friendship; and it is also true, that friendship is not always the sequel of obligation. I am proud to assert I do not come within this exception; and pledging myself to saying nothing that is false, rather than all that is true, I think I can produce these two results :-First, I shall unload the memory of a man I shall never be ashamed to call my friend, of several weighty imputations which now rest upon it unjustly; and secondly, I shall show, that the boldest efforts of the human imagination cannot much exceed the romance of real life. NIMROD Calais, 1835 CONTENTS PART I. Pedigree of Mr. Mytton-His original name-His ix his racing establishment, his game preserves, - - The PART II. With whom compared-His amours-His popularity, 55 PART III. The breaking up of his establishment at Halston- 119 sufferings-Extraordinary scenes witnessed by PART IV. The Author's allusion to a second edition of Mr. 175 |