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" Subtle as sphinx ; as sweet, and musical, As bright Apollo's lute, strung with his hair, And, when love speaks, the voice of all the gods Makes heaven drowsy with the harmony. Never durst poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were temper'd with love's... "
The Literary Character - Strana 143
podľa Isaac Disraeli - 1822
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The Plays of William Shakespeare. In Ten Volumes: Measure for measure ...

William Shakespeare - 1773 - Počet stránok 494
...ike element oftbtjty ta a calm, ey tbeir barma«ious applaufis of tbii favturtd orator, Never durft poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were temper'd with love's fighs ; O, then his lines would ravifli favage ears, And plant in tyrants mild humility. — From womens'...
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Stockdale's edition of Shakespeare, with explanatory notes

William Shakespeare - 1784 - Počet stránok 1118
...when love fpeite, the voice of a'l the gods Make1; heaven drowfy with the harmony 2. Never durft p^et touch a pen to write, Until his ink were temper'd with love's fighs | 0, then hb lines would r.wifh favage ears, And plant in tyrants mild humility. From women's...
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The Dramatic Works of Shakspeare: In Six Volumes, Zväzok 1

William Shakespeare, Joseph Rann - 1786 - Počet stránok 654
...And, when love fpeaks, 9 the voice of all the gods Makes heaven drowfy with the harmony. Never durft poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were temper'd with love's fighs ; O, then his lines would ravifli favage ears, And plant in tyrants mild humility. From women's...
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A Concordance to Shakespeare: Suited to All the Editions, in which the ...

Andrew Becket - 1787 - Počet stránok 494
...JQHNSON. I think it would be better to read frefdence, ie no lefs confident of fuccefs. AB Never durft poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were temper'd with love's fighs j O, then his lines would ravifh favage ears, And plant in tyrants mild humility. Love's Labour...
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Love's labour's lost. Midsummer night's dream

William Shakespeare - 1788 - Počet stránok 460
...his hair ; 680 And, when love speaks, the voice of all the gods Makes heaven drowsy with the harmony. Never durst poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were temper" d with love's sighs ; O, then his lines would ravish savage ear») And plant in tyrants mild...
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Shakspeare's Dramatic Works: With Explanatory Notes, Zväzok 1

William Shakespeare - 1790 - Počet stránok 598
...And, when love fpeaks, the voice of all the gods Makes heaven drowfy with the harmony г. Never dürft poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were temper'd with love's figlis ; O, then his lines would ravifh favage ears, And plant in tyrants mild humility. From women's...
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The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare: In Ten Volumes ..., Zväzok 2

William Shakespeare - 1790 - Počet stránok 554
...^1rtd t wbealovefftalti, (tttvaicc cfaU,) tbtgodt Make leaven droiufy 'with the larmotty, Never dnrft poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were temper'd with lore's fighs ; O, then his lines would raviih favageears, And plant in tyrants mildhumility. From women's...
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The beauties of Shakespeare, selected from his plays and poems

William Shakespeare - 1796 - Počet stránok 422
...: And when Love fpeaks, the voice of all the gods Makes heaven drowfy with the harmony. Never durft poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were temper'd with Love's fighs : O ! then his lines would ravifh favage ears, And plant in tyrants mild humanity. Love's Labour...
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Works, Containing His Plays and Poems: To which is Added a Glossary, Zväzok 2

William Shakespeare - 1797 - Počet stránok 644
...And, when love fpeaks, the voice of all the gods Makes heaven drowfy with the harmony. Never durft poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were temper'd with love's fighs ; " O, then his lines would ravifli favage ears, And plant in tyrants mild humility. From women's...
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The Dramatic Writings of Will. Shakespeare: With Introductory ..., Zväzok 9

William Shakespeare - 1798 - Počet stránok 408
...when love fpeaks, the voice of all the god» Makes heaven drowfy with the harmony. •• Never durft poet touch a pen to write, Until his ink were temper'd with love's fighs ; O, then his lines would ravifh favage ears, And plant in tyrants mild humility. From women's...
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