Hear her black trumpet through the land proclaim, That not to be corrupted is the shame. In soldier, churchman, patriot, man in power, Tis avarice all, ambition is no more! See all our nobles begging to be slaves ! See all our fools aspiring to be knaves!... The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq - Strana 316podľa Alexander Pope - 1797 - Počet stránok 3650Úplné zobrazenie - O tejto knihe
| English poets - 1790 - Počet stránok 398
...155 Before her dance : behind her, crawl the Old ! See thronging Millions to the Pagod run, And oifer Country, Parent, Wife, or Son ! Hear her black Trumpet...SHAME. 160 In Soldier, Churchman, Patriot, Man in Power, 'Tis Avarice all, Ambition is no more! See, all our Nobles begging to be Slaves! See, all our... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - Počet stránok 964
...ground ! Our youth, all liveried o'er with foreign gold, Before her dance ; behind her, crawl the Old 1 t, no more fon ! Hear her black trumpet thro' the land proclaim, That not to be corrupted is tbejbame. In loldicr,... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - Počet stránok 510
...! Our youth, all liv'ry'd o'er with foreign gold. Before her dance : behind her crawl the old 1 Sec thronging millions to the Pagod run, And offer country, parent, wife, or fon ! Hear her black trumpet thro' the land proclaim, That Not to iif ,-orruftfi/ is theßamc ! In... | |
| George Chalmers - 1794 - Počet stránok 482
...language, and exquifue numbers, the nation as totally ruined', as overt whelmed with corruption: " See thronging millions to the Pagod run,' And offer country, parent, wife, or fon ! Hear her bleak trumpet through the land proclaim, That not to be corrupted is the fhame. It was... | |
| George Chalmers - 1794 - Počet stránok 468
...language, and exquifue numbers, the nation as totally ruined; as oter+ wbeltotd leitb corruption: " See thronging millions to the Pagod run, And offer country, parent, wife, or fon ! Hear her bleak trumpet through the land proclaim, That not to be corrupted is the fhame. It was... | |
| 1796 - Počet stránok 500
...Our youth, all liv'ry'd o'er with foreign gold, 1 55 Before her dance ; behind her crawl ihe old ! See thronging millions to the pagod run, And offer country, parent, wife, or son ! Hear her blask trumpet thro' the land proclaim, That nol to be corrupted is the shame. 163 In soldier, churchman,... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1796 - Počet stránok 574
...tiear her black trumpet thro' the land proclaim, That not to lie corrupted is the /tame. in foldier, churchman, patriot, man in pow'r, Tis av'rice all, ambition, is no more ! T 4 Se« See all our nobles begging to be (laves ! See all our fools afpiring to be knaves ! The... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1800 - Počet stránok 496
...behind her, crawl [he Old ! See thronging Millions to the Pagod run, And offer Country, Parent, Wife, or or Son ! Hear her black Trumpet through the land proclaim. That NOT TO BK CORRUPTED is THE • HAVE. 160 Yet may this Verf'e if fuch a Verle remain) Shew there was one who... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1800 - Počet stránok 496
...ground ! Out Youth, all livery'do'erwith fbreignGold,lJ5 Before her dance : behind her, crawl [he Old ! See thronging Millions to the Pagod run, And offer Country, Parent, Wife, or or Son ! Hear her black Trumpet through the land proclaim. That NOT TO BK CORRUPTED is THE • HAVE.... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1804 - Počet stránok 236
...! Our youth, all Hv'ry'd o'er with foreign gold, 155 Before her dance ; behind her crawl the old ! See thronging millions to the pagod run, And offer...country, parent, wife, or son ! Hear her black trumpet thro' the land proclaim, That not to be corrupted is the shame. ICO In soldier, churchman, patriot,... | |
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