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Wemme, III, 163, wem, fcar: pemme, S. Thus, in

Syr Bevys:

"Syx hundred men he felled to grounde,


Yet had neyther wemme nor wounde." Wend, Wende, Wendes, Wendyth, Wending, going, go, depart.

Went, go, gone; II, 109, turn'd: pendan, S.

Wene, ween, think; Wenes, think'ft; Wend, Wende, ween'd, thought: penan, S. Without wene, I, 200. Wepe, weep'd, wept; weeping.

Wer, I, 44.

Wer, Were, Werie, war (verb), defend, fight for; rescue, protect (I, 164); Wer, where.

Were, war. Were, Werie, wear.

Werne, warn, prohibit, II, 128, 129.

Werr, worse.

Werry, fight, make war, or battle; II, 42.

Wet, what.

Wete, know, Wetyn, known, suspected, been aware of: pitan, S.

Weved, wave'd.

Wha-fum, whofoever. Whare-fum, wherefoever. What-fom, whatsoever.

Whate. Wel-whate, II, 74, hot, very hot.

Wheme, III, 7.

Wher, Wherein, were.

Whefch, wash'd (their hands).

Whide-war, I, 158, wide-where; widely far and near.

Chaucer, in his Man of lawes tale, speaks of—

"Chapmenrich, and therto fad and trewe,
That wide-where senten hir spicerie."
White the non, II, 152, do not torment thyself.
Whofé, whofo.

Whychyd, bewitch'd.

Whyght. See Wight.

Whythe, wight.

Wight, 1, 35, Strong, powerful; perfon, man or woman. Wightly, Speedyly, boldly, refolutely. That wyght was undur fchylde (III, 2), That was ftrong under a fhield. Wiht, II, 112, a blow.

Wik, Wike, week.

Will of rede, I, 17.

Willes, wil, defire.

Wis, I, 77, fhew me, take me.

Wiffe, II, 108, 152.

Wift, I, 154, knew.

Wit, Wite, learn, know; I, 38. Wite, blame, I, 38.

Withfugge, withfay'd, gainfay'd.

Wittes, fenfe, wisdom.

Wive, I, 39, wife.

Wobigane, I, 140, woe-begone.

Wode, mad.

Wode-fchawe, II, 48, coppice in a wood.

Wogh, I, 38, wrong?

Wolde, old. Yn wolde, II, 221.

Wolte, wilt thou?

Won. Good won, often, many times; A worldly won, II, 31, a worthy, or worshipful mansion-house, II, 128. Wonde, II, 122, wait, ftay; III, 141, defift from; allfo, refufe'd, decline'd, heftateëd, withstood (II, 105).

Wone, delay. Woned, wont; dwel'd, live'd, or lain. Wones, palaceës, houfeës, dwelings, erections. Wonie, dwel. Wons, lives, refides. Won, Woon, Wonyng, dweling, refidence, lodgeing.

Woodwale, III, 147, woodwele, witwall, hickway, or heighaw, yellow-peak, goldammer, or golden merle, call'd,

allfo, the oriol, and thence, corruptly, in French, lorion, or loriot, a fpecies of the woodpecker. It is mention'd in Chaucers Romaunt of the rose, V. 657 :

"In many placis nightingales;.

And alpes, and finches, and wodewales,
That in their fweté fong deliten,

In thilke placis as they habiten."

It is frequently notice'd in the old French romanceës, and fay'd to make a crying noise: as, for inftance, in Fouque de Candie, (Kings MSS. 20 D IX):

"Ce fut el mois de May que la rofe eft fleuris,

Que li rousfeignols chante et li oriolle crie.'

Word, II, 17, Worde, III, 119. See Ord and ende. Wordes, II, 238, worthys, things of worth. Wordylye, worthyly.

Worth, I, 24, 39, what; I, 201, wroth. An hongeth worth thou hye and hard (I, 200). Worthly, I, 9, worthyly. Wortheft, II, 105, wert, waft. Worth, II, 119, 135, were, was.

Wofo, whofo.
Wottyft, knoweft.

Wowe, II, 132, wall, or windowe..

Woxyn, waxen.

Wrake, III, 26, 83, II, 162, wreak'd, revenge'd. Chaucer has ywrake in the fame fenfe..

Wrangdome, wrong.

Wrecche, wrack, mischief; allfo, wretch, caitif, or miferable creature (I, 144).

Wreche, I, 123, wretched; wretch. See a note on Launfal, V.393.

Wreghed, I, 120.

Wreke, wreak, revenge. Wroken, wreak'd, revenge'd.

Wreth, Wrethe, Wreththe, revenge, wrath, harm, mischief.

Wreye, Wrye, bewray, betray. Wreyede, betray'd. Wroght, I, 200, wroth.

Wrothe hele, II, 161, Wrothherheyle, III, 157, lofs of health or falvation, malediction. Wrothe hele is use'd by Robert of Gloucester; though Mannyng has, repeatedly, wrotherhaile, and wrotherheile; as, for instance, P. 201 : "Therfor the pape of Rome curfed them wrotherheile." Wriyyng, II, 186.

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Wylde of redd, III, 2, regardless of counfel, or advice.

Wyne of Greke. Le vin Grec is mention'd by M. Le Grand d'Ausfy, who (and not, as mister Ellis fays, M. de Paymy [meaning the marquis de Paulmy] was the authour of "La vie privée des François," which has even his name in the title-page.

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Wyn, I, 38, win, obtain. So have i wyn, 93.

Wyfte, wifteft, knew.

Wýt. See Wit.

Wyte, I, 198, know. Wyte, III, 69, blame.

Wyth; wight, ftrong.

Wytherlyng, II, 97, adverfary, enemy: prðeɲling, S. Wyttore, whiteër.

Wyttyrly, utterly, thoroughly.

Ya, Yaa (III, 73), yes. See the note on Ywaine and

Gawin, V. 43.

Yaf, gave.

Yalde, yielded, furrender'd.

Yapys, japes, jefts.

Yar, Yare, ready: zape, S.

Yarked yore, II, 218, 232.
Yate, gate.

Ybake, bake'd.

Ybe, been.

Ybore, born.

Ycham, i am. Ychulle, i fhal or wil.

Yclepte, embrace'd.

Yede, went.

Yef, if.

Yelde, I, 97, yield, reward, recompenfe. God yelde the dy whyle, II, 85, god yield, or grant, thee thy wil. Yelp, outcry, blabing; boaft (I, 201).

Yeme, I, 50, III, 7, take care of. Yemes, 65. Yemes it wele, take great care of it. Yemed, II, 276, govern'd. Yën, eyes, III, 7.

Yend, Yent, II, 133, 140, through.

Yeode, went.

Yerly, early.

Yern, I, 135, eager, eagerly, earneft; Yerne, II, 129, earn; II, 18, 19, 22, III, 82, 83, faft. Yerne, defire, wish. Yernes, I, 53, defires, wishes: gyɲnan, S.

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