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Baronii Annales. Greg. VII. 3. tom. 11.

Sequitur annus Redemptoris septuagesimus quintus supra millesimum, decima tertiâ indictione, quo ex occidentalis orbis circumquaque provinciis ad synodum episcopis confluentibus, magnus Romæ conventus habetur. Illic judiciale forum, in quo gravissimæ causæ, potissimùm verò episcoporum audirentur, discuterentur, atque summo justitiæ libramento judicarentur, ad nutum ipsius, Romani pontificis Gregorii aperitur; in quo apostolico throno idem presideret antistes, legitimus Petri successor, Christi vicarius, quia eadem potestate polleret. Cum ipse sic divina roboratus auctoritate, et Petri excitatus voce clamantis, "Tempus est ut judicium incipiat a domo Dei," ad dispergendum de civitate Domini omnes operantes iniquitatem in vindictam illorum accingitur, qui cum debuissent ex munere aliorum peccata corrigere, cæteris deformius deliquissent, cæci ipsi duces cæcorum, moribus Pharisæi, opere Saducæi, turpitudine Nicolaitæ, et avaritiâ Simoniaci, in quos rursùs audiat ipse vocem clamantis, "Surge, occide et manduca:" dum de illis eadem, quæ olim per visum Petro contigit, magni lintei demissi cælitus in ejus mente verseretur imago, in quo essent animalia quæque immunda, horrendaq in visu, in quorum similitudinem ex ferinis moribus homines transformati, spectaculum exhiberent intuentibus longè deformiùs ac terribiliùs, quippe quod divinis oraculis quibus vocum proprietates ex cujuscumque pravis affectibus efficacius exprimuntur, iidem nominati sunt vulpes, lupi, leones, scorpiones, genimina viperarum atque dracones. Inter quos, tanquam in caveâ frementium bestiarum, idem pontifex constitutus, sic eos gladio spirituali conficiat, ut pura redderet ab omni immunditiâ vendicata.

Greg. Pap. Litt. ad Hugonem Cluniacensem abbatem.
Bar. An. 1075.

Circumvallat enim me dolor immanis, et tristitia universalis, quia orientalis ecclesia, instinctu diaboli a Catholicâ fide deficit, et per sua membra ipse antiquus hostis Christianos passim occidit, ut quos caput ipse diabolus spiritualiter interficit, ejus membra carnaliter puniant, ne quando divina gratia resipiscant.

Iterum cum mentis intuitu partes occidentis sive meridiei aut Septentrionis video, vix legales episcopos introitu et vitâ, qui Christianum populum Christi amore, et non seculari ambitione regunt, invenio: et inter omnes sæculares principes, qui præponant Dei honorem suo et justitiam lucro, non conosco. Eos autem, in quos habito, Romanos, videlicet, Longobardos et Northmannos (sicut sæpe illis dico) Judæis et Paganis quodammodo pejores esse redarguo.

Genebrard's Chronicles, book 4, An. Dom. 1079.-Paris ed. 1585. How deplorable the condition of the church was then, and almost resembling our own, we may learn from Sigebert, Vincentius, and Antonius. There were great contests between the emperor and the pope. The priests were of most depraved morals, and on that account both themselves and the sacred things were despised by the people.

****The body of the Lord was frequently trodden under foot, and his blood was spilt, and many other offences were perpetrated in the church.

Baronius, vol. 11, Au. Dom. 1077.-The Letter of Pope Gregory respecting the Penance and Absolution of the King of Germany.— Greg. book 4, letter 12.

Bishop Gregory, the servant of the servants of God, sends greeting and the apostolic blessing to all the archbishops, bishops, dukes, counts, and other princes of the kingdom of Germany, who are the defenders of the Christian faith, &c. &c.

Meanwhile we duly ascertained that the king approached, who even before he entered Italy, sending before him his suppliant delegates, offered to make satisfaction for every thing to God and St. Peter, and to us, and promised amendment of life and a full obedience, provided only he might merit from us the obtaining of the favour of absolution, and the apostolic blessing; which when we had long postponed by frequent consultations, and sharply rated him for his excesses by the messengers who passed between us, he at length, betraying nothing hostile or rash in his behaviour, came with a few followers to the town of Canusium, where we were staying, and there remaining for three days before the gate of the camp, having laid aside in his wretchedness all royal apparel, and unshod and clothed in woollen, he did not desist from imploring with many tears the aid and consolation of our apostolical pity, until he moved all who were present, and whom the report reached, to such pity and merciful compassion, that interceding for him with many prayers and tears, they all wondered at our unwonted hardness of heart; some, indeed, declared that ours was not apostolical gravity, but as it were the cruelty of tyrannical ferocity.

