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macadamized—a rare thing in the States. The drives along the heights behind the city are charming, being thickly studded with ornamental villas and mansions, which show at once the taste and wealth of the merchants of Cincinnati. The views of the river, with its banks here and there covered with vines, and of the rich, wooded uplands, extending far away beyond, are grand. In fact, nature and art have combined to make Cincinnati one of the most attractive cities of the United States.

My kind friends in the University of Virginia had given me letters of introduction, which opened my way at once to a refined and literary circle, and gained for me free access, besides, to all public institutions, schools, and colleges. The kindness and courtesy shown me during my stay, I can never forget.


One of my first visits was to the Public Library, which has been recently placed in a new and handsome building. The general plan and arrangements are all that could be desired. There are large, separate reading-rooms for males and females, amply supplied with periodical literature. The Library is open free to every resident in the city above the age of sixteen, and to non-residents on payment of the small subscription of three dollars a year. It is supported, like the public schools, by a special


The last annual Report is most interesting. Like all such reports in America, it is not confined to dry statistics and details; but it brings out with much force and point broad principles, which should be carefully studied by the municipal authorities of every city, both in Europe and America, and by statesmen and patriotic legislators as well. This country ought not to be behind the United States in providing liberally for the mental and moral training of the masses of the population.

The Report says:-" The number of volumes in the library one year ago was 22,537. The additions for the present year have been 7,901 volumes by purchase, 361 by donation, and 3,291 by the deposit of the theological and religious library; making the total number of addi

tions 11,553, and of volumes now in the library, 33,958. The amount expended for the purchase of books was 13,535 dollars, and for periodicals 700 dollars.

"While the purchase of learned and expensive books has not been omitted, it has been an especial aim during the past year to strengthen the library in the department of healthful reading, which is most in demand. The circulation and the wants of the public have been closely watched to this end. Popular standard works have been duplicated, and in some instances as many as ten copies of the same work have been procured, and they have been constantly in circulation. No attempt has been made fully to supply the first demand for a popular book; but when the merit of a new book was sufficient to create a permanent demand for a considerable number of copies, this demand has been promptly and fully met......It is, however, the function of public libraries, as they are supported by the whole community, to supply such good books, even if they be not learned or profound, as are suited to the tastes and capacities of the people. When this demand is liberally supplied, by far the largest portion of the income remains to be expended in books adapted to the wants of persons of a higher culture."

After mentioning valuable donations in books, bound pamphlets, and newspapers, the Report gives the following encouraging details regarding readers," and the use made of the library by the public:

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The number of loan accounts in the ledgers reported last year was 6,773. The present number is 11,261......The circulation of books during the year has been 100,256 volumes, twothirds of which have been the work of the past four months. The same rate maintained through the year would give a circulation of 200,000 volumes......The largest number issued in one day was 1212......For each of five successive Saturdays in March and April, the issues were more than 1000 volumes. In a single week more books have been taken out than in the whole corresponding month of the last year These results have been reached without a printed catalogue, or any means within reach of appli cants of knowing what the library contained

other than inquiring of the attendants. With a printed catalogue, the use of the library must largely increase during the coming year."

expense, so that they would be entirely free from even the semblance of benefaction to the poora mighty change would gradually be effected. The clerk, the shop-boy, and the artisan, would be drawn away from the dazzling snares of the billiard-room and the tavern; and the inexperienced girl, just entering on life's work, would be kept from the dangers of the public promenade; while all would be benefited by the spread of a healthy literature among the families of the community. The minds of the

The above statistics refer solely to the lending department, in which books are given out to be read at home. It is right to observe that the Institution, in its present enlarged form, is new, and had not yet come into full operation when the Report was printed. In addition to the lending, there is another department of no less importance it is for casual reading and consultation. A mechanic, an apprentice, a shop-poor as well as of the rich must have some em

girl, or a milliner, may drop in here during
the intervals of work, or in the evening, or on
Saturday afternoon, and read a book from the
shelves, or a magazine from the tables, with as
much freedom and security from interruption as
if at home. Might not this be one way of
lessening the numbers in the public-houses of
our cities?
Of this department the Report

"The reading-rooms are supplied with 255 periodicals, of which 127 are American, and 128 foreign. Fifty-eight of these periodicals are paid for from the funds of the theological and religious library. The number of readers has steadily increased. The issues of books for consultation have been 16,053, and of periodicals 20,719. In the reading-room on the third storey are kept the current files of forty-four religious newspapers, sent to the theological and religious library."

