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members will not be affected in the slightest degree by a failure to forward written replies to the questions.

In the report of the Round-Table meeting printed in the January number of THE CHAUTAUQUAN, page 229, an attempt is made to give Pope's paraphrase of Hadrian's address to his soul. The substitution of the word "see'st" for "seem'st," however, spoils the sense of the latter part of the verse. The correct reading will be found in a foot note on page 409 of Quackenbos' Ancient Literature, one of the required books in the course for January and February.

A member of the class of 1883 writes: "I am happy to state that the difficulty I first experienced in fixing my attention satisfactorily upon the required reading has, in a great measure, been overcome, and that I can now enjoy the C. L. S. C., notwithstanding the long years of careless reading for amusement only. Since I commenced this course of reading the hand of our Father has been laid heavily upon me by taking away from our home our only little daughter, but we can say, 'Thy will be done,' and thank him for sparing to us our little son. If I had not pledged myself to the C. L. S. C. I should have given up the reading in my deep sorrow and despair, but I feel now that it was better for me not to do so; consequently I have nearly made up all lost time."

That the after-school idea of the C. L. S. C. is a practical feature, has already been frequently illustrated by the letters printed from the members. Several before us are so directly to this point that we quote from them. One writes: "I left school before I ought, and was married, and although I have been too happy in my married life to regret it, still I have felt more and more as the time passed that I should have been a better wife, a better mother, a better member of society, and better company for myself, if I had been well enough educated to know how to study alone." A lady member of the class of 1882, says: "I can never tell you how much brightness you have thrown into my life by the organization of the C. L. S. C. From my earliest childhood I have thirsted for knowledge. Though the privilege of attending a high school has been mine, yet I was obliged to stop far short of graduation. For three years I tried to do home duties cheerfully, though tears would often fall, and I fear I became envious of my more fortunate friends. Then I read of the C. L. S. C., and resolved to become a member of the Circle." Another member writes: "I find the C. L. S. C. studies just what I need and desire. I was obliged to leave school at the age of sixteen on account of home duties, consequently my education was never finished. I have been unable to settle myself down to a course of study of my own choosing, but now, when I think there are hundreds and thousands of others going over the same ground with myself, it gives me fresh cheer and courage to work on and never be discouraged,' knowing that with hope and life I shall succeed."

Persons who undertake the C. L. S. C. course for the purpose of benefiting others find a double profit to themselves. They not only receive the reward that follows the doing of good to others, but likewise the compensation that flows from an advantageous use of their own powers. Says a member of the class of 1883: "I am pursuing my studies this year with greater interest and enthusiasm than ever, and have succeeded in interesting several of my friends in it. My oldest boy, aged five, is greatly pleased with the illustrations in the History of Art, and also such portions of our studies as are adapted to his understanding. It is for his sake and his brother's that I have undertaken this course, hoping it will be a benefit to them in the future."

Another member writes: "I live with an uncle who has not been able to see to read for a great many years on account of weak eyes, and I have to read to him. I became so tired of reading the secular papers that when I heard of your course of reading I said to myself, 'That is what I want.' I commenced reading aloud to my uncle. I have read the course so far to him, and we have both enjoyed it more than you can tell. I find there is a great deal in the daily papers one can skip, if they have other reading that is interesting. My uncle is nearly eighty, and it is wonderful how much he has enjoyed it."


Burlington, Iowa, has a flourishing local circle of fortyfive members, with the prospect of additional numbers. The officers are, President, Mrs. E. S. Huston; Secretary, Mr. W. J. Samson; Corresponding Secretary, Miss L. V. Ray; Programme Committee, Mrs. E. S. Huston, Mrs. Downs, Miss Acres. The exercises at the meetings consist of papers on subjects connected with the course of study and discussions.

On the 19th of November last a local circle was organized at Kansas City, Mo., with the following named officers: President, J. W. Adams; Vice President, Anna C. Webster; Secretary, W. A. Harnsberger. At a subsequent meeting the name "Excelsior C. L. S. C., of Kansas City, Mo.," was chosen. Although organized a month after the commencement of the reading year the members have been enabled to catch up with the current reading, and an interesting winter's work is anticipated.