Finally, overcome by the earnestness of his repentance, and by the eager prayers of all who were present, loosening the chain of excommunication, we received him into the gracious communion and bosom of the holy mother church, those securities being received from him which are subsequently recorded.

Fleuri's Character of Gregory 7.

He excited cruel wars, which set fire to Germany and Italy. He' introduced a schism into the church. He was himself besieged in Rome. He was forced to depart from it, and to go into banishment at Salernum.

Chron. Geneb. Lib. 4. An. 1079. Parisiis, 1585.

Quam tunc deploratus fuerit ecclesiæ status, et fermè nostro simillimus, cernere licet apud Sigebertum, Vincenti et Antoni. Magnæ simultates inter imperatorem et pontificem. Sacerdotes erant moribus depravatissimis, et proptereà ipsi et res sacræ populo contemptibiles.

* Corpus Domini sæpe pedibus conculcabatur, et sanguis effundebatur, multaque alia scelera in ecclesiâ patriabantur.

Baronii Annales Ecclesi. tom. 11. Ch. 1077.- Epistola Greg. Pap. de Pænitentiâ et Absolutione Regis. Greg. Lib. 4. Epist. 12.

Gregorius episcopus, servus servorum Dei, omnibus archiepiscopis, episcopis, ducibus, comitibus, cæterisque principibus regni Teutonicorum, Christianam fidem defendentibus, salutem et apostolicam benedictionem. ****

Interim verò regem adventare certè cognovimus, qui etiam priusquam intrasset Italiam, supplices ad nos legatos præmittens, per omnia se satisfacturum Deo et Sancto Petro et nobis obtulit, et ad emendationem vitæ suæ, omnem se servaturum obedientiam repromisit, dummodo apud nos absolutionis et apostolicæ benedictionis gratiam impetrare mereretur. Quod cùm diu multis consultationibus differentes, acriter eum de suis excessibus per omnes qui intercurrebant nuntios redargueremus; tandem per semetipsum, nihil hostile aut temerarium ostentans, apud oppidum Canusii, in quo morati sumus, cum paucis advenit, ibique per triduum ante portam castri, deposito omni regali cultu miserabiliter, utpote discalceatus et laneis indutus, persistens, non prius cum multo fletu apostolica miserationis auxilium et consolationem implorare destitit, quam omnes qui ibi aderant, et ad quos rumor ille pervenit, ad tantam pietatem et compassionis misericordiam movit, ut pro eo multis precibus et lacrymis intercedentes, omnes quidem insolitam mentis nostræ duritiem mirarentur; nonnulli verò in nobis non apostolicæ severitatis gravitatem, sed quasi tyrannicæ feritatis crudelitatem esse clamarent.

Denique instantia compunctionis ejus, et tanta omnium qui ibi aderant supplicatione devicti, tandem eum relaxato anathematis vinculo, in communionis gratiam et sinum matris ecclesiæ recepimus, acceptis ab eo securitatibus, quæ inferius scriptæ sunt.

Gregory VII.

Il excita des guerres cruelles, qui mettent en feu l'Allemagne et l'Italie. I attire un schisme dans l'eglise. On l'assiége luimême dans Rome. Il est obligé d'en sortir, et d'aller en exil a Salerne.

The lives and acts of the Roman pontiffs and cardinals from the beginning of the rising church to Clement 9, compiled by Alphonso Ciaconius, of the order of preachers and others, and revised with the addition of most copious notes by Augustinus Oldoin, of the society of Jesus, and enlarged to four volumes by a great accession of matter. -Tom. 1, Rome, 1677.

