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by Albert Martin. This smaller edition differs from the larger only by the omission of the Prolegomena and Indexes, and consequently ignores other works that have appeared since 1894. 8) Galeni De victu attenuante liber. Primum graece edidit Carolus Kalbfleisch. Leipzig, 1898. Mentioned by A. M. This editio princeps is made from a MS brought from the Orient in 1840, with the aid of Latin versions, &c. 9) Recherches sur la tradition manuscrite des Lettres d'empereur Julien, par J. Bidez et Fr. Cumont. Bruxelles, 1898. Mentioned by Albert Martin. These researches constitute a preparatory study for an edition of the Letters of Julien. The present work is of the first order for philologists and palaeographists. 10) Catalogus codicum astrologorum Graecorum. Codices Florentinos descripsit Alexander Olivieri. Bruxelles, 1898. Albert Martin gives a brief account of this work (the beginning of a series) with some remarks and and suggestions. 11) Ettore Pais, Storia di Roma; vol. I, parte I: Critica della tradizione sino alla caduta del decemvirato. Torino, 1898. Highly praised by Philippe Fabia. 12) Albrecht Dieterich, Pulcinella, pompejanische Wandbilder und römische Satyrspiele. Leipzig, 1897. Ph. F. finds this an able work, but not free from unproved hypotheses. 13) Otto Ribbeck, Scaenicae Romanorum poesis fragmenta tertiis curis...; vol. II. Comicorum fragmenta. Lipsiae, 1898. Philippe Fabia finds many improvements in the text, but regrets the omission of the index, and considers the work of conjecture carried too far. 14) T. Macci Plauti Trinummus with an introduction and notes by J. H. Gray, Cambridge, 1897. Mentioned briefly and favorably by Philippe Fabia. 15) P. Terenti Afri comoediae. Iterum recensuit Alfredus Fleckeisen. Lipsiae, 1898. Mentioned quite unfavorably by Philippe Fabia. 16) Paulus Tschernjaew, Terentiana. De Ciceronis studiis Terentianis; Casani, 1897. Highly commended by Ph. F. 17) Ch. Hideń, De casuum syntaxi Lucretiana. Pars II. Helsingfors, 1899. This work, devoted to the Ablative, is commended by R. Harmand, who suggests some slight improvements. 18) M. Terenti Varronis, Antiquitatum rerum divinarum libri I, XIV, XV, XVI. Praemissae sunt quaestiones Varronianae-Auctore Reinholdo Agahd. Lipsiae, 1898. Philippe Fabia briefly describes the work and finds in it valuable contributions to our knowledge. 19) Q. Horati Flacci carmina. Tertium recognovit Lucianus Mueller. Ed. ster. maior. Lipsiae, 1897. Ph. F. makes this work an opportunity to express great admiration for the important services of the author and his untiring activity. 20) Q. Horati Flacci opera recensuerunt O. Keller et A. Holder. Vol. I, Carminum libri IV, Epodon liber, carmen saeculare, iterum recensuit Otto Keller, Lipsiae, 1899. R. Harmand gives a general, and in the main, favorable account of this work, with discussion of several passages concerning which he does not agree with the author. 21) Titi Livi ab urbe condita libri. Ed. I curavit Guilelmus Weissenborn, Ed. altera quam curavit Mauritius Müller.

Pars 2, fasc. 1. lib. VII-X. Leipzig, 1899. Brief but favorable mention by R. Harmand._22) Lexicon Petronianum composuerunt Joannes Segebade et Ernestus Lommatzsch. Lipsiae, 1898. Mentioned by Philippe Fabia, Segebade died when he had finished from A to Hic, and L. finished the work, which, according to Fabia, is a model of its kind. 23) Walter Dennison, The epigraphic Sources of the Writings of Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (Am. Journal of Archaeology, II, 1898, pp. 26-70). B. Haussoullier finds this paper marred by bad arrangement and classification. 24) Palladii Rutilii Tauri Aemiliani viri inlustris opus agriculturae ex recensione J. C. Schmittii. Lipsiae, 1898. Very favorably mentioned by Philippe Fabia. 25) Dr. Nicolaus Bubnov. Gerberti postea Silvestri II papae Opera Mathematica. Accedunt aliorum opera ad Gerberti libellos aestimandos necessaria etc. Berlin, 1899. Paul Tannery recognizes the great importance of this work, but finds it faulty in assuming as genuine what is not known to be so, and assuming as facts what are not proved to be facts.

11. Pp. 87-8. List of books received.

No. 2.

