PREFATORY ADVERTISEMENT. THE works of the British Poets are now become so extremely voluminous, as frequently to render somewhat difficult of access, a considerable portion of the most beautiful pieces of poetic composition. In this view of the subject, a compilation of the most admired productions of many eminent authors, appears particularly calculated, not only to obviate such an inconvenience, but also to promote that degree of mental gratification which has ever been found to result from the cultivation of this department of belles lettres. In the selection which is here presented to the reader, the Editor has endeavoured to concentrate within the limits of the following volumes, a collection of the sublimest effusions, and most elegant compositions of the BRi jv TISH MUSE; and at the same time to exhibit (if he may be so far allowed the expression) a panoramic display of THE BEAUTIES OF POETRY. Under these considerations, it is presumed the Selection will not be without its use, even to those who may possess the entire works from which the compilation has been made. |