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On Lord Calthorpe moving thanks to the Chair, Lord Gambier observ ed, that he believed the company would unanimously rise, and vote the Resolution with acclamation.This was instantly done.

The assemblage was numerous, and highly respectable, and many Naval and Military characters of rank were present.


On Thursday, May 11th, the above Society held its sixteenth Annual Meeting, when a Report was presented by the Committee, which exhibited their proceedings in a more interesting view than any which preceded it; inasmuch as the operations of the Society, which at the first were but as the cloud seen by the servant of the prophet, as small as a man's hand, now extended to every quarter of the globe, diffusing the genial influence of divine Truth to instruct, to comfort, and edify the human race.

Upon the European Continent, through the influence of the Religious Tract Society, or by its funds, the circulation of Religious Tracts is carried on very extensively by Societies at Basle, in Switzerland; Elberfield, Hanover, and Nurenberg, in Germany; at Berlin, by come associated Christian friends; at Rotterdam, by the Missionary Society; in Sweden, by the Evangelical Society at Stockholm, which has been recently aided by the Religious Tract Society for the purpose of commencing a series of Tracts adapted for circulation by hawkers throughout the kingdom.

In the Russian empire a vast field has been opened by Divine Providence for the circulation of Religious Tracts, and no less than 23 of the Society's publications have been translated and printed in the Rus sian language, which are read with avidity by persons of all classes; are distributed by dignitaries of the Russian Church; and some Cossacks in a remote part of the empire have been induced, by reading

them, to apply for the Holy Scriptures, in order that they may be further instructed in the way to eternal life.

The return of the immense number of French prisoners of war in the spring of 1814, afforded the means of sending Religious Tracts to a vast number of families in France: which, together with gratuitous distributions to American prisoners of war, and to the army and navy; to workhouses, hospitals, and in other channels, the im'portance of which demanded the attention of the Committee, have incurred an expence to the Society of more than L.600.

During the short interval of free communication with France, a considerable number of the Society's Tracts have been distributed in that country, as well as in Flanders; and at the close of the campaign in Spain, a number were circulated there by a minister who visited that country, and also by a pious captain in the transport service.

In America, the object of the Society has received attention in the United States; and the Committee has taken measures to encourage the Institution of Religious Tract Societies in Upper and Lower Canada, by the promise of pecuniary aid. In several of the West India islands, the Tracts have also been circulated with good effect.

In the East Indies the publications of the Society are distributed at the charge of the Institution, by judicious and suitable agents; and a most interesting field of operation has presented itself among the numerous Chinese Settlers in several islands of the Indian seas; whose continual intercourse with their native country affords the opportunity of diffusing divine truth among the many millions of the vast Chinese empire. The Committee, encouraged by the countenance which this object has received from the public, have authorized Rev. Mess. Morrison and Milne, to draw, as occasions may require, for the promotion of this work to the extent of L.400.

a more respectable assemblage of ministers and gentlemen from all parts of the kingdom.


The domestic proceedings of the Society have been enlarged by the co-operation of Auxiliary Societies, now amounting to 124 in number, Thomas Walker, Esq. in the Chair, which beginning more generally to The Rev. J. P. Allen, of Exeter, feel the importance of aiding the offered a solemn and appropriate funds of the Parent Institution, have prayer, introductory to the business many of them contributed liberally; of the evening. The Report of the among these, that of Leeds holds Committee was then read by the the most distinguished place, having Rev. Mark Wilks, one of the Secrefurnished no less than L.100 during taries; from this it appeared, that the last year for general purposes, Auxiliary Societies have been formed and L.38 2s. for the distribution of in Dublin, Belfast, Sligo, Cork, and Chinese Tracts. The Committee Youghal; that many preachers had has endeavoured to co-operate with been engaged in different parts of these, their coadjutors, by afford- Ireland; that several persons were ing greater facilities for supplying ready to enter the Theological Acahawkers with Tracts at very reduc-demy; and that the Tutor, the Rev. ed prices, which has occasioned a vastly increased circulation through the important medium of those persons who were heretofore carrying the apples of Sodom throughout the land. The benefits of the Institution have also been increasingly extended to Ireland, where a judicious distribution of Religious Tracts will, we trust, have a most beneficial effect upon the morals of society, as well as in the promotion of their spiritual welfare.

Upon the whole, we never at tended an Annual Meeting of the Religious Tract Society with gretaer satisfaction or with a fuller conviction of its increasing importance; as it places within the reach of the poorest, as well as the most opulent, the means of extending the know ledge of divine truth, or of directing and comforting the believer in Christ, and is progressively extending these essential benefits to every part of the habitable globe.


The first Annual Meeting of this Institution was held at the New London Tavern, on Tuesday evening, May 9th, and was in the highest degree interesting to the friends of religion, and encouraging to the members of the Society. The room was crowded to excess, and though preceding the Missionary Meetings, yet there has been seldom collected

Thomas Loader, was already on his way to superintend the first Institution of the kind that has been attempted in that country. For the particulars, we must refer our readers to the Report itself, which we presume is printed for circulation.