These facts are most encouraging. They open a wide field for thought and effort on the part of those who would afford to the working-classes, and masses of the people in our large towns, the same means of mental improvement possessed by those who have libraries of their own. The youth of both sexes who go out fresh from the schools, instead of being finally and absolutely cut off, as they are in most places, from every department of literature, and from every means of carrying on education, have here-within their reach, and free-in the reading-rooms, and on the shelves of the library, the best works in all departments of knowledge. I believe that if such facilities as these for mental culture were given freely and generally in our towns and large villages at home-given, too, at the publie

ployment. The faculties will not lie dormant. It becomes the duty, therefore, of wise and patriotic legislators to supply a fitting field for mental activity-to place books within the reach of those who will read them; and thus to promote education, and take away, at least, all excuse for indolence and vice. I cannot but feel that hitherto we have neglected our duty in this matter. We are pained to see the public-houses crowded each evening with men who have been toiling hard all day; we are horrified at the amount of drink consumed, and the amount of misery entailed; but I fear we do not always adopt the best means of checking this monstrous evil. We forget that these poor men have no home comforts. They have nothing there to improve or to employ their minds; they have, in general, no amusements, except what is connected with drink; and men cannot live like molluscs. A suitable book, or a popular magazine, would be a treasure to many a young mechanic who has just entered upon housekeeping. It might save him from a host of temptations, and a world of future misery; but where is it to be had? He has not the means of buying. Place such a library as that of Cincinnati near his home-give him such a readingroom, free and comfortable, where he can spend an hour of an evening-and you afford that man a fair chance of rising in the social scale, and raising his family with him.

The religious aspect of this Report is also encouraging. I have often been amused at the way in which the managers of our public libraries treat religious books. They shun them as they would the plague. A work may be of the highest value-it may be an ornament to the

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literature of the age; but the hint that it treats of Christian doctrines immediately places it in the "Index." It might treat of the Hindu Shasters, or the writings of Confucius, or the Koran, or the prophecies of Joe Smith, and be admitted; but if it touch upon the Bible, it is excluded. Surely this is miserable truckling to party fear and sectarian prejudice. Christianity is our common faith; the Bible is the common property of Christendom. Let the standard works of all parties and sects find a place in our public libraries, where those who will may have access to them. I would compel no man to read or hear; but I would give every man an opportunity to read and learn. In the United States, as a rule, they have no such scruples as we have here. No objection was made to incorporate a whole theological library with the public library of Cincinnati. Religious books, religious periodicals, and even religious newspapers, are there for those who desire them. And this is only just. Why should the Christian man be debarred from that literature which he loves by the prejudices of others. No work which is moral in its tendency, and popular with any considerable section of the people, should be excluded from a public library.

It is pleasing to observe how large a number of books are taken out of the library on Saturdays. The fact is suggestive, for it shows that there is a felt want among the working-classes of something to read upon Sundays; and it may indicate, also, that, if that want were met fully and judiciously, Sabbath desecration might, in part at least, be checked.

On the 12th of March 1871, this library was first opened on Sunday. It was hoped that the opening of the theological department and the reading-rooms to the public might attract a large class of readers who had not the opportunity of visiting the library on other days; and perhaps also draw in young men from the streets and drinking-saloons. These expectations have not been realized; or at least were not when the Report was written. The number of Sunday readers was small; but it was observed regarding them that they appeared to be studious and sober-minded persons, who eagerly embraced the opportunity afforded them.


I was taken to the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, where I found every effort being made to induce young men to spend their spare hours in profitable reading, or in some department of Christian work. They contain a select library and a number of religious periodicals and newspapers. The members of committee, and others judiciously selected, make it a point to search out young men who have just come to the city, or who are entering upon business, and to place before them, in a calm and respectful yet earnest manner, the claims and advantages of the society. Much good is thus effected; and many a youth, thrown without experience amid the temptations of a large city, finds in that society friends, a refuge, and a home.



