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333. Aurique.... nostri: this passage is much involved. It may be construed thus; aurique talenta, et eboris sellam, trabeamque, insignia nostri regni..

335. In medium: for the common good.' Geo. i. 127.

338. Et linguâ melior: 'and still more prodigal of words.' 346. Flatus: arrogance.'

347. Auspicium infaustum: unfortunate conduct of the war.'

350. Consedisse.. luctu: immersed in grief.' Æn. ii. 624; ix. 145. 363. Pignus: i. e. the marriage of Lavinia to Æneas.

376. Violentia Turni: used for Turnus himself; as, sapientia Læli. 385. Passimque. agros: ' and since you grace the fields on all

sides with trophies.'

386. Insignis: a verb.


399. Cane: prophesy.-Capiti: 'chief.'

400. Rebusque tuis: and to the cause which you favour;' insinuating that Drances was a traitor.

407. Artificis scelus: for artifex sceleris.

416. Ille: sc. videtur.-Fortunatus laborum: in his misfortunes still comparatively happy.'

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443. Nec Drances.. tollat: nor may Drances, rather than I, lose his life in this encounter, if it be a judgment from the gods; or win the prize of valor and glory if otherwise.' This seems to be said ironically. Turnus knows that Drances is not famed for personal prowess, and that there is little probability of a single combat between Æneas and him; yet such a combat is sneeringly alluded to as possible, in order to express how great the calamity which the fall of Drances would produce, and how great his glory, if victorious.

467. Jusso: contracted from jussero. Thus præcepsis is found for præceperis: rupsis for ruperis: rapsis for rapueris. D.

472. Urbi: i. e. propter urbem; for the sake of the state.'

473. Prafodiunt sink ditches in front of the gates.'

483. Tritonia virgo: O Tritonian Pallas.'

488. Auro: in buskins ornamented with gold.'

513. Quaterent campos: 'to scour the plains.' An expression of Lucretius for the movement of cavalry; ii. 330.


515. Furta.... belli: stratagems,' or ' ambushes.'

526. In speculis: on the summit of the hill.'

527. Ignota: i. e. unknown to the Trojans.

534. Latonia: Diana; who was the daughter of Latona and Jupiter. 536. Nostris: Camilla was armed in the same manner as Diana and

the Nymphs.

540. Priverno: Privernum was a town of the Volsci in Italy.

545. Solorum: 'solitary; uninhabited.'

553. Cocto: hardened in the smoke."

555. Habilem in a position convenient to be thrown.'

558. Tua.... tela: i. e. tua jacula. D.

560. Dubiis: i. e. through which the infant passes with danger. 566. Donum Trivia: sc. quæ erat: 'who was consecrated to the service of the goddess.'

568. Neque

• feritate dedisset: nor would he, on account of his

savage manners, have yielded to them.'

569. Pastorum .... ævum: he led the life of a shepherd.'

573. Primis: for prima vestigia.


607. Adventus equorum: poetically, as the troops approached, their ardour increased, and the neighing of their steeds became louder 613. Ruinam dant: give the first shock against each other.'

617. Præcipitat: for præcipitatur.

619. Rejiciunt: i. e. place their shields on their backs, as a defence in their retreat against missiles.

622. Mollia colla: the flexible necks of their horses.'

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gurgite in successive waves.'

628. Vado labente: by hypallage, for per vadum labens. Serv. 632. Legitque virum vir: and each combatant singles out an adversary.'

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636. Orsilochus: a Trojan; verse 690.

640. Catillus commanding the Tiburtines. En. vii. 672. 644. Tantus in arma patet: 'so much of his body was exposed.' 645. Duplicatque virum: and bends down the man;' convulsively, from the pain; so, duplicato polite, Æn. xii. 927.

650. Spargens

denset: this verb is hore of the second conjuga

tion; poetically, for dense spargit.

654. Spicula.... fugientia: whilst flying she directs her arrows backwards.'

655. Comites: sc. sunt.

657. Dia: an adjective formed from the Greek dios, 'noble; generous.' Serv. Sententia dia Catonis, Hor. Sat. i. 2. 32.

660. Bellantur: this verb, which has also an active form, is here used as deponent.

661. Se.... refert: 'returns.'

678. Ignotis: i. e. inconsuetis: of an unusual kind.'

680. Caput ingens... albis: whose head the huge yawning mouth and jaws of a wolf, with white teeth exposed, covered.'

686. Silvis: i. e. in silvis.

695. Interior: i. e. whilst he was galloping in a circle round her, she described an interior circle.

701. Sinebant: sc. eum: suffered him to practise fraud.'

711. Purâ. parma: bearing on her shield no device.'

,716. Lubricus: deceitful.'