For the month of February the required reading is the latter half of Quackenbos' History of Ancient Literature, from History in the Golden Age of Grecian Literature, page 221 to the end of the volume; and in THE CHAUTAUQUAN, Mosaics of History, Christianity in Art, readings about Mental Science, and Health at Home. One hundred questions and answers are elsewhere printed in THE CHAUTAUQUAN, based on the required reading in History of Ancient Literature. As heretofore, we make a suggestive division of the work for the month into four parts, one for each week:

FIRST WEEK.-1. Ancient Literature, from page 221 to page 262-History, Philosophy, and Oratory in the golden age of Grecian Literature.

2. Questions and Answers on History of Ancient Literature, from No. 1 to No. 25, inclusive.

3. Mosaics of History, in THE CHAUTAUQUAN. SECOND WEEK.-1. Ancient Literature, from page 262 to 302-the Alexandrian Period, and later Greek Literature. 2. Questions and Answers on History of Ancient Literature, from No. 26 to No. 50, inclusive.

3. Christianity in Art, in THE CHAUTAUQUAN. 4. Art of Conversation, in THE CHAUTAUQUAN. THIRD WEEK.-1. Ancient Literature, from page 303 to page 354-Latin and its Oldest Monuments, Dawn of Roman Literature, and the Ciceronian Period of the golden age of Roman Literature.

2. Questions and Answers on History of Ancient Literature, from No. 51 to No. 75, inclusive.

3. Readings about Mental Science, in THE CHAUTAUQUAN.

FOURTH WEEK.--1. Ancient Literature, from page 354 to end of volume-the Augustan Age, and the silver age of Roman Literature.

*All communications from local circles intended for THE CHA UTAUQUAN should be addressed to Albert M. Martin, General Secretary of the C. L. S. C., Pittsburgh, Pa.

2. Questions and Answers on History of Ancient Literature, from No. 76 to No. 100, inclusive.

3. Readings about Health at Home, in THE CHAUTAUQUAN.

A local circle organized at St. Louis, Mo., numbers about fifty members. The officers are: President, Miss Helen E. Peabody; Vice President, D. W. Haydock; Secretary, Miss Jessie Brownell; Treasurer, Herbert Wright. The meetings are held on Monday evenings, once in two weeks. The program is planned by a committee of two. "Nearly every member has something to do each night," so writes the president. "Papers are read on the various subjects in the course, and then discussed by the members. The number is increasing, and a great deal of interest is taken. Private parlors failing to accommodate our growing numbers, Dr. Goodell, who is very enthusiastic in the work, has offered us the pleasant parlors of his church free of expense." Another member of the circle writes: "Quite a number of us hope to enjoy the privileges of Chautauqua itself next sum

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The West Side C. L. S. C., of Cleveland, Ohio, is one of the most successful organizations of the kind in that city. The winter session of the circle was inaugurated by a reception tendered to the members at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ingham. The guests were received by Dr. J. C. White, president, and Mr. A. J. Marvin, vice president of the circle, and the host and hostess. The evening was devoted to those social amenities that precede a season of hard, earnest work. An excellent musical programme was rendered, at the conclusion of which all were invited to supper. the close of the supper hour the guests repaired to the parlor and library, where the evening was spent amidst the charms of books and the delights of conversation. One of the city newspapers speaks of this local circle as follows: "Founded upon a broad intellectual basis, it has attracted its members as much by its literature and art life as the elevating influence of the association, and has inspired all with the new wine of a free creative thought, vital, flexible and expressive. The association this winter will renew with increased vigor those efforts which are having such a marked influence upon the social and intellectual status of the people of the West Side."

