Obrázky na stránke

and the monk, 203; appeals to the
pope against Hus's arrest, 204; affixes
protests against on the gates of the
cathedral, 205; and writes to Sigis-
mund, 205; appeals to Sigismund at
the time of Hus's trial, 229; Hus's
letter to about his trial, 230; his
generous speech and action in support
of Hus, 234, 240; overhears Sigismund's
speech to the council, 241; Hus's last
message concerning, 256; visits Hus
in prison, 257

John the elder, Lord of Usti, upholder
of reform, 157

John, (titular) Patriarch of Constanti-
nople, appointed by Council of Con-
stance to report on Hus, 206, 207
John of Jandum, 5, 6

John of Jesenice, chosen as representa-
tive of Hus at the papal court, 124;
protests against Palec's statement
concerning the Roman Church, 162
John of Maintz, Elector Archbishop,
rides into Constance in full armour, 210
John (or Hanus) of Millheim, founder of
Bethlehem Chapel, 69

[blocks in formation]

dinal," sent by King Venceslas as
envoy to Pisa, 94; represents the
University of Prague at the Council of
Constance, 194; not allowed a hearing,

[ocr errors]

John of Rokycan, chosen by Estates of
Bohemia as archbishop, 333; at the
meeting at Spitalske Pole," 339;
at the Council of Basel, 341; pope
refuses to recognise, 342, 343
John of Stekna, famous preacher, 66, 67
John of Zelivo, Hussite and utraquist,

his popularity in Prague, 322; his
sermon, 322; leads the faithful to the
town hall, 323; struggle with priests
at St. Stephen, 323; is struck by stone,
323; denounces Sigismund, 324; his
fanaticism, 335

Joseph II., Emperor, his "Toleranz
Patent," 10

Kanis, Peter, fanatical preacher, 335
Kaplir, Catherine, of Sulevic, 71
Konopist, truce between Taborites and
Calixtines concluded at, 339
Korybut, Prince, of Lithuania, repre-
sentative of the elected King of
Bohemia, 338; mediates between the
contending Hussite parties, 339; leads
the Calixtines to battle, 340

Kozi Hradek, tower of, Hus at, 157, 163,

Kralove Hradec (Königgrätz) surrenders
to Sigismund, 328

Krasa, John, cruel sentence passed on by
Sigismund, 327

Kristan of Prachatice, rector of the
university, conference held at house of,

Kriz, part founder of the Bethlehem
Chapel, 69, 70, 131

Kutna Hora (Kuttenberg), famous decree
of, 98; French embassy at for dis-
cussion of Schism, 301; Hus and
Jerome at, 301; Sigismund receives
envoys from Prague at, 328; subdued
by the Praguers, 338

Lacko of Kravar, Jerome of Prague's
letter to, 304-306

Ladislas, King of Naples, supporter of
Gregory XII., invades papal states, 139
Ladislas Posthumus, son of King Albert
of Bohemia, 343; his death, 344
Lefl, Lord Henry, Hus's last message to,

Leipzig, university founded at, 102
"Letter of majesty," granting privileges
to Lutherans, signed by Rudolph II.,

Letters, Latin and Bohemian, by Hus,
editions and translations of, 291-293;
Constance Letters, 296

Lipany, defeat of Taborites at, 334, 342
Lombard, Peter, his Sententiarum Libri

quatuor, Hus's great work on, 84-86
Loserth, Professor, on Hus and Wycliffe,
16, 17, 19

Louis, son of King Vladislav, succeeds
his father, 344; killed at the battle of
Mohac, 344

Louis of Bavaria, King of the Germans,
his resistance to Rome, 4

Louis, Count Palatine, arrives at Con-
stance, 210; conducts Hus to the
stake, 263

Luther, Martin, translation by of some
of Hus's letters, 291

Margaret of Moravia, 31

Margrave of Baden, at Constance, 210
Marik, or Mauritius de Praga, opponent
of church-reform, treatise of Hus
against, 154, 155

Marsiglio of Padua, his views on the
temporal power of the pope, etc., as
stated in his Defensor Pacis, 5-8
Martin V. proclaims crusade against
Bohemia, 326; enters into negotiations
with the Hussites, 340; consents to
general council at Basel, 341

