I ask no kind return of love, No tempting charm to please; Nor ease, nor peace, that heart can know That, like the needle true, Turns at the touch of joy or wo, But, turning, trembles too. Far as distress the soul can wound, "Tis pain in each degree; 'Tis bliss but to a certain bound; Beyond, is agony. Then take this treacherous sense of mine, Oh! haste to shed the sacred balm, At her approach, see Hope, see Fear, And Disappointment in the rear, The tears which Pity taught to flow, The heart that throb'd at others' wo, The wounds which now each moment bleed, O fairy elf! but grant me this, This one kind comfort send; And so may never-fading bliss Thy flow'ry paths attend. So may the glow-worm's glimmering light To some new region of delight, And be thy acorn goblet fill'd With heaven's ambrosial dew, From sweetest, freshest flowers distill'd, And what of life remains for me, THE FAIRY'S ANSWER, TO MRS. GREVILLE. [COUNTESS OF C] WITHOUT preamble, to my friend, These hasty lines. I'm bid to send, I dare not hesitate to say, Tho' I have trembled all the day- Last night's adventure is my theme, And should it strike you as a dream, Yet soon its high import Must make you own the matter such, So delicate, it were too much To be compos'd in sport. The moon did shine serenely bright, While Zephyr fan'd the trees, Save, that yon stream, which murmuring flows, Did echo to the breeze. Enwrapt in solemn thoughts, I sate, Yet void of hope or fear; With lightest steps, and jocund song, A form, superior to the rest, His little voice to me addrest, And gently thus began, 'I've heard strange things from one of you, Pray tell me if you think 'tis true, 'Such incense has perfum'd my throne! I know her wit and beauty too, But why she sends a prayer so new, 'I cannot understand. To light some flames, and some revive, • Full oft I am implor'd; 'But, with peculiar power to please, To supplicate for nought but ease— 'Tis odd, upon my word! Tell her, with fruitless care I've sought, ' And tho' my realms, with wonder fraught, In remedies abound, 'No grain of cold Indifference 'Was ever yet allied to Sense, In all my fairy round. The regions of the sky I'd trace, Each leaf, each herb, each flower, To mitigate the pangs of Fear, 'Dispel the clouds of black Despair, 'Or lull the restless hour. 'I would be generous as I'm just, But I obey, as others must, Those laws which fate has made. My tiny kingdom how defend, And what might be the horrid end 'Should man my state invade? |