Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as... Midsummer-night's dream. Love's labor's lost. Merchant of Venice. As you ... - Strana 208podľa William Shakespeare - 1836Úplné zobrazenie - O tejto knihe
| William Shakespeare, Richard Grant White - 1857 - Počet stránok 520
...scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies ; and what's his reason ? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes ? hath not a Jew hands,...Summer, as a Christian is ? If you prick us, do we not bleed ? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die ? and if you wrong us, shall... | |
| Livy - 1857 - Počet stránok 364
...Shylock for the Jews in Shakspeare's Merchant of Venice, Act 3, Sc. 1 : " Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections,...summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed ? if you tickle u::, do we not laugh ? if you poison us, do we not die ?" g() On. V. — 1O.... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1858 - Počet stránok 672
...nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends , heated mine enemies ; and what 's his reason ? 8 I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands,...summer, as a Christian is? if you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison u.-. do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1858 - Počet stránok 102
...scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies: and what's his reason? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes ? hath not a Jew hands,...summer as a Christian is ? If you prick us, do we not bleed ? if you tickle us, do we not laugh ? if you poison us, do we not die ? and if you wrong us,... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1858 - Počet stránok 740
...scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies ; and what's his reason ? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes ? hath not a Jew hands,...summer, as a Christian is ? if you prick us, do we not bleed ? if you tickle us, do we not laugh ? if you poison us, do we not die ? and if you wrong us,... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1859 - Počet stránok 662
...my friends, heated mine enemies; and what 's his reason? I am a Jew. Hath not a/Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections,...summer, as a Christian is? if you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1861 - Počet stránok 352
...my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies ; and what 's his reason ? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes ? hath not a Jew hands,...summer, as a Christian is ? if you prick us, do we not bleed ? if you tickle u's, do we not laugh ? if you poison us, do we not die ? and if you wrong us,... | |
| William Shakespeare - 1862 - Počet stránok 560
...scorned my- nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies; and whafs his reason? I am a Jew: Hath not a Jew eyes ? hath not a Jew hands,...summer, as a Christian is ? If you prick us, do we not bleed ? If you tickle us, do we not laugh ? If you poison us, do we not die ? and if you wrong us,... | |
| 顏元叔 - 2001 - Počet stránok 838
...my nation, thwarted at my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies, @and what's his reason? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands,...summer as a Christian is? @if you prick us do we not bleed? if you tickle us do we not laugh? if you poison us do we not die? and if you wrong us shall... | |
| Peter Quennell, Hamish Johnson - 2002 - Počet stránok 246
...persistently insulted him. Yet he speaks not for himself alone, but for his whole persecuted community : I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? hath not a Jew hands,...summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed ? if you tickle us, do we not laugh ? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall... | |
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