... performed. He that waits for an opportunity to do much at once, may breathe out his life in idle wishes, and regret, in the last hour, his useless intentions, and barren zeal. The British Essayists - Strana 6úprava: - 1808Úplné zobrazenie - O tejto knihe
| Samuel Johnson - 1811 - Počet stránok 386
...permanent. But man is a transitory being, and his designs must partake of the imperfections of their author. To confer duration is not always in our power. We...wishes, and regret, in the last hour, his useless intentions and barren zeal. The most active promoters of the present schemes -of charity cannot be... | |
| Lindley Murray - 1811 - Počet stránok 274
...often becomes the business, instead of the relaxation, of young persons: it is th,en highly pernicious. He that waits for an opportunity to do much at once,...wishes ; and regret, in the last hour, his useless intentions and barren zeal. The spirit of trie religion breathes mildness and affability. It gives... | |
| Charles Peirce - 1811 - Počet stránok 266
...suppressedNothing can be more amiable than a constant desire to please ; and an unwillingness to offend or hart. He that waits for an opportunity to do much at once,...wishes ; and regret, in the last hour, his useless intentions and barren zeal. The spirit of true religion breathes mildness and affability. It gives... | |
| Lindley Murray - 1811 - Počet stránok 286
...bufinefs, ir.ftead of the relaxation, of young perfons : it is then highly pernicious. He that waits tor an opportunity to do much at once, may breathe out his life in idle wifhes ; and regret, in the laft hour, his ufelefs intentions and Inrren zeal. The fpirit of true religion... | |
| 1813 - Počet stránok 1368
...might have once been supplied, and nmch time is lost in regretting the time which has heen lost before. He that waits for an opportunity to do much at once, may breathe out his life in idle wishes j and regret, in the last hour, his useless intentions, and barren zeal. A wise man will make more... | |
| Lindley Murray - 1815 - Počet stránok 262
...pernicious. awaken within the heart thofe latent fuggeftions, which the vorld had overpowered and fuppiefled. He that waits for an opportunity, to do much at once, may breathe out his life in idle wifhes ; and regret, in the laft hour, his ufeleis intentions and barren zeal. T 1 c fpiritof true... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1816 - Počet stránok 428
...permanent. But man is a transitory being, and his designs must partake of the imperfections of their author. To confer duration is not always in our power. We...wishes, and regret, in the last hour, his useless intentions, and barren zeal. The most active promoters of the present schemes of charity cannot be... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1816 - Počet stránok 484
...permanent. But man is a transitory being, and his designs must partake of the imperfections of their author. To confer duration is not always in our power. We...wishes, and regret, in the last hour, his useless intentions, and barren zeal. The most active promoters of the present schemes of charity cannot be... | |
| Lindley Murray - 1817 - Počet stránok 290
...becomes the business instead of the re» laXittioD of young persons : it ig then highly pernicious. He that waits for an opportunity to do much at once, may breathe out I its life in idle wislirs ; and regret, in the last hour, his úselas intentions arid barren zeal.... | |
| Samuel Johnson, Arthur Murphy - 1820 - Počet stránok 432
...permanent. But man is a transitory being, and his designs must partake of the imperfections of their author. To confer duration is not always in our power. We...wishes, and regret, in the last hour, his useless intentions, and barren zeal. The most active promoters of the present schemes of charity, cannot be... | |
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