At one of the recent weekly meetings of the Ladies' Art Class at Milwaukee, Wis., College, they were favored with an object lesson on Architecture, by Prof. Farrar. By skilfully manipulating a few pine sticks he explained several principles in construction essential to an understanding of the Gothic style. A flat lintel from pillar to pillar is Grecian, a round arch Norman or Romanesque, and a pointed arch Gothic. There is no architectural contrast more striking than that between a Romanesque and a Gothic building. In the former we see thick, solid walls of stone; in the latter, walls that appear to be of stained glass divided by slender mullions. To use a homely illustration: Take a barrel with the staves in the usual position; then hang the staves on pivots and turn them so they will radiate from the center-the first stave of the barrel would represent the Romanesque, the last the Gothic style. Or a blind, with the slats closed, would represent the Romanesque wall, but with the slats open, the Gothic. This wonderful change, by which for the first time in the history of architecture light could stream freely and abundantly into a building, was accomplished by the use of the pointed arch, and particularly by the system of buttressing. The Gothic archi

tects sliced up the old Romanesque wall, took away whole sections of it, but by the use of the buttress gained equal strength with less material. The average Gothic cathedral has only one-tenth of its area occupied by solid walls, while churches or temples belonging to other recognized orders have from one-half to one-fourth.

The Carlinville, Ill., local circle was organized last year, and at present numbers sixteen names-eight married women and eight single. The secretary makes the following report: "All take THE CHAUTAUQUAN, and we read in turn in the circle all the required reading, and more, in it. Some member asks the questions for the week, and special questions, and each answers in turn as though a class in school. Those not having the books of the course read up as best they can, and all furnish such information as they are able to obtain. We have a critic for each month, who consults Webster, and corrects mispronunciation, etc. We meet at the houses of the members, one month at each place. At each meeting two members of the class furnish papers on the subjects suggested in THE CHAUTAUQUAN. On Bryant's Memorial Day we read the selections in turn, answered the questions, and one young lady read a paper on Bryant as an author. All seem enthusiastic in praise of the course. The attendance is regular, no one liking to be absent for a single day if it is possible to avoid it. Our meetings are held every Monday afternoon. We were all so sorry to miss the special questions in the November number, and hope we will have them again. We are much pleased with the division into week's lessons, as when a member is absent she knows just where the class is, and it is a great convenience every way."

In the January number of THE CHAUTAUQUAN reference was made to the course of free lectures, under the auspices of the C. L. S. C., given at Cincinnati, Ohio, this winter. The second lecture of the course was delivered on the evening of December 13th, at St. Paul's M. E. Church, by Prof. G. W. Harper, principal of the Woodward High School, his subject being Geology. We are indebted to Miss Eleanor C. O'Connell for the following synopsis: In opening, the speaker called attention to the fact that a few years ago such a thing as lectures in churches, on scientific subjects, was almost unheard of; and that now these subjects, especially Geology, are being studied by Christian people, proves that scientific research and Bible study can go hand in hand, each helping the other to get nearer the Creator. The Mosaic account of the creation was considered, and the agreement of the latest geological discoveries with it. He commended the articles on Geology in THE CHAUTAUQUAN as presenting a very fair idea of the subject as a whole. The various geological periods were reviewed, and the changes that have taken place in the earth's crust. Attention was called to the geological movements now in progress; among them the gradual receding of the water from the northern to the southern hemisphere, where it is slowly but surely forming a continent of ice. The waters are gradually leaving New York harbor, and some future year will find New York an inland city. The reason for this and other changes was explained by means of black-board diagrams. He dwelt for some time on the geology of North America, referring especially to that of Ohio, using an elaborate geological map of the State. The old silurian island, near the center of which the Queen City is situated, was interestingly discussed. The lecturer showed clearly that he who does not see God in the rocks as well as in the stars, is studying blindly this open book, every page of which points to a great designer who during the ages was preparing a habitation for the noblest of his creatures


may be made.
We must not depend too exclusively upon
books and music, or lectures. There is in the silent mes-
sage of the painting or the engraving, if it be pure and
clean and sweet, a subtle influence that will glide into our
musings before we are aware of it. It is just this kind of
influence that youth needs and will accept. God has given
this artistic faculty, this shaping of glory and beauty. He
means it to be used for his glory and the good of man.

