Obrázky na stránke

19. K. to R's sq.

20. R. to K's 7th.

21. B. to K's 5th.

22. R. to B's 7th (ch.)

23. Kt. takes P.

19. B. to Kt's 5th.

20. Q. Kt. to Q's 2nd.
21. K. to B's sq.

22. K. to Kt's sq.

One of those beautiful combinations for which Mr. Morphy is so famous, and which occur with equal frequency in his blindfold games as in those which he conducts with board and men before him. We, again, give the position on a diagram:

[merged small][graphic][ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

And the game, by mutual consent, was abandoned as drawn.


Mr. Morphy and M. Seguin.

WHITE. (Mr. M.)

1. P. to K's 4th.
2. Kt. to K. B's 3rd.
3. P. to Q's 4th.

BLACK. (Mr. S.)

1. P. to K's 4th.

2. P. to Q's 3rd. 3. P. takes P.

4. Kt. takes P.

An analysis of this move, in extenso, by Mr. Löwenthal will bo found in the January number of the "Chess Monthly" for 1858.

5. Kt. to Q. B's 3rd.

5. B. to Q's 3rd.

7. P. to B's 4th.

8. Kt. to B's 3rd.

9. Castles. 10. B. to K's 3rd.

11. P. to Q. R's 4th. 12. P. to R's 3rd. 13. Q. takes B. 14. Q. R. to Q's sq. 15. P. to Q. Kt's 3rd. 16. P. takes Kt. 17. P. to Q's 4th. 18. P. takes P. 19. P. to K's 5th. 20. R. takes Q. 21. R. to Q's 7th.

22. Kt. to Q's 5th.

23. B. to B's 2nd.

4. Kt. to K. B's 3rd.

5. B. to K's 2nd.

6. Castles.

7. P. to B's 4th.

8. Kt. to B's 3rd.

9. B. to Kt's 5th. 10. P. to Q. R's 3rd. 11. P. to R's 3rd. 12. B. takes Kt.

13. Kt. to Q. Kt's 5th. 14. Q. to B's 2nd. 15. Kt. takes B. 16. K. R. to K's sq. 17. Q. to B's 3rd. 18. P. takes P.

19. Q. takes Q.

20. Kt. to R's 2nd. 21. Q. R. to Kt's sq. 22. B. to B's sq.

Not only to enable him to push on the B's P., but also to bring the K's R. to attack the adverse Q. B's P.

24. Kt. to Kt's 6th. 25. Kt. takes R.

26. R. to Q. B's 3rd.

27. Kt. takes B.

28. R. takes P.

29. B. takes R.

30. B. to K's 3rd.

31. P. to K. Kt's 4th.

32. K. to B's 2nd. 33. K. to K's 2nd. 34. P. takes P.

35. K. to Q's 3rd. 36. B. to B's 5th (ch.) 37. K. to K's 4th.

23. K. R. to Q's sq. 24. R. takes R. 25. R. to Q. B's sq. 26. R. to B's 2nd. 27. Kt. takes Kt. 28. R. takes R. 29. Kt. to K's 3rd. 30. P. to K. Kt's 3rd. 31. Kt. to Q's sq. 22. Kt. to B's 3rd. 33. P. to Q. Kt's 4th. 34. P. takes P. 35. K. to B's sq. 36. K. to K's sq. 37. K. to Q's 2nd.

39. K. to Q's 5th.
39. P. to B's 5th.
40. P. takes P.
41. B. to Kt's 6th.

42. P. to K's 6th (ch.) 43. P. takes P. (ch.) 44. K. to B's 6th.

38. Kt. to Q's sq.
39. P. takes P.
40. P. to R's 4th.
41. Kt. to Kt's 2nd.
42. P. takes P.
43. K. to K's 2nd.

This game does not, on the whole, exhibit such numerous points of interest as many of the foregoing, contested on the same occasion; but is yet worth studying, as Mr. Morphy's accuracy is most remarkable, and without that winning would have been no easy task. We give a diagram of the position after Black's 43rd move:

[merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


The following are a portion of the games played in New Orleans during the months of February and March, 1858, by Mr. Morphy against six amateurs simultaneously.


Mr. Morphy and an Amateur.

WHITE. (Mr. M.)

1. P. to K's 4th.
2. Kt. to K. B's 3rd.
3. B. to B's 4th.
4. P. to Q. Kt's 4th.
5. P. to B's 3rd.
6. Castles.

7. P. to Q's 4th.

8. Q. to Kt's 3rd. 9. P. to K's 5th. 10. R. to K's sq. 11. B. to K. Kt's 5th. 12. B. takes Kt.

13. Kt. takes K's P.

BLACK. (Mr.).

1. P. to K's 4th.
2. Kt. to Q. B's 3rd.
3. B. to B's 4th.
4. B. takes P.
5. B. to R's 4th.
6. P. to Q's 3rd.
7. P. takes P.
8. Q. to B's 3rd.

9. P. takes K's P.
10. K. Kt. to K's 2nd.
11. Q. to Kt's 3rd.
12. Kt. takes B.

Q. to R's 4th (ch.) would have won a piece; for if Black had interposed the Knight, White would have taken the K's P. with Kt., exchanged Knights, and then won the Bishop: but the move adopted by Mr. Morphy will be found, in its result, to be of a higher order than the one just named.

13. Q. to Q. Kt's 3rd.

There is no better move, as the Bishop must be defended from the threatened attack of Q. to R's 4th (ch.), &c.

[blocks in formation]

Had Black played Q. to Q. B's 2nd, White would have given mate in

two moves.

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