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XI. It also made them obnoxious to feverer Punishment, if
they failed themselves in performing their own Duty.

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XX. The Apostle himself Answers, on a fuppofition of the truth
of thofe Principles, which made Marriages out of the Pecu-

lium unlawful. That Age could not have denied Infant-


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XLVIII. Against the Contracts for dividing the Children, according to the Communion of the Parents. The whole Right of Family-Religions was originally in the Husband. 138 XLIX. He cannot alienate the Right, whilst he defigns to be a Husband, for himself.

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L. He cannot alienate it, on account of the Right his Pa triarchal Ancestors have in him.

Ibid. LI. He cannot alienate it, on account of the Right God has in it, for fecuring the performance of Duty Covenanted to HimSelf. 143 LII. He cannot, on account of the Right Chrift has in Him /felf, as Head of the Mystical Marriage contracted with him in bis Baptifm.


LIII. Men of the Peculium cannot give the Women to be dif pofed of by them, to Husbands out of the Peculium. 149 LIV. The Obligations on Women, otherwife free, that will invalidate their Marriages out of the Peculium.

150 LV. The First Peculium the most perfect of the kind, and ftill obliging.

152 LVI. The Land inhabited by the Pofterity of Seth was Holy Land, like that of the Jewish Peculium. LVII. The Pofterity of Seth taken for the People of Jehovah, as the Ifraelites were afterwards.



LVIII. That feems to have been meant by their being called by the name of Jehovah, in the LXXII.

LIX. The Children of Seth called Sons of God and Angels. 163 LX. St. Peter, and St. Jude, feem to have had their Accounts of the fall of their Angels, from the Book of Enoch, which was a Narrative of the fall of these Children of



Seth. LXI. The 'Efenfoeg of the Pofterity of Seth, were Angels! The Traditions of the Book of Enoch were Elder than the Apoftles. LXII. The Title to be called the Sons of God, arifes from having the Divine Spirit. 176 LXIII. This Title though common to Chrift Himself with the true Peculium, is notwithstanding very confiftent with his being the Son of God in a higher fenfe than they. 182 LXIV. The Pofterity of Seth had the Divine Spirit. 186 LXV. That Spirit was the fame with the Second Adam from Heaven.


189 LXVI. God abdicated the Pofterity of Seth, by no longer giving his Holy Spirit to their Pofterity. LXVII. The Doctrine of the New-Teftament is the fame in the forementioned Particulars. LXVIII. These Angels were, according to the Doctrine of the Scriptures, of a heavenly Criginal, not only Aerial 198




In the Preface.

Age 2. Line 3. r. by his. p. 7. 1. 1. f. in of r. int.


In the Sermon.

P. 4. 1. 24. f. also, r. as to. p. 6. 1. 20. r. Nations. p. 15.
1. 17. f. little, r. like. p. 38. 1. 1. r. inanimate. p. 41. 1. 14.
f. Or, r. For. p. 50. 1. 25. del. No. p. 51. l. 8, & 9. f. as past,
r. at last.

In the Discourse.

P. 40. 1. 3. f. Rev. r. Ezr. p. 48. 1. 9. f. work, r. word. p.
$8. Marg. r. Lev. xix. 19. p. 62. 1. 12. f. Clearness, r. Clean-
ness. p. 203. I. 19. f. knowing, r. baving.

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