Dr. Vincent made his first visit to the C. L. S. C. of Milwaukee, Wis., a few weeks since, and the reception tendered him at the Summerfield church is an event long to be remembered in the history of the local circle of that city. The Republican and News devotes over a column to an account of the reception, and the lecture of Dr. Vincent. We condense from it the following: "A very large company assembled in the parlors of the church to extend a hearty greeting and welcome. The supper tables, under the auspices of the members of the local circle of the C. L. S. C., were prepared for some seventy-five or eighty, in the rooms of the parsonage, which were all thrown open for the reception and comfort of the numerous guests. Upon the arrival of Dr. Vincent he was formally introduced to the entire company by Rev. J. E. Gilbert, and was received with the Chautauqua salute, the waving of handkerchiefs. The assembly then sat down to the supper, which was prepared under the especial superintendence of the lady members of the Chautauqua Circle, and served by a bevy of beautiful young girls belonging to the Sunday-school. Among those who were present and ably assisted toward rendering the festival so conspicuously successful, the following may be mentioned: Mrs. William Millard, President; W. T. Simmons, | mission of the artist. Religion would make of art a force to Vice President; S. H. Hooley, Secretary and Treasurer, and others. After the supper Dr. Vincent lectured in the audience room of the church. At the conclusion of his address an informal reception was held in the parsonage rooms adjoining the church, many of the audience wishing to say good-bye before his departure.

Rev. Dr. Bacon, of the Central Congregational Church of Toledo, Ohio, recently delivered an exceedingly interesting sermon to the members of the C. L. S. C. of that city, on the subject of Jewish art. He took for his text Exod. xxvii. 2: “And thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron, thy brother, for glory and for beauty." He commenced his sermon by quoting from the October CHAUTAUQUAN the question and answer: "Q. What is said of painting and sculpture among the Jews? A. It was forbidden." They were not forbidden by Moses or Jehovah. What was prohibited was the making of any likeness of the Creator, or any image whatsoever to bow down to or worship. Naturally those who came after Moses extended the prohibition to painting and sculpture in general. The idolatry by which they were entirely surrounded was fascinating and seductive to the last degree to their warm, sensuous nature, and they would naturally feel they could only escape this danger by total abstinence from the chisel and the brush. But there have been historical compensations-more than poetic justice to the Jew-in that he became the religious teacher of the world. The Jews were allowed free scope in poetry and music, and are not these the finest of the fine arts? Musical genius of the highest order has been common among the Jews. In poetry Hebrew is unmatched and unapproachable. The field of effort in architecture lay entirely open to the Hebrew. It seems probable that the tabernacle erected in the wilderness was the lightest, most graceful structure for religious use upon which the sun then shone. It was resplendent and beautiful. At the present time the danger of falling into superstition and idolatry seems well nigh past. Science has demonstrated the divine unity. Superstition has been hunted out of every nook and corner. The imagination is that much more free to roam the universe. The history of art remains not only a pleasant but a profitable study. Though we may not hope to be artists, we can admire and love those who are able to minister to the sense of the beautiful, as also the glory and beauty they produce. The speaker expressed his surprise that in what we do for young men more is not made of pictures and statuary. The enemy of souls knows how corrupting these

