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A denizen, says Blackstone, is an alien born, but who has obtained er donatione regis letters patent to make him an English subject.

The world lamenteth, and counteth them vnfortunate which be banished and dryuen out of theyr countrey: but Christ pronounceth them blessed, whiche be banished for the gospel sake; for they be made denisens in heauen. Udal. Matthew, c. 5. There was a private act made, for denizing the children of Richard Hills, an eminent merchant abroad. Strype. Mem. an. 1552. Edw. IV. But when their posteritie became not altogither so wearie in keeping, as their ancestors were valiant in conquering, the Irish language was free dennized in the English pale. Holinshed. Desc. of Ireland, c. 1.

If this be death, our best part to untie
(By ruining the jail) from lust and wrath,
And every drowsy languor here beneath,
To be made deniz'd citizen of sky.

Drummond. Flowers of Sion.

Lan-franc. It should rightly be Land-franc, and seemeth first to have bin a name of naturalizing or making the bearer thereof a free denizen, whereby hee became land-frane, to wit, free of the country.

Verstegan. Restit. of Decayed Intelligence, c. 8.

The pear-main, which to France long ere to us was known, Which careful fruitrers now have denizen'd our own.

Drayton. Poly-Olbion, s. 18.

Others there be of the same nature, that the king may exercise out of parliament, which right is grown unto him in them, more in those others by the use and practice of the common-wealth, as denization, coynage, making warre.

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State Trials. The great Case of Impositions, an. 1606.

Poor refugees at first, they purchase here,
And, soon as denizen'd, they domineer.
Grow to the great, a flatt'ring servile rout:
Work themselves inward, and their patrons out.
Dryden. Juvenal, Sat. 3.

It [denization] is basilicon doron, it is the bounty and kindness of the king to one born out of his dominions, to give him the capacity of a subject, to sue and be sued, and the like, which cannot be forfeited even for breach of conditions in the letters patents of denization.-State Trials, an. 1682. Proceedings between the King and the City of London.

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Of whiche worchings and possession of hours, ye daies of the week haue take her names, after denominacion in these seuen planets.-Chaucer. The Testament of Loue, b. ii.

But although all these complexions be assembled in euery body of man and woman, yet the body taketh his denomination of those qualyties, which abounde in hym, more than in other.-Sir T. Elyot. Castel of Helth, b. i

When as multiplicity of reading, the best it can signifie, doth but speak them to have taken pains for it: and this alone is but the dry, and barren part of learning, and hath little reason to denominate.

Glanvill. The Vanity of Dogmatizing, c. 15.

With that writ were sent to each sheriff instructions, that, "Instead of a ship, he should levy upon his county such a sum of money, and return the same to the treasurer of the navy for his majesties use, with direction in what manner he should proceed against such as refused: and from hence that tax had the denomination of ship-money; a word of a lasting sound in the memory of this kingdom.

Clarendon. Civil War, vol. i. p. 68.

For sanctity and to sanctifie being conjugates or denominatives, as logicians call them; the one openeth the way to the knowledge of the other.-Mede. Works, b. i. Dis. 2.

Against this opinion that Aram the son of Sem, was the father and denominator of the Syrians in general, (and not only of those in Syria Inter-amnis, which is Mesopotamia,) some read Gen. xxii. 21. Kemuel, the father of the Syrians: where others out of the original read Kemuel the son of Aram.-Ralegh. History of the World, b. i. c. 8. s. 15.

An infiammation either simple, consisting only of an hot and sanguineous affluxion, or else denominable from other, humors according to the predominancy of melancholy, flegm or choler.-Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. iii. c. 3.

Nor as if the relation of frnds had actually discharged them from that of servants; but that of the two relations, Christ was pleased to over-look the meaner, and without any mention of that to entitle and denominate them solely from the more honourable.-South, vol. ii Ser. 2.

They would not baptize their children; held as the Arians trine of free-will and predestination: all these came under in the doctrine of the Godhead, and as Pelagius in the docthe denomination of Anabaptists.

Strype. Life of Abp. Parker, an. 1550.

Eber dyeth; read Gen. xi. 17. He was the longest liver borne since the flood; the father of the Hebrews; and denominator of the Hebrew tongue..

Lightfoot. Harmony, &c. of the Old Testament, p. 27. On the contrary, those other passions, commonly denominated selfish, both produce different sentiments in each individual, according to his particular situation; and also contemplate the greater part of mankind with the utmost indifference and unconcern.

Hume. On the Principles of Morals, Conclusion.

If the qualities which I have ranged under the head of the sublime be all found consistent with each other, and all different from those which I place under the head of beauty; and if those which compose the class of the beautiful have the same consistency with themselves, and the same opposition to those which are classed under the denomination of sublime, I am in little pain whether any body chuses to follow the name I give them or not, provided he allows that what I dispose under different heads are in reality different things in nature. Burke. Of the Sublime and Beautiful, Pref.





Lat. De, and notare, to mark; notare from supine notum, known. See CONNOTE. To mark, signify or designate; to betoken.

Denotement, in the passage cited below from Shakespeare, is the reading of the first quarto; the first folio reads Dilation, (qv.)

Where though the word Gods be used generally, so as to comprehend both the supreme and inferiour Gods under it, yet Deus Ipse, God himself, denotes the Supreme God only. Cudworth. Intellectual System, p. 262.

Those termes of all and for ever in Scripture, are not eternall, but only denotate a longer time, which by many examples they prove.-Burton. Anat. of Melancholy, p. 716.

It is not their having agreed to take several relations or offices to us, and for our salvation, which he specifies and denotates them by (as in that other in Ephes. iv.) but simply their oneness and communion one with another.

Goodwin. Works, vol. ii. pt. iv. p. 127.

C. You will see that by reviewing the place even now him to bless us; which now you perceive is a denotation of cited, Acts, iii 26. God having raised up his son Jesus, sent his priestly office, every priest, especially the Melchizedik priest, being to bless.-Hammond. Works, vol. i. p. 8.

But in a man that's just, They are close denotements, working from the heart, That passion cannot rule.-Shakes. Othello, Act iii. sc. 3. What are the effects of sickness? the alteration it produces is so denotative, that a person is known to be sick by those who never saw him in health. Letters upon Physiognomy, p. 121.

He hath given to the poor. These words denote the freeness of his bounty, and determine the principal object thereof.-Barrow, vol. i. Ser. 31.

The filthiness of flesh and spirit, is a general expression to denote wickedness of every kind.-Gilpin, vol. i. Ser. 18. DENOUNCE, v. DENOUNCEMent. DENOUNCER. DENOUNCING, n DENUNCIATE. DENUNCIATION. DENUNCIATOR.

Fr. Dénoncer; Sp. Denonciar; It. Denonciare; Lat. Denunciare, (de, and nunciare, to bring something new.) See ANNOUNCE. To give information; to inform against, to publish, to proclaim, (sc.) an accusation, a menace or threatening; and thus, to accuse, to menace, to threaten.