I was greatly pleased with the public-school system of Cincinnati, every grade and department of which I had an opportunity of inspecting under the efficient guidance of Mr. Wisnewski, the assistant superintendent. The school buildings are new, and admirably planned. The teachers are almost exclusively females. In the elementary department I found some striking peculiarities—for example, among the first lessons given to a child on entering school is to read the script letter, and then to write, or try to write it, with a pencil. So also English Composition begins to be taught at a very early period in the second school year. German is taught in most of the schools. is necessary, for one large quarter of the city is almost exclusively inhabited by Germans. Another peculiarity I thought admirable was, that music, drawing, and gymnastics form a part of the daily routine for both boys and girls. The music is taught scientifically, and not merely by ear; and as the children commence very early, natural defects of ear, voice, and even taste, seem to be largely overcome. The singing was very sweet. For the regulation of gymnastics there is a special committee of the school board, whose duty it is to supervise that department. It is a standing rule that the teachers in each room of the intermediate and district schools shall give a lesson every session of their school, in gymnastics

"The pupils of the common schools may read such version of the Sacred Scriptures as their parents or guardians may prefer, provided that such preference of any version, except the one now in use, be communicated by the parents or guardians to the principal teachers, and that no notes or marginal readings be read in the schools, or comments made by the teachers on the text of any version that is or may be introduced."

or calisthenics, of not less than five nor more than | portion of the Bible, by or under the direction of ten minutes. None are exempted from these ex- the teacher, and appropriate singing by the ercises except such as present a medical certificate pupils. of inability. Another rule on this subject struck me as exceedingly wise and judicious. It is as follows: "For the better guarding of the health of the pupils of grades F, G, and H (being the lowest) from injury by too long confinement in their school-rooms, there shall be allowed to the pupils of these grades, at the close of each recitation, the space of five minutes for calisthenic exercise in the room, during which time the room shall be well ventilated; and the recitations shall be shortened for this purpose." Each recitation continues an hour, and it is delightful to see those little things engaging heartily and vigorously, under their skilled teachers, in free calisthenics. Mind and body are thus trained together, and with the interludes of singing and drawing, the wearisomeness and fagging of school life are largely avoided.


Cincinnati, like New York, has unfortunately been the battle - ground of sects. A determined effort was made to banish the Bible altogether from the public schools. Such influence was brought to bear on the school board that they adopted a resolution to the effect, "That religious instruction, and the reading of religious books, including the Holy Bible, are prohibited in the common schools of Cincinnati, it being the true object and intent of this rule to allow the children of the parents of all sects and opinions in matters of faith and worship to enjoy alike the benefit of the common school fund." The rule was carried in committee by a vote of twenty-two to fourteen. But a large and influential body of the citizens applied to the superior court to prevent its being carried into effect. The judges decided against the rule, refusing to admit that the Bible is a sectarian book, or that "religious instruction" means necessarily "sectarianism." An appeal was made to the legislature. Before it came up for discussion, however, a compromise was effected, and the regulation regarding religious instruction now stands as follows in all the schools in the state of Ohio: "The opening exercises in every department shall commence by reading a


The Western Tract and Book Society is one of the most useful Christian institutions in Cincinnati. Its object is "to promote the diffusion of divine truth, point out its application to every known sin, and promote the interests of practical religion by the circulation of a sound evangelical literature." It is the only society of the kind in the great West; and though there are others, somewhat similar in object, in the Eastern States, none of them is so direct in its aim, or so decided and energetic in its work, as this. It exposes error in every form-philosophic, scientific, ecclesiastical. It strikes at its very root. It condemns with unsparing severity the evil practices and the demoralizing social habits of the age. It defends the integrity of the Bible against all assailants. It upholds the sanctity of the Sabbath. It presses the paramount duty of mission work both at home and abroad. It spreads far and wide the seed of divine truth. It prepares and publishes, in a cheap form, valuable treatises on the leading points of Christian doctrine and duty; and it makes grants of its various publications on easy terms-sometimes, when the circumstances are peculiar, free-to public libraries and reading clubs.

My visit to The Tract House, 176 Elm Street, was interesting and instructive. It impressed me deeply with the thorough earnestness and sound practical sagacity of the men who are engaged in Christian work in this commercial city. In a new country, where progress is rapid, energy and sagacity are needed. The natural resources are enormous; wealth is accumulated with amazing facility; and the tendency of the mind

under such circumstances is to become absorbed in commercial enterprise, and to forget those higher duties of intellectual and moral culture which can alone give real power and stability to a nation.

America is inundated with adventurers. Their aim is to get wealth by any means. They frequent the centres of industry. They try to touch everything that will "pay;" and they pollute

everything they touch. Their schemes and dealings are so subtle, and so bold withal, that they have given a bad name to many lawful and laudable enterprises. But these men constitute only a fraction of the community. Deep down in the heart of the nation at large lie those noble and ennobling principles of honour, freedom, and Christian truth, which must ever, in the end, make a nation great.


T is a common act of cultivators to cut off the head of a plant, in order that it may send up many shoots instead of one. Sometimes this beneficent operation is performed undesignedly by the beasts of the field. Revealed religion-that tree of righteousness which our Father, the Husbandman, has planted in our worldhas been so treated, and so benefited. Adversaries, from the first ages downwards, have been the means of multiplying its branches and extending its power. Every blow has issued in a more varied and more vigorous life. The present is perhaps the most active and adventurous of all the ages. Paul would have delighted to live in such an age as ours. When he enumerates the grounds of encouragement and hope for his work in a certain place, it is with a species of glee that he adds to the catalogue of comforts, "and there are many adversaries." It becomes us, as men of smaller power than Paul, yet with the same divine resources to draw upon, to be calm and hopeful in the conflict. The Lord sits King upon the floods. He that believeth shall not make haste.

Corresponding to the number and energy of the blows aimed against the foundations of the faith, defences spring up on every side, as from a living tree many shoots spontaneously spring forth where one has been wounded. (6 Some shipwrecks," alas! may be made where souls are unstable, in such a season of storm; but where the faith is living, its life may be invigorated by the hardy training of the times.

Among the many contributions to the evidences which are springing up, an interesting little volume has just fallen into our hands, contributed by four ministers and professors of the English Presbyterian Church in London, in the form of lectures to the young men of their own communion. The lectures, though contributed by a denomination, are eminently catholic. The arguments are pervaded, we think, in a remarkable degree, by strength and gentleness, philosophic fairness,

*From "Some Present Difficulties in Theology." Being Lectures to Young Men, delivered at the English Presbyterian College, London. With Preface by the Rev. J. Oswald Dykes, D.D. London: Hodder and Stoughton.

and Christian charity. We subjoin two extracts; the first from the lecture of Dr. Dykes, the second from that of Mr. Gibb.-Editor.



I question if there be a word in the English language which is at present suffering more from the cold shade of unpopularity than this unfortunate word "authority." The pendulum has swung just now a long way to the side of intellectual revolt against received belief; while even in the family and in the state there appears a growing relaxation of those bonds which have hitherto been held to imply subordination and obedience. It is not that people are really bowing either their minds or their wills to "authority" of some sort much less than they did before. Only they have taken to questioning those particular forms of authority to which formerly an unhesitating respect used to be accorded; and this questioning of old authorities is readily mistaken by careless thinkers for a genuine independence of all authority whatever.

So strong, and even excessive, is this prejudice of the moment, that I may fairly assume, when I address an audience of cautious and conscientious young men, that you are aware of it and on your guard against it. You feel, of course, that if you would judge truly and act wisely, you have more to fear at present from this onesided tendency to independence, than from a too easy acceptance of authority; the latter being in the highest degree unfashionable, while the former is what people who speak grandly call the "spirit of the age." Especially will such caution and watchfulness against a temporary current of fashion be wise, when we deal with an authority which claims (as Holy Scripture does) to speak in the name of God, on matters of eternal life and death, and to whose teaching the whole of the Christian ages have hitherto been accustomed to bow. It were a calamity never to be enough deplored, should any one throw off the authority of words which God had really given on purpose to guide him to everlasting life, and by doing so should perish, simply because he

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