Matthew of Janov, reformer, 3, 4, 17,
26, 31, 40, 44, 45; his birth and early
life, 46; his academic honours and
poverty, 46; receives a canonry of
Prague, 47; other dignities conferred
on, 47; views preached by, opposed to
the teaching of Rome, 47; summoned
to appear before the archiepiscopal
court and forced to retract, 48; con-
tinues his bold preaching, 49; further
proceedings against, promises of obedi-
ence and reinstatement, 49, 50;
change comes over him and he re-
nounces all his earthly ambitions,
50, 51; he continues to preach against
abuses, 52; his death, 52; summary
of his Regulae Veteris et Novi Testa-
menti, 52-56; character of his work
in general, 57; his importance in
connection with the Hussite move-
ment, 57, 58; 59


Matthias, King of Hungary, war with
Bohemia, 344

Maximilian, King of Bohemia, 345
Meissen, Margrave of, ravages Bohemia, 68
Mendicant orders, their avarice and
immorality, and complaint against,
by Conrad Waldhauser, 22, 23; their
persecution of the latter, 24, 25;
their enmity towards the reformer
Milic, 29, 30

Mensi Zrcadlo (the Smaller Mirror), by
Hus, 174

Michael de causis, opponent of Hus,

132; his bad reputation, 143; ap-
pointed advocate at the papal law
courts, 143, 149, 150; places accusa-
tion against Hus on door of church
at Constance, 196; he and Palec
prepare articles against Hus, 199;
circulates false tale about Hus, 200;
his part in the latter's arrest, 204;
accusations against, prepared by, 207;
seizes opportunity of Hus's illness and
weakness to confront him with op-
ponents, 208; his false accusations
against Hus, 217, 218
Milic, John, of Kromerize, reformer, his
early life and piety, 25, 26; made
canon of St. Vitus in Prague, 26;
renounces all his worldly honours, 26;
his apostolic poverty and preaching,
26, 27; denounces emperor as Anti-
christ, 28; twice imprisoned and
released, 28, 29; his letter to the
pope, 29, 30; his asceticism, 30; his
mission to fallen women, 31, 32;
proceedings taken against at instiga-
tion of the parish priests, 32-34;
he appeals to the pope and is declared
innocent, 34; his death, 35, 59

[ocr errors]

Mohamedans," nickname given to the
opponents of reform, 165

Moravia, allied Hussites march to con-
quest of, 340; campaign stopped by
death of Zizka, 340

Nebovid, victory of Zizka over Sigismund
at, 338

Newman, Cardinal, on poverty, 2
Nicholas V. repudiates the Compacts, 343
Nicholas of Hus, 322; leads the Taborites
against Prague, 324

Nicholas of Pelhrimov, Calixtine bishop,
334; spokesman for the Taborites at
the meeting of contending Hussites,

Nicholas of Velenovic, surnamed Abra-
ham, accused of heresy and defended
by Hus, 81
Nominalists and Realists, animosity of
the former against Hus, 232
Nuremberg, Hus's stay at, 194, 195

Orthographia Bohemica, by Hus, 276, 296

Palec, Stephen, sent as envoy to Pisa,
93; arrested by order of Cardinal
Cossa, and subsequently liberated,
93, 94; becomes an opponent of Hus,
131; at the disputation concerning the
sale of indulgences, 142; at the church
conference in Prague, 162; his bad
faith, 163; leaves Bohemia and stirs
up public opinion against Hus, 163;
arrives at Constance, 199; he and
Michael de causis prepare articles
against Hus, 199; circulates false
tale about Hus, 200; his part in
Hus's arrest, 204; his false accusa-
tions against Hus, 207, 217; at Hus's
trial, 236-238, 240, 261
Papacy, its struggle with Germany, 2,
3; with the Kings of France, 4; views
concerning temporal power of, 5-9
Peter of Mladenovic, spokesman of the
Bohemian nobles at the Council of
Constance, 223-226; Hus's farewell
gift to, 256; his account of Hus's
last moments, 264-266; preserves
copies of Hus's writings, 290; on the
governing body of the Calixtine church,
332; spokesman for the university
at meeting of contending Hussites, 338
Peter of S. Angelo, Cardinal, his con-
demnation of Hus, 143, 149

Pisa, meeting of cardinals at, to negotiate
concerning the Schism, 89, 95; envoys
sent to by King Venceslas, 93, 94
Poland, reform movement in, 284, 285;
Jerome of Prague in, 303

