STACPOOLE, Captain W., Ennis
Army-Band in Hyde Park, 630

Convicted Army Recruits, 275

County Coroners (Ireland), 2R. 551

Irish Land, Comm. cl. 3, 40; Consid. add. cl.

Post Office-Mails to India, viâ Brindisi, 1058

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(Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Stansfeld)
c. Committee; Report June 13, 1982

[Bill 161]


Canada-Fenians, Invasion by, 1468

STANLEY, Hon. Captain F. A., Lanca-
shire, N.

Army Enlistment, 2R. 790

Navy-Chatham, &c. Dockyards, Motion for a
Committee, 1738

Navy Estimates-Admiralty Office, 1672
New Works, 1764

STANSFELD, Right Hon. J. (Lord of the
Treasury), Halifax

Army-Kirwee Prize Money, Motion for an
Address, 1543, 1544
Ceylon-Currency of, 1058
Charitable Trusts Act, 1768
Civil Service Pensions, 460

Customs and Inland Revenue, 2R. 1636; Comm.
cl. 6, 1802, 1804; Amendt. 1805; Schedule,

Fees in the Superior Courts of Common Law,

Foreign Office Agents, Compensation to, 393
Funded and Unfunded Debt, 325
Hudson's Bay Company, 968

Ink, Cost of, for the Public Service, 1945
Ireland-Public Record Office, 629

New Zealand Loan, 1058

Post Office-Letters of Officers on Foreign Sta-
tions, 1191

Salaries to Clerks in the Customs, 574

Stamp Duty on Leases, Comm. cl. 1, 1985,

Wales, Wastes of Manor in, 1767

STAPLETON, Mr. J., Berwick-on-Tweed
Benefices, 2R. 544

Habitual Criminals Act, 272
Irish Land, Comm. cl. 66, 772

Stamp Duty on Leases, Comm. cl. 1, 1986
University Tests, Comm. cl. 5, 1977
Vagrants, Police Regulation of, Res. 649

Steam Boiler Explosions

Select Committee appointed, "to inquire into
the cause of Steam Boiler Explosions, and as
to the best means of preventing them" (Mr.
Hick) May 16, 790; List of the Committee

STEVENSON, Mr. J. C., South Shields

Lighthouse Dues, 744

University Tests, Comm. cl. 3, Amendt. 1954,

Greece-Murder of British Subjects, 1187

STURT, Mr. H. G., Dorsetshire
Game Laws Abolition, 2R. 1397

Submarine Cables and the Admiralty
Question, Mr. W. H. Gregory; Answer, Mr.
Knatchbull-Hugessen May 13, 629

Suburban Commons Bill

(Mr. Cowper-Temple, Mr. Buxton)
c. Moved, "That the Bill be now read 25"
May 11, 559

Amendt. to leave out 66 now "and add "upon
this day six months" (Mr. James Lowther);
after short debate, Question, "That now,'
&c." put, and agreed to; main Question put,
and agreed to; Bill read 2o [Bill 41]
Moved, "That the Bill be committed for Wed-
nesday the 22nd day of June next” (Mr.
Cowper-Temple), 568

Amendt, to leave out from "committed" and
add" to a Select Committee" (Mr. Goldney);
after further short debate, Question put,
"That the words, &c.;" A. 133, N. 77;
M. 56; main Question put, and agreed to;
Bill committed

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SYNAN, Mr. E. J., Limerick Co.

Conventual and Monastic Institutions, Motion
for a Committee 81, 534,
County Coroners (Ireland), 2R. 550
Education of the Blind, &c. 2R. 249

Irish Land, Comm. cl. 3, Amendt. 8, 12, 28, 42,
287; cl. 4, 291, 296; Amendt. 315; Amendt.
320; cl. 6, 396; cl. 8, 399, 405, 410; cl. 11,
412, 413, 414, 415; cl. 12, 418, 419; cl. 17,
578; cl. 19, 590, 593; cl. 24, Amendt. 598,
600; Amendt. 601, 602; cl. 37, 607; cl. $9,
Amendt. 745; add. cl. Amendt. 774, 777,
1006; Consid. add. cl. 1418; Amendt. 1419,
1431, 1436

Ireland-National Parliament, 1

Ireland-Records, Motion for Papers, 270.
Medical Act Amendment, 2R. 261

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TRACY, Hon. C. R. D. HANBURY- Mont- Vaccination Act (1867) Amendment Bill

gomery, &c.

Army-Whitworth Gun, The, 395
Farm Ilorses, Licence on, 1273
Navy-Pensions for Flag Officers, 969

[blocks in formation]

(Mr. Candlish, Mr. Serjeant Simon)
c. Ordered; read 1°* May 12 [Bill 126]
Moved, "That the Bill be now read 20"
May 27, 1560; after short debate, Question
put; A. 18, N. 8; M. 10

Adjourned Debate May 31; Debate adjourned

Valuation of Lands and Assessments
(Scotland) Bill

(The Lord Advocate, Mr. Adam)
c. Read 20 May 12
[Bill 102]
Referred to Select Committee; Committee no-
ninated; List of the Committee May 13,

VANCE, Mr. J., Armagh City

County Coroners (Ireland), 2R. 548, 559
Irish Land, Consid. 1413

3 Z

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Drawback on Sugar, Question, Mr. Crawford;
Answer, The Chancellor of the Exchequer
May 26, 1409

Duty on Carriages, Questions, Mr. C. S. Read,
Sir George Jenkinson; Answers, The Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer May 19, 970
Hawkers' Licences, Question, The Earl of
Airlie; Answer, The Earl of Morley May 13,

Licence on Farm Horses, Questions, Mr. Han-
bury-Tracy, Mr. M. T. Bass; Answers, The
Chancellor of the Exchequer May 24, 1273
Malting Regulations, Question, Mr. G. Milles;
Answer, The Chancellor of the Exchequer
May 6, 324

WEDDERBURN, Sir D., Ayrshire, S.

India-Income Tax, 1945

Public Prosecutions, Motion for a Committee,
465, 480

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(No. 74)


[33 & 34 Vict. c. 17]

WHITE, Mr. J., Brighton

Palace of Westminster-Case of Mr. Edward
Barry, Res. 713

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