For also whanne we weren among ghou we denounsiden this thing to ghou, that if ony man wole not worche neithir ete he.-Wiclif. 2 Tessal. c. 2.

For surely at such time as he was denouced for an heritike there laye his Englishe Byble open, and some other Englishe bookes of hys, that euery ma might see the places noted with his own hand.-Sir T. More. Workes, p. 240.

For as for the minoure of thys good mannes argument, that he that enquyreth of heresye, taketh knowledge of heresye, so dooeth euery denouncer, euerye accuser, and in heresy in some maner wyse.-Id. Ib. p. 1013. a manner euerye witnesse too, tak vpon them knowledge of

Yet hath there not from time to time, been wanting felicity, which either by insolent and open denouncing of amongst us mischevious and evil disposed enemies of her war or by secret and privy practices of sinister devices, have ambitiously and most disloyally attempted to spoil her of her right, and us of these blessings.

State Trials. Edmund Campion, an. 1581.

And if upon such denunciation, as in excommunication hath been used, the party shall not submit himself, nor stand to, nor abide such order as to him assigned, within forty days, then it shall be lawfull to signifie his contumacy in such manner and sort, and to such court, as heretofore hath been used for persons so long standing excommunicate. Strype. Originals, No. 16. an. 1586. Life of Grindal. These Hebrews ent'ring the Egyptian court, Their great commission publicly proclaim, Which there repulsed as a slight report,

Doth soon denounce defiance to the same.

Drayton. Moses, his Birth and Miracles, b. ii The whole commandment concerning discipline, being the main purpose of the epistle: although Hooker would feign have this denouncement refer'd to the particular precept going before, because the word commandment is in the singular number.-Milton. Of Church Government, b. i. c. 2.

The more shame for the over-easie denouncers of that censure, that inflict it on every trivial commission, without consideration whether repented of or no. Hammond. Works, vol. i. p. 453.

He [William Rufus] raised a great armie and before anie denouncing of warre by him made, inuaded Northumberland, and took the castell of Anwike, putting all such to the sword as were found in the same.-Holinshed. Scotland, an. 1087.

But Gracchus's soldiers, which were all (in a manner) the late armed slaves, had received from their general a peremptory denuntiation, that this day, or never, they must purchase their liberty, bringing every man, for price thereof, an enemy's head.-Ralegh. Hist. of the World, b.v. c. 3. s.13. The denunciator does not make himself a party in judgement, as the accuser does.-Ayliffe. Parergon.

The prophet who my future woes reveal'd,
Yet this, the greatest and the worst, conceal'd.
And dire Celano, whose foreboding skill
Denounc'd all else, was silent of this ill.

Dryden. Virgil. Eneid, b. iii.

For guilty of, may mean liable to; the Scripture saith, guilty of death, as well as of sin: and then, guilty of all, may mean, liable to all the punishments denounced by the law, in his proper degree.-Secker, vol. iv. Ser. 3.

I have therefore been decidedly of opinion, with our declaration at Whitehall, in the beginning of this war, that the vicinage of Europe had not only a right, but an indispensable duty, and an exigent interest to denunciate this new work before it had produced the danger we have so sorely felt, and which we shall long feel. Burke. On a Regicide Peace, Let. 1. Lat. Densus, thick, Varro

DENSE, adj.says, densum, a dentibus pectinis,


quibus feritur, (sc. tela.)

Thick, compressed or compacted into a close


It sheweth, that air may be made so to be condensed, as to be converted into a dense body; whereas the race and period of all things, here aboue the earth, is to extenuate and turn things to be more pneumaticall, and rare; and not to be retrograde, from pneumaticall to that which is dense. Bacon. Nat. Hist. § 29.

The greatest winds, if they have no coarctation, or blow not hollow, give an interiour sound; the whistling or hollow wind yeeldeth a singing, or exteriour sound. The former being pent by some other body; the latter being pent in by his own density.-Id. Ib. § 188.

What can we say of the subtlety, activity, and penetrancy of its effluvia, which no obstacle can stop or repel, but they will make their way through all sorts of bodies, firm and fluid, dense and rare, heavy and light, pellucid and opake? Ray. On the Creation, pt. i.

Because if there were every where an absolute plenitude and density without any empty pores and interstices between the particles of bodies, then all bodies of equal dimensions would contain an equal quantity of matter, and consequently, as we have shewed before, would be equally ponderous. Bentley, Ser. 7.

The watchful Hours-to whom the charge
Of the Olympian summit appertains,
And of the boundless ether, back to roll,
And to replace the cloudy barrier dense.

Couper. Homer. Iliad, b. v. It may seem astonishing that so small a difference of distance from the earth as between the upper and under side of a common leaden weight in the grocer's shop should increase the density of ether in so sensible a degree as that it may be felt by taking the lead into one's hand.

Search. Light of Nature, vol. ii. c. 22.

DENT, n. DENT, v. As if first applied to the din or noise of blows; and then to the mark or impression made. 'See DIN, and DINT, and also INDENT.

Tooke says, past part. of A. S.
Dyn-an, strepere, to din.

But neuer was that dent of thunder,-
That so swithe gan downward discend
As this foule whan it beheld
That I a rowme was in the field.

Chaucer. House of Fame, b. H.

And truly sone, I toke my leue and went
When she had me enquired, what I was
For more and more, impressen gan the dent
Of Loue's dart, while I beheld her face.
Chaucer. The Court of Loue.
Thus thoughtful as I lay, I saw my withered skin,
How it doth shew my dented chewes, the flesh was worn
so thyn,
And eke my toothless chaps, the gates of my right way,
That opes and shuttes as I do speake, do thus vnto me say.
Surrey. No Age is Content.

Wherfore he willynge to saue his people from famyne whom he knewe to be from the dent of the Frenche sworde clearely exempte and vntouched, returned ouer the riuer of Leyre.-Hall. Hen. V. an. 9.

When stormy courses answer'd cuff for cuff,
Denting proud beavers with the counter-buff;
Upon an altar, burnt with holy flame,
I sacrific'd, as incense to thy fame.

Drayton. Surrey to Geraldine.

We two have kept its homage in suspence,
And bent the globe, on whose each side we trod,
Till it was dented inwards.-Dryden. All for Love, Act v.

There are a whole genus of birds called Pici Martii, or woodpeckers, that in like manner have a tongue which they can shoot forth to a very great length, ending in a sharp stiff bony tip, dented on each side.



DENTAL, adj.


ples from Paley.

Ray. On the Creation, pt. i. Lat. Dens, a tooth, (q.) edens, eating; that which eateth. To dentise,

To tooth; to have, to form or produce, teeth.

Dentrifice, (dentes fricare,) to rub the teeth.

For the technical usage of Dentate, see the exam

They tell a tale of the old Countesse of Desmonds, who lived till she was sevenscore yeares old, that she did dentise twice, or thrice; casting her old teeth, and others comming in their place. Bacon. Naturall History, § 755,

The ashes of the ankle bones of a female goat whiles it is fresh and new, are counted an excellent dentrifice to whiten the teeth.-Holland. Plinie, b. xxviii. c. 11.

