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Recl. 5-23-28 BF

02701577 05-23-28 BI


ALTHOUGH more than one half of the time occupied in my summer tour was passed upon shipboard, in London, Paris, Rome, Dresden, and Berlin, for reasons satisfactory to myself I have ignored those two months, and have prepared a record of some weeks of travel in places of really minor importance.

I am well aware that it is impossible to disarm criticism, even if one desired so to do; therefore that is not my object in writing this little introductory. But I wish to say briefly as possible that during a four-months' absence from home, every hour as far as practicable was filled with patient and painstaking sight-seeing; and that I found something novel or interesting in the experience of each day. Without attempting to exhaust the sights of any place, I have designed to speak of the particular scenes and objects most enjoyed by myself, without reference to those which another might more highly appreciate; and also allude to such historical associations as appealed the most strongly to my individual feelings.

I know that one may bring back from Europe a burdensome amount called information, in regard to museums and galleries; in this regard, I have endeavored not to be tiresome. While making no pretensions to being a connoisseur, I have maintained the right to individual preference, in mentioning any objects of art. Looking forward with earnest longing for the hour when I might visit some of the celebrated collections of the Old World, I was yet determined not to lose sight of the many other experiences which make or mar the happiness of the traveller.

The daily jottings which filled my memorandum have been the hints suggesting the different articles I have prepared.

Earnest in my endeavors to strictly regard historical truth, to be honest in the recital of personal experience, wishing "to nothing extenuate, nor set down aught in malice,” I heartily present this record of days of pleasurable toil, which brought rich returns in memories of priceless value. Heeding the title of my little book, you will not expect too much of one who, gleaning in well-trodden paths, in all sincerity says : —

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