| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - Počet stránok 964
...the wits mount up, the hairs fubfidc. Sec fierce "Belinda on the Baron flies, With more than ufual her ufe, To let the wretclicd fought no more than on his foe to die. But this bold lord* with manly ftrcngth endued, S!ie wkh one... | |
| 1794 - Počet stránok 918
...length the wit« mount up, the hairs fuo&tlt. See, fierce Belinda on the Baron Hies With more than ufual lightning in her eyes • Nor fear'd the chief th' unequal fight to try» Who (ought no more than on hi» foe to die. But ttm bold lord, with manly ftrength endued, She with one... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1797 - Počet stránok 442
...the wits mount up, the hairs fubfide. See fierce Belinda on the Baron ffies, 75 With more than ufual lightning in her eyes : Nor fear'd the Chief th' unequal fight to try, Who fought no more than on his foe to die. But this bold Lord with manly ftrength endu'd, She with one... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1798 - Počet stránok 146
...at her smile, the beau reviv'd again. Now Jove suspends his golden scales in air, Weighs the men's wits against the lady's hair; The doubtful beam long nods from side to side; At length die wits mount up, the hairs subside. See fierce Belinda on the Baron flies, With more than usual lightning... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1801 - Počet stránok 140
...at her smile, the beau reviv'd again. Now Jove suspends his golden scales in air, Weighs the men's wits against the lady's hair; The doubtful beam long...hairs subside. See fierce Belinda on the Baron flies, With more than usual lightning in her eyes: Nor fear'd the chief th' unequal fight to try, Who sought... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1804 - Počet stránok 236
...with a frown ; She smil'd to see the doughty hero slain, But, at her smile, the beau reviv'd again. fQ Now Jove suspends his golden scales in air, Weighs...hairs subside. See fierce Belinda on the Baron flies, fs With more than usual lightning in her eyes : Nor fear'd the chief th' unequal fight to try , Who... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1805 - Počet stránok 936
...distil. DryJ:n. Now Jnve suspends bis golden scales in aif, Weighs the men's wits against the Irdy's hair : The doubtful beam long nods from side to side; At length the wits mount up, the hairs lulsidi. Pott. SUBSI'DENCE. ) nj [from subside.'} The SUBSI'DENCY. j act of sinking ; tendency downward.... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1806 - Počet stránok 558
...the wits mount up, the hairs fubfide. See fierce Belinda on the Baron flies, 75 With more than ufual lightning in her eyes : Nor fear'd the Chief th' unequal fight to try, Who fought no more than on his foe to die. But this bold Lord with manly ftrength endu'd, She with one... | |
| Alexander Pope, William Lisle Bowles - 1806 - Počet stránok 550
...the wits mount up, the hairs fubfide. See fierce Belinda on the Baron ffies, jrj With more than ufual lightning in her eyes : Nor fear'd the Chief th' unequal fight to try, Who fought no more than on his foe to die. But this bold Lord with manly ftrength endu'd, She with one... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1807 - Počet stránok 474
...suspends his golden scales in air, Weighs the men's wits against the lady's hair; The douhtful heam long nods from side to side ; At length the wits mount up, the hairs suhside. See fierce Belinda on the haron flies, With more than usual lightning in her eyes : Nor fear'd... | |
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