718. Ignea: swift as lightning.' H.

732. O nunquam dolituri: i. e. spiritless, stupid people; submitting to any wrong without an effort to defend yourselves. The tyranny o Mezentius they had borne, without avenging themselves; and now they turn their backs on a woman.


739. Secundus haruspex: when the diviner announced favourabl auspices, the feast immediately followed. Secundus, qui secunda nun ciat ex extis. H.

741. Moriturus: sc. animo suo; 'devoting himself to death.' 6 apertas: the part of his throat not protected b

748. Partes....


750. Exit: 'he averts.' Æn. v. 438.

761. Quæ sit.. .facillima where the chance of hitting seems

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most favourable.'-Tentat: he reconnoitres.'

770. Pellis .... auro conserta: 'ornamented with golden knobs. Ahenis in plumam squamis: and covered with small plates of bra: shaped like feathers;' serving in some measure for defensive armo for the horse.

773. Spicula cornu: Cretan arrows, with a Lycian (or a Par hian) bow. Though these epithets are merely ornamental, yet the periority of Cretan arrows is noticed by Pliny, and the cause as. gned: they were of a heavy make, and therefore capable of flying ainst the wind.

775 Cassida: Propertius also gives the word in this form

777. Pictus. . . . tunicas. ・tegmina: sc. secundum. Servius observes that the poet gives this minute description of the ornaments of the horse, and of its rider, in order to account for Camilia's eagerness to possess them.

786. Primi: principally;' in the first place.-Pineus ardor acervo : 'the fire kept up from heaped pine.'

788. Multâ. prund: it was said that the priests of Apollo could walk over burning coals without injury. In addition to their piety, they used the precaution, Varro observes, of applying to the soles of their feet some kind of ointment; but Servius observes that Varro is a constant enemy to religion.

798. Notos for the winds in general.

809. Ille .. lupus: this pronoun is joined in the same manner to aper, En. x. 707.

812. Remulcens: 'as if hugging his tail.'

822. Partiri curas: sc. consueverat.

823. Hactenus · potui: so far have my powers availed me.' 845. Regina: i. e. Diana.

847. Famam. inultæ : 'the ignominy of dying unrevenged.' 857. Præmia: ' a fit reward for the death of Camilla.'

861. Manibus.... aquis: 'with her hands on a level.'

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866. Obliti: neglecting.' This particle is here used in an antiquated sense. Oblitus decorisque sui, Æn. v. 174. Serv.

877. E speculis: from the elevations on the wall.'

884. Manibus: 'within the town.'

886. Defendentum. . . . ruentûm of those who by arms oppose the entrance of the flying soldiery, and of those who seek to force admission.'

888. Urgente ruina: from the crowd pressing on. falling in of the sides of the ditch. H.

D. Or, from the

889. Caca: blinded by terror.'—Concita frænis : 'forcing on their horses.'

904. Apertos: no longer occupied by an enemy.'

911. Flatus: the neighing.'

913. Gurgite.... Ibero: as the sea on the coast of Spain lay westward of Italy, it was imagined that the sun sets in that sea. Audiet Herculeo stridentem gurgite solem, Juv. xiv. 280.


TURNUS, having taken possession of the narrow passes of the mountain, over which Æneas with a detachment of soldiers intended to come upon the city, was there waiting in ambush for his appearance during the engagement before the city. He was summoned from his concealment by a message from the dying Camilla, that his presence was required at the city. Eneas passed the defile soon after Turnus left it; and they both arrived on the field of battle nearly at the same time. But, as night was approaching, a second engagement was postponed till the following day. We now learn what passed in the mean while within the city between Latinus and Turnus.

2. Promissa: i. e. his promise that he would meet Æneas in single combat. En. xi. 438.

3. Ultro: without being urged.

5. Suucius....

6. Movet arma:

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. pectus sc. secundum.-Ille.... leo: En. xi. 809. metaphorically; prepares to attack.' 7. Latronis: 'of the hunter;' who has attacked him by surprise. 10. Regem: sc. Latinum.

16. Crimen commune: the common disgrace of the preceding defeat and flight. Serv. Or, the imputations thrown on him as wanting courage. En. xi. 215. seqq. H.

17. Cedat let Lavinia's hand be the prize of victory.

23. Aurumque animusque: ‘I have also wealth, and the disposition

to bestow.'

26. Sublatis.... dolis 'without reserve or deceit.'

28. Canebant: forbade in prophecies.'

37. Quò referor toties. .... mutat: 'why should I thus be carried backward and forward? why change my resolutions so often?'

43. Parentis longævi: 'your aged father;' i. e. Daunus. Æn. x. 616.

51. Nostro.... 52. Longè

then be far distant.'

de vulnere from wounds which I can inflict.'
erit: for longè uberit: 'his goddess mother will

54. Nova.... sorte: 'alarmed by this new method of combat.' 57. Honos: respect ;' quem honorem habes Amata, Serv. Æn.

vii. 401.