1. Pp. 89-96. Domitius Marsus on Bavius and his brother, by Louis Havet. On Verg. Ecl. III, 90, Philargyrius cites an epigram which is explained for the first time correctly in this article. "Un homme est accusé non pas d'avoir craint que son frère fût son rival auprès d'une femme, mais d'avoir craint qu'une femme fût sa rivale auprès de son frère." In the note of Philargyrius read "stuprator (for curator) fratris."

2. P. 96. In Cic. Epist. ix, 16, 3, for Quod si id Max Bonnet proposes iam.

3. Pp. 97-102. Orphica, Fr. 3 Abel, discussed by Paul Tannery.

4. Pp. 103-118. Notes on the Text of the "Institutiones" of Cassiodorus, by Victor Mortet. This interesting article first discusses the proper title of the work, and secondly calls attention to a new text of the "Conclusio" (not "Clausula" as it had been called).

5. Pp. 119-31. The Cyranides, by F. de Mély. Interesting discussion of the origin of the first book of the Cyranides, bearing the name of Hermes Trismegistus as author, recently edited by Ruelle and F. de Mély.

6. Pp. 132-4. Remarks on Hor. Ep. III, 1, 102, by A. d'Alès. He renders 101-2 "Quelle sympathie ou quelle aversion est à l'abri de l'inconstance humaine? Tout fatigue à la longue: même les douceurs de la paix, même les vents favorables."

7. Pp. 135-42. The Decree of Callias, C. I. A., I, 32, examined by E. Cavaignac. A careful study of the income and outlay of Athens fixes the date at the beginning of the financial period B. C. 418-14. The article contains some details of interest to students of Attic finances.

8. P. 143. Louis Havet argues that the person to whom Phaedrus III was dedicated was named "Eutyches" rather than "Eutychus," and thinks the name of Phaedrus himself may have been "Phaeder."

9. Pp. 144-5. Louis Havet discusses some verses of Paulinus Nolanus.

10. Pp. 145-6. Dr. Earle makes a tentative restoration of symmetry between vv. 28-37 and vv. 77-85 of the Alcestis.

11. Pp. 147-8. In Cic. de Domo 76 Paul Graindor proposes emercanda for emendanda, which all consider corrupt.

12. Pp. 149-54. Critical discussion of six passages of Cic. de Domo, by Daniel Serruys.

13. Pp. 155-8. Critical discussion of four passages of Plaut. Rudens by Daniel Serruys.

14. Pp. 159-66. Book Notices. 1) Zu Thukydides Erklärungen und Wiederherstellungen aus dem Nachlass von Ludwig Herbst mitgeteilt und besprochen von Franz Müller. Leipzig, 1898, 1899, 1900. Reviewed by E. Chambry, who highly commends the work both of Herbst and of Müller. The three fasciculi treat of books I-VII, the treatment of book VIII being promised in the Philologus. 2) Hans von Arnim: Leben und Werke des Dio von Prusa. Mit einer Einleitung u. s. w. Berlin, 1898. Reviewed at some length by Paul Vallette, who finds fault with the work in many respects, but says it will henceforth be one of the indispensable sources for the study of Hellenism under the Roman Empire. 3) H. Bornecque. La prose métrique dans la correspondance de Cicéron. Paris, 1898. Georges Ramain briefly sums up the conclusions arrived at in this important work. 4) Schüler-Commentar zu C. Iulii Caesaris commentarii de bello civili von Dr. Franz Klaschka. Leipzig, 1900. Highly commended, but considered rather concise, by G. Chambry. 5) Weidners Schulwörterbuch zu Cornelius Nepos, bearbeitet von Johann Schmidt, zweite Auflage. Leipzig, 1898. Highly praised by E. Chambry. 6) H. Bornecque. Quid de structura rhetorica praeceperint Grammatici atque Rhetores latini. Paris, 1898. Brief description with commendation, by G. R. 7) S. Aureli Augustini Confessionum libri tredecim ex recognitione P. Knöll. Lipsiae, 1898. Briefly described by R. Harmand. This is an editio minor, but contains some improvements on the greater critical edition of 1896. 8) Uebungsstücke zum Uebersetzen ins

Lateinische für Abiturienten, von Prof. Dr. Hermann Knauth. Leipzig, 1900. Very briefly mentioned by E. C.

[blocks in formation]

1. Pp. 169-92. Specimen Commentarii critici et exegetici ex fontibus hausti ad Oracula Chaldaica elaboravit Alb. Iahnius. An extract from the Preface of the work will explain the situation. "Octavus hic est annus ex quo... Commentarius criticus et exegeticus ad Oracula Chaldaica...a me scribi coeptus est. Sed quominus eum ultra priorem, cuius Specimen nunc prodit, partem perducerem et ad finem usque pertexerem, obstiterunt edita a me Anecdota graeca theologica et deinde ingruens offuscatio meorum prope nonagenarii oculorum." [Cf. A. J. P. XX 460; + Aug. 23, 1900.]