On Friday evening, December 30th, the Pittsburgh, Pa., branch of the C. L. S. C. held an "Art Meeting" in the chapel of the First Presbyterian church of that city. It was a treat altogether unique in its character, and of unusual interest to art lovers. Rev. S. F. Scovel gave an interesting and instructive address on "Art in Religion." Numerous historical illustrations were used, drawn from Hebrew art, early Christian art, classic art, and art in the Reformation. The speaker endeavored to show that religion is the friend of art. It is religion's duty not to abandon art to evil impulses, but to change it and use it. Religion befriends art, because it gives heed to the fact of beauty and to the sense of beauty. Religion alone gives the true definition to the

elevate and edify men, as well as to amuse or gratify, or simply to refine them. Religion must be the friend of art, because it believes that every exact fact is a thought of God, and that therefore the faithful reproduction of the fleeting beauty which God has so lavishly strown around us is a desirable and admirable thing. Religion befriends art by encouraging both realism and idealism in it. Religion is evidently the friend of art, as it relies upon it to translate its deepest truths and teach its grandest facts through that quickest of our senses, sight. Religion encourages in art a thorough conscientiousness. Religion befriends art by dignifying its themes. Religion helps art by restraining it. It follows, as a corollary, that religion must not be either hostile to or indifferent to the ennobling function of art. Art's great mission can not be accomplished without religion, nor can religion's mission be wholly accomplished without art. Mr. John Beatty, one of Pittsburgh's artists, at the close of the address, briefly explained the classification of the one hundred and fifty photographs and autotypes of works of celebrated masters which covered the walls and tables of the room. The principal contributors to the art display were Messrs. Linford, Beatty, Woodwell, Hetzel, and Mellor, Pittsburgh artists, and Rev. Dr. Scovel, who has a large collection. Prof. O. M. Tucker, chairman of the executive committee, who superintended the arrangement of the meeting, not only displayed great energy in arranging the details, but admirable artistic taste in the selection of pictures.

C. L. S. C. CLASS OF 1882 VIGIL.*

The proceedings were commenced by the singing of the night song of the class of 1882, "All the Earth is Wrapped in Shadow," led by Prof. Sherwin and choir.

Prayer was next offered by Dr. Vincent, followed by the singing of the night song, "Son of My Soul."

Dr. Vincent then spoke as follows: The Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle is an attempt to bring youth into old age, to turn back the current of our lives, and to put us again among the joys and fellowships and hopes, and worthier purposes of other years. One of the greatest heresies that prevails in the world to-day is that which shuts off all hope in the intellectual, the physical, the social, and the

* Meeting of the members of the C. L. S. C. Class of 1882, at the Hall of Philosophy, Chautauqua, Friday, August 12th, 1881, at 9:30 o'clock p. m., Dr. J. H. Vincent presiding.

spiritual life after one has reached what is called "maturity." Many of the failures in life are because of the conviction that failure is inevitable. A man who has strong hope and a strong will, but observes the laws of health, may retain the possibilities of life longer than most people suppose. There are too many people who are writing bitter things against themselves spiritually because of past failures and lost opportunity, who are thereby only weakening themselves for the work of to-morrow. One of the sweetest hopes I have indulged in connection with our Chautauqua movement is this: that we may be able to impress people that life is worth living for new and far-reaching enterprises as long as soul and body can be held together. The Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle, without calling itself a university, is a university for the old, where the joys of youth may be put into the heart again, and the purposes which strengthened the school-boy be brought back again. I suppose the real trouble with old people is the sense of guilt, and the feeling that the wrong has been done so long that the heart delights in it, and that character has become fixed by habit; but to-night I bring you here, among these shadows and flickering lights in our dear old hall, to call your attention to the way by which the simplicity and innocency of youth may be brought back to us; by which the past may be blotted out; by which the sense of Divine acceptance may be secured; by which one may look into the face of God, and say, as the child says, "My Father."

Let us as members of the Circle learn not to grow old, not to give up hope; but use what strength remains for the acquirement of knowledge and the attainment of character. If, amidst the shadows that gather about us this hour, we we may be reminded of these possibilities in our lives, I shall be grateful to our Heavenly Father who brings us together.

The first three years of the C. L. S. C. have been years of experiment. It would have been a very easy thing to sit down in the tent, as Dr. Warren, Prof. Bowne and myself did, and draw out a four years' course of reading and study, which the president of the best university in America might look at and pronounce "admirable and thorough;" it would have been an easy thing to draw up a course of reading and study which, while it might not have elicited such high praise, would at least have commanded the respect of leaders in education, and led them to say that it is a very thorough and comprehensive course; but, in doing this, we should have defeated our own purposes.

