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πόλεως αρχιεπισκοπου, ψηφισμάτων συμφωνων, κατα το εθος, γενομένων, και επ' αυτον αναφερομένων.

electionibus, et ad ipsum relatis.

In the present Pope's encyclical letter the following words are inserted as the dicta of the Council:* "Petrus per Leonem locutus est;" as if the Council intended that Peter always spoke through the bishops of Rome; whereas Pope Leo, having grounded his principal argument upon Peter's confession, the Council only intended that in that instance Peter had spoken by Leo. In Pope Leo's letter we find the following passage: "Audiat et beatum Petrum apostolum prædicantem, quod sanctificatio spiritus per aspersionem fiat sanguinis Christi. Nec transitorié legat ejusdem apostoli verba dicentis; "Scientes, quod non corruptibilibus argento vel auro redempti estis de vanâ vestrâ conversatione paternæ traditionis; sed pretioso sanguine, quasi agni incontaminati et immaculati, Jesu Christi," &c.

Post lectionem autem prædictæ epistolæ (Leonis) reverendissimi episcopi clamaverunt: Hæc patrum fides, hæc apostolorum fides. Omnes ita credimus, orthodoxi ita credunt. Anathema ei qui ita non credit. Πετρος δια Λεοντος ταύτα ELEQwvnσev. Petrus per Leonem ista locutus est. Apostoli εξεφώνησεν. ita docuerunt piè et verè Leo docuit; Cyrillus ita docuit. Cyrilli æterna memoria. Leo et Cyrillus similiter docuerunt, anathema ei qui sic non credit, &c.

Concilium Sardicense. An. Chr. 347. Sac. Sanct. Concil. P. Labbæi et G. Cossartii (Lutetiæ, Paris. 1671.)

Can. 3.

Si quis autem epscoporum in aliquo negotio condemnandus visus fuerit, et existimet se non malam sed bonam causam habere, ut etiam rursus judicium renovetur, si vestræ dilectioni videtur (ει δοκει υμων τη αγαπη, Πετρου του Αποστολου την μνημην τιμησωμεν) Petri apostoli memoriam honoremus, et ab iis qui judicaverint, scribatur Julio Romanorum episcopo, et per propinquos provinciæ episcopos, si opus sit, judicium renovetur, et cognitores ipse præbeat.

The Council of Chalcedon.

It is evident, from what Dupin says of this Council, that it was only composed of bishops of the Western Church, and that its canons never obtained the approval of the Eastern Church.

Nouvelle Bibliotheque des Auteurs Ecclesiastiques, par M. L. E. Dupin. Tom. ii. p. 327. (Utrecht. 1731.)

Du Concile de Sardique.

Les Empereurs Constance et Constans voulant retablir la paix dans l'église, convoquérent l'an 347 un synode des evêques d'Orient et d'Occident a Sardique. Il y vint cent evêques d'occident, et soixante et treize evêques d'orient; mais ceux d'orient ayant declarè aux occidentaux qu'ils n'assisteroient point au concile, si l'on ne separoit de la communion ecclesiastique Athanase, Marcel, et les autres evêques qui avoient été condamnés, et les occidentaux n'ayant point voulu recevoir cette condition, le concile se divisa, et les orientaux se retirerent.

Neanmoins les canons du Concile de Sardique n'ont point été reçus par l'eglise universelle, comme des lois generales. Ils n'ont point été mis dans le code des canons de l'eglise universelle approuvé par le Concile de Chalcedoine. L'orient ne les a jamais recûs; les evêques d'Afrique ne les ont point non plus voulu reconnoître. Il n'y a que les Papes qui s'en soient servis, et encore les ont ils cités sous le nom du Concile de Nicée, pour leur donner plus de poids et plus d'autorité.

Romanists sometimes adduce Athanasius' appeal to the Pope, and the Pope's defence of Athanasius, and his angry letter to the Eastern Bishops; but the Eastern Bishops refused to submit to the Bishop of Rome.

Εκκλησιαστικής Ιστορίας Ερ-

μειον Σωζομενου.
(Editio ut supra.)