Sem. Is this gray poulder, a good dentrifice?
Ful. You see I use it.

Sem. I have one that is whiter.-B. Jonson. Catiline, Act ii. He omits the denticulation of the edges of the bill, or those small oblique incisions made for the better retention of the prey.-Grew. Museum.

Take mastic and dragon's blood, of each a sufficient quantity: powder them, and mix them together, and let the patient use them as a dentrifice.-Boyle. Works, vol. v. p. 376.

It causes dentition in so regular a manner, and that not only in infants, but also adult persons.

Cudworth. Intellectual System, p. 167.

Next came different classes of dentals, and among the first of them should be placed the sibilants, which most nations express by an indented figure.

Sir W. Jones. Orthography of Asiatic Words.

Each of the dental sounds is hard or soft, sharp or obtuse, and by thrusting the tip of the tongue between the teeth, we form two sounds exceedingly common in Arabic and English, but changed into lisping sibilants by the Persians and French. Id. Ib.

They are what naturalists call serrated or dentated bills; the inside of them, towards the edge, being thickly set with parallel or concentric rows of short, strong, sharp pointed prickles. These though they should be called teeth, are not for the purpose of mastication. They form a filter.

Paley. Natural Theology, c. 12.

Should it be said, that, by continual endeavours to shoot out the tongue to the stretch, the woodpecker's species may by degrees have lengthened the organ itself, beyond that of other birds, what account can be given of its form, of its tip? how in particular did it get its barb, its dentation? Id. Natural Philosophy, c. 13.

A kind dentist restored my spirits, by declaring that he was possessed of an art which would prevent all bad consequences, and continue the beauty of my pearly ornaments, set between rubies (for so he expressed himself) unsullied during life. Knox. Winter Evenings, Even. 58.

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And whereby is ment

This foresaide prouerbe and similitude
But that thou ridde thee plainly to denude.
Chaucer. The Remedie of Loue.
For his colour, my pains and your trouble I'll spare,
For the creature was wholly denuded of hair.

Cotton. A Voyage to Ireland in Burlesque. Desiring to compleate my charge in all points, and to denude this offending liberty of her most potent patronages, it is requisite to impeach some circumstances, as guilty of great aggravations in these offences.

Mountague. Devoute Essayes, pt. i. Treat. 12. s. 3. Victor Utiscensis tells us, That when Dionisia, a noble matron, was 'immodestly denudated and barbarously scourged, with a courage beyond her sex, and in the midst of bloud she told her tormentors, that what they intended for her shame should hereafter be her glory.-Feltham, pt. ii. Res. 11.

And we may consequently, with much ease, bear the disfurniture of such transitorie movables, as were rather ornaments then materials of our fabrick; considering that this denudation may prove the greatest beautifying of our spiritual edifice.-Mountague. Dev. Essayes, pt. ii. Treat. 8. s. 3. If in summer time you denude a vine of its leaves, the grapes will never come to maturity.-Ray. Creation, pt. i. DENU'LL. Used by Fabyan as Annull, (qv.) But after the deth of Kinge Edwarde that banysshemente was soone denulled by Edwarde his soone, whereof ensuyd moche harme and trouble as after shall be shewed. Fabyan, an. 1300. See DENOUNCE. Fr. Dénier; Sp. Denegar; Lat. Denegare; de, ne, and agere, (qd.) Be it not let it not be done. See DENAY, and DENEGATE.

DENUNCIA'TION. DENY', v. Dentable. DENIAL. DENIANCE. Deni'er. DENY'ING, n. disown.

To refuse, to contradict, to

It myght not be denied, for thing that mot betide. R. Brunne, p. 249. And anoon the cok eftsoones crew: and Petir bethoughte on the word that Jhesus hadde seide to him bifore the cok crowe twyes, thries thou schalt denye me, and he began to wepe.-Wiclif. Mark, c. 14.

I woll in no wise, saith Daungere
Deny, that ye haue asked here

It were to great vncurtesie.-Chaucer. Rom. of the Rose. And there vpon goth he so farforth, that no Scripture can be euident to proue any thing that he lyst to deny.

Sir T. More. Workes, p. 161.

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As touchyng the article of mariage, to take effect betwene their prince and the Lady Cicilie of England, he knew not the determinat pleasure of ye king his master and brother, either for the affirmaunce or deniace of the same. Hall. Edw. IV. an. 22. And some of the let not with lyes and periury to defend the selfe, and some to stande in defence of their errours or false denying of theyr owne dede, to their gret paril of the fier.-Sir T. More. Workes, p. 151.

Arriued there, they passed in forth right;
For still, to all, the gate stood open wide;
Yet charge of them was to a porter hight
Call'd Maluenu, who entrance none denide.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. i. c. 4.

As if some divine truths, viz. those which are plainly revealed, might not be such, as of necessity were not to be denied, and others for want of sufficient declaration, deniable without danger.-Chillingworth. Rel. of Prot. Ch. pt. i. c. 3.

Again, beside the negative of authority; it is also deniable, namely, by way of Aristotle's death. Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. vii. c. 14.

Begin then, sisters of the sacred well,
That from beneath the seat of Jove do spring;
Begin, and somewhat loudly sweep the string.
Hence with denial vain, and coy excuse.--Milton. Lycidas.
The separatists are profest denyers of one article, that of

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That the variation may be found, with a share of accuracy more than sufficient to determine the ship's course, is allowed; but that it can be found so exactly as to fix the longitude within a degree, or sixty miles, I absolutely deny. Cook. Voyage, vol. v. b. i. c. 3.

For the fourth council of Lateran, held in the year 1215, and pretended to be a general, and therefore infallible one, after beginning with a creed, of which transubstantiation, then first established, made a part: proceeds, in the third canon, to decree that all deniers of that, or any other of the [pretended] Catholic doctrines, be excommunicated, and punished by the secular arm.-Secker, vol. v. Ser. 13.

DEOBSTRUENT. Lat. De, ob, and struere. See OBSTRUCT.

That which destroys obstructions; separates parts closed or blocked up.

At least to answer the physician's scope, where he would employ an emetic, a cathartic, a diaphoretic, a deobstruent, a diuretic, a bezoardic or cordial medicine. Boyle. Works, vol. v. p. 118.

It [tar-water] is useful not only as a pectoral and balsamic, but also as a powerful and safe deobstruent in cachectic and hysteric cases.-Berkeley. Siris, s. 6.

DE'ODAND. Lat. Deo dandum ;—

That which ought to be, which must be, given to God.

A man that hath been long in office vnder dyuers of the kynges almoygners, to whome the goodes of such men as kyll themselfe be apoynted by the lawe, and hys office, as deodandes to be geue in almes-Sir T. More. Workes, p.285.

If beside the laws of murther, men have thought fit, out of respect to humane nature, that whatsoeuer else moves to the death of man should be forfeit to pious uses, why should there not as well be deodands for reputation?