The reception of the Report was moved by the Rev. A. Waugh, who in a very impressive manner called the attention of the Meeting to the neglected state of Ireland; to the liberal plan on which the Society was formed; to the benefits which it had already communicated; and to the importance of the Academy for preparing a well educated ministry, which he should hail as the rising sun of Ireland.

The Rev. R. Hill said he had visited Ireland thrice in the course of hislife, and when preaching, he had thought the time would come when that country would revive; jealousies and divisions had disappointed his hopes; but from what he had heard, appearances were never so promising as at the present time; old Bigotry seemed to be on his last legs; or, to use a military term, the breach which had been filled, was opened wider than ever, and they had nothing to do but march on and fire away he should therefore second the motion.

A motion of congratulation to the friends and members of the Society in Ireland, was proposed by the Rey. G. Jerment; he considered the necessity for sending the gospel nat

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only to the Catholics but to the Protestants, many of whom were equally wicked, or professed another gospel. which is not another;' and concluded by expressing his desire that the shamroc, the thistle, and the rose, with the plant of renown in the center, might long be seen bound together with the silken cords of Christian love.

The Rev. H. Townley followed; he wished to vindicate himself from the charge of apostacy from the cause of Ireland, and the Irish Evangelical Society; Providence had hedged up his way to that country, and had directed him to the many millions inhabiting the east.; but ab-, sent in the body, he should yet be present in spirit and in heart; he had already given something to the Society, but he begged to present another mite (£50). Mr. T. related several anecdotes of his journey in Ireland, and made a forcible appeal to ministers on the importance of going themselves to preach the gospel in that country.

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under the superintendance of such a man as was his friend Mr. Loader.. Thomas Wilson, Esq. moved the thanks of the Meeting to the Auxiliaries and Congregations for their prompt and liberal support, and presented £50 from the Auxiliary at Hoxton, to which he is Treasurer; he was particularly happy at the formation of an Academy. Academies had been the life blood to the Churches of this country, and he hoped that ere long we should hear Irish eloquence from our pulpits, rousing to do more than we had yet done for the cause of Christ.

R. H. Marten, Esq. had not yet subscribed to this Society, because he wished to know more of it, but he hoped he might now have that privilege; he thought it was high time to conciliate our countrymen, and he admired the tone of the Meeting, and of the Report, which did so much credit to those who produced it. With respect to the Academy, he recommended gentlemen to look over their libraries and see what books they could spare, and to send as many good volumes as they could to the library of the Irish Seminary.

The Rev. Dr. Smith was sorry that the Meeting did not terminate with the impression made by the last speech, warm on every gentleman's The Rev. Matthew Wilks said he mind; but he had to propose areso- was requested to speak a few words lution which ought not to be omitt- on this question, because they said ed; it respected a communication to he was a financier. Now the vesthe Rev. Thos. Loader, on his ap- sel was launched, and they had an pointment to the Tutorship in the excellent pilot, who was on his projected Academy: he paid some journey; but he was financier ehandsome compliments to the chanough to know that without the balracter of that gentleman, and re- last of their money the vessel would gretted that he had not formed with soon overset; they were obliged to him a more intimate acquaintance the Auxiliary Societies and other before he removed to so great a dis- friends; but the income was yet tance. The Rev. Dr. also expressed very scanty, and ministers should his conviction that the Irish and Hi- subscribe, and their example would bernian Societies were not rivals, produce a wonderful effect; he highbut. Auxiliaries in one holy cause. ly approved of the hints about the library, and in fact had an odd £50, obtained in an odd way, which he meant to devote to that object; for it would be a strange sort of Academy without books.

The Rev. T. Davies, of Dublin, supported the resolution, and entered very eloquently, and at length, into the obligations on this country to promote the spiritual emancipation of the sister isle, the happy consequences which had resulted already from the formation of the Society, the great prospects of success that opened to its future exertions, and especially from the Academy

The Rev. Dr. Bogue moved thanks to the Committee for their faithful execution of their trust; he thought their plans were wise, and that they had done the best that could be done; the Academy was a noble ob

ject, and as to the Tutor, whom he had known from 14 years of age, he merited every word of commendation that had been uttered; he was an excellent man, and be did not doubt that the divine blessing would succeed his labours.

The Rev. W. Roby, would not only second this motion, but the efforts of the Society also. Manchester had not been indifferent to the state of Ireland, though information of the operations of the Committee had not arrived in time for any thing to be done this year; if the Secretary would visit Manchester, he did not doubt but he would have warm support.

The Rev. J. Townsend said, those who were on the Committee knew how constant and indefatigable had been the attention of their excellent Treasurer, and he was sure that a motion of thanks to him would be heartily received: he had often contended in another Society for the importance of preaching the gospel, and he was therefore happy that a Society existed which prosecuted that object with so much vigour.

The Rev. W. Brown, of Belfast, spoke with great feeling on the state of Ireland, where he considered it an honour to have laboured for 15 years, and where his affections were strongly

fixed; he admired Bible and Missionary Societies, but he thought this Society embraced an object of the highest importance, and which would repay their exertions.