The twenty-fifth Schism of the Church of Rome, An. Dom. 1073. Clement 3d., a native of Parma, before called Guibert de Corrigia, born in obscurity, but eloquent and sufficiently well educated for the times in which he lived, formerly the chancellor of the emperor Henry 4th, afterwards made Archbishop of Ravenna by Alexander 2d, the chief author of the tumult in Italy, and, I may almost say, 1 of the devastation of the Roman church, very easily persuaded the simoniacal bishops of Lombardy and King Henry to elect him pope. Wherefore, after the death of Alexander, being created antipope in a schismatic council held at Brescia by 30 bishops, he sat in opposition to Gregory and his successors, viz. Victor the 3d, Urban the 2d, and Paschal the 2d, who were Roman pontiffs. Hildebert, Bishop of Mans', Description of the Court of Rome about the year 1090.

There are they who purchase litigations and sell intercessions, and who have no regard for any kind of men, orders and times. In the forum they are Scythians, in the chamber vipers, at the banquet buffoons, in their exactions harpies.-Appendix to the "Fasciculus Rerum" published by Orthuin Gratian, at Cologne, An. Dom. 1535. Printed at London, 1690, p. 7.


Dupin's Ecclesiastical History of the 12th Century of Christianity. End of the 20 years Schism.

Paschal was proclaimed pope by all the cardinals, with the loud acclamations of the people, and consecrated the 14th day of August in the year 1099.

The first thing he did was entirely to drive out the antipope Guibert. He declared war against him, and forced him to fly to the mountains of the Abruzzo, where he died in the year 1100. His death did not put an end to the schism, which had lasted 20 years already, for after him came three more antipopes, who succeeded one another, but fell within a short time.

He (Paschal) held a very large council at Rome about the end of Lent, where Henry the 4th, emperor of Germany, not appearing in person, nor having sent any ambassadors thither, was excommunicated with all his adherents.

(Henry the 5th rebels against his father.) Having entered upon this

An. 1073.-Vita et res gesta pontificum Romanorum et S. R. S. cardinalium ad initio nascentis ecclessia usque ad Clementem 9, P. O. R. Alphonsi Ciaconnii ordinis prædicatorum et aliorum operâ descriptæ, cum uberrimus notis, ab Augustino Oldoine societatis Jesu recognita, et ad quatuor tomos ingenti ubique rerum accessione producta.-Tom. 1, p. 870, Roma, 1677. Superm. permissu.

Schisma 25. In Romana Ecclesia. An. 1073.

Clemens 3, Parmensis, Gibertus seu Guibertus de Corrigia anteà vocatus, humili loco natus, vir tamen eloquens, et satis pro temporum conditione litteratus, Henrici 4, imperatoris, olim cancellarius, deinde archiepiscopus Ravennas ab Alexandro 2 factus, præcipuus auctor Italiæ tumultus, ecclesiæque Romanæ propè dixerim vastationis, Longobardiæ episcopis simoniacis, imo Henrico regi, ut se papam eligerent, facillimè suasit. Quare post Alexandri obitum in schismatica synodo apud Brixiam Noricam habita a triginta episcopis creatis antipapa, sedit contra Gregorium ejusque successores, Victorem scilet 3, Urbanum 2, et Paschalem 2, Romanos pontifices. Sedit pseudopontifex mensibus nonnullis supra vigesimum pri

mum annum.

Hildeberti Cenomacensis Episcopi, Curia Romana descriptio, ex vetusto Codice Manuscripto.

Hi sunt qui enunt lites, vendunt intercessiones.

Nullum illis genus hominum, ordinum, temporum cordi est. In foro scythæ, in cubiculo viperæ, in convivio scurræ, in exactionibus harpyæ.-Appendix ad Fasciculum ab Orthuino Gratiano editum Colonia, 1535. Londini, 1690.


Dupin, siecle douzième.

Paschal 2. fut proclamè pape par tous les cardinaux avec les acclamations du peuple, et consacrè le quatorzième jour d'Août de

l'an 1099.

La première chose qu'il intrepit, ce fut de chasser l'antipape Guibert; il lui fit la guerre, l'obligea de s'enfuir dans les montagnes de l'Abruzze ou il mourut l'an 1100. Sa mort ne fit pas cesser le schisme qui duroit depuis 20 ans ; car il y eut après lui trois antipapes, qui se succèderent l'un après l'autre, mais qui pèrirent tous en peu de tems. * *

Il tint neanmoins un nombreux concile a Rome vers la fin du Carême, ou Henri ne s' etant point trouvè, et n'y ayant point envoyè d'embassadeurs, fut excommuniè avec tous ceux qui prendroient son parti. * **

Ce qui donna lieu a son fils Heuri de se revolter contre son

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