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C. 1600.

c. 1655.

broken all in peaces, to thintent that there should be no memory nor token of that holie mā Sacte Cuthbert wch was sent & browght thether by ye powre & will of almightie god wch was ye occasio of ye buylding of the sayde monasticall Church and House where they haue all there living and comodities to lyve on at this daie. [Although he was sent by mervile from god & by whose MS. H. 45, meanes ther was soe great revenues geiven to ye Church. And now all wholy taken away & ye Church and all therto ready to come downe. And in ye first yeare of King Edw: ye 6th ther was certaine commrs" apoynted to deface all Popishe ornamts in pishe churches whose names were Docto Harvy and Docto Whitby* who did deface a goodly & rich Shrine in St Nicholas church called Corpus Christi Shrine* wch Docto? Horne* did treade and breake in peices wth his feet wth many other ornament. H. 45.]


c. 1620.

[The 13th day of the Kalends of Aprill 684, [687, note by MS. Cos., Dr. Hunter*] St Cuthb. ended this life and was buryed in St. Peters church in the holy Island, where he BPP 3 yeares) in a graue of stone that was made on purpose for him to bee buryed in. And 11 yeares after hee was taken out of the ground the 13th of the Kalends of Aprill in the same Calends that hee dyed, and his bodye was found safe & uncorrupt and lyinge like one asleepe, with all his masse cloathes safe and fresh as they were at the first when they were put on him, at which time they enshrined him in a feretor a little aboue the pauement of the church where hee lay a long space. And after(60)ward Eardulphus BPP and Abbot Eadred about the yeare 890 did carrye away his bodye from holy Island southward, and fled with it 7 yeares from towne to towne, because of the great persecutions and slaughters wch were made by the painims and the Danes. And the men of that Iland when they sawe that the body of theire holy Saint was gone, they left

The two preceding Chapters or Sections as they stand in the MS. Cosin afford so many important additions and various readings that they are here subjoined at length. They are almost the same in H. 44 and in the editions. But MSS. L. and C., on the whole, correspond with the Roll.

c. 1620.

MS. Cos., theire land, and goods, and followed after him, and the BPP and the Abbott and the rest beinge wearyed with their dangerous trauells, thought to haue stollen away and to haue carryed the body of theire holy St along with them into Ireland hopinge there to bee safe and quiet, and beinge uppon the sea in a shipp 3 waues miraculously were turned into bloud and the shipp was driuen back by tempest unto the shore againe and by the boysterous windes and raginge waues it was turned on the one side, and the booke of the holy Euangelists (curiously written and adorned with gold and pretious stones on the couer) did fall out of the shipp into the bottome of the sea, wch disaster did sore perplex and afflict them, but St Cuthbert beinge loath to see his honourers so sore troubled and so full of sorrow, did appeare in a uision unto one Hundredus and comanded him that they should seeke diligently for the booke uppon the coastes there aboutes, where they found it 3 miles from the sea shore Cast (as it seemed) by the force of some waue and carried thither by the uiolence of some happye gale of winde or by some diuine power for the comfort and confirmation of these faintinge monkes in theire religious worsp of Saint Cuthb: wch holy booke was far more beautifull and glorious to looke uppon both within and without then it was before, beinge nothinge blemished with the salt water, but polished rather by some heauenly hand, wch did not a little increase theire ioy, but beinge wearyed with the seekinge of that booke, and with bearinge about St Cuthberts bodye (see againe the compassion of theire saint) hee presented to their eyes a bridle hanginge upp in a tree, and a redd horse runninge towards them, wch did offer himselfe to bee bridled and to ease theire paines in caryinge of the chest wherin St Cuthberts body was laid, uppon wch horse they caryed him to Crake minster, and rested them 4 moneths, and from thence. brought him to Chester Anno Do: 887: [833, in marg. by Hunter] where they remained 113 yeares duringe the rest of the time of the Danes warrs, in the end wherof Aldwinus then BPP fledd with St Cuthberts body to Rippon to lye by the bodye of holy St Wilfride, but 4 moneths after theire ariuinge at Rippon, the Danes warrs did cease, and then

c. 1620.

intend(61)inge to bringe him backe againe to Chester, and MS. Cos., cominge with him on the east side of Durhã to a place called Ward-lawe they could not with all their force remoue his bodye from thence wch seemed to bee fastened to the ground, which strange and unexpected accident wrought great admiration in the harts of the Bpps monkes and theire associates, and erg, they fasted and prayed three dayes with greate reuerence and deuotion, desiringe to know by reuelation, what they should doe with the holie bodye of Saint Cuthb: wch thinge was granted unto them, and therin they were directed to carrye him to Dunholmne, but beinge distressed because they were ignorant where Dunholme was (see theire good fortune) as they were goinge a woman that lacked hir Cowe did call aloude to hir companion to know if shee did not see hir, who answered with a loud uoyce that hir Cowe was in Dunholme (a happye and heauenly Eccho to the distressed monkes, who by that meanes had intelligence that they were at the end of theire iourney) where they should finde a restinge place for the body of theire honoured saint, and theruppon wth great ioy, and gladnesse brought his body to Dunholme, Anno Domini 999 [Hunter in marg. 995], wch was inculta tellus a barbarus and rude place replenished with nothinge but thornes and thick woods saue only in the midst where the Church now standeth which was plaine and comodious for such a purpose, where they first builded a little Church of wands and branches wherin they did lay his body (and thence the church was afterwards called bough church*) till they did build a more sumptuous church, wherin they might inshrine him, which they assayed to doe with all theire power, Vthred Earle of northumberland aidinge them, and causinge all the cuntry to cutt downe the wood and thorne bushes wch did molest them, and so made all the place where the citye now standes habitable and fitt to erect buildinges on, which gaue great encouragement to Alwinus the BPP to hasten the finishinge of his church, wch accordingly did, and then did translate St Cuthberts body from the wanded