Αθανασιος δε φευγων εκ της Αλεξανδριας εις Ρωμην αφίκετο.

κ. τ. λ.

Και τας Ιουλίου επιστολας διεπέμψαντο τους ανα την εω επισκόποις. Οι δε επι ταυταις χαλεπως ενεγκαν. Kaι ovλλε γεντες εν Αντιοχεια, αντεγραψαν Ιουλιω κεκαλιηπεμενην

The second book of Sozomen's Ecclesiastical History.

But Athanasius, flying from Alexandria, went to Rome, &c.

And they sent the letters of Julius to the bishops in the East. But they were much offended with them, and meeting together at Antioch, they wrote back to

τινα και δικανικως συντεταγμε-
την επιστολήν, ειρωνειας τε
πολλης αναπλεων, και απειλης
ουκ αμοιρούσαν devorarns.
DEPELY μEv Yap Tari piλori-
μιαν την Ρωμαιων εκκλησιαν
εν τοις γραμμασιν ωμολόγουν,
ως αποστολων φροντιστήριον
και ευσέβειας μετροπολιν εξ

αρχής γεγονημένην, ει και εκ
της εω ενεδημησαν αυτοί του
δογματος εισηγηται.
Ου παρα
τουτο δε τα δευτερεία φερειν
ηξίουν, οτι μη μεγαλει η πλήθει
εκκλησιας πλεονεκτουσι, ως αρε-
τη και προαιρεσει νικώντες.

Julius a letter, well-worded and forensically drawn up, filled with much irony, and not wanting in violent menaces. They confessed, indeed, in the letter, that they honoured in all things the Roman Church as the school of the Apostles, and as being from the beginning the metropolis of piety, although the originators of doctrine came among But them from the East.

they did not, upon that account, think fit to play a second part, because they did not surpass in the greatness or numbers of their Church, being superior in virtue and


Pope Gregory the Great consecrated bishop, An. Chr. 590. Gregory I. was of opinion that the Apostle Peter was chief of the Apostles, and had a principatus in the Church, but he did not consider him to be the head of the Church, but only the chief member of the Church, and he declared that he had never assumed the title of Universal: which was subsequently assumed by the Bishops of Rome. He considered that the principatus of Peter devolved upon, and was discharged by, three bishops, viz., the Bishops of Alexandria, Antioch, and Rome.

Sancti Gregorii Papæ I., cognomento Magni, opera omnia, &c. studio et labore Monachorum ordinis Sancti Benedicti e congregatione Sancti Mauri.-(Parisiis. 1705.)

Registri Epist. lib. v. Indice xiii. p. 743.

Peter only a member of the church.

Certé Petrus, apostolorum primus, membrum sanctæ et universalis ecclesiæ; Paulus, Andreas, Johannes, quid aliud quam singularium sunt plebium capita ? Et tamen sub uno capite omnes membra, atque ut cuncta brevi cingulo locutionis astringam, Sancti ante legem, sancti sub lege, sancti

sub gratiâ, omnes hi perficientes corpus Domini, in membris sunt ecclesiæ constituti, et nemo se unquam universalem vocari voluit.

He who calls himself Universal Bishop is the forerunner of Antichrist.

Ego autem fidenter dico, quia quisquis se universalem sacerdotem vocat, vel vocari desiderat, in elatione suâ Antichristum præcurrit, quia superbiendo se cæteris præponit. Nec dispari superbiâ ad errorem ducitur, quia sicut perversus ille, Deus videri vult super omnes homines, ita quisquis iste est, qui solus sacerdos appellari appetit, super reliquos sacerdotes se extollit.-(Epist. xxxii. ad Mauricium Augustum. Lib. vii. Indict xv.)

St. Peter's primacy was shared by the bishops of Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch.

