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The Flesh Made Word: Female Figures and Women's Bodies

Helena Michie - 1990 - Počet stránok 194
Examining the works of such Victorian writers as the Brontes, Dickens, Eliot, and Hardy, this study discusses codes and taboos about the female body and explores how female ...
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Morality and Citizenship in Education

John Beck - 1998 - Počet stránok 160
The first section of the book compares and contrasts 'declinist' accounts of the current moral predicament with the somewhat more optimistic approach derived from recent ...
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Creativity, Communication and Cultural Value

Keith Negus, Michael Pickering - 2004 - Počet stránok 192
Negus and Pickering provide a clear and logical way of understanding what we describe as creative, and how this term has become central to attaching cultural value.
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A Woman's Place in the Novels of Henry James

Elizabeth Allen - 1984 - Počet stránok 240
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Knowledge and Nation

Peter Scott - 1990 - Počet stránok 284
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Pornography, Feminism, and the Individual

Alison Assiter - 1989 - Počet stránok 184
Pornography affects all of us, men and women. It affects the way women are perceived by men, and the way women perceive themselves. But what exactly is pornography? A ...
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Verging on the Abyss: The Social Fiction of Kate Chopin and Edith Wharton

Mary E. Papke - 1990 - Počet stránok 216
While neither Kate Chopin nor Edith Wharton can be called feminist writers, each did produce female moral art, writings that focus relentlessly on the dialectics of social ...
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