Poles, part played by in the Hussite
wars, 284

Postilla, the, by Hus, 183-185, 289;
editions of, 292, 294, 296


[ocr errors]

Prague, foundation of bishopric of, 11;
Cathedral of, charged with papal
provisions,' 13; archdeaconal in-
spection held in 1379, 1380, 14, 15;
effect of Conrad Waldhauser's preaching
in, 21-23; hostility between Germans
and Bohemians in, 72, 73; popular
demonstrations in, 108; hatred of
the clergy among the people, 118;
placed under an interdict, 130;
disturbance in, on account of sale of
indulgences, 140 seq.; grotesque pro-
cession through the streets of, 144;
execution of three youths for protest-
ing against simony, 146, 147; interdict
against, put into execution, 150;
anxiety in concerning Hus's fate, 216;
introduction of utraquism at, 216;
struggle between priests and heretics
at St. Stephen, 323; attack on the
town hall led by Zizka, 323; expulsion
from of non-utraquist priests, 324;
German inhabitants leave the town,
324; march of Taborites upon, 324;
fury of people at introduction of
German mercenaries, 324; citizens
seize the Vysehrad, 325; large part of
city destroyed, 325; peace restored,
325; citizens endeavour to come to
agreement with Sigismund, 328; send
to the Taborites to come to their aid,
328; city surrounded by the "cru-
saders," 329; the enemy is repulsed,
329; arrival and death of Sigismund
in, 343; Roman archbishopric re-
established, 345

Prague, Articles of, 320; approved

by the utraquist nobles, 330; meeting
between Romanists and Bohemians for
discussion of, 330, 331; accepted by
Archbishop of Prague, 332; re-
affirmed by meeting at Caslav, 338
Prague, University of, its foundation, 62,
63, 103-105; diversity of "nations"
at, 63; its fame, 64; sends envoys
to Pisa, 93; division between Germans
and Bohemians in as regarded the
question of neutrality during the
church schism, 95, 96; some of its
members accuse the Wycliffites
to King Venceslas, 96, 97; the king's
famous decree conferring increased
privileges on the Bohemian members,
98, 99; departure of German students
from, 102, 103; becomes a national
university, 106; appeals against the
burning of Wycliffe's works, 114,


[ocr errors]

115; document forwarded by to the
Bohemian synod, 160, 161; begs
Hus to remain in Bohemia, 173;
helps to defray expense of Hus's
journey to Constance, 173; sends
representative to Council, 194; Hus's
farewell letter to, 254, 255; meeting
of chief theologians of to formulate
Hussite doctrine, 320; sends repre-
sentative to meeting of contending
Hussites, 337, 338

Praguers, see Calixtines
Predestination, Hus's opinion on, 187,
188, 235

Pribislav, Castle, attacked by Zizka, 340
Prokop the Great, and Prokop the Less,
successors of Zizka, 340; the former
at Council of Basel, 341; leader of
Taborites at Lipany, 342

Protiva, informer against Hus, 107, 108,
112, 113, 131

[ocr errors]

"Provisions," papal, 13, 26

Ranco, Adalbert, reformer, 31, 40, 41,
42; becomes rector of the Univer-
sity of Paris, 42; reports on Milic's
orthodoxy, as Canon of Prague, 42;
pronounces funeral oration on the
Emperor Charles, 42; his fame as a
preacher, 42; his letter concerning
frequent communions, 43; protests
against the new festival in honour
of the Virgin, 44; his death, 44; at
Prague when Hus was a student, 66
Replica Contra Prædicatorem Plznensem,
by Hus, 191

Rome, autocratic tendencies of, first
checked by Hussite movement, 3
Rudolph II., King of Bohemia, struggle
with his brother, 345; signs the
"Letter of Majesty," 346

Rupert, Elector Palatine, elected King
of the Romans, 68, 94; his successor,
128, 129

Ruthenians, Jerome of Prague's connec-
tion with, 303, 308

Sacrament, in both kinds, 1, 2; custom-
ary in Bohemia, 10 (see Utraquism);
administration of by unworthy priests,
3; views of Hus upon, 112, 167;
question of frequent communion, 35,
38; Ranco's letter upon, 43; Matthew
of Janov's views on, 48, 53, 54, 58;
Hus's adoption of the doctrine of
transubstantiation, 191; 203, 207
Sermones de Sanctis, by Hus, 294
Sigismund, King of the Romans, after-
wards Emperor, 128; ready to employ
any means to injure his brother, King
Venceslas, 168; his negotiations with


as king by the Bohemians, 342; his
short reign and death at Prague, 343
Simon, Cardinal of Rheims, begs Arch-
bishop Conrad to extirpate heresy, 167
Simony, universal in Bohemia, 159;
horror of, a chief cause of the religious
upheaval, 174, 175; Hus's treatise on,
159, 174; summary of, 175-182;
Hus's closing words, 182, 183; his
letter to King of Poland concerning,
286, 287; 296

