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In the order of their value.

ALL the agents of this class, with the exception of Tin and Iron filings, probably operate more or less destructively upon worms.

Abstinence from solid food, during the administration of anthelmintics, contributes much to their effect.


The seeds and oil.

Pentandria, Digynia.


United States.-Herbaceous.


Dose, of Powder, for a child of two to three years,

j. to ij. The oil is best.

(a.) Oleum Chenopodii.

Oil of Chenopodium.Dose, for same, three to eight drops, in mucilage.

The powder or oil to be given morning and evening, fasting, for four or five days; followed by calomel, castor oil, or jalap.

The leaves of the fresh plant are also employed.Dose, of Juice, 3 ss. Also, Infusion.

In cases of large round worm.

The C. Botrys, Jerusalem Oak, and the C. Ambrosioides, also possess anthelmintic, but inferior virtues.

Carolina Pink-root.


The root.

Pentandria, Monogynia.

Hab. Southern United States.-Herbaceous. Dose, of Powder, for a child two or three years of age, eight to sixteen grains; for an adult, 3 j. to 3 ij. An Infusion is best. . Spigelia, 3 ss.; Boiling Water, 3 xvj.; M. Macerate two hours; strain.-Doses, z ss. to 3 j., and 3 iv. to 3 viij.

Exhibited, &c., as No. 1, or may be combined with an infusion of jalap or senna. Purges in excessive doses, and proves rather an acrid narcotic, deranging the health in such cases.

In cases of large round worm. Perhaps more certain than wormseed, but more likely to disturb the system.

3. OLEUM TEREBINTHINE. Oil of Turpentine. Comp. Carbon, 88.23. Hydrogen, 11.76-99.99.

Dose. 3 ss. to 3 ij., in mucilage or mint water. Also, enema for ascarides. (See p. 138, No. 20.)

Employed for tape worm, especially, but useful for all others.

4. MUCUNA PRURIENS (Dolichos Pruriens). Cowage. Cowitch. Hairs of the pods.

Diadelphia, Decandria.

Hab. East and West Indies.-Twining Herb.

Mix the bristles with molasses to the consistency of thick honey.-Dose, for a child two or three years old, a small teaspoonful; for an adult, 3 ss. Administered as No. 1.

In cases of large round worm, especially.
Also, Mucuna Urens.

5. PULVIS STANNI. Powdered Tin.

Dose. For a child two or three years old, twenty or thirty grains; for adult, 3 ij., repeated morning and evening for twelve or twenty-four doses, and then followed by calomel, or castor oil, or jalap; or they may be occasionally interposed between the doses of tin.

The following amalgam is preferable :-. Melted Tin, 3 v.; Quicksilver, 3 ij.; Chalk, 3 j.; M. Rub in a mortar, while melted, till the whole is perfectly reduced. Levigate when cold to an impalpable powder. Dose, &c., the same as of tin.

Also, Sulphuret of Tin.

In cases of round worm, and sometimes of tape worm.


6. HYDRARGYRI CHLORIDUM. In full doses, followed soon by infusion of jalap. In cases of large round worm. (See p. 30, No. 1.)


A valuable anthelmintic, especially when associated with calomel, or exhibited after other anthelmintics. See p. 34, No. 3.

8. NEPHRODIUM FILIX MAS. Male Shield Fern. The root.

Cryptogamia, Filices.

Hab. Europe; Asia; Africa; America.-Herba


Dose, of recent Powder, 3 j. to 3 iij., fasting, and in six hours after, a dose of calomel, castor oil, or jalap. (a.) Oil of Male Fern. (An ethereal extract.) This is the active principle, and is preferable to the powder.— Dose, 3 ss. to 3 j., in mucilage or electuary.

Used for tape worm. A very ancient anthelmintic, but of declining reputation.

9. BRAYERA ANTHELMINTICA. Worm Flower. The flowers.

Icosandria, Digynia.

Hab. Abyssinia.

Decoction. B. Flowers, 3 j.; Water, 3 xij.; Boil to 3 viij. Strain.-Dose, 3 iv., morning and evening. In cases of tape worm.


B. Oil of Turpentine, 3 vj.; Dippel's Animal Oil, 3 ij. ; M. Distil, 3 v.— -Dose,

For tape worm.

11. OLEUM ANIMALE EMPYREUMATICUM (Oleum Cornu Cervi). Empyreumatic Animal Oil. Dippel's Animal Oil.

Elementary Composition. Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen.
Dose, "a few drops, cautiously increased."
For tape worm.

12. PUNICA GRANATUM. Pomegranate.


Icosandria, Monogynia.

Hab. Northern Africa.-Small Tree.

Bark of

B. Root-bark, 3 ij.; Water, biss.; Boil to j. Strain.-Dose, 3 ij., every hour, till the whole is drunk. Afterward, Jalap, or Castor Oil.

For tape worm.

13. SODII CHLORIDUM. Common Salt.

Dose. 3 j., for round worm; and a strong enema of,

for ascaris vermicularis, or small thread worm. (See p. 59, No. 27.)

Its use as a condiment is preventive of worms; destroying the ova, or the parasites in their early stages.

14. ARTEMISIA SANTONICA. Tartarian Southernwood. Tartarian Wormseed. The tops and seeds. Syngenesia, Superflua.

Hab. Tartary and Persia.-Herbaceous.

Dose, and uses, the same as of Chenopodium.

Also, the proximate, Santonine.-Dose, grs. x. to xx. Should be followed by some cathartic of the present class.

15. MELIA AZEDARACH. Bead Tree. Pride of China. Bark of root.

B. Bark of Root, 3 ij.; Water, biss.; Boil to j. Strain.-Dose, for a child, 3 ss. to 3 j., once in four hours, till it produces vomiting or purging; or morning and evening.

In cases of round worm. Cathartic and emetic. (See p. 70, No. 53.)


Meadow Saffron.

See p. 67, No. 45, for Dose, &c. For tape worm.

17. ANDRIA INERMIS (Geoffroya Inermis). Cabbage Bark Tree. Worm Bark Tree. The bark.

Diadelphia, Decandria.


West Indies.-Tree.

Dose, of Powder, j. to 3 ss.

Decoction. B. The


Bark, 3 j.; Water, iss.; Boil to j.

3 ss. to 3 ij. For adult.

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