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Failing impartial measure to dispense, ii. 390
Fair Ellen Irwin, when she sat, iii. 11

Fair Lady! can I sing of flowers, ii. 56

Fair Land! Thee all men greet with joy; how few, iii. 224
Fair Prime of life! were it enough to gild, ii. 346
Fair Star of evening, Splendor of the west, iii. 64
Fallen, and diffused into a shapeless heap, iii. 265
Fame tells of groves, from England far away, ii. 370
Fancy, who leads the pastimes of the glad, ii. 17
Farewell, thou little Nook of mountain-ground, i. 266
Far from my dearest Friend, 't is mine to rove, i. 3
Far from our home by Grasmere's quiet lake, v. 1
Father! to God himself we cannot give, iv. 141
Fear hath a hundred eyes that all agree, iv. 125
Feel for the wrongs to universal ken, iv. 331
Festivals have I seen that were not names, iii. 67
Fit retribution, by the moral code, iv. 336

Five years have past; five summers, with the length, ii. 186
Flattered with promise of escape, iv. 294

Fly, some kind Harbinger, to Grasmere dale, iii. 36

Fond words have oft been spoken to thee, Sleep, ii. 328
For action born, existing to be tried, iii. 210
Forbear to deem the Chronicler unwise, iii. 206
For ever hallowed be this morning fair, iv. 81
For gentlest uses, ofttimes Nature takes, iii. 149
Forgive, illustrious Country! these deep sighs, iii. 209
Forth from a jutting ridge, around whose base, ii. 16
For what contend the wise? for nothing less, iv. 117
Four fiery steeds impatient of the rein, ii. 361
From Bolton's old monastic tower, iv. 4
From early youth I ploughed the restless Main, iv. 201
From false assumption rose, and, fondly hailed, iv. 99
From Little down to Least, in due degree, iv. 142
From low to high doth dissolution climb, iv. 150
From Rite and Ordinance abused they fled, iv. 137
From Stirling Castle we had seen, iii. 29

From the Baptismal hour, through weal and woe, iv. 148
From the dark chambers of dejection freed, ii. 345

From the fierce aspect of this River, throwing, iii. 145

From the Pier's head, musing, and with increase, iii. 184

From this deep chasm, where quivering sunbeams play, iii. 258
Frowns are on every Muse's face, ii. 54

Furl we the sails, and pass with tardy oars, iv. 103

Genius of Raphael! if thy wings, ii. 260
Giordano, verily thy Pencil's skill, iv. 180
Glad sight wherever new with old, ii. 58
Glide gently, thus for ever glide, i. 19

Glory to God! and to the Power who came, iv. 158
Go back to antique ages, if thine eyes, iii. 88

Go, faithful Portrait! and where long hath knelt, ii. 382

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Grant, that by this unsparing hurricane, iv. 116

Great men have been among us; hands that penned, iii. 73
Greta, what fearful listening! when huge stones, iv. 185
Grief, thou hast lost an ever-ready friend, ii. 332
Grieve for the Man who hither came bereft, iii. 215

Had this effulgence disappeared, iv. 170

Hail, orient Conqueror of gloomy Night, iii. 125
Hail to the fields,

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with Dwellings sprinkled o'er, iii. 256
Hail, Twilight, sovereign of one peaceful hour, ii. 356
Hail, Virgin Queen! o'er many an envious bar, iv. 122
Hail, Zaragoza! If with unwet eye, iii. 95

Happy the feeling from the bosom thrown, ii. 320
Hard task! exclaim the undisciplined, to lean, iv. 329
Hark! t is the Thrush, undaunted, undeprest, ii. 388
Harmonious Powers with Nature work, v. 27

Harp! couldst thou venture, on thy boldest string, iv. 128
Hast thou seen, with flash incessant, v. 82

Hast thou then survived, ii. 82

Haydon! let worthier judges praise the skill, ii. 383
Here Man more purely lives, less oft doth fall, iv. 100
Here, on our native soil, we breathe once more, iii. 70
Here on their knees men swore: the stones were black, iv. 214
Here pause: the poet claims at least this praise, iii. 106
Here stood an Oak, that long had borne affixed, iii. 293
Here, where, of havoc tired and rash undoing, ii. 397
Her eyes are wild, her head is bare, i. 377

Her only pilot the soft breeze, the boat, ii. 324
High bliss is only for a higher state, i. 372

High deeds, O Germans, are to come from you, iii. 87
High in the breathless Hall the Minstrel sate, ii. 179

High is our calling, Friend!-


Creative Art, ii. 344

High on a broad, unfertile tract of forest-skirted Down, i. 225
High on her speculative tower, iii. 164

His simple truths did Andrew glean, ii. 25

Holy and heavenly Spirits as they are, iv. 124

Homeward we turn. Isle of Columba's Cell, iv. 214

Hope rules a land for ever green, ii. 233

Hope smiled when your nativity was cast, iv. 211

Hopes, what are they?