Slav and Teuton, racial animosity
between, 275, 283, 284

Sophia, wife of King Venceslas, 71;
appoints Hus her confessor, 77;
strongly supports his party, 98;
writes to the pope on behalf of freedom
of preaching, 120; further remon-
strance from, 122; her influence over
the king, 170; her fervent adherence
to Hus, 281; her indignation at the
treatment meted to him, 314; letter
from Sigismund to, 317; appointed
regent of Bohemia, 324; calls German
mercenaries to her aid against the
Taborites, 324

Pope John XXIII. concerning
general council, 169; decides that it
shall be held at Constance, 171; pro-
mises Hus a safe-conduct to Constance
and back, 172; his part in Hus's
arrest, 204; his feigned displeasure,
205; remonstrances sent to, by the
Bohemian lords, 205; neglects their
warning letter, 206; his arrival in
Constance, 209; his neglect of Hus,
210; refuses the pope's offered bribe,
211; conciliates the council, 211;
neglects opportunity of releasing Hus,
214; pronounces imperial ban against
Duke Frederick, 214; his treachery
to Hus, 220; remonstrances addressed
to, by Bohemian nobles, 222, 223,
225; revokes all letters of safe-con-
duct, 225; determines that Hus shall
not return to Bohemia, 227, 229;
his feigned indignation with the
council, 229; Hus's answer to the
Cardinal of Cambray increases his
anger against the reformer, 234; his
words to Hus after the latter's speech
about unworthy kings, 237; urges
Hus to recant for his own political"
purposes, 239, 242, 243; his address to
the council, 241, 242; receives further
remonstrances from Bohemia, 242;
his treachery referred to by Hus, 245;
is present at Hus's final trial and con-
demnation, 258, 260; orders the Count
Palatine to lead Hus to the stake, 263;
indignation against, in Bohemia, 271,
272, 314; discussion of his treachery,
270, 271; hatred of Bohemians
towards, 271, 272; hostilities with
King of Poland, 286; covert threat to
by Bohemian nobles, 315; his letters
to Venceslas and Queen Sophia con-
cerning heresy, etc., 316-318; heir to
the throne of Bohemia, 323;
temporising policy after his brother's
death, 324; appoints Queen Sophia
regent of Bohemia, 324; his answer to
the demands of the Bohemian envoys,
325, 326; persuades the pope to declare
a crusade against Bohemia, 326; his
cruelty to John Krasa, 327; crosses
into Bohemia, 327; marches to Kutna
Hora, 328; his ungracious reception
of the envoys from Prague, 328;
attacks Prague and is repulsed, 329;
attempts to relieve the castle of
Vysehrad, 331; his defeat, 331;
returns from Bohemia, 331; his
deposition pronounced by Bohemia,
338; reattacks Bohemia and defeated
by Zizka, 338; enters into negotiations
with the Hussites, 340, 341; recognised


Spitalske pole". (Spitalfield), great
meeting of Hussites at, 339
Stanislas of Znoymo, sent as envoy to
Pisa, 93; arrested by order of Cardinal
Cossa, and subsequently liberated,
93, 94; opponent of Hus, 131; at
the disputation concerning the sale
of indulgences, 142; at Church con-
ference in Prague, 162; his panegyric
of the papal power, and Hus's answer
to, 192; his death, 199

Stokes, John, English envoy, his dispute
with Hus, 136, 137, 154; at Hus's
trial, 231

Stransky, Paul, Bohemian exile, 10
Super IV. Sententiarum, by Hus, 84, 85,
289, 294, 295

