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Carm. I. 13, 6, a short in the diaeresis is used long:
Certa sede manet, humor et in genas.

Carm. I. 3, 36, a short is prolonged by the arsis:
Perrupit Acheronta Herculeus labor.

Carm. IV. 2, 35, a versus hypermeter occurs:
Cur facunda parum decoro

Inter verba cadit lingua silentio.

In Carm. III. 9, every two distichs form a strophe.

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The proöde is a Glyconic; the principal verse a trimeter choriamb. with the basis and logaoedic termination. Anacreon:

Αρθεὶς δ' ηὖτ ̓ ἀπὸ Λευκάδος

Πέτρης, ἐς πολιὸν κῦμα κολυμβώ μεθύων ἔρωτι.

The combination of three verses into a whole, the composition xarà roίorizov, was tried, though more rarely, by epigrammatists. We mention as examples:

Simonides in Hephaestion:

hexameter heroicus.

.~~ – pentameter elegiacus.

trimeter iamb. acat.

Ισθμια, δις Νέμεα, δὶς Ὀλύμπια ἐστεφανώθην
Οὐ πλάτει νικῶν σώματος, ἀλλὰ τέχνα,
Αριστοδάμας θρασὺς ̓Αλεῖος πάλα.

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Αρχίλοχον καὶ στᾶθι καὶ εἴσιδε τὸν πάλαι ποιητὴν,
Τὸν τῶν ἰαμβῶν, οὗ τὸ μυρίον κλέος

Διῆλθε κἐπὶ νύκτα καὶ πρὸς ἀπ.

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Πρὶν μὲν ἔχων βερβέριον καλύμματ ̓ ἐσφηκωμένα,
Καὶ ξυλίνους ἀστραγάλους ἐν ὠσὶ, καὶ ψιλὸν περὶ
Πλευρῇσι [δισσῇσιν] βοὸς

Νεόπλυτον εἴλυμα κακῆς ἀσπίδος, ἀρτοπώλισιν
Κἠθελοπόρνοισιν ὁμιλέων ὁ πονηρὸς Αρτέμων,
Κίβδηλον εὑρίσκων βίον,

Πολλὰ μὲν ἐν δουρὶ τιθεὶς αὐχένα, πολλὰ δ ̓ ἐν τροχῷ,
Πολλὰ δὲ νώτῳ σκυτίνῃ μάστιγι θωμιχθεὶς, κόμην
Πώγωνά τ' ἐκτετιλμένος·

Νῦν δ ̓ ἐπιβαίνει σατινέων χρύσεα φορέων καθέρματα
Παῖς ὁ Κύκης, καὶ σκιαδίσκην ἐλεφαντίνην φορεῖ


Γυναιξὶν αὕτως ανα

Later poets went even farther, and combined longer and shorter verses, by which they formed various figures, as alAs an example take the poem Pasiphaë, composed of all the verses used by Horace:

tars, axes, pipes, eggs, wings, etc.

Filia Solis

Aestuat igne novo;
Et per prata juvencum
Mentem perdita quaeritat.

Non illam thalami pudor arcet,
Non regalis honos, nec magni cura mariti.
Optat in formam bovis

Convertier vultus suos

Et Proetidas dicit beatas

foque laudat, non quod Isis alla est, Sed quod juvencae cornua in fronte erigit Siquando miserae copia suppetit

Brachiis ambit fera colla Tauri

Floresque vernos cornibus illigat
Oraque jungere quaerit ori.

Audaces animos efficiunt tela Cupidinis
Illicitisque gaudet

Corpus includi stabulis se faciens juvencam
Et amoris pudibundi malesuadis

Obsequitur votis et procreat, heu nefas! bimembrem,
Cecropides juvenis quem perculit fractum manu,
Filo resolvens Gnossiae tristia tecta domus.



We understand by σύστημα ἐξ ὁμοίων the repetition of one and the same series. The series, which is repeated, is either a simple one, as in the anapaestic, or compound, as in the Glyconic systems. It is left to the poet, to repeat the same rhythms as often as he pleases; hence there are longer and shorter systems.

The single series in a system are intimately connected, so that neither the hiatus nor the anceps is allowed; some poets, however, especially lyric poets, seem to have treated the systems also as asynartete. It is not necessary that a word should end with the series, unless it be the closing series. The close of the system is rhythmically marked by the catalexis or a particular conclusion; metrically, by the admission of the anceps and hiatus. The systems are frequently divided into several parts, and such are called συστήματα κατὰ περιορισμοὺς ἀνίσους, to distinguish them from the ἀπεριόριστα, which run on, without interruption, to the end. Two or more systems often correspond as strophe and antistrophe: συστήματα ἐξ ὁμοίων κατὰ σχέσιν. The correspondence of anapaestic systems in the dramatists is often used with great art.

The Ionian and Aeolian lyric poets were probably the first to use systems, and from these the dramatists borrowed them. The higher Dorian lyric poetry is unacquainted with the use of independent systems; in the artful strophes of Pindar, however, and of the dramatists, series systematically repeated frequently occur.


A. Trochaic Systems.

They were frequently used by the lyric and comic poets. They consist principally of dimeters, often, however, so that a monometer besides remains. The catalexis marks the close:

Resolutions of the trochees are permitted. The dactyl is allowed in proper names only. The trochaic systems are, in comic poets, usually preceded or followed by trochaic.


As an example take Aristoph. Vesp. 342 sqq.

Pac. 571.

Τοῦτ ̓ ἐτόλμησ ̓ ὁ μιαρὸς χα-
νεῖν ὁ Δημολογοκλέων ὅδ',
Ὅτι λέγεις σύ τι περὶ τῶν νε-
ῶν ἀληθές. οὐ γὰρ ἄν ποθ ̓
Οὗτος ἁνὴρ τοῦτ ̓ ἐτόλμη
σεν λέγειν, εἰ

Μὴ ξυνωμότης τις ήν.

Αλλ' ἀναμνησθέντες, άνδρες,
Τῆς διαίτης τῆς παλαιᾶς,
Ἣν παρεῖχ ̓ αὕτη ποθ ̓ ἡμῖν,
Τῶν τε παλασίων ἐκείνων,
Τῶν τε σύκων, τῶν τε μύρτων,
Τῆς τρυγός τε τῆς γλυκείας,
Τῆς ἰωνιᾶς τε τῆς πρὸς

Τῷ φρέατι, τῶν τ ̓ ἐλαιῶν,
Ὧν ποθοῦμεν ἀντὶ τούτων
Τήνδε νυνὶ

Τὴν θεὸν προσείπατε.

The tragedians have not, indeed, independent trochaic systems, but sometimes they repeat systematically trochaic series as parts of strophes, as Soph. Oed. Col. 1220—1224; 1235-1239, where the ithyphallic forms the close.

[blocks in formation]

Αϊδος, ὅτε Μοῖρ ̓ ἀνυμέναιος

Αλυρος ἄχορος ἀναπέφηνε,

Θάνατος ἐς τελευτάν.

ἀντ. Καὶ φθόνος· τό τε κατάμεμπτον

Πύματον ἀκρατὲς ἀπροσόμιλον
Γῆρας ἄφιλον, ἵνα πρόπαντα

Κακὰ κακῶν ξυνοικεῖ.

Compare also Eur. Orest. 1001-1004, where the close:

Μονόπωλον ἐς ̓Αῶ.

The tetrapodia troch. cat. repeated systematically occurs frequently, as Aesch. Eum. 508-516; 517-525.

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