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" When we read Homer, we ought to reflect that we are reading the... "
The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq - Strana 398
podľa Alexander Pope - 1797 - Počet stránok 3650
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The works of Alexander Pope. Containing the principal notes of drs ..., Zväzok 4

Alexander Pope - 1806 - Počet stránok 508
...delicate as thofe modern critics, who are {hocked at the fertile offices and mean employments in which we fometimes fee the Heroes of Homer engaged. There is a pleafure in hiking a view of that fimplicity in oppofition to the luxury of fucceeding ages, in beholding Monarchs...
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The Iliad, tr. by A. Pope

Homerus - 1807 - Počet stránok 568
...engaged. There is a pleasure in taking a view of that simplicity in opposition to the luxury of succeeding ages, in beholding monarchs without their guards, princes tending their flocks, and princesses drawing water from the springs. When we read Homer, we ought to reflect that we are reading...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper, Zväzok 19

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - Počet stránok 790
...without their guard?, princes tending their flocks, and princesses drawing; water from the springs. When we read Homer, we ought to reflect that we are reading the most ancient author in the heathen world ; and those who consider him in this light, will double their...
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The works of Alexander Pope. With a selection of explanatory notes ..., Zväzok 5

Alexander Pope - 1812 - Počet stránok 322
...engaged. There is a pleasure in taking a view of that simplicity in opposition to the luxury of succeeding ages, in beholding Monarchs without their guards, Princes tending their flocks, and Princesses drawing water from the springs. When we read Homer, we ought to reflect that we are reading...
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The Works of the Greek and Roman Poets, Zväzok 1

1813 - Počet stránok 352
...without their guards ; princes tending their flocks ; and princesses drawing water from the springs. When we read Homer, we ought to reflect that we are reading the most 'ancient author in the heathen world; and those who consider him in this light will double their...
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The Works of the Greek and Roman Poets, Zväzok 1,Časť 1

1813 - Počet stránok 350
...Preface to her Homer. sure in taking a view of that simplicity, in opposition to the luxury of succeeding ages : in beholding monarchs without their guards; princes tending their flocks ; and princesses drawing water from the springs. When we read Homer, we ought to reflect that we are reading...
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Elegant extracts, Zväzok 55

Elegant extracts - 1816 - Počet stránok 1082
...engaged. There is a pleasure in taking a view of that simplicity in opposition to the luxury of succeeding ages, in beholding monarchs without their guards, princes tending their flocks, and princesses drawing water from the springs. When we read Homer, we ought to reflect that we are reading...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Zväzok 4

Alexander Pope - 1822 - Počet stránok 452
...without their guards, Princes tending their flocks, and Princesses drawing water from the springs. When we read Homer, we ought to reflect that we are reading the most ancient author in the heathen world ; and those who consider him in this light, will double their...
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The British poets, including translations, Zväzok 81

British poets - 1822 - Počet stránok 312
...without their guards ; princes tending their flocks; and princesses drawing water from the springs. When we read Homer, we ought to reflect that we are reading the most ancient author in the heathen world ; and those who consider him in this light will double their...
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The British Poets: Including Translations ...

1822 - Počet stránok 306
...There is a pleasure in taking a view of that simplicity, in opposition to the luxury of succeeding ages: in beholding monarchs without their guards ; princes tending their flocks ; and princesses drawing water from the springs. When we read Homer, we uught to reflect that we are reading...
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