Marvell. Works, vol. ii. p. 250.

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When for medical uses, we take down the filings of iron or steel, we must not conceive it passeth unaltered from in deoppilations.-Brown. Vulgar Errours, b, iii. c. 22. us; for though the grosser parts be excluded again, yet are the dissoluble parts extracted, whereby it becomes effectual

Some bodies taken into that of a man are deoppilating, others inciding, resolving, &c.-Boyle. Works, vol. iii. p.293. Indeed I have found them generally to agree in divers of them (as in their being somewhat diaphoretick and very deoppilative.)-Id. Ib. vol. i. p. 535.

As in bezoardicum minerale, skilfully prepared, (for it very seldom is so) the laxative and emetick virulency of the antimony is changed into a diaphoretick, resolving, and deoppilative power.-Id. Ib. vol. ii. p. 122.

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[The Church of England] being thus clens'd and wash'd is accus'd by the Roman parties of noveltie, and condemn'd because she refuses to run into the same excess of riot and deordination.

Bp. Taylor. A Dissuasive from Popery, pt. i. c. 1.

For although the fall of man did neither alter the essential constituents of mankind, nor wholly raze out the engravings of those common notions, sentiments, and rational instincts that were in them; yet it did in a great measure impair and weaken them, and brought in a very great deordination and discomposure, setting up the lower faculties in rebellion against the superior.-Hale. Orig. of Mankind, p. 355.

DEPA'INT, v. Į Fr. Dépeindre; Lat. DeSpingere, (de, and pingere,) to


the holy Catholic Church, resolving the end and the effect form or figure, (fingere,) to express a real object

of the Holy Ghost's descent to have been only to constitute particular congregations, and none else.

Hammond. Works, vol. i. p. 372.

And thus to rack the sacred writings, to force them whether they will or no to bring evidence to our opinions; is an affront to their authority that's next to the denying on't. Glanvill. Pre-existence of Souls, c. 3.

requires when he saith, let your communication be yea, yea, This is that simplicity of conversation which our Saviour nay, nay, i. e. you ought to converse with so much sincerity,

by imitation.

To imitate the likeness of any thing, (coloured;) to draw, portray, describe or delineate, (to depicture, qv.)

And whan this Eneas and Achates
Hadden in this temple been ouer all,
Than found they depainted on a wall
How Troie and all the land destroyed was.
Chaucer Legend of Dido.

And all aboue depeinted in a tour
Saw I Conquest, sitting in gret honour,
With tnilke sharp swerd over his hed
Yhanging by a subtil twined thred.

Chaucer. The Knightes Tale, v. 2029.

Her armes long in just proportion cast,
Her hands depaint with veins all blue and white.

Vncertaine Auctors. Descrip. and Praise of his Loue.

What should I speak in praise of Surrey's skil
Unlesse I had a thousand tongues at will?

No one is able to depaint at full,

The flowing fountaine of his sacred skull.

Turberville. In Prayse of the Erle of Surrey.

Through great constraint

He made him stoupe perforce vnto his knee,
And doe unwilling worship to the saint,
That on his shield depainted he did see.

Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ii. c. 5.

The reading thereof, in my conceit, will not hinder the rest of your affaires, nor take up any time due thereto, considering that in few words you shall there see the nature of many memorable persons lively described and depainted. Holland. Plutarch, p. 331. The red rose medled with the white yfere, In either cheeke depeincten liuely chere.

Spenser. Shepheard's Calender. April.

I was naturally as much inclined as others, to play with the gilded leaves and outside of my books, and handsomely depaint the letters before I understood the sense.





Boyle. Works, vol. vi. p. 516.

Fr. Départir; It. Dipartire; Lat. Dispartiri, to separate; dis, and partiri,

to divide.

To divide or separate, to deal, share, or distribute; to part with or give up, to part from or relinquish, to quit, leave, go away.

This fole hem armede anon, and baneres gonne rere,
And departede here ost in twolf partyes there.

R. Gloucester, p. 18.
The folk was mykille & strong, of mete thei had gret
Tham burd [behoved] departe ther throng, that lond mot
tham not fede.
R. Brunne, p. 180.
Let no kynne consail. ne couetyze gow departe.
Piers Plouhman, p. 85.
What is hus conysaunce quath ich. in hus cote armure
Thre psones in o pensel. quath he dep-table, from other.
Id. p. 314.
And thanne I shal knowleche to hem, that I knewe you
never, departe awey from me ye that worcken wickednesse.
Wiclif. Matthew, c. 7.

And aftir that thei hadden crucified him, they departiden his clothis and kisten lott, to fulfil that is seyde bi the prophete seiynge, thei departiden to hem my clothis, and on my cloth their kisten lotte.-Id. Ib. c. 27.

For I am sacrifised now, and the tyme of my departyng is nygh.-Id. Tyte, c. 4.

And oon of the puple seide to him, maister seye to my brother that he departe with me the eritage. And he seyde to him, man, who ordeynede me a domesman or a departer on you?-Id. Luke, c. 12.

This false blasphemour, that charged me
To parten that wol not departed be,
To every man ylike, with meschance.

Chaucer. The Sompnoures Tale, v. 7821.

The same law yt ioyneth by wedlocke without forsaking, the same law yeueth libell of departicion bicause of diuorce, both demed and declared.-Id. Testament of Loue, b. iii.

The sonnes thre, of whiche I tolde,

Right after that hem selfe wolde,

This worlde departe they begonne.-Gower. Con. A. b.vii.

And wolde not departe hym fro

Suche loue was betwene hem two.

Id. Ib. b. viii.

Phil. Mary indeed you, maister Doctor, put me in good remembrance of the meaning of Saint Paul in that place, for apostasie is properlie a departing from the faith, and therefore commeth apostata, which properlie signifieth one that departeth from his faith.

Fox Martyrs, p. 1635. Fourth Examin. of Mr.J.Philpot. And at their departure was shot off all the ordinance of the ship, and about nine of the clocke at night the same day they weyed anker, and departed with their ship from Astracan-Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. i. 421. p.

Which when she saw, she left her locks vndight,

And running to her boat withouten ore,

From the departing land it launched light,

And after them did driue with all her power and might. Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ii. c. 12.


But that lewd louer did the most lament

For her depart, that euer man did hear, He knockt his breast with desperate intent, And scratcht his face, and with his teeth did tear His rugged flesh, and rent his ragged heare. Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. iii. c. 7.

It hath been subtilly, and indeed truly noted, that our sight is not well contented with those sudden departments from one extream to another. Therefore let them have rather a duskish tincture, than an absolute black. Reliquie Wottonianæ, p. 61.

My lord being in the gallery of my ship, at my departure, I remember your honour took me by the hand, and said you would request one thing of me, which was, that whether I made a good voyage or a bad, I should not fail, but to return again into England: which I then promised you, and gave you my faith I would; and so I have.

State Trials. Sir Walter Ralegh, an. 1603.

