A New Dictionary of the English Language, Zväzok 1W. Pickering, 1836 |
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Strana 13
... Surrey . Virgil . Enæis , b . ii . ACCOMMODATE , v . Acco'xMODATE , adj . AccoMMODATELY . Acco / MMODATENESS . ACCOMMODATION . ACCOMMODATOR . COMMODIOUS . Fr. Accommoder ; It . Accommodare ; Sp . Acommodar ; Lat . Accommodare , ( Ad ...
... Surrey . Virgil . Enæis , b . ii . ACCOMMODATE , v . Acco'xMODATE , adj . AccoMMODATELY . Acco / MMODATENESS . ACCOMMODATION . ACCOMMODATOR . COMMODIOUS . Fr. Accommoder ; It . Accommodare ; Sp . Acommodar ; Lat . Accommodare , ( Ad ...
Strana 21
... Surrey . Virgile , b . ii . Dan shall be a serpent in the waye , an edder in the path , bytinge the horse heles , and hys rider fell bacwarde . Bible , 1539. Gen. c . 49 . Memory confus'd , and interrupted thought , Death's harbingers ...
... Surrey . Virgile , b . ii . Dan shall be a serpent in the waye , an edder in the path , bytinge the horse heles , and hys rider fell bacwarde . Bible , 1539. Gen. c . 49 . Memory confus'd , and interrupted thought , Death's harbingers ...
Strana 22
... Surrey . Virgile , b . iv . After that the Kinges highnes [ Henry VIII . ] addressed " his gracious letters to the maior and cominaltie of the citie , signifying to them that his pleasure was to solempnise and celebrate the coronacion ...
... Surrey . Virgile , b . iv . After that the Kinges highnes [ Henry VIII . ] addressed " his gracious letters to the maior and cominaltie of the citie , signifying to them that his pleasure was to solempnise and celebrate the coronacion ...
Strana 26
... Surrey . Virgile , b . 2 . The good old man with suppliant hands implor'd The gods ' protection , and their star adored : Now , now , said he , my son , no more delay , I yield , I follow where heav'n shews the way . Dryden . Ib . And ...
... Surrey . Virgile , b . 2 . The good old man with suppliant hands implor'd The gods ' protection , and their star adored : Now , now , said he , my son , no more delay , I yield , I follow where heav'n shews the way . Dryden . Ib . And ...
Strana 31
... Surrey . On the Death of Sir T. W. It signifieth cryste , vnto all men desyering to vnderstand prophecies euer to sende some that will teche hi that is so Id . The Shipmannes Tale , v . 13,329 . minded towerdes God as was daniel ...
... Surrey . On the Death of Sir T. W. It signifieth cryste , vnto all men desyering to vnderstand prophecies euer to sende some that will teche hi that is so Id . The Shipmannes Tale , v . 13,329 . minded towerdes God as was daniel ...
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applied arms Beaum body Brunne called cause Chaucer Christ church Cotgrave Cowper death doth Drayton Dryden earth English euery eyes Faerie Queene fear Fletch Gloucester Goth Gower grace Hall hand hath haue heart heaven herte Hist Holland holy Homer honour Iliad Jonson king Knightes Tale kyng Livy lond Lord loue meaning Menage Milton mind Mirror for Magistrates nature neuer night Ovid Paradise Lost Persones Tale Piers Plouhman Plinie Plutarch Poly-Olbion Pope Pref prince Prologue quath quotation sayd Shakespeare shal shew shulde Skinner soul Spenser Surrey Taylor thee ther thereof theyr thing thou Thucydides thynges tyme unto verb VIII Virgil vnder vnto Vossius vpon Vulgar Errours Wachter whan Wiclif wolde word