Now, I confess that, as a believer in thorough work, I have sometimes felt a little ashamed to write as I have done to members of the class about details of work: "Never mind this, or never mind that, or we will accept this or that as equivalent, only keep at it." "If the work be not done thoroughly, still keep at it, and do the best you can." It would have been much more pleasant to me to write: "Stand firm to the letter of our arrangement, and read every line, and be able to pass a rigid examination before a high board of examiners, and thou shalt have thy reward." But I should thereby have sent away from our Circle many who have steadily gone on, and are to-day grateful for the encouragement and the concessions of the earlier years.

I have always desired to draw the lines a little more closely for the fourth year, to put into the work a little more will, a little more emphasis, a little more faith, a little more economy of time, a little more system, a little more courage; and after a while we shall be able to carry on our work, through the first, second, and third years with the same spirit.

To you who are members of the fourth year, a few words: I wish that you could, by some silent consecration, each with himself before God, commit himself to a little more thorough work for this last year. The song which has been

sung, and which our friend, Miss Leavitt, wrote for this night's service, is expressive of the weariness and discouragement which come to us once in a while in our lives. I have, as you know, heavy work here at Chautauqua. After the second or third day of the summer meeting, I go to my rest tired out; I go to my bed tired out; and I often think to myself as I lie down, I really care very little whether the meeting to-morrow be a success or not; but when I awake at the music of the six o'clock bell, I am as fresh and strong for the work as though I had never felt a touch of weariness. Now I want the Circle, in starting out for the year's work, to do so with strong purposes and high courage.

We have in this hall indications of the time coming when it must decay, when the columns and the roof and the floor will all be gone. In this place, I trust, a more commodious building will stand. And when you and I are very old, I hope that members of the C. L. S. C. will tread through the halls that shall then stand here, and that we who remain shall tell them about the early circles, and the early sessions of the Round-Table, and the meetings of the classes, and of the night service when the first fourth year's class. organized. That good time must come.

Let us have true faith in the Father as little children be-fore him; and true courage to do royal work this year according to our opportunity.

Let me say to you first of all, do not look ahead too much over the prescribed reading of the course for the year. It is a bad thing when one is nervous to look over in advance a pile of work. It is a discouraging thing, when one has a thousand pages to read, to turn over each page and see how much a thousand pages are. Do the work of to-day during to-day, and let the remaining three hundred and sixty-four days take care of themselves. You will always have more heart if you never entertain but the work of the present at the present.

We have before us to-night a symbol; the symbol is a column and the light upon it. I intend one of these days to have erected here such a pillar for symmetry and beauty, that as the members of the class look upon it, they will gather from it inspiration. And when my marble column stands a symbol of symmetry and strength and purity in culture, crowned with a light that shall not easily go out, but that shall burn before we come into the hall, and burn after we leave the hall, we shall read in it the mission of our Circle, and the lesson of our symbol: A foundation strong and sure and pure and beautiful; crowned with fadeless light, to bless the world, or that portion of it in which we have been placed. Carry away with you in your thoughts the column that is strong, and the light that fadeth never, and may God give to you and to me, to the counselors and the secretaries, to the leaders of local circles throughout our widely extended territory, and to all our members, strength, patience, courage, fidelity, purity, and above all that love of usefulness which will make us ask continually: "How may we be helps to others?"

In starting out in the new year's course, begin the first day of October. If that day should come on Sunday, read something out of the Word, or out of religious books assigned. If the first of October comes on a week day, begin on that day to read as much as you can of the required course. As you move on, doing more at the beginning than after a while, you will in the cool weather of October and November, and throughout the winter, have accomplished so much that when the time comes for rest-the hot summer months of June, July, and August-you will not be required to work so hard.