Although when the divine providence does itself offer us a just occasion of leaving this world, (as when a man chooses

to suffer death rather than commit wickedness) a wise man will then indeed depart joyfully, as out of a place of sorrow and darkness into light; yet he will not be in such haste as to break his prison contrary to law; but will go when God calls him, as a prisoner when dismissed by the magistrate or lawful power.-Clarke. Nat. & Rev. Religion, Prop. 1.

But Mr. Locke ascribes the change of action solely to uneasiness, and the continuance of it to satisfaction; it be hoves me then to give my reason for departing from so great an authority.-Search. Light of Nature, vol. i. c. 6.

virtues his department of life particularly requires. He will find them to be industry, honesty, and frugality. Knox. Ess. No. 8.

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Fr. Dépendre; Sp. Depender; It. Dependere; Lat. Dependere, (de, and pendere,) to hang from.

To hang down, to rest, to repose, to rely upon-in a hanging position; to rest, to repose or rely upon, generally; and thus, (met.) to trust to, to confide in.

To rely upon; to have as a support; and thus, to be connected with as an inferior, to be subordinate, subservient or subject to.

To hang, (sc.) upon the balance, under examination; investigation, trial; and thus, to be undetermined, undecided.

Archdeacon Nares, (Gloss. ad v.) gives several In order to resume that character, let him consider what instances from our elder dramatists, in which Dependance or Dependency, is used for the subject of a quarrel, i. e. the affair depending. See in v. CARTEL, from B. Jonson. See also Gifford's Note thereon, and his Massinger, iii. 9. Dependent and Dependant are used indiscriminately; ent from ens is the right.

M. de la Tour du Pin, on the fourth of last June, comes to give an account of the state of his department, as it exists under the auspices of the national assembly. Burke. On the French Revolution.

The game played by the revolutionists in 1789, with respect to the French guards of the unhappy king, was now played against the departmental guards, called together for the protection of the revolutionists.

Id. Preface to M. Brissot's Address to his Constituents. This is a picture drawn from life: what it represents often occurs: and the whole of it is occasioned by the merchant's departure from his natural and his most becoming character. Knox. Ess. No. 8.

de, and pascere, to feed.
To feed upon, to eat,
Earth, like the patient was, whose liuely blood
Hath ouercome at last some sicknesse strong,
Whose feeble limmes had been the bait and food,
Whereon his strange disease depastred long,
But now restor'd, in health and welfare stood
As sound as earst, as fresh, as faire, as young.

Lat. Depascere, astum;
Gr. Πα-ειν.
to browze or graze upon.

Fairefax. Godfrey of Bovlogne, b. xiv. s. 79.

And thus, if a horse be delivered either to an agisting farmer for the purpose of depasturing in his meadows, or to an hostler to be dressed and fed in his stable, the bailees are answerable for the loss of the horse, if it be occasioned by the ordinary neglect of themselves or their servants.

Sir W. Jones. The Law of Bailments. DEPATRIATE, v. Lat. De, and patria, his


To go or cause to go from, to quit his country.
I fear, sir, here you beg the question.
A subject born in any state
May, if he please, depatriate,
And go, for reasons weak or weighty
To Zeeland-new, or Otaheite.

Mason. The Dean and the Squire.
atum; de, and pauper, poor.
To impoverish.

And now the cause driuen is so far,
Sodainly peace, either hasty war
Mot follow anon, for the fatall chance
Of life and death dependeth in balance.

Lidgate. The Story of Thebes, pt. ill. And hereby ye see that it is a playne and an euident conclusió as bright as the sunne shynyng that the truth of God's word dependeth not of the truth of the congregation. Tyndall. Workes, p. 268.

The Frenchemen in their treatie demaunded to haue Calays beaten downe, and to haue the sygnorie of Guysues Hammes, Marke, and Oye, and all the landes of Froyteu, and the dependantes of Guysnes vnto the lymyttes of the water of Grauelyng.-Berners. Froiss. Cron. vol. i. c. 177.

And we would the aske him such questions further either of holdinge of God's hande over them, or withdrawing hys hande of help from them, with other diuerse dependauntes therupon, which eurie learned manne may soone fynd oute himself & almost vnlearned to.-Sir T. More. Workes, p.594.

Consider nowe that of hys electes, whiche is of hys woordes muche adoe to perceiue, they be so dark and so intriked of purpose withoute any dependence or order, yet in the ende when all is gathered together and aduysed well, thys is the whole summe, that God chooseth a certayne whom he lyketh. Id. Ib. p. 611.

Then let your hopes on those sure joys depend, Which live and grow by death, and waste not when they spend.-P. Fletcher. Eliza. An Elegy. Unity which the fathers press so often, they make to be dependant on the bishop. Bp. Taylor. Episcopacy Asserted, s. 16.

Sanctify him in his authority and sovereignty, by calling upon him in obedience to his command and will, who hath commanded it, by acknowledgment of thy dependence upon him.-Bp. Hall. Cont. On the Lord's Prayer.

When here he adds,-and we by him; this imports their

Lat. Depauperare, being a chosen generation, a peculiar people to God, the chosen of God out of all things else: and his being a peculiar special founder unto them of a super creation-state, and a dependancy upon him for the whole of it, as he is Jesus Christ the Lord.-Goodwin. Works, vol. ii. pt. ii. p. 169.

And because the residence of this blessed poverty is the mind, it followes that it be here understood, that all that examination and renunciation, abjection and humility of mind, which depauperates the spirit, making it less worldly, and more spiritual, is the duty here enjoyned.

Bp. Taylor. Great Exemplar, pt. ii. s. 12. DEPEACH, v. Skinner says, absolvere, (i. e. to acquit, to discharge,) from the Fr. Despescher. See DESPATCH.

They shall be forthwith heard as soon as the party which they shal find before our justices shall be depeached, which party being heard forthwith, and as soone as may be, the said English merchants shall be ridde and dispatched. Hackluyt. Voyages, vol. i. p. 267. 513

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If we make a farther advance and progression into the reason of philosophy, it will leade the mind up to religion, n it shows the congruous dependency and subordination of all causes of divine providence.

Mountague. Devoute Essayes, Treat. 16. s. 1.

The absolute stoical depender on fate may starve for want of industry, die for want of physick, and be damned for want of repentance.-Hammond. Works, vol. i. p. 87.

Delay is bad, doubt worse, depending worst;
Each best day of our life escapes us first.

B. Jonson. To William Roe.

If thou givest me this day supplies beyond the expense of this day, I will use it thankfully, and nevertheless dependingly; for I will renew my petition for my daily bread still. Hale. Cont. vol. ii. On the Lord's Prayer.

As heaven with stars, the roof with jewels glows,
And ever living lamps depend in rows.
Pope. Temple of Fame.
Then, since those forms begin, and have their end,
On some unalter'd cause they sure depend:
Parts of the whole are we; but God the whole;
Who gave us life and animating soul.