Cùm multi sint Apostoli, pro ipso tamen principatu sola apostolorum sedes in auctoritate convaluit, quæ in tribus locis unius est. Ipse enim sublimavit sedem in quâ etiam quiescere et præsentem vitam finire dignatus est. Ipse decoravit sedem in quâ evangelistam discipulam misit. Ipse firmavit sedem in quâ septem annis, quamvis discessurus, sedit. Cùm ergo unius atque una sit sedes, cui ex auctoritate divinâ tres nunc episcopi præsident, quicquid ego de vobis boni audio, hoc mihi imputo. Si quid de me boni auditis, hoc vestris meritis imputate, quia in illo unum sumus, qui ait, ut omnes unum sint, sicut et tu Pater in me, et ego inte, et ipsi in nobis unum sint.-(Eulogio Episc. Alex. Epist. xl. Lib. vii. indict. xv. Tom. ii. p. 887.-Editio ut supra.)

Peter was never called "Universal Apostle.” Ipsi dicitur: "Tu es Petrus," &c.

Ecce claves regni cœlestis accepit, potestas ei ligandi ac

In a note appended to Epist. 49. Lib. ii. indict. x. the Benedictine editors observe: Per sacerdotes intelligendi ferè semper episcopi. Sacerdos tamen aliquando dicitur simplex presbyter apud Gregorium, ut dial. lib. i. c. 12, ubi Severus Presbyter bis sacerdos appellatur. Mr. French, the Roman Catholic advocate, accused Mr. Finch of a mistranslation when he translated in the above passage "universalem sacerdotem," universal bishop. The Benedictines would evidently have translated the word sacerdos in this passage by the English word "bishop."

solvendi tribuitur, cura ei totius ecclesiæ, et principatus committitur, et tamen universalis Apostolus non vocatur: et vir sanctissimus consacerdos meus Johannes vocari universalis Episcopus conatur.-Exclamare compellor ac dicere: "O tempora, O mores!"

Ecce cuncta in Europa partibus barbarorum juri sunt tradita; destructæ urbes, eversa. castra, depopulatæ provinciæ, nullus terram cultor inhabitat; sæviunt et dominantur quotidiè in necem fidelium cultores idolorum; et tamen Sacerdotes, qui in pavimento et cinere flentes jacere debuerunt, vanitatis sibi nomina expetunt, et novis et profanis vocabulis gloriantur.

Si igitur illud nomen in eâ ecclesiâ sibi quisquam arripit, quod apud bonorum omnium judicium fecit: universa ergo ecclesia, quod absit, a statu suo corruit, quando is qui appellatur universalis cadet. Sed absit a cordibus Christianis nomen istud blasphemiæ, dum ab uno sibi dementer arrogatur.

Certè pro beati Petri apostolorum principis honore, per venerandum Chalcedonensem* Synodum Romano Pontifici oblatum est. Sed nullus eorum unquam hoc singularitatis nomine uti consensit, ne dum privatum aliquod daretur uni, honore debito sacerdotes privarentur universi.

St. Gregorii reg. Epist. Lib. v. indict. xiii. Tom. ii.

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Sicut enim veneranda mihi vestra sanctitas novit, per sanctum Chalcedonensem Synodum Pontifici sedis Apostolicæ, cui Deo disponente deservio, hoc universitatis nomen oblatum est. Sed nullus unquam decessorum meorum hoc tam profano vocabulo uti consensit: quia videlicet si unus Patriarcha universalis dicitur, Patriarcharum nomen cæteris derogatur.†

Perpendete, fratres carissimi, quis e vicino subsequitur, cujus et in Sacerdotibus erumpunt tam perversa primordia. Quia enim juxta est ille de quo scriptum est: "Ipse est rex universos filios superbiæ." (Job xli. 25.) Quod non


* Constantinopolitanâ.

+ It does not appear that the title of Universal was formerly offered to the Bishop of Rome by the Council of Chalcedon. The following is the Benedictine note upon a similar passage. "Hujus Concilii, actione 3., referuntur quidam libelli supplices Romano Pontifici oblati, in quibus æcumenicus, seu universalis dicitur. Qui cùm in Concilio lecti fuissent, titulum hunc Concilium minimè reprobavit." This was a very different thing from offering him the title of oecumenical.

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