Synod, Bohemian, 157, 159; proceedings
at, 159-161; failure of to restore peace,

Taborites, the, 321; democratic char-
acter of Taborite movement, 322;
they march on Prague, 324; build
their stronghold of Tabor, 325; march
to the help of Prague, 329; repulse
the enemy, 329; their doctrines as
distinguished from those of Hus and
the Calixtines, 333, 334; opposed to
the hierarchy of the Roman Church,
334; their political principles, 334;
downfall of community after the
battle of Lipany, 334; their fanaticism
pernicious to the cause of reform, 336;
Pribram's work on, 336; Zizka joins

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Teuton (see Slav)

Thomas of Stitny, reformer, 27, 31, 36,
37; his views as given in his work
Of General Christian Matters, 37, 38,
39; his Learned Entertainments, 40;
falls out of touch with the leaders of
the reform movement, 40, 41; his use
as a writer of the national language, 41;
his death, 41

Tiem, Venceslas, Dean of Passau, his
traffic in indulgences, 141; his desire
to revenge himself on Hus, 198
"Toleranz Patent" of Joseph II., 10
Transubstantiation, Hus's acceptance of,
and argument on, with D'Ailly at his
trial, 230-232

Ulrich of Rosenberg, leader of the
Romanist party, 343

Utraquism, or communion in both kinds,
53, 58; its introduction at Prague,
217; influence of this on Hus's fate,
217, 218; decree against by the
council, 248; becomes the watch-
word of the Hussite Church, 249;
Hus's letter on the subject, 249, 250;
outbreaks in Prague concerning, 319,
323, 324

Utraquists, their attitude towards the
Church of Rome, 331, 332; retrograde
policy of, 343; adopt some of Luther's
views, 345

Venceslas, King, college founded by, at
Prague, 65, 67; his kindness to Hus,
77; his action as regards the Schism,
92; sends envoys to Pisa, 93, 94;
sends further envoy, 94; his willing-
ness to remain neutral, 95; complaints
made to him of the "Wycliffites" at
Prague, his angry words to Hus and
Jerome, 97; receives French embassy,
97, 98; his change of feeling and
famous decree of Kutna Hora, 98;
further decree forbidding allegiance to
Pope Gregory, 99, 100; his answer to
the remonstrance of the German
students, 100-102; urges moderation
on Zbynek, 117; continues to extend
protection to Hus, 120; writes to the
pope concerning the Bohemian con-
troversy, 120; remonstrates with pope

on behalf of Hus, 122; reasons for
his not being elected King of the
Romans, 129; orders confiscation of
the archbishop's property to refund
the value of books burnt, 130; he is
chosen as arbitrator between Hus and
the archbishop, 132; his court physi-
cian made archbishop, 138; endeavours
to mediate between Hus and the
Roman party, 145; forbids any
participation in street riots on pain of
death, 145; he and the queen persuade
Hus to leave Prague for a while, 153;
his efforts at conciliating the hostile
parties, 157; summons synod to
meet, 159; his disappointment at its
failure, 162; calls another conference,
162; his anger with Palec and sentence
of banishment against, 163; fears his
treacherous brother Sigismund, 168;
his popularity, 170; suspected of
heresy, 170; his representative not
allowed a hearing at the Council of
Constance, 194; his speech on hearing
of Hus's execution, 272; his dis-
pleasure with his brother and the
Bohemian priests, 314; refuses to
join the confederated nobles, 316;
loses his popularity and determines
to send to Sigismund for aid, 322;
hears of disturbance at Prague, seized
with apoplexy and dies, 323
Venceslas, Lord, of Duba, or Lestna,

friend of Hus, 199, 201; his visit to
him in prison, 219, 220; appeals to
Sigismund on his behalf, 229; over-
hears Sigismund's speech to the
council, 241; his visit and speech to
Hus in prison, 257, 258
Vladislav, King of Poland, Hus estab-
lishes relations with, 284; his victory
over the army of the Teutonic order,
284; Hus's letters to, 284-288; at war
with King of Hungary, 286; his am-
bassadors at the Council of Constance
endeavour to save Hus, 288; offered
the crown of Bohemia, 288
Vladislav, Prince of Poland, King of
Bohemia, 344

Vlasim, Ocko of, Archbishop of Prague,

28; his distress at proceedings being
taken against Milic, 34

Vok, Lord, of Waldstein organises
grotesque procession through streets
of Prague, 143, 144; Jerome of
Prague's part in, 303

Vyklady, expositions by Hus, 174, 289,
294, 296

Vysehrad, castle of, seized by citizens of
Prague, 325; besieged by the Hussites,
331; Sigismund defeated near, 331

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