Dryden. Palamon & Arcite.
That desire was to fix and preserve a few lasting depend-
able friendships: and the accidents, which have disappointed
ine in it, have put an end to all my aims.
Pope. To Gay, Let. 21.
What freeborn man, who, though of mungrel strain,
Wou'd twice support the scorn and proud disdain
With which those idols you adore, the great,
Their wretched vassals and dependants treat?
Fryden. Juvenal, Sat. 5.

Dark as a cloud they make a wheeling flight, Then on a neighbouring tree, descending, light; Like a large cluster of black grapes they show, And make a large dependance from the bough. Id. Virgil, Geor. 4. Well, but to this it is objected, that these witnesses we speak of, were all of them Christ's friends, and followers and dependents. Sharp, vol. ii. Ser. 8.

His followers afterward so understood and explained it, as if, by the creation of the world, was not to be understood a creation in time; but only an order of nature. Causality and dependence: that is, that the will of God, and his power of acting, being necessarily as eternal as his essence, the effects of that will and power might be supposed coeval to the will and power themselves. Clarke. On the Attributes, Prop. 3.

It is also natural and can hardly be otherwise, but that the bishop of a chief city, finding himself to exceed in. wealth, in power, in advantages of friendships, dependencies,

&c. should not affect to raise himself above the level: it is
an ambition, that easily will seize on the most moderate,
and otherwise religious minds.
Barrow. Of the Pope's Supremacy.

Yet, though I always have my will,
I'm but a mere depender still;

An humble hanger on at best,

Of whom all people make a jest.-Swift. Riddle the Fourth.

Eternity, depending on an hour,
Makes serious thought man's wisdom, joy, and praise.
Young. Complaint, Night 8.

No regal pageant deck'd with casual honours,
Scorn'd by his subjects, trampled by his foes,
No feeble tyrant of a petty state,
Courts thee to shake on a dependant throne.

Johnson. Irene, Act ii. sc. 2.

It is precisely the same, whether the ministers of the crown can disqualify by a dependent house of commons, or by a dependent court of star chamber, or by a dependent court of king's bench.—Burke. Of the Present Discontents.

We behold (and it seems some people rejoice in beholding) our native land, which used to sit the envied arbiter of all her neighbours, reduced to a servile dependance on their mercy. Id. Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol.

For if they once quit this natural, rational, and liberal obedience, having deserted the only proper foundation of their power, they must seek a support in an abject and unnatural dependence somewhere else.

Id. Of the Present Discontents.

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Wine, and even water has been, not only by Helmont, but by divers other physicians, observed to be enriched, [with wormes] after a quantity of quicksilver has been for some hours shaken in it, though without any sensible deperdition of the substance of the mercury.

Boyle. Works, pt. ii. Ess. 5. The most deperditely wicked of all others, in whom was the root of wickedness.-Dean King. Sermon, (1608,) p. 17.

No reason can be given why, if these deperdits ever existed, they have now disappeared. Yet if all possible existences have been tried, they must have formed part of the catalogue.-Paley. Natural Theology, c. 5.

DEPERTIBLE, adj. In some editions this word is written Depectible.

Bacon appears to mean-that may be distributed, or spread.

It may be also, that some bodies have a kinde of lentour, and more depertible nature than others, as we see it evident in colouration.-Bacon. Naturall History, § 857.

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Gr. Φλεγμα, from Φλεγ to burn. Vossius thinks; not so called because it is per se igneum,


but because-per accidens causet febres. For," he adds, "a sharp and salt phlegm is the fountain of all such diseases as are produced by a defluxion of humours; as Plato says in Timaus." See PHLEGM.

To clear or purify from phlegm,-in chymistry,to free from pituitous, aqueous or watery parts. We found that the oil that was wont to swim upon spirit of wine, not freed from its aqueous parts, did readily sink, and quietly lie in the bottom of that, which was carefully dephlegmed.-Boyle. Works, vol. i. p. 349.

Our favourable thoughts of that expert chymist making us think it possible, that the spirits we employed had not been sufficiently exalted, we dephlegmated some by more frequent, and indeed tedious rectifications. Id. Ib. vol. i. p. 329.

And let me on this occasion advertise you, Pyrophilus, that in divers cases it is not enough to separate the aqueous parts by dephlegmation, as many chemists content themselves to do.-Id. Ib. vol. i. p. 321.

Fifthly, that the proportion betwixt the coralline solution and the spirit of wine depends so much upon the strength of the former liquor, and the dephlegmedness of the latter, that it is scarce possible to determine generally and exactly, what quantity of each ought to be taken.-Id. Ib. vol. i. p. 442.

DEPICT, v.? Lat. Depingere, depictum, Depicture, v. to depaint, (qv.)

To imitate the likeness of any thing; to draw, portray, describe or delineate.

Speed distinguishes depict, and depaint.

I remember he [Simon Steward, Mil.] lived (after he was knighted,) a fellow-commoner in Trinity-hall, where these his armes are fairly depicted in his chamber.

Fuller. Worthies. Cambridgeshire.

Wherein is the malice? in adding to the narration, pictures (sc. the prints in Fox's Martyrs,) also of the fact, so to moue hatred to Monkes, and their religion, whereas of truth, either Monkes, or men of that religion, were the very first, who not onely so depictured, but also liuely and richly depainted it in their goodliest manuscripts.

Speed. King John, b. ix. c. 8. s. 62. Why the man has a perception of sound which the drum has not, or an idea of figure depicted on the choroides or retina of the eye, (whichever of them be the seat of vision,) which the camera has not; in other words, how perception is excited from material impulse, must ever, I think, exceed the apprehension of human intellect.

Anecdotes of the Life of Bp. Watson, vol. ii. p. 401.

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This animal [the Salamander] is a kind of lizard, a quadruped corticated and depilous, that is, without wool, fur, or hair.-Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. iii. c. 14.

I shall demand how they [dogs] of some countryes became depilous, and without any hair at all, whereas some sorts in excess abound therewith.-Id. Ib. b. vi. c. 10.

DEPLICATION. Lat. De, and plicare, Gr. ПAEK-E, to knit, twist, fold. "Fr. Déplicer,—to unplait or unfold, to undo the plaits, to open the folds of," (Cotgrave.)

Unplaiting, unfolding, untwisting.

For which effect there needeth onely an unfolding and deplication of the inside of this order, to shew it is not so asperous and thorny as our nature apprehendeth it by the first glances that light upon it.

Mountague. Devoute Essayes, pt. i. Treat. 15. s. 3. DEPLORE, v. DEPLORABLE.





Fr. Déplorer; Sp. Deplorar; It. Deplorare; Lat. Deplorare, (de, and plorare:) distinguished from lacrymare, in degree. Lacrimandum est, non plorandum, (Seneca, Ep. 63.) To weep for, to bewail, to bemoan, to mourn, to lament.

The same day [the two and twentieth day of January, 1596] Sir Francis Drake our general departed this life, whose death was exceedingly deplored; his interment was after this manner; his corps being laid in a cophin of lead, he was let down into the sea, the trumpets in dolefull manner echoing out this lamentation for so great a losse, and all the cannons of the fleet were discharged according to the custome of all sea funerall obsequies.