Beads of morning, v. 79

How art thou named? In search of what strange land, ii. 372
How beautiful the Queen of Night, on high, v. 28

How beautiful when up a lofty height, i. 359

How beautiful your presence, how benign, iv. 84
How blest the Maid whose heart-yet free, iii. 168

How clear, how keen, how marvellously bright, ii. 351
How disappeared he? Ask the newt and toad, iii. 288
How fast the Marian death-list is unrolled, iv. 120
How profitless the relics that we cull, iii. 295
How richly glows the water's breast, i. 18
How rich that forehead's calm expanse, i. 282

How sad a welcome! To each voyager, iv. 213

How shall I paint thee? - Be this naked stone, iii. 250
How soon, alas! did Man, created pure, iv. 98
How sweet it is, when mother Fancy rocks, ii. 344
Humanity, delighting to behold, iii. 106

Hunger, and sultry heat, and nipping blast, iii. 104

I am not one who much or oft delight, iv. 254
I come, ye little noisy Crew, v. 147

I dropped my pen; and listened to the Wind, iii. 90
If from the public way you turn your steps, i. 342
If Life were slumber on a bed of down, iv. 190

If Nature, for a favorite child, iv. 247

If there be prophets on whose spirits rest, iv. 73

If these brief Records, by the Muses' art, ii. 366

If the whole weight of what we think and feel, ii. 348
If this great world of joy and pain, iv. 304

If thou in the dear love of some one Friend, v. 84
If to Tradition faith be due, iii. 285

If with old love of you, dear Hills! I share, iii. 225

I grieved for Buonaparté, with a vain, iii. 66

I have a boy of five years old, i. 209

I heard (alas! 't was only in a dream), ii. 347

I heard a thousand blended notes, iv. 233

I know an aged Man constrained to dwell, v. 24

I listen, but no faculty of mine, iii. 154

Imagination- ne'er before content, iii. 120

I marvel how Nature could ever find space, iv. 234

I met Louisa in the shade, i. 272

Immured in Bothwell's towers, at times the Brave, iii. 290

In Bruges town is many a street, iii. 137

In desultory walk through orchard grounds, v. 46

In distant countries have I been, i. 291

In due observance of an ancient rite, iii. 99

Inland, within a hollow vale, I stood, iii. 71

Inmate of a mountain dwelling, ii. 218

In my mind's eye a Temple, like a cloud, ii. 394

Intent on gathering wool from hedge and brake, ii. 390.

In these fair vales hath many a Tree, v. 78

In the sweet shire of Cardigan, iv. 237

In this still place, remote from men, iii. 16

In trellised shed with clustering roses gay, iv. 1
Intrepid sons of Albion! not by you, iii. 117
In youth from rock to rock I went, ii. 32

I rose while yet the cattle, heat-oppressed, iii. 266
I saw a Mother's eye intensely bent, iv. 119

I saw an aged Beggar in my walk, v. 143

I saw far off the dark top of a Pine, iii. 203
I saw the figure of a lovely Maid, iv. 128

Is Death, when evil against good has fought, iv. 334
I shiver, Spirit fierce and bold, iii. 2

Is it a reed that 's shaken by the wind, iii. 65
Is then no nook of English ground secure, ii. 395
Is then the final page before me spread, iii. 184
Is there a power that can sustain and cheer, iii. 98
Is this, ye Gods, the Capitolian Hill? iii. 204

I thought of Thee, my partner and my guide, iii. 270
It is a beauteous evening, calm and free, ii. 339
It is no Spirit who from heaven hath flown, ii. 192
It is not to be thought of, that the Flood, iii. 74
It is the first mild day of March, iv. 235

I travelled among unknown men, i. 275
It seems a day, ii. 123

It was a moral end for which they fought, iii. 94
I was an April morning: fresh and clear, ii. 1
I've watched you now a full half-hour, i. 265
I wandered lonely as a cloud, ii. 130-