[blocks in formation]

c. 1620.

MS. Cos., [or bowg, interlined] church, to the white Chapell (for so it was called) which hee had newly built, wch was a part* of the great church, wch was not yett finished where it lay 4 yeares, but after the great church was finished and consecrated uppon the 20th of september hee translated his bodye out of the white Chappell into the great Church which hee made a Cathedrall erectinge his Bpps sea at Duresme (where it still remaineth) about 377 [Hunter in marg. 361] yeares after it was first founded in the holy Iland by St Aidaine, and saint Oswald wch was (62) Anno Dom: 635; and 333 [Hunter in marg. 309] yeares after the death of St Cuthb: wch was Anno Dom: 684: [read 687] wch sd Aldwinus BPP dyed 3 [read 23]1⁄2 yeares after hee had founded his BPPS sea in Duresme, and finished his Cathedrall church in the yeare 1020. wch church was famous with the succession of six Bpps in it. But Willia Carlipho beinge not well content with the smalnesse and homelinesse of that buildinge did pull it all downe 76 yeares after Aldwinus had finished it: and in stead thereof did erect the magnificent and famous buildinge which is now to bee seene, Malcolme kinge of Scotts, Turgott then prior of the church, and himselfe lyinge the first 3 stones in the new foundation uppon the 30 day of July (as some say) or uppon the 11 of August (as others affirme) Anno Domi: 1093; [For which famous work,* Anthony Beak (one of his Successors) with a great sum of Money got him to be Canoniz'd, Dav.] and caused the monkes to labour in that holy worke all the daye longe excepting onely meale times and times of prayer, [king Malcolme being the chief benefactour in the building thereof, L., C., Dav.] and appointed Turgott then prior to bee his Archdeacon, and Vicar generall within his diocesse, and goinge to Rome two yeares before his death hee obtained license of pope Gregory the 7th to remoue the monkes wch were at Wermouth and at Jarrow, wch were of the order of St Benett to his church at Durha, where hee placed them in the roomes of the Cannons, wch hee expelled for theire lewd and lazy liues, but hee did not liue to see his church Reading doubtful; H. 44 and editions have " bough."


2 See note on page 67.

c. 1620.

finished for he dyed A. D: 1095 two yeares after hee had MS. Cos., laid the foundation, And Ranulph Flamberd his successor fauouringe and with all his might furtheringe so good a worke did in the 29 yeares that he was BPP build the s church from the foundatio allmost to the coueringe, but it was not fully finished till the time that Nicholaus Farnam was BPP and Thomas Melscome was prior, which two good men did arch it ouer* Ao 1242 and lye buryed both under one stone* in the chapter house but longe before the church was finished, the body of St Cuthb: was translated againe, out of ye cloyster garth where Willia Carlipho BPP had made him a verye sumptuous tombe to lye in when he remoued him out of the old church wch Aldwinus built for him, wch was then taken downe that this faire church now extant might bee erected in the same place where that old church was, In wch new church was builded a faire and sumptuous shrine, about 3 yards from the ground on the back side of the great Altar wch was in the east end of the quire, where his body was solemnly placed in an iron chest* (63) within the sd Shrine, where it lay quietly without molestation till the suppression of the church (as is aboue related) and the booke of the 4 Euangelists wch fell into the sea, and was so miraculously brought to land, and found againe was laid on the great Altar as a fitt monument to preserue the memory of so great a St. And at the west end of the church Hugo Pudsey BPP of Durha and Earle of Northumberland [King Stephen's nephew," Dav.] did build a uery faire chappell which hee dedicated to the uirgin mary, [and was called the Galilee, or Our Lady's Chappel, but now simply called the Consistory, Dav.] and there in a siluer Caskett gilt with gold hee laid the bones of uenerable Bede, and erected a costly and magnificent shrine ouer it (as aboue is declared). [He also Founded the Priory of Finkley,* in honour of St Gordrick the Hermite. He Founded also the Hospitall of Allerton, and the famous Sherburne-Hospital,* near Durham. He built also Elvet-bridge over the Weer, with two Chappels* upon it. He also built both a Mannor,


I Should be " Melsonby." "Melscomb," H. 44; Melscome," Dav. ; "Melsonby," H. editions and Sanderson.



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