Sir Francis Drake. West Indian Voyage, p. 58.

He who against thee does inveigh,
Never yet knew where beauty lay,
And does betray

A deplorable want of sense,
Blindness, or age, or impotence.

Cotton. Pindaric Ode. Beauty. To discern the sadness, and deplorableness of this estate, I shall need give you no sharper character of it, than only this, that 'tis a condition that forceth God to forsake us in meer mercy, to give over all thoughts of kindness to us, and that the only degree of kindness left, whereof we are capable. Hammond. Works, vol. iv. p. 536.

Which way of proof is most proper, and suitable to the course of the text; which hath recourse to an exemplary instance of election, continued in age, as deplorate as [any] whatever in the Old Testament.

Goodwin. Works, vol. ii. pt. iv. p. 24.

But seeing it now evident and certain, that my [Qu. Elizabeth] safety without her [Qu. Mary] destruction, is in a more deplorate estate, I am most grievously affected with inward sorrow.-Baker. Queen Elizabeth, an. 1586.

He will leaue to those her beneficiaries the farther search of this argument, and deploration of her fortune.

Speed. Hen. VII. b. ix. c. 20. s. 16.

The states He still and close oppressed with the adversities of the last year; and with nothing more than the late ruine of forty well laden ships by the Texel, wherein with deplora tion of the whole province were lost one thousand mariners. Reliquia Wottonianæ, p. 474. To be deploredly old, and affectedly young, is not only a great folly, but a gross deformity!

Bp. Taylor. Artificial Handsomeness, p. 72.

But for thee, O blessed Jesu, so ardent was thy love to us, that it was not in the power of our extreme misery to abate it, yea so, as that the deplorednes of our condition did but highten that holy flame.

Bp. Hall. A Pathetical Meditation, s. 2.

Home when she came, her secret woe she vents,
And fills the palace with her loud laments;
Those loud laments her echoing maids restore
And Hector, yet alive, as dead deplore.

Dryden. Homer. Iliad, b. vi.

After this, I have in the fire, the most deplorable, but with all the greatest argument that can be imagined; the destruction being so swift, so sudden, so vast and miserable, as nothing can parallel in story.

Dryden. Annus Mirabilis. Account of.

It has been more than sufficiently proved from thence [Scripture] already, how deplorably unable the heart of man is, not only to conquer, but even to contend with the difficulties of a spiritual course, without a steady view of such promises as may supply new life, spirit, and vigour to its obedience.-South, vol. iv. Ser. 5.

I was invited not to be a mere spectator, or a lazy deplorer of the danger I saw religion in. Boyle. Works, vol. iv. p. 153. So that bating those few barbarians, whose superstition and malice brought her to that condition, all the other spectators of her sufferings were deplorers of them too.

Id. Ib. vol. v. p. 309. Aristides, in a discourse which he addresses to the people of Smyrna, to congratulate their re-establishment, says, that their calamity had been deplored by all the inhabitants of Greece and Asia, as a distress common to them.

Jortin. Remarks on Ecclesiastical History.

The editions of Greek and Latin classics produced within
these few years from the English press, are deplorably in-
correct, and seem to indicate a declension of an art which
has afforded light, and given honour to empires.
Knox, Ess. 134.

DEPLUME, v. Lat. De, and pluma, a feather.
To strip off the feathers.

Such a person is like Homer's bird, deplumes himself to feather all the naked callows that he sees.



Bp. Taylor, vol. ii. Ser. 15.
The Scotch use, to depone;
the English, to depose. See

A deponent,-one who gives evidence, bears witness or testimony; so called, says Skinner, because the witness depones, (deponit,) places his hand upon the book of the holy evangelists, while he is bound by the obligation of an oath.

Fyrste the sayde deponent sayeth, that on Saturdaye, the seconde daye of December, Anno. M. D. xiiii. he toke the charge of the pryson at foure of the clocke at afternone by the commaundemente of master Chaunceller. Hall. Hen. VIII. an. 6. And farther, Sprot deponeth, that he entered himself thereafter in conference with Bour, and demanded what was done betwixt the laird and the Earl of Gowrie.

State Trials. George Sprot, an. 1606. Whereupon he began to read: and before he had ended it, he said to the deponer, Mr. John, I intreat you heartily that I may have this paper to Naughtoun. that I may read it, and consider it at leisure.-Id. Lord Balmerino, an. 1634.

Item, this deponent being demanded by the said Margery what she did euery dale at church, she answered that she kneeled down and said 5 Pater nosters, in worshippe of the crucifix, and as manie Aue Maries, in worshipp of our Ladie. Fox. Martyrs, p. 610. The Story of Margery Backster. The pleader, having spoke his best,

Had witness ready to attest,

Who fairly could on oath depose,

When question on the fact arose,
That every article was true;

No further these deponents knew.

By which means the year ensuing, he with Edrick the traytor passing the Thames at Creelad, about Twelftide, enter'd into Mercia, and especially Warwickshire, depopяlating all places in their way.-Milton. Hist of Eng. b. iv.

It might reasonably be concluded that this wild and bar-
barous depopulation, would even extirpate all that learning,
religion and loyalty, which had so eminently flourished there.
Clarendon. Civil War, vol. iii. p. 74.

The persons agreeing in this one mischief, are of divers
sorts and humours; 1st, meddling and busy persons, who
love popular speeches: 2. covetous landlords, inclosers, de-
populators, &c.—State Trials, an. 1626. D. of Buckingham.
Mars answered; O Joue; neither she nor I
(With both our aides) can keep depopulacie
From off the Froggs.

Chapman. Homer. Batrachomyomachia.

So two young mountain lions, nurs'd with blood,
In deep recesses of the gloomy wood,
Rush fearless to the plains, and uncontrol'd
Depopulate the stalls, and waste the fold.
Pope. Homer. Iliad, b. v.

Each man, being a sovereign in his own family, has the
same interest with regard to it, as the prince with regard to
the state; and has not, like the prince, any opposite motives
of ambition or vain-glory, which may lead him to depopulate
his little sovereignty.

Hume. Ess. Populousness of Ancient Nations.

But Plutarch says, that the general depopulation had been more sensibly felt in Greece than any other country. How is this reconcileable to its superior privileges and advantages?-Id. Ib.



Fr. Déporter; Lat. Deportare; (de, and portare,) to bear or carry away.

To bear or carry away; (sc.) to a place of exile or banishment; and thus, -to exile or banish.

To bear or carry,-applied to the bearing, carriage, conduct or behaviour.

No assurance of better dealing then was used to the deported House of Saxe, by a better emperour than this accounted.—Cabbala. Sir Dudley Carleton, to the Duke.

The third consideration should be, how a man may bee
valued, and may deport himselfe as he is compared with his
equals and rivals.-Bacon. Learning, by G. Wats, b. viii. c. 2.
Like a wood nymph light,

Oread or Dryad, or of Delia's traine
Betook her to the groves, but Delia's self
In gait surpass'd and goddess-like deport.
Millon. Paradise Lost, b. ix,

At last

Of middle age one rising, eminent
In wise deport, spake much of right and wrong,
Of justice, of religion, truth and peace,
And judgment from above.
Id. Ib. b. xi.

