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vōmer, eris, m., a plowshare, plow, 7. 635.

vomō, uī, itus, 3, a., to vomit; belch,

vomit forth, 5, 682.

vorāgō, inis, f. (vorō), a chasm, abyss,

gulf, whirlpool, 6, 296; torrent, 9, 105.

vorō, āvī, ātus, 1, a., to swallow up, 1, 117.

vōs and vōsmet, see tū. võtum, i, n., see voveō. võtus, a, um, p. of voveō.

voveō, võvi, võtus, 2, a., to make a pledge or vow to a deity; vow, 10, 774; consecrate, devote, 11, 558; p. subst., vōtum, i, n., a thing vowed; a conditional pledge made to some deity; a vow, 5, 234, prayer, 4, 65; votive offering, 2, 17; sacrifice, 3, 279.

vōx, vōcis, f., a voice, 1, 328; note, tone,

6, 646; language, 12, 825; response, answer, 2, 119; sound, 3, 556. Vulcania, ae, f. (Vulcānius), the island

of Vulcan, Hiera; an island of volcanic origin off the northern coast of Sicily, and supposed by Virgil to be connected by subterranean channels with Aetna, 8, 422. Vulcānius, a, um, adj. (Vulcanus), pertaining to Vulcan; forged or wrought by Vulcan, 12, 739, et al.; of fire or flame, 10, 408. Vulcānus, i, m., the god of fire and of the forge, son of Jupiter and Juno, 8, 422; meton., fire, 2, 311, et al. 1. vulgō, āvi, ātus, I, a. (vulgus), to make common or commonly known; spread abroad, 1, 457; divulge, disclose, 10, 64.

2. vulgō, adv., see vulgus. vulgus, i, n., rarely m., the common people; populace, people, 2, 39; mul

titude, 2, 798; common soldiery, 2, 99; rabble, throng, 1, 149; of animals, the herd, 1, 190; adv., vulgō, in the multitude; in common, generally, 6, 283; all around, everywhere, 3, 643.

vulnerō, āvī, ātus, 1, a. (vulnus), to wound; offend, hurt, wound, 8, 583. vulnificus, a, um, adj. (vulnus and facio), wound-making; hurtful, deadly, 8, 446.

vulnus, eris, n., a wound, 2, 436, and freq.; blow, 5, 433; aim, thrust, 2, 529; of the mind, distress, 12, 160; heart-wound, passion, 4, 2; of revenge, 1, 36.

vulsus, a, um, p. of vellō. vult, see volō.

vultur, uris, m., a vulture, 6, 597. Vulturnus, i, m., a river of Campania, 7,729.

vultus, ūs, m., the look or expression of the face; face, visage, countenance, 1, 209; features, 4, 556; appearance, aspect, 5, 848; eyes, sight, 2, 539.

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