The Rev. J. Slatterie was sure that he should have their support in acknowledging their obligations to the Secretaries, whose laboura had contributed so essentially to the progress and prosperity of the Society; and he thought that between this and the Hibernian Society, Ireland had the prospect of that improvement which all hearts must desire.

The Rev, T. Blackburn stated some interesting facts connected with his labours in Ireland; and the Rev. J. Griffin, in proposing thanks to the Chairman, took occasion to assure the Meeting that Portsea would not neglect to assist a Society calculated to do so much good. Mr. Burder, and several other gentlemen, were obliged, from the lateness of the hour, to retire.

Letters were read from Dr, Haweis, Mr. Dewar, Mr. James, and others, regretting their inability to attend the Meeting; various sums were announced by the Secretaries, and the Meeting broke up under impressions the most encouraging and delightful.


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Divine grace, and for the excitement and imitation of survivors.

We confine ourselves, therefore, to an outline, for which we are obliged to a Correspondent, long well acquainted with this revered person, and refer for particulars to his excellent friends, who will, we trust, at no distant period, gratify the eager curiosity of many to whom his labours have been profitable, who lament his decease, and respect his memory.

Mr ANDREW FULLER was born in the month of February 1754 at Soham, in the county of Cambridge, a town 68 miles from London on the road from Ely to St Edmundsbury, not far from Newmarket. His parents (of whom

his salvation. Being of an athletic frame and a daring spirit, he was often engaged in such exercises and exploits as night, but for Divine interposition, have proved fatal. These, with attachi ment to games of hazard, bewitched and corrupted his mind more and more. Even then, however, he felt some sort of respect for good men, and often wished that he were rich, that he might be able to relieve such of them as were in poor circumstances,-manifesting how greatly those are deceived who regard such sort of feelings as an evidence of their being Christians. In the autumn of 1769, and for some time af terwards, convictions revived and remained with him. In the month of November of that year, an unusual load of guilt pressed upon his conscience, which had been seared as with an hot iron. Forgotten sins were recollected, broken vows, vain hopes, and abortive affections, were brought to remembrance, and the reproaches of his heart felt to him as the earnest of hell. I have known him use the following words to describe this: "The fire and brimstone of the bottomless pit seemed to burn within my bosom; nor is this," added he, "exaggerating language." He perceived

Ris mother still survives at the age of
85, (removed by him to Kettering, that
she might be cherished by his filial pie-
ty,) were Dissenters, and in the habit
of hearing, and of carrying their family
to hear, at a Baptist church, of which
Mr E, a good man, but a high
Calvinist, was pastor. They were en-
gaged in husbandry, which occupation
their son followed till his twentieth
year, never having been employed in
any other. It is proper to mention this,
as an idea has gone abroad, for which
there is no fouudation, that he was ori-
ginally a mechanic, and was called,
while occupied as such, into the minis
try. But the truth is, that he, who
was so distinguished as an acute writer
in theology, and whose active as well as
studious services have been of such im
portance in promoting the cause and
kingdom of Christ, not many years be-
fore he engaged in them, has milked
twenty cows in a morning! During
his early years he manifested that he
was a child of wrath, even as others,
living in alienation from God, and in
the practice of several gross sins. The
habit of these was sometimes indeed
interrupted by the dread of future
punishment, by reflections on their
meanness and on the consequences
which might attend them in this life,
but by no higher motives. He was
nearly fourteen years of age before he
had any serious thoughts of a future
state. As Mr Fuller, however, advan-
eed in life, convictions laid hold of him,
which rendered him very unhappy.
Grave and tender emotions also occa
sionally affected him, while reading
John Bunyan's Grace abounding to the
chief of Sinners, the Pilgrim's Progress,
and Ralph Erskine's Gospel Sonnets,——
These convictions and feelings, were
transitory, producing no change of
nature, and leaving him still the slave
of sin. They recurred occasionally, af-
ter long intervals of insensibility and
forgetfulness, leading to resolves for re
formation, and exciting trains of thought
which sometimes made him suppose
himself a Christian, and inclined him
to entertain impressions, from passages
of Scripture misunderstood and misap-
plied, as he afterwards judged, and
tending to delude and deceive him. The
society of wicked companions after this,
confirmed and accelerated his progress
in vice, so that he arrived at a consider
able degree of obduracy, living entirely
without prayer or any concern about


that if he were saved, he must be saved in spite of himself—that even if God forgave his past sins, he should still destroy his own soul in a day. "What have I done! what shall I do ?" were now his agonizing enquiries. At one moment despair would seize him, and suggest that he might as well take his fill of sin, since he could be but lost then a hope he durst scarcely cherish would come across his thoughts, and make him shudder at himself. During a conflict of this nature, those lines from Ralph Erskine, occurred to his thoughts ♬ But say if all the gusts And grains of love be spent Say-Farewell Christ, and welcome lusts

Stop-stop-I melt-I faint.

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