I was thy neighbor once, thou rugged Pile, v. 150

I watch, and long have watched, with calm regret, ii. 346
I, who accompanied with faithful pace, iv. 72

Jesu! bless our slender Boat, iii. 142

Jones! as from Calais southward you and I, iii. 65

Just as those final words were penned, the sun broke out in
power, i. 227

Keep for the Young the impassioned smile, ii. 212

Lady! a Pen, perhaps with thy regard, v. 48
Lady! I rifled a Parnassian Cave, ii. 353

Lady! the songs of Spring were in the grove, ii. 354
Lament! for Diocletian's fiery sword, iv. 76

Lance, shield, and sword relinquished, at his side, iv. 86

Last night, without a voice, that Vision spake, iv. 129
Let other bards of angels sing, i. 281

Let thy wheelbarrow alone, ii. 30

Let us quit the leafy arbor, i. 221

Lie here, without a record of thy worth, iv. 262

Life with yon Lambs, like day, is just begun, ii. 385
Like a shipwrecked Sailor tost, iv. 295

List, the winds of March are blowing, iv. 298

List! -

-'t was the Cuckoo. - O, with what delight, iii. 211

List, ye who pass by Lyulph's Tower, iv. 222

Lo! in the burning west, the craggy nape, iii. 182

Lone Flower, hemmed in with snows and white as they, ii. 353
Long-favored England! be not thou misled, iv. 327

Long has the dew been dried on tree and lawn, iii. 207
Lonsdale! it were unworthy of a Guest, iv. 221
Look at the fate of summer flowers, i. 276

Look now on that Adventurer who hath paid, iii. 98
Lord of the vale! astounding Flood, iii. 52

Loud is the Vale! the Voice is up, v. 160

Loving she is, and tractable, though wild, i. 190

Lo! where she stands fixed in a saint-like trance, ii. 386
Lo! where the Moon along the sky, iv. 259

Lowther! in thy majestic Pile are seen, iv. 221
Lulled by the sound of pastoral bells, iii. 178
Lyre! though such power do in thy magic live, ii. 139

Man's life is like a Sparrow, mighty King, iv. 82
Mark how the feathered tenants of the flood, ii. 221
Mark the concentred hazels that inclose, ii. 349
Meek Virgin Mother, more benign, iii. 150

Men of the Western World! in Fate's dark book, iv. 327
Men, who have ceased to reverence, soon defy, iv. 128
Mercy and Love have met thee on thy road, iv. 74
Methinks that I could trip o'er heaviest soil, iv. 123
Methinks that to some vacant hermitage, iv. 86
Methinks 't were no unprecedented feat, iii. 264
Methought I saw the footsteps of a throne, ii. 338
'Mid crowded obelisks and urns, iii. 9

Mid-noon is past;-upon the sultry mead, iii. 264
Milton! thou shouldst be living at this hour, iii. 73
Mine ear has rung, my spirit sunk subdued, iv. 154
Miserrimus! and neither name nor date, ii. 378
Monastic Domes! following my downward way, iv. 150
Most sweet it is with unuplifted eyes, iv. 229
Mother! whose virgin bosom was uncrost, iv. 114
Motions and Means, on land and sea at war, iv. 219
My frame hath often trembled with delight, iii. 260
My heart leaps up when I behold, i. 187

Nay, Traveller! rest. This lonely Yew-tree stands, i. 49
Near Anio's stream, I spied a gentle Dove, iii. 208
Never enlivened with the liveliest ray, ii. 74
Next morning Troilus began to clear, v. 112
No fiction was it of the antique age, iii. 255
No more: the end is sudden and abrupt, iii. 296
No mortal object did these eyes behold, ii. 336
No record tells of lance opposed to lance, iii. 267
Nor scorn the aid which Fancy oft doth lend, iv. 84
Nor shall the eternal roll of praise reject, iv. 182
Nor wants the cause the panic-striking aid, iv. 79
Not a breath of air, ii. 121

Not envying Latian shades, if yet they throw, iii. 249
Not hurled precipitous from steep to steep, iii. 269
Not in the lucid intervals of life, iv. 164

Not in the mines beyond the western main, iv. 228
Not, like his great Compeers, indignantly, iii. 144
Not Love, not War, nor the tumultuous swell, ii. 348
Not 'mid the World's vain objects, that enslave, iii. 89
Not sedentary all: there are who roam, iv. 88
Not seldom, clad in radiant vest, v. 83

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