2. P. 192. Louis Duvan emendicanda for emendanda in Cic. de Domo, 76.

3. Pp. 193-8. A. Cartault emends Propert. I, 8, 9-16, and discusses the emendations of others. To reconcile the inconsistent auferet and patiatur he places 13 f. before 11 f.

4. Pp. 198-200. L. Parmentier reads "eos for cîos and restores émovμe of the MSS for éπiðvμ of the texts in Plat. Symp. 209 B.

5. Pp. 201-236. The metrical laws of Latin oratoroical prose as exhibited in the Panegyric of Trajan, by Henri Bornecque. After deducing the laws for the end and the middle of clauses, the author applies them or shows how they may be applied in the establishment of the text, the interpretation, the punctuation, the quantity of doubtful syllables, etc. The article is a very important contribution to the subject of rhythm in ancient prose.

6. Pp. 236-41. Louis Lajoy defends the introduction of the KaTaToμn Kavóvos of Euclid (Jan, Musici Graeci pp. 115-119), showing that the objections against it are due to misinterpretation of part of it.

7. Pp. 241-2. Paul Graindor proposes, in Cic. de Domo 52, to read Roma cessisset for Romae decessisset, leaving the letters ede obelized to await an explanation.

8. Pp. 243-71. Seleucidae and the temple of Didymean Apollo, by B. Haussoullier. In his previous articles the author had omitted the early period of the history of this temple. It was destroyed by Darius in 494, and remained in ruins until Alexander took Miletus in 334. In this article its history is studied from 334 to 189, from the capture of Miletus by Alexander to the defeat of Antiochus by the Romans. The author makes use of inscriptions, especially one of considerable size which he discovered in 1896. The article is characterized by the same thoroughness and insight as were the previous articles.

9. Pp. 272-81. Notes on the text of the Institutiones of Cassiodorus, by Victor Mortel. This second article contains critical discussion of some passages of the De Geometria.

10. Pp. 282-9. Book Notices. 1) Rudolf Birzel, "Aypapos vóμos. Leipzig, 1900. Paul Graindor bestows the highest praise on this work. 2) T. G. Tucker, Aristotelis Poetica. London, 1899. P. G. considers this a carefully prepared edition but thinks the author should have been a little more conservative. 3) P. Masqueray, Traité de métrique grecque. Paris, 1899. Médéric Dufour reviews the work at some length. He considers it the best elementary work (in French?) on the subject, but criticizes several points, offering a different treatment of some verses. 4) H. M. Léopold, De orationibus quattuor, quae injuria Ciceroni vindicantur. Specimen litterarum inaugurale. Leyden, 1900. Paul Graindor reviews this work quite unfavorably. The four condemned works are Post reditum in Senatu, Post reditum ad Quirites, De Domo, and De Haruspicum responsis. 5) Quintilien. Il libro decimo della Instituzione Oratoria, comm. da Domenico Bassi. Turin, 1899. Henri Bornecque mentions this work briefly but not unfavorably, making some suggestions for a third edition, this being the second. 6) Arthur Tappan Walker, The sequence of tenses in Latin. Lawrence, Kansas, 1899. H. B. briefly mentions this "interesting and conscientious work." 7) F. Antoine, De la Parataxe et de l'Hypotaxe dans la langue latine. Extrait de la Revue des Études anciennes, 1899-1900. Henri Bornecque mentions this work favorably, but does not like the Greek names for "coordination" and "subordination."

II. Pp. 290-2. List of books received.

No. 4.

1. Pp. 293-315. Critical discussion of twenty-two passages of Phaedrus, by Louis Havet.

2. Pp. 316-32. The Seleucidae and the temple of Didymean Apollo (second article), by B. Haussoullier. This article is a continuation of the previous one.

3. Pp. 333-50. Chronology of the works of Saint Cyprian and of the African Councils of his times, by Paul Moncfaux. This article contains a table of the ecclesiastical councils at Carthage, from A. D. 251 to 256, and list of the works of Cyprian with the dates arrived at by the very learned investigation.

4. Pp. 351-2. Book Notices. 1) Gustave Michaut. Le génie latin: la race, le milieu, le moment, les genres. Paris, 1899. René Pichon highly commends this work, and regrets that it was not extended beyond its actual limits. 2) The Amherst Papyri... by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt. Part. I. The Ascension of Isaiah and other theological Fragments. London, 1900. Described with high commendation by Max Bonnet.

The Revue des Revues, begun in No. 2 and continued in No. 3, is completed in this number.


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