Now where to begin or end this compute, ariseth no small
difficulty; for there were three remarkable captivities and
deportations of the Jews.-Brown. Vulgar Errours, b. vi. c. 1.

A sinne which sundry fathers have plentifully condemned, as mis-beseeming Christians, whose very outward gestures and deportment ought to be modest, chaste, and holy, as becometh the Gospel of Christ.

Prynne. Histrio-Mastix, pt. i. Act v. sc. 2.

Thus did our Lord deport himself toward his spiteful adversaries, who being reviled, did not revile again; when he suffered, did not threaten, but committed it to him that judgeth righteously.-Barrow, vol. iii. Ser. 10.

Swift. Cadenus & Vanessa.
The verbs called deponent, desiderative, frequentative,
inceptive, &c. need not to be considered here, being found
in some languages only, and therefore not essential to speech.
Beattie. Moral Science, vol. i. pt. i. c. 1. s. 3.
Sp. Despoblar; It.
Dispopolare; Fr. Dé-
populer; Lat. Depopu-
lare, to de-people.
"To unpeople or dis- sharpest afflictions.-Bates. Great Duty of Resignation.
ruin or destroy," (Cot-

In their deportations, they had often the favour of their
conquerors; were permitted by them freely and publicly to
exercise their religion, and even to make proselytes, to live
under their own laws and customs, and to retain some
shadow of their domestic polity and government.
Atterbury, vol. iii. Ser. 5.
Thus from the pattern of our Saviour's deportment, the
point of doctrine is this:




DEPO'PULACY. people, to waste, ravage, grave.) See DEPEOPLE.

So that the Jewes were euer ouerrunne and depopulated of both the hostes, now of the Egyptians, and then of the Assyrians and Grekis.-Joye. Exposicion of Daniel, c. 11.

And so in that realme were continually two kynges, vntyll the kynge of Mede had depopulate the countrey, and brought the people in captiuytie to the citie of Babylon. Sir T. Elyot. The Governour, b. i. c. 2.

O poore and miserable citie, what sondry tormētes, exciBions, subuertions, depopulations, and other euyll aduentures hath hapned vnto the, sens thou were byreft of that noble courte of Sapience.-Id. Ib. b. iii. c. 22.

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The entire resignation of our wills to the disposing will of
God, is the indispensable duty of Christians under the

Virgil lived in an age of more refinement, and was, perhaps, too much conversant in courtly life, as well as too bashful in his deportment, and delicate in his constitution, to studie the varieties of human nature, where in a monarchy they are most conspicuous; namely, in the middle and lower ranks of mankind.-Beattie. On Truth, pt. iii. c. 2.

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Fr. Déposer; Sp. Deponer; It. Deponere; Lat. Deponere, depositum, to put down, (de, and ponere, to put, place or fix.)

To put down, as to depose a crown; to put it down from the head.

To put, place or lay, (sc.) in the hands, custody or power of another, as a pledge or security, in safety, at use, at interest. Now more usually, to deposit.

To depose, or, as the Scotch say, to depone, (qv.) to give evidence, bear witness or testimony. See DEPONE.

And depose gow for goure pruyde prophecie.

Where many a dale

In sorie plite and poore he laie,

The corone on his head deposed,

Piers Plouhman, p. 297.

Within walles fast enclosed.-Gower. Con. A. b. vii.

For God, whiche al thyng hath bounded,

And sighe the falsehead of his gyle,
Hath set him but a litell whyle,

That he shall reign, vpon depose,

For sodeinly right as he rose,

So sodeinly downe he felle.-Id. Ib. b. il.
For thei or that were worse falle,

Through common counseile of hem all

They haue her wrongful kyng deposed.-Id. Ib. b. vii. Peraduenture he may be borne a subiect and after made king, or else he may bee borne a king, and after deposed and made a subject.-Frith. Workes, p. 17.

I answer unto you, that what remaineth be oaths, and those not to rest as proofs unto you, but to be duly examined and fully considered, whether they be true and their de posers of credit.-State Trials. Edmund Campion, an. 1581.

This scisme, as before is towchyd, began by reacon of the deposicion of ye sayd Eugeny at the counsayll of Basile, for

that he wolde nat obserue the decree before made in the
cousayll of Costaunce, and other causes to hym layde. But
yet that deposung, natwithstädyng, perforse he cōtynued
pope by ye terme of xiiii. yeres after.-Fabyan, an. 1548.
Their aged syre, thus eased of his crowne,
A private life led in Albania,
With Gonorill, long had in great renowne,
That nought him grieu'd to beene from rule deposed downe.
Spenser. Faerie Queene, b. ii. c. 10.

And to the intent the commons might be perswaded, that he was an unjust and unprofitable prince, and a tyrant over his subjects, and therefore worthy to be deposed; there were set forth certaine articles (to the number of 32 or 38, as some record,) very hainous to the eares of many: some whereof I have formerly recited, and the residue you may read in Hall, Grafton, Haywood, Trussell, and others.

Prynne. Treachery and Disloyalty, pt. i. p. 80. So hereafter they shall only be keepers of the great seal, which for title and office, are deposable; but they say the Lord Chancellor's title is indelible.-Howell, b. i. s. 4. Let. 8.

But all other inferiour magistrates, officers, and princes whatsoever are resistible, questionable, censurable, and deposible for their tyranny, wickednesse, and misgovernment by the parliament's censure, as I have proved.

Prynne. Treachery and Disloyalty, pt. v. p. 201.
Then through the casement ventur'd so much face
As kings depos'd show, when through gates they peep,
To see deposers to their crowning passe,
But straight shrink back, and at the trumpet weep.
Davenant. Gondibert, b. iii. c. 3.

The offence, therefore, wherewith I charge this Talbot, prisoner at the bar, is this in brief and in effect: that he hath maintained and maintaineth under his hand a power in the pope for the deposing and murdering of kings.

State Trials, an. 1613. William Talbot. The fear is deposited in conscience, and is begotten and kept by this proposition, that God is a rewarder of all men according to their works.

Bp. Taylor. Rule of Conscience, b. ii. c. 1. Rule 3. At least, if it have not, it seems your church is not so faithful a guardian of her deposit, as her dear friends (inoved by partiality or ends) would make us believe.

Hammond. Works, vol. ii. pt. i. p. 677. Whereas it is most manifest by the occasion, and whole contexture, that I mentioned the Scripture, and those, as

the safest depositaries of all that faith which was delivered by Christ and his Apostles.-Id. 16. vol. ii. pt. ii. p. 141.

I have now gone through your papers and wearied you, and almost myself, yet if what is written prove usefull to you, to the depositing that which I cannot but deem an errour, although I lay no epithet upon it, it will be far from burthenous.-Hammond. Works, vol. i. p. 704.

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