59. Inclinata: verging to ruin.'

65. Ignem subjecit rubor: by hypallage, for ignis [animi] subjecit ruborem. Serv. 74. Neque mortis: 'I have not the power of deferring death;' i. e. if the fates have doomed me to death, it is not in my power to avert it. This sentence, Servius says, is one of the twelve obscure passages in Virgil.

87. Alboque orichalco Bishop Watson thinks that this metal was analogous to our brass, if not identically the same; albo may refer to its splendour, or to its colour, when compared to gold.

107. Sævus: 'brave.'

108. Acuit Martem: i. e. in Martem; calls up his martial ardour.' 109. Componi.... bellum: 'that the war would be terminated.' 120. Limo the limus was a kind of petticoat; it reached from the navel to the feet, and was bordered with purple. Serv. It was worn by the priests in sacrificing.

121. Pilata: armed with javelins.'

140. Præsidet: Juturna is called a Naiad by Ovid, Fast. ii. 585-8. A fountain issuing from the Albanian mountain, and a lake which it feeds, were sacred to her; verse 886.

144. Ingratum: for ingrati. D.

152. Quid præsentius: any thing more effectual in his behalf." 161. Reges: this is the nominative to the verb procedunt, or vehuntur, understood.-Ingenti mole: with great pomp.'

164. Solis avi specimen: attesting his descent from Apollo.' Circe, the mother of Latinus, according to Servius, was daughter of Apollo. 168. Spes altera: Æneas was the first, Ascanius the second. 179. Jam melior: 'now more propitious.'

180. Torques: 'directest; rulest.' En. iv. 269. This metaphor is probably taken from driving the war chariot.

199. Vimque deûm infernam: for the infernal deities themselves; as, edora canum vis En v. 132.-Sacraria Ditis: the sanctuary of Pluto.' D.

204. Non, si.


miscens in this order; non, si ulla vis miscens diluvio effundat tellurem in undas. 206. Ut sceptrum


umbras: as this sceptre (for he chanced to hold a sceptre in his hand) shall never again with light, foliage send forth shoots, or yield a shade.

214. In flammam jugulant: for jugulatas in flammam projiciunt. 229. Pro cunctis talibus: i. e. when all are men of valour equal to Turnus. Serv.

232. Fatalisque manus: Servius thinks that these words apply to the Trojans; but the copulative evidently connects them with the Tuscans; who were directed by fate, as stated Æn. viii. 502. seqq., to put themselves under a foreign leader, and on that condition only were assured of success.

233. Vix hostem . . . . habemus: yet if half our force engage them, we should scarce have a man for each.'-Alterni: i. e. every other


234. Ille: Turnus.

237. Lenti consedimus: lazily repose.'

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252. Convertunt clamore fugam: turn upon the eagle with loud noise.'

256. Projecit fluvio: the dative, for in fluvium: as, rivo fluenti jace, Ecl. viii. 101.

258. Expediuntque manus and free their hands' for seizing arms. As they were sitting idle, their hands were probably employed with their togas wrapped about them. H.

267. Cornus: the cornel-wood;' of which the shaft of the spear was made.

269. Cunei in ancient warfare the infantry was formed, sometimes, not in lines, but in small columns of a wedge figure; as is yet practised by the Turks.

274. Laterum juncturas: 'the extremities of the belt.'

289. Insigne: the diadem.' Serv.

294. Trabali: like a beam.'

296. Hoc habet: sc. vulnus. This was an exclamation used by the spectators in gladiatorial combats.

320. Quo turbine adacta: by what force impelled.'

347. Antiqui noble.'-Proles.... Dolonis: this is probably ironical; Homer does not give a very warlike character to Dolon. II. x. 299. seqq.

354. Longum per inane: at a considerable distance.'-Secutus: for insecutus; having wounded.'

365. Edoni Borea: so called from the Edoni, a people of Thrace. 373. Citatorum: for concitatorum.

376. Degustat 'grazes.'

394. Dabat: 6 was willing to give; offered.'


395. Ut depositi parentis: that he might prolong the life of a dying father.-Depositi: i. e. laid out, as near expiring.

399. Magno.... immobilis: 'not to be moved by the concourse of youths; or by the tears of the grieving Iulus.' Thus, munera portantes eborisque, aurique talenta .... et sellam, En. xi. 333.

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402. Multa trepidat: with trepidation he makes many efforts with his healing hand and powerful herbs, but to no purpose.'

412. Dictamnum: dittany.' It was found only on Mount Dicte of Crete.

413. Puberibus. 'woolly.'

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