I know your discouragements. Some of you say: I am too old to learn now. I know how tempted I am, when duty presses in the morning, to neglect the reading of the Scripture and to kneel in prayer before God. I know when

the resolve has been formed to read ten pages a day how easy it is to put it off until afternoon, and then after a while say: I will read twenty pages to-night. And then to-morrow it is the day after that, when forty pages are demanded, and when one gets so much behind he is disheartened.

Do not be troubled about your quarterly report cards. I think we shall not send them out at all the coming year. If you have quarterly cards on hand, return them. Send back the cards and memoranda. Fill out the statement that you have read the required books, sign your name as requested. Never mind the details.

If you have difficulties, organize local circles. If you can not have thirty, perhaps you may have twenty or ten or seven or two. Resolve to get over the difficulty, and you will get over it. Remember the power of the will. Say "I will," and you will.

Sometimes your head will ache. Wait until the headache is over. When your body lashes you, wait. Do not work in physical pain unless the work be a relief. Try to find a time when your work tells most, and consecrate that time to the work.

I received from a friend yesterday a little poem. She is the author of the poem I read you the other day, "It is dead." Her life has been singularly sorrowful. In the following poem she expresses the longing of the mature life that she might still rest in the arms of the dear Father. I said, when I received this, I will read these words to the Circle that each member may be "as a little child."


"Except ye become as a little child ye can not enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

"As a little child, as a little child!

Then how can I enter in?

I am scarred, and hardened, and soul-defiled

With traces of sorrow and sin.

Can I turn backward the tide of years

And wake my dead youth at my will?"

"Nay, but thou canst, with thy grief and thy fears,
Creep into my arms and be still."

"I know that the lambs in the heavenly fold
Are sheltered and kept in thy heart;
But I-I am old, and the gray from the gold
Has bidden all brightness depart.

The gladness of youth, the faith and the truth,

Lie withered or shrouded in dust."

"Thou'rt emptied at length of thy treacherous strength;

Creep into my arms now-and trust.”

"Is it true? can I share with the little ones there A child's happy rest on thy breast?"

"Ay, the tenderest care will answer thy prayer,
My love is for thee as the rest.

It will quiet thy fears, will wipe away tears-
Thy murmurs shall soften to psalms,
Thy sorrow shall seem but a feverish dream,
In the rest-in the rest in my arms.
"Thus tenderly held, the heart that rebelled
Shall cling to my hand, though it smite,
Shall find in my rod the love of its God,
My statutes its songs in the night.

And whiter than show shall the stained life grow,
Neath the touch of a love undefiled,

And the throngs of forgiven at the portals of heaven
Shall welcome one more little child."


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ing of the Look Up Legion at Chautauqua, more than twenty heads of clubs met and agreed to exchange notes with each other, as to the management of clubs connected with the Look Up Legion or with the Wadsworth Club.

It is proposed that each chief of a club shall, once a year at least, and oftener if possible, send to me a note in the way of a report, explaining the methods of carrying on the club, and asking such questions of other clubs as may help forward the general purpose.

I have agreed to print as much as possible of these letters, to be sent from this center to the other clubs for their information.

Finding your name on one of the records, I take this method of asking you if you will not liketo receive these circulars-which we propose to print monthly and whether you will not write to us questions or experiences which you think may serve the common purpose.

I have supposed that in general it will be better to print the notes of different correspondents without their names, or the names of the places to which they refer. I should hope, therefore, for the freest possible statement both of failure and of successes.

So far as I know there are more than one hundred and fifty Look Up Legion Clubs or Wadsworth Clubs, under different names, in different parts of the world. As it is quite out of my power to keep up a personal correspondence with the heads of these clubs, however pleasant such a correspondence would be, the


has kindly undertaken the duty of forwarding the printed circulars and receiving the letters from correspondents.

We suppose that each monthly circular sent out by us will be eight printed pages. To meet our expenses in printing, we ask for a subscription of fifty cents a year from each correspondent.

Please address all letters to "Welcome and Correspondence Club," 39 Highland Street, Roxbury, Mass.

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