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Upón October First I paid my Love a vísit;

Her cheeks were sunk and pále, with a red spot in the middle: "Ah!" said she, "the winter 's neár, for the leaves are falling,


But you'll think of me in spring when you hear the blackbird whistle."

Upón November First I paid my Love a vísit;

It was a lowering morning and the rain was drizzling dreáry: "It will be brighter by and bý," said I, between my fingers

Her emáciated wrist


"Yes, yes," said she, "in heaven."

Upón December First when I paid my Love a vísit

I met, 'twas for the first time, no stretched-out hand, no


For she lay there in her shroúd wrapt, more lovely fair than


And if never more to love me, pain to suffer néver.

Upón this First of Jánuary, désolate and lonely

I sit here, in the churchyard, watching by my Love's grave; And if I weep, it's not for hér, for shé 's safe from all sorrow, But for myself behind her left so désolate and lonely.

Dalkey Lodge, DALKEY, April 14, 1855.

THE són 's a poor, wretched, unfortunate creáture,

With a náme no less wrétched: I-WOULD-IF-I-COULD;
But the father's rich, glórious and happy and mighty
And his térrible náme is I-COULD-IF-I-Would.

DALKEY LODGE, DALKEY, April 12, 1855.

YOU don't like my writings, won't read them nor búy them;

Then dó me the favor at least, to decrý them;

Where the praise of good júdges is hárd to be hád,
The next best thing to it 's the bláme of the bád.

DALKEY LODGE, DALKEY, April 8, 1855.

"I BELIEVE it," said Faith, "though I know it's a flát
Contradiction, and breach of supréme Nature's laws,
For I saw it and heard it and félt it and smélt it,

And no one was wicked enough to deceive me,
And seeing and hearing and feeling and smelling
Are súrer than éven supréme Nature's laws.

DALKEY LODGE, DALKEY, April 1, 1855.

"ÉVEN the Lovely must die” * To be sure, Mr. poet,

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Éven the Lovely must die; do you think we don't know it?
Yet bád as the case is and who doubts it 's bad?
That the Ugly should not die were something more sad.


MAIN Fórce with saw, hátchet and strong rope achieved,
Much sweating, the fall of the stoút-timbered cédar;
But Cúnning about the root dúg unperceived,

And flat with the first breath of wind fell the cédar.

DALKEY LODGE, DALKEY, April 2, 1855.

IN the height of his glóry said César to Cássius: "Mankind will talk of me for ever with wonder." "To be súre, mighty César," said Cassius, "mankind will Of theé and thy great deeds talk ever with wonder; But the wonder of wonders will still be that César, Magnánimous César, so cáred to be tálked of."

DALKEY LODGE, DALKEY, April 1, 1855.

Auch das Schöne muss sterben. SCHILLER.

SLEEP and Wáking ónce a strife had:
Which was móst by Próvidence fávored;
Ánd with lawyerlike acúmen

Thús their séparate cáses árgued:

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"I'm the favorite," first said Wáking, "For the whole wide world 's for mé made, Eárth, sun, moón, and áll the little stars,

Nót to speak of lámp and gás light."

"Wretched Wáking," said Sleep listless,
"Take thy gímcracks and my pity,
Thoú that must keep álways hámmering
Át some fiddle fáddle nonsense.

"Take thy gimcracks pleasure, prófit,
Science, leárning máke much of them;
Ádd if it please thee lábor, énnui,
Sórrow, pain and thirst and húnger.

"Hére at ease upón this bénch stretched
For thy whole world í no stráw care,
Ór, if só be the whim take me,

Háve it in my dreams for nóthing;

"Ín my dreams have pleasures, riches,
Wisdom, fáme, and power and knowledge,
Double, tríple, húndredfőld more
Thán eer féll to thý lot, Waking.

"I take wing and through the air fly,
Ór with fins glide through the water,
Ór turn pátriot and my fingers
Ráddle with the blood of César,

"Yét no rísk run; míne not thine are
Heaven and earth, time pást and présent
Good bye, Wáking; whát need móre words?
Theé thy wórk calls, mé siésta."

Scarce had Sleep the last word úttered,
Úp came Nightmare, hideous grínning,
And about Sleep's néck a noóse threw
Ánd began with maín force púlling.

"Sáve me, sáve me," criéd Sleep hálf choked "Whó 's God's favorite nów?" said Wáking Ás he cút the noóse and sáved Sleep

Ánd drove off the grinning monster.


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