To sleep thro' terms of mighty wars, And wake on science grown to more, On secrets of the brain, the stars, As wild as aught of fairy lore; And all that else the years will show. The Poet-forms of stronger hours, The vast Republics that may grow, The... Poems - Strana 89podľa Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1851 - Počet stránok 375Úplné zobrazenie - O tejto knihe
| Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1873 - Počet stránok 532
...wild as aught of fairy lore ; And all that else the years will show, The Poetforms of stronger hour*, The vast Republics that may grow, The Federations...we are Ancients of the earth. And in the morning of ths tuues. So sleeping, so aroused from sleep Through sunny decades new and strange, Or gay quinquenniads,... | |
| Alfred Tennyson (1st baron.) - 1873 - Počet stránok 350
...Repnhlies that may grow, The Federatious and the Powers ; Titanic forces taking hirth In divers seasous, divers climes; For we are Ancients of the earth, And in the morning of the times. So sleeping, so aronsed from sleep Thro' snuny decades new and strange, Or gay quinqueunlads wonld we reap The flower... | |
| Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1874 - Počet stránok 200
...wake on science grown to more, On secrets of the brain, the stars, As wild as aught of fairy lore ; And all that else the years will show, The Poet-forms...morning of the times. So sleeping, so aroused from sleep . Thro' sunny decads new and strange, Or gay quinquenniads would we reap The flower and quintessence... | |
| John Bartlett - 1874 - Počet stránok 798
...! Breah, breah, breah. But the tender grace of a day that is dead Will never come back to me. Ibid. We are ancients of the earth, And in the morning of the times. The Day-Dream. L' Envoi. With prudes for proctors, dowagers for deans, And sweet girl-graduates in... | |
| Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1875 - Počet stránok 496
...wake on science grown to more, On secrets of the brain, the stars, As wild as aught of fairy lore ; And all that else the years will show, The, And in the morning of the times. So sleeping, se aroused from sleep Thro' sunny decads new and strange, Or gay quinquenniads would we reap The flower... | |
| Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1875 - Počet stránok 356
...wake on science grown to more, On secrets of the brain, the stars, As wild as aught of fairy lore ; And all that else the years will show, The Poet-forms...Ancients of the earth, And in the morning of the times. II. So sleeping, so aroused from sleep Thro' sunny decads new and strange, Or gay quinquenniads would... | |
| Dublin city, roy. coll. of sci - 1875 - Počet stránok 358
...of mighty States " will appear, become actual at least ; a time in which the years will reveal ' ' The vast Republics that may grow The Federations and the Powers ; Titanic forces taking birth. " But these things are very far off; and this belief, and the faith that the progress of mankind is... | |
| John Bartlett - 1875 - Počet stránok 898
...! Break, break, break. But the tender grace of a day that is dead Will never come back to me. ibid, We are ancients of the earth, And in the morning of the times. The Day-Dream. L? Envoi. As she fled fast thro' sun and shade, The happy winds upon her play'd, Blowing... | |
| Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1876 - Počet stránok 452
...brain, the stars, As wild as aught of fairy lore; And all that else the years will show, The Poet-1'orms of stronger hours, The vast Republics that may grow,...Ancients of the earth, And in the morning of the times. n. So sleeping, so aroused from sleep Thro sunny decads new and strange, Or gay quinquenuiads would... | |
| Alfred Tennyson Baron Tennyson - 1877 - Počet stránok 392
...wake on science grown to mon-, On secrete of the hrnin, the stars, As wild as anght of fairy lore ; And all that else the years will show, The Poet-forms of stronger honrs, The vast Repnhlies that may grow, The Federatious and the Powers